52 Uppsatser om Underground - Sida 3 av 4
Märstaån ? ett vattenlandskap : Är våtmarker och dammar vägen framåt?
The overall aim is to examine how the European Union Water Framework Directive has affected the local water management in the catchment Märstaån situated in the eastern part of the lake Mälaren river basin, Sweden. The first part of the study gives an historical overview of the area with focus on how the old agricultural landscape was handling the nutrient load from farming activities by means of different kinds of wetlands. By using the concept of the procedural landscape, introduced by Torsten Hägerstrand , together with historical maps with dates starting from the 17th century, the pre-modern landscape is analyzed. The second part is an investigation, based on qualitative data, on how the different actors in the catchment area work together to secure the water quality for the Märstaån river. The analysis shows that the Märstaån catchment river systems are mostly unchanged in the rural areas. The exception is the mainstream section of the Märstaån river running partly Underground today and the Halmsjöbäcken river that is heavily affected by the Arlanda airport situated within the catchment area.
Förtätningsprojekt i Umeå : Gestaltning av Stadsliden 2:3 på sluttande mark
Umeå är en växande stad som ligger längs norrlandskusten. Kommunen har starka mål och ambitioner för att staden ska växa de närmaste 25 åren. Kommunen planerar att komplettera ett område vid namn Berghem med 80-100 lägenheter. Ett helt nytt kvarter ska bildas på nuvarande naturmark i sluttande terräng. Kvarteret ligger nära Umeå centrum och bara ett stenkast ifrån Berghems eget centrum.
Examensarbetet har utförts på Atlas Copco Rock Drills AB i Örebro i divisionen Underground Rock Excavation (URE). På URE i Örebro bedrivs tillverkning av underjordsmaskiner för gruv- och tunnelindustrin. En del av dessa maskiner är så kallade bergsförstärkningsriggar vars funktion är att säkra upp berg i gruvor och tunnlar.Uppgiften för arbetet var att undersöka cementsystemet på en av dessa riggar, kabelbultningsriggen Cabletec LC.Målet var att ta fram nya förslag på förbättringar och efterföljande experiment, gällande riggens cementsystem som ska leda till en ökad tillgänglighet av Cabletec LC.Arbetet inleddes med att ställa upp frågeställningar som skulle behöva besvaras och åtgärder för att få svar på dessa utformades. Dessa frågeställningar utgjorde grunden till planeringen av arbetet. Aktiviteter som utfördes utifrån frågeställningarna var analys av dagens system, litterär studie, kundbesök, intervjuer med konstruktörer, idégenerering och utvärdering.Studien av maskinen visade att det fanns flera problem med cementsystemet, framförallt med pumpning, blandning och renhållning.
Trädgårdar på tak- och gårdsbjälklag :
The purpose of this thesis is to collect knowledge of techniques and materials for planning roofgardens.
Gardens built on top of buildings is not a new phenomenon, already in the beginning of the century architects were experimenting with roofgardens. During the Modern Era roofgardens appeared as a part of the design and worked well together with flat roofs and the ideas of light, air and greenery. Today the most common kind of roofgarden is on a ground-level joist that hides parking or other Underground functions.
The most important difference between planning a roofgarden and a garden on the ground is the limitation of the load of the roofgarden. Plants, paving-material and equipment must be chosen with this in mind. A light and thin layer of soil demands plants with small needs for water and nutrition.
Trycksättning och dimensionering av brandhiss för berganläggning
This thesis deals with the design of a combinated rescue-, personal-, and firefighting elevator for a nuclear waste storage facility to be constructed by the client SKB, Svensk Kärnbränslehantering AB. SKB:s mission is to dispose of all nuclear waste from all swedish nuclear power plants. The storage facility will be built in the rock 450 m under the surface and will consist of several kilometers of tunnel where capsules containing the nuclear waste will be placed. It will also hold a central area which contains spaces necessary for the operation and construction of the facility, such as elevator hall, storage hall etc. The facility will have two ways of access: a vehicle ramp and an elevator shaft.
Some people get it. Others are assholes. Kontradiskurs, subversiv potential, hegemonisk makt och performativ marginalitet utifrån tre nivåer av skräpkultur.
Sustainability work is something that is emphasized more and more. Corporate Social Responsibility, CSR, is discussed and the question of how much responsibility companies should really take is frequently in the news. Companies tend to ask themselves how much responsibility they should take. CSR is a common concept of companies environmental and social work and a concept we tend to see here and there in our modern society. CSR includes companies? social responsibilities, both in terms of carbon footprint, working conditions, social responsibility and more.
En intuitiv & lättillgänglig flyktmask för gruvmiljö
I have always lived around mines and around people working with mines. They are a natural part of my life and, inevitably, a great interest of mine. When time came to make a decision for a degree project, focusing on the mine context felt as natural as breathing.In LKABs Underground mines, safety in fire accidents is a great priority. Of outmost importance for the escape is to have a personal gas filter for filtration of smoke and/or gas. My design project resulted in a concept which is aimed at shortening the user journey from the start of the accident until the user has applied the personal safety solution and is ready to escape.Throughout the project I?ve been working with a context which is heavily regulated, and all problems are serious, important ones.
Koldioxidavgång vid ekologisk odling på organogen jord
The background of this work is the media discussion about the effect of cultivation on peatsoils on greenhouse gas emissions. It has been argued that row sown and intensivelycultivated crops such as carrots are more likely to emit carbon dioxide than for example grassleys. The association KRAV (an association promoting organic farming) shall, from this yearadapt their environmental policy to be more climate smart and have asked the question if thecultivation of some crops is more climate smart than others? Carbon dioxide emissions fromsoil are due to degradation of organic material and the rate is controlled by microbial activity.The microbial activity is determined by a variety of factors such as temperature, soil organicmatter quality and water content. I have measured the carbon dioxide emission from fourdifferent crops at two different farms.
E.ON:s transformatorflöde - en studie av återanvändningen av transformatorer i projekt krafttag
Problem StatementAfter the hurricane Gudrun in January 2005 EON Elnät Sverige AB started the project KRAFTTAG, were 17,000 km of the airborne power grid shall be replaced with cables Underground. The transformers in the airborne power grid shall be dismounted, renovated if necessary and then conveyed to stations, of type kiosk.Additional new transformers, more than planned, have been bought. This is due to the dysfunctional transformer flow from the demolished power supply to projects, were the new power supply is built, the general picture is complicated, since the reconstruction involves other companies and many employees at E.ON.PurposeThe purpose of this master thesis is to map and understand the existing transformer flow. The objective is to make a recommendation on how to increase the level of E.ON? s transformer recycling.Methodthe authors have worked with a system approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data.
Förutsättningskontroll och nedbrytningstest på oljeförorenad mark : Preem 2, Karlstad
More frequent and intensified rainfalls are expected to occur due to climate change in the nearfuture. This together with a higher proportion of paved areas increases the pressure on today?sstorm water systems (Risinger, 2014; Boverket, 2013; Stahre, 2006). Traditional storm watersystems (i.e. Underground pipe systems) have during last decades started to be questioned(Olshammar & Baresel, 2012).
Hinder & möjligheter med dagvattenhantering : Fallstudier över Linköping och Norrköping kommuns arbete med alternativ dagvattenhantering
More frequent and intensified rainfalls are expected to occur due to climate change in the nearfuture. This together with a higher proportion of paved areas increases the pressure on today?sstorm water systems (Risinger, 2014; Boverket, 2013; Stahre, 2006). Traditional storm watersystems (i.e. Underground pipe systems) have during last decades started to be questioned(Olshammar & Baresel, 2012).
Spare part split levels: a standard model to use when breaking down spare parts at Atlas Copco Underground Rock Excavation
Atlas Copco saknar i dag tydliga riktlinjer för hur man skall bryta ner
sina reservdelar. Detta har medfört att antalet reservdelar som erbjuds
till en komponent, den så kallade köpnivån, skiljer markant mellan olika
maskiner och även inom en maskin. Syftet med examensarbetet var att hitta
en modell för hur man skall sätta köpnivåer på reservdelar utifrån ett kund-
och lönsamhetsperspektiv.
Författarna har valt att dela upp arbete i fyra faser. Undersökningen har
till stor del bestått av intervjuer och workshops med en stor mängd
intressenter i Sverige, Kanada och USA. Respondenterna består av kunder,
leverantörer, och personer inom Atlas Copco som direkt berörs av vilken
köpnivå företaget erbjuder.
Spare part split levels: a standard model to use when
breaking down spare parts at Atlas Copco Underground Rock
Atlas Copco saknar i dag tydliga riktlinjer för hur man skall bryta ner sina reservdelar. Detta har medfört att antalet reservdelar som erbjuds till en komponent, den så kallade köpnivån, skiljer markant mellan olika maskiner och även inom en maskin. Syftet med examensarbetet var att hitta en modell för hur man skall sätta köpnivåer på reservdelar utifrån ett kund- och lönsamhetsperspektiv. Författarna har valt att dela upp arbete i fyra faser. Undersökningen har till stor del bestått av intervjuer och workshops med en stor mängd intressenter i Sverige, Kanada och USA.
Med tanke på vintern : ett gestaltningsförslag för Broparken i Umeå
It may seem obvious that the urban space in our northern
cities should be design to function and inspire throughout
the whole year. This is not always the case. The urban
space is often designed on a summer basis and the winter
is regarded more as a problem then a resource and its
potential remain unused.
I have in this master thesis studied the impact of the
winter on people and spaces and ponder on how to design
functional and attractive places for winter. The project
ends in a design concept for Broparken in Umeå on the
theme "everyday winter day".
The work with this thesis has given me, as a landscape
architect, valuable experiences and filled a gap of
knowledge that I had in this subject. I hope that this thesis
can inspire Umeå kommun and others who are interested
in how northern cities can benefit by its climate and
develop towards a more complete city.
The thesis begins with a chapter that present the subject
from four different perspectives.
Kombinerade flöden på slutmonteringen för gruv- och bergborrmaskiner på Atlas Copco
Atlas Copco i Örebro tillhör affärsområdet gruv- och bergbrytningsteknik där de utvecklar, tillverkar, marknadsför och forskar på bergborrmaskiner, borraggregat, lastare samt truckar. Affärsområdet gruv- och bergbrytningsteknik består av olika divisioner som till exempel URE (Underground Rock Excavation). De maskiner som tillverkas på denna division är bland annat Boltec, Simba, Scaletec och Boomer. Dessa maskiner är alla olika typer av bergborrmaskiner och borraggregat. På produktionsavdelningen och slutmonteringen för dessa maskiner sker i dagsläget slutmontering av samtliga maskinerna som ett modulbygge och de flesta maskinerna stationsmonteras.