1513 Uppsatser om Unit managers - Sida 38 av 101
Effektivisering av produktionsflöde : Införande av ny teststrategi
Ericsson AB in Katrineholm is a part of the Section Business Unit Network in the Ericsson Group. The plant's main task is to produce printed circuit boards in small volumes with a high product mix and focus on delivery and cost effectiveness. At the factory they produce printed circuit boards in the Module department.The Module department has for a long time had a high output of non-approved circuit boards in their production. This has led to a growing stock of non-approved circuit boards on the company?s repair department.The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how Ericsson in Katrineholm can increase the outflow of approved articles in their test process in the Module department.
Företags användande av kändisreklam
Celebrity endorsement has been a popular advertising strategy all over the
world for the past few years. The purpose of this thesis was to find out
why companies choose celebrity endorsement as advertising strategy and how
the celebrity endorsement process appeared in companies. We choose to
interview two companies in the retail business and the interviews were
conducted with the marketing managers for each company. This study provided
that companies utilize celebrity endorsement to increase their sales, and
it is important that the whole company is in the celebrity endorsement
process discussion before the company choose which celebrity they will work
Installation av övervakningssytem ombord på fartyget M/S Andromeda
This report is regarding an electrical installation of an alarm system on a post fishingboat called Andromeda. The background of the installation was an earlier andinadequate alarm system that led to a motor failure. The ship was taken out of serviceand was sold to Björn Magndahl who rebuilt it to a yacht.The project was conducted partly by developing the existing systems, partly bydocumenting the work by means of electrical blue prints. Except the alarm systems, aninstallation of the frequency control unit for the bow thruster was installed.The installation was working fine and the outcome of the documentation was handedover in a form of a binder during the test drive of the systems and the assignment wasapproved..
Socialt stöd, krav och kontroll den psykosociala arbetsmiljön på ett bemanningsföretag
AbstractComing to new job is not that easy, sometimes the feeling of insecurity appears. Working for recruitment agencies includes constant changes of colleagues and places of work and at the same time one has two different managers. Who does the individual turn to when problems occur and who do the employed see as his/her manager? Why do people search for work in recruitment agencies? How does it feel not having a fixed place of work or colleagues and how do the aspects of this affect the employed psychosocial work environment? This is a few questions asked when we tried to find answers on the employed feelings about his/hers psychosocial work environment in a recruitment agency. The purpose of this study was to find a deeper understanding on employees working in a recruitment agency experiences their psychosocial work environment on the basis of social support, demands and control.
Energisystemanalys av ABB AB LV Motors
With a larger awareness of the climate changes and increasing electricity prices, energy efficiency measures in the industry have become more common. By rationalize the activity and by the same time decrease the emission of greenhouse gases the company can both save money and reduce negative environmental impact. For the Swedish industries the electricity price have traditional been relative low, which has resulted in a considerable larger usage than other European countries. By a deregulation of the European electricity market the electricity price will level off between the countries, which will cause a higher electricity price in Sweden than we are use to. To prevent that the Swedish industry don?t lose competitiveness against the other European countries, it will require energy efficiency activities in all different forms.ABB Sweden has decided to decrease their total energy usage with five percent in two years.
Software unit test
The idea for the project emerged when Nilorn wanted to get better control over their supplychain and improve operational efficiency. The company also want to reduce their expenses inthe continuous process of improving profitability. By choosing the right option oftransportation and mode of transport there are large potential savings for the company. Thisenables Nilorn to reduce the transportation costs and strengthen the environmentalresponsibilities by reducing their environmental impact.The flow of goods within Nilorn has over the past years increased significantly and most ofthe gods today is transported by air. The aim of this thesis is to analyse the supply chain of thecompany and evaluate the potential economic savings in this area.
En undersökning om möjligheterna att använda återanvändningsbara pallband till enhetslaster omlastade till träpallar.
En undersökning om möjligheterna att använda återandvändningsbara pallband och de ekonomiska förutsättningarna för detta. En genomsökning av vad som finns på marknaden. Beräkning av de krafter som enhetslasten kan utsätta pallbanden för. Utveckling av egna förslag till återanvändningsbart pallband med snabbspänne och bandning på tre sidor. En översikt av de positiva och negativa effekter som blir vid ett byte från dagens bandning med PP-band till ett återanvändningsbart pallband.
FÖRTROENDE FÖR CHEFEN-En studie med enhetschefer inom två av Göteborgs stadsdelsförvaltningar
There is a relationship between confidence in management and personnel satisfaction. The personnel?s confidence in management can be seen as a fundamental tool which is needed to ensure the success of the organizations mandate. This study investigates how management works to create and maintain confidence. The conditions that management has for building confidence are explored, as well as the significance of leadership in the building of confidence.
Analys av linjetaxering i samband med gallringsinventering med avseende på kvalitet, tillförlitlighet och framtida utformning
Modern forest owners are very familiar with forest management and forest economics. Therefore they have high demands for quality in forest operations. Guarantee of quality in the shape of self-checking activities is an important tool to guarantee a well managed forestry operation. To meet the forest owners? demands on guarantee of quality and the entrepreneurs wish of an easy method for self-checking, the forest owners association, Södra skogsägarna, has developed a new method for thinning inventory.
The purpose of this study is to evaluate the method that is used for self-checking and to find ways to develop and improve of the method.
The data has been collected by inventory in a number of stands with circle-area survey and with strip survey, which is method that is used for self-checking.
The results show that the strip survey does not diverge more than ±10 % in measuring values of basal area, number of stems, roads share, thinning quotient, outtake of basal area and total volume compared to circle-area survey.
Intern marknadsföring - i ett tjänsteproducerande IT-företag
The purpose of this thesis was to describe how service producing IT- companies handles their internal marketing. We wanted to understand how management deal with internal marketing activities and how different companies create a working environment to encourage employees to motivation and well-being. To be able to find out we did a case study on a service producing IT-company. Two personal interviews were done with two of the managers. Our empirical research showed that the company used internal marketing on a daily basis.
Försvarsenhetens arkiv : Examensarbete på länsstyrelsen i Södermanlands län
The defence unit´s archive stretches over a time limit between the middle of 1971 to the end of 1987. The records the archive mainly contains are concerning the civil defence, inspection and construction of shelters, war- and crisis planning. The majority of the records are registered record, as often is the case with an authority?s archives. The main problems that occurred concerned what should or shouldn´t be public, the principle of provenance and what to prioritize; finish the project before deadline or make sure the records are prepared for a storage that ideally should last for several lifetimes..
Asperger syndrom-en studie av två aspergerenheter
The objective of this project is to study how two asperger units, one at a junior school and one at a senior-level school are carrying at their work. I have interviewed one pedagouge at each unit to find out how they organize the education at the units and how they work to develop the students' social skills based on the students' functional handicap. The interviews showed that the following factors are providing the foundation for the pedagouges' work with the students: knowledge of the Asperger syndrome and the symptoms shown by each individual, the pedagouges being explicit and well structured as a professional and as adult combined with him/her being humble and showing respect towards the students and self reflection.Keywords: Asperger syndrome, functional handicap, social interaction, attitude..
Handledning ? kan den stärka och utveckla ledarskapet?
Handledning och dess effekter har tidigare belysts inom såväl utbildnings- som yrkesprofessionella
sammanhang. Handledning innebär reflektion över personligt upplevda arbetsrelaterade situationer
och tidigare forskning inom området har visat att handledning kan stimulera till professionell och
personlig utveckling. Vid bearbetandet av reflektioner i handledningen kan Orlandos omvårdnadsteori
utgöra en lämplig grund. Teorin är en interaktionsteori, vilket innebär reflektion över vad som händer i
det enskilda mötet mellan sjuksköterska-patient och den grundar sig på frågor som berör upplevelse,
tanke, känsla och handling. Reflektion är ett centralt begrepp även i handledningsprocessen och
likartade frågor bearbetas i mötet mellan handledare-handledda och kan väckas i mötet mellan chefmedarbetare.
Syftet med detta arbete var att belysa huruvida handledning kan utgöra ett redskap som
stärker och utvecklar ledarskapet hos första linjens chefer.
RFID-avläsning med mobiltelefon
MobileReader är en mobil RFID (Radio Frequency Identification) applikation. Syftet med denna applikation är att skapa en RFID-läsare som skall gå att bära med sig ute på fältet. I första hand kommer läsaren att kunna läsa passiva RFID-taggar på Lågfrekvens-bandet (LF) samt att vara anpassad för nyare mobiltelefoner av tillverkaren Sony Ericsson. Detta examensarbete resulterade i ett program avsett för en Atmel ATmega16 mikroprocessor. Mikroprocessorn tar emot data från en befintlig LF-läsare via ett protokoll vid namn Wiegand 44.
Arbetsmarknaden når ett nytt skede. : En fallstudie om hur management inom banksektorn anpassar sinamotivationsstrategier mot generation Y.
Motivation är en viktig del inom en organisation, att ha en motiverad och engageradarbetsplats är väsentligt för att skapa positiva resultat. Idag står generation Y och knackarpå arbetsmarknadens dörr intensivare än någonsin, därför är det viktigt för managers ochchefer att ha ett kunnande på hur denna grupp människor fungerar och hur det är möjligtatt få dem att presentera på allra högsta nivå. Denna komplexa grupp människor är denbäst utbildade generationen någonsin, men saknar erfarenhet ute i arbetslivet. Derasattityd och etik skiljer sig från föregående generationer, på grund av detta krävs det nyametoder, nya strategier och ett nytt tankesätt från landets managers och chefer. Syftenmed denna studie är att undersöka hur organisationer i banksektorn anpassar sittmanagement för generation Y.Denna studie har ett induktivt närmande, med ett undersökande tillvägagångssätt.