

771 Uppsatser om Ultrasonic range - Sida 9 av 52

Rehabilitering med eller utan simning av korsbandsopererade hundar

This study examines what effect swimming has on the rehabilitation, compared with only resting after a cranial cruciate ligament surgery. It consists of a literature study, an inquiry study and a visit to a rehabilitation centre. The inquiry study shows that ten weeks after a cranial cruciate ligament repair, the lameness has disappeared in a greater number of dogs among those that undergo swimming as physiotherapy compared with those that do not swim. Literature shows that swimming has a positive effect on the result after surgery. The thigh circumference increases faster, the limb function improves more and the range of motion gets larger. Dogs should therefore be recommended swimming as rehabilitation after surgery for a rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament..

The Situation of the Libraries of the University of Teheran

The main object of this paper is an attempt to illustrate the present situation of TeheranUniversity Central Library and its 17 faculty libraries. The main aspects of these librarieswhich will be discussed are collections, staffing, management, shelving, cataloguing and thelibrary users. The findings of a survey which was conducted by the author in Iran in thesummer 1995 form the main basis of the discussions.Some of the problems in these libraries are mentioned and the possible solutions arerecommended.The study also examines the role and effect of the Islamic Revolution and de-westernizationpolicy of the present regime on these libraries.A historical background of higher education, foundation of the University of Teheran,librarianship and the whole range of libraries in Iran are discussed briefly..

Från frihet till fängelse: En studie av klientflödet på Häktet Kronoberg

In the last decades, lean production has proven to be one of the most important organizational paradigms in manufacturing. The lean concept has also spread into the service industry where it is applied within a range of different areas. The wide applicability of lean principles has spurred the authors of this study to apply the principles in the context of the operations of a Swedish remand prison. The thesis examines the process a client of the remand prison Häktet Kronoberg goes through from the time of arrest until he/she is released or convicted and transferred to jail. Based on lean tools and principles, the thesis maps and analyses this process.

Det är en mångfald i fråga om mångfald : Personalvetare och PAO-studenter samtalar

This is a study of the discussions and sense making that HR-professionals and HR-students present concerning the phenomenon of diversity, through the theory of social representation.Our purpose is to study the reasoning around the phenomenon of diversity and what meaning HR-students and HR-professionals create around it. This study also attempts to examine how HR-professionals and HR-students reasoning and interaction differ from each other. In this study we have used the qualitative method of social representation through focus groups.The common themes found in the data material were the meaning of the phenomenon diversity, how the work with human resources can be connected to the phenomenon of diversity and diversity as an issue in society. The main result in this study was that we found a wide range of meaning put into the word diversity by the participants and that the individuals in the focus groups actively strived for consensus..

Studenters uppfattningar om stödet från högskolebiblioteken vid studieformen Problembaserat lärande i distansstudier

The purpose of this thesis is to investigate how students who study with Problem-based learning PBL in a distance learning course perceive the support from the university library. I first went into adult education, PBL and distance studies, one at a time, and then took a look at the combination of problem-based learning in distance studies. During the investigation, I conducted five interviews using a phenomenographic method to understand how the students perceived the support they received from the university library. The university library gives a lot of support but what I noticed while I was writing was that it is difficult to reach the students with the information regarding the help that is available to them. I give some example on how to develop the support and find that the students have a wide range of different needs for support from the library depending on their individual situation, social context, academic ability, location and course of study.

Optimal högtalarplacering i en lastbilshytt

This Degree Project was about finding the best loudspeaker placement in a heavyweight truck and also the best suited loudspeaker for this task. The project took place in Södertälje, Sweden, on behalf of Scania CV AB. The goal was to create a new listening environment in a truck cabinet.The results were accomplished by the performance of a few different tasks. First a benchmark was made on Scanias top competitors. Second a listening test was made to get an apprehension of what people find lacking in the sound reproduction of the sound system.

Natura 2000-områden: rättsverkningar i jämförelse med vanliga naturreservat

Syftet med uppsatsen, att utreda de skillnader i rättsverkningar som finns mellan Natura 2000-områden och vanliga naturreservat,har jag uppnått genom att använda mig av traditionell juridisk metod. Genom att jämföra lagtextformuleringar, förarbeten och bakgrund till bestämmelserna om de två områdesskydden har jag funnit att reglerna om Natura 2000-områden har en betydligt större räckvidd än bestämmelserna för vanliga naturreservat. Allehanda verksamheter och åtgärder omfattas av den särskilda tillståndprövning som gäller för ingrepp i Natura 2000-områden, medan vanliga naturreservat har begränsad räckvidd till de ingrepp som stadgas i reservatsföreskrifterna. Jag har även funnit skillnader när det gäller inrättandet och upphävandet av områdesskydd, och resultatet är att EU-kommissionen utövar en stark kontroll vad gäller Natura 2000-områden. Kommissionen kan tvinga medlemsstaterna att inrätta särskilt skyddat område, och om medlemsstaten vill upphäva skyddet måste samråd ske med kommissionen.

Upplevd livskvalitet hos personer med MS

Many persons with long-term illness experience a decline in their quality of life. Perceived Quality of Life is a subjective term based on prior personal experiences and is highly individual. The aim of this qualitative study was to investigate perceived Quality of Life in persons with Multiple Sclerosis and to get knowledge if physical therapy changes a person?s quality of life. Three women and three men with a range of disability were interviewed in depth.

Elevernas upplevelser av ungdomscentrum

The Individual Program (within the continuation school) in Sweden is the third largest. Its purpose is that the students, who for some reason haven?t been able to be admitted to a National Program, shall get the chance to improve their possibilities to attend one. The difficulties the students, who are admitted to the Individual Program are carriers of, have a wide range. The purpose of the Individual Program is that no one should be excluded from any continuation school.

Spolmaskangrepp är ett ökande problem hos värphöns

This literature review summarizes available data on infection with the parasitic roundworm, Ascaridia galli, as a cause of disease in poultry, including the consequences of a conversion to alternative production systems. Ascaridia galli has a direct life cycle with resistant eggs that survive and are easily spread in the environment, especially in systems with bedding materials where the faecal contact is high. The infection is usually subclinical but depending on the infection dose, the symptoms range from weight loss and diarrhea to mortality. