

176 Uppsatser om Unheated greenhouse - Sida 6 av 12

Miljöpåverkan av äggproduktion : En jämförelse mellan Lilluns ägg och andra svenska äggproducenter

The purpose of this report was to compare Lilluns egg production with other Swedish egg producers based on the flow of nutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium) in the egg production systems. The main focus in the report was the utilization rate of the forage and the excess of nutrients per kg egg. Additionally, the purpose was to identify the environmental impact from Lilluns egg production and compare the results with other egg producers. The inflow of nutrients associated with forage and poultry was compared with the nutrients that were exported from the production. All of the egg producers in this study had an excess of nutrients.

GROT-transport från norra till södra Sverige

The European Council agreed in 2008 on a climate and energy package to combat global warming. This package is valid for each EU member country and means that greenhouse gas emissions must fall by at least 20% and the EU's energy use to 20%, consisting of Renewable Energy in 2020. The Swedish Government has set stringent climate and energy with the intention to set an example for the rest of Europe. For example, renewable energy sources account for at least 50% of energy use and our climate emissions to fall by 40% by 2020. A combination of these goals and a steadily rising oil price has led to an increased demand for wood fuel in the form of such branches and tops.

Hållbar konsumtion av nötkött och mjölk

Sustainable beef and milk consumption. The consumption of beef and dairy products in Sweden is high. A lot of greenhouse gases are emitted from the production of these products. The production of beef in Sweden has decreased but the import has increased. The number of dairy cows has decreased while beef-production with suckler-cows has increased in Sweden.

Svampar associerade med raps : betydelse för uppkomst och grödetablering

Oilseed rape is an important crop in Sweden and is grown on about 90000 ha today. The interest in oil seed pro-duction is increasing because of growing demand and high prices for oil seed both in Sweden and Europe. However, an increased intensity in the oil seed production can bring higher risk of yield losses due to fungal diseases. The purpose of this study was to investigate what different fungi are associated with oilseed rape under field conditions and if their incidence is correlated to crop establishment problems. This study was carried out in three parts: 1) investigations on fungal community structure in roots and rhizosphere soils from young spring- and winter rape plants sampled in failed respectively good establishment patches in four fields, 2) investigations on the pathogenicity of fungi isolated from oilseed rape in controlled environment and 3) investigations on the effect of different fungicide seed treatments on germination and early plant development in a field soil naturally infested with damping off- and Verticillium wilt pathogens. The studies on community structure using a combined approach of standard fungal isolation techniques and DNA based methods revealed a high fungal diversity in three out of four studied fields of spring rape and winter rape. For some unknown reason, very few fungal species were identified from the fourth field.

Solenergisystem i Hammarby Sjöstad

Problems with the current energy system, which partially relies on non-renewable fuels, are increasingly recognized. Emissions of greenhouse gases from fossil fuels may speed up global warming, which in turn leads to a number of negative consequences. Nuclear energy is risky and relies on consumption of a scarce resource. This leads to a demand of renewable energy that is also economically feasible. One possible renewable source of energy is solar energy.

Koldioxidsutsläppsbesparing vid biogasproduktion

Society has depended on fossil-based fuel for a long time, which has led to a fundamental increase of greenhouse gases in the Earth?s atmosphere. To tackle this problem the international community has agreed that action is necessary. Focus is now directed towards local extraction of energy from renewable sources such as biogas.Utö is participating in the Green Island project, which aims to investigate the possibility of making the island climate neutral. This report has been implemented on behalf of Skärgårdsstiftelsen, the main partner responsible for the Green Island project in Sweden.

Alternativa drivmedel i den svenska vägtrafiken år 2030 : En utvärdering av den svenska regeringens målbilder

The Swedish government has set up the overall goal that no net emissions of greenhouse gases can occur after 2050. A sub-target has been developed for road transports which states that the use of fossil fuels must be reduced with 80% to 2030 in order to be completely abolished to 2050. A public inquiry mapping how this can be achieved was handed in to the government late in 2013. The use of alternative fuels for road transport, both biofuels and electricity, is expected to give the biggest contribution to the reduction of the use of fossil fuels. The inquiry sets up a number of goals for how much the use of alternative fuels must increase to 2030 in order to reach the overall goal and which instruments that are needed in order to do so.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate how these goals can be reached and what the most likely obstacles that may hinder the reaching of these goals may be.

Modellering av oorganiskt kol i boreal jord och vattendrag med hjälp av PHREEQC : Modelling of dissolved inorganic carbon in boreal soils and streams using PHREEQC

Syftet med examensarbetet har varit att studera kol i mindre vattendrag med hjälp av jämviktsmodellering i PHREEQC. Fokus har varit dynamik av löst icke organiskt kol (DIC) samt att förstå hur mycket koldioxid (CO2) som avges från mindre vattendrag och om den mängden har signifikant inverkan på den globala kolbalansen. Med hjälp av provtagen data från Krycklans avrinningsområde år 2003-2007 och 2009 har modellering av DIC och pCO2 utförts med målet att se förändring både över säsong och nedströms i ytvattensystemet. För att utvärdera modellen har tillhandahållen data över uppmätt pCO2 använts. Målet var att jämföra modellerade och tillhandahållna pCO2-värden för att se hur väl modellen kunde beskriva verkligheten och om den fungerade bättre för någon plats eller under vissa delar av året.

Import av avfall för energiutvinning ? en systemanalys av avfallshanteringens klimatpåverkan

This study has examined if importation of waste for energy recovery can reduce the climate impacts of Waste Management Systems. Using Systems Analysis this study will try to examine the complex waste systems in a systematical and strictly logical way to see how these systems interact and affect each other. Specifically examining the climate impact of waste management systems in England. The traditional way of handling waste in England is through Landfills. Land filling leads to emissions of the greenhouse gas Methane. The EU has put in place a landfill directive that is supposed to lead the member states away from land filling as a method of waste management. Today in Sweden there is a competition for the waste available for incineration. The worsening economical situation together with less product packaging and an increase in source separation leads to a lack of waste available for incineration.

Det manliga köttet: Om köttets roll i skapandet av maskuliniteter, och den svenska hållbarhetsdiskursens genus(o)medvetenhet rörande ekologiskt hållbar köttkonsumtion

Several studies indicate that Swedish men consume more meat than women, more frequently appear in advertisements for meat and more often than women handle the grilling of meat. Production of meat is one of the largest contributors to greenhouse-gas emissions and thereby poses a challenge for ecological sustainability. Several Swedish politicians and authorities have argued that reduced meat consumption is necessary to prevent continued global climate change. To understand and change consumption patterns we need to understand the consumer. This essay uses textual analysis to examine how Swedish men through text and images in three cookbooks use preparation and consumption of meat to construct different masculinities.

Konsumtionens klimatpåverkan : En jämförande studie mellan två socioekonomiskt skilda bostadsområden, Araby och Söder i Växjö

The world is in a stage of climate crisis where the average temperature is rising, with consequences such as, melting ice sheets, increasing sea levels, and floods. The climate panel of the UN, IPCC, has stated that this is a reaction of anthropogenic emissions of greenhouse gases. The most important gas is carbon dioxide, which contributes with 80 per cent to the on going climate crisis.The increasing emissions of carbon dioxide are connected to human consumption patterns. This puts pressure on the earth, as humans demand more and more resources. Today the earth needs one and a half year to regenerate the resources humans? demand of it, by the year 2030 we will need two planets in order to cope with this increasing demand of resources.At a global level it is established that richer countries have a stronger consumption pattern than poorer, and thus generate higher levels of carbon dioxide emissions.

Risk för exponering av växtskyddsmedel i växthusmiljö

Plant Protection Products (PPP) used in the horticulture industry can be both chemical and biological. They are used for weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), and fungi (fungicides) and as growth retarders.Many horticulture workers get in touch with plants, treated with PPPs and many of these don?t use any protective equipment.The aim of this project is to illustrate the work environment hazards for staff working with greenhouse pot plants, after they have been sprayed.The method used was observations of the operations for packing plants. I studied the operations and took notes of how operations were performed and what protective equipment they used. I also took photos and asked questions.A literature study completed the observations.

Spårtrafik i norra Stockholmsregionen

Northeast Stockholm is a region developing fast. There is already a great need for new transport solutions for the people commuting to the city, since long queues slow down car traffic and the local railway, Roslagsbanan, needs to be upgraded to attract more travelers. The competitive advantage of rail?traffic over the car when it comes to greenhouse gases and air pollutants is another reason to develop Roslagsbanan.This report investigates the differences between car and train to create a basis for a proposed expansion of Roslagsbanan. Once the proposal is presented, costs, emissions reductions and public benefits are analyzed.

Miljöarbete inom den civila luftfarten

The main environmental problem for aviation is the great amount of exhaust gases, mainly nitrogen oxides, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide and hydrocarbons - mostly "greenhouse gases" leading to climate changes. I decided to sort out what is being done to decrease these problems and what regulations there are concerning air pollution by the means of searching the internet and using publications from aviation authorities for current figures. I chose to scrutinize authorities on political, authority and company level, resulting in summarizing the work of UN and EU respectively, ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), JAA (Joint Aviation Authorities) and LFV (Swedish Civil Aviation Authority), and finally SAS, representing the airline companies. Conclusion that I have drawn are thatthere are regulations for air pollution, written down in ICAO's Annex 16, that are to be followed. Secondly, LFV are environmentally controlling their nineteen airports and since economy is an important reason for not giving priority to environmental issues in aviation emission charge and noise charge are added to the landing fees.

Analys av sorptiv kylning i industri- och kontorsbyggnader

Energy efficiency is important both to reduce costs and to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere. Reducing costs will also help maintain business competitiveness.Scania in Södertälje is a company where the optimization of energy use is an ongoing and continual process. One area with potential to make energy and cost savings is the effectiveness of the ventilation systems in offices and industrial premises at Scania. During the summer months an increased demand for cooling occurs, leading to increased ventilation and a peak in district cooling system usage. Sorptive cooling is a technology where the supplied air is cooled by applying external heat.

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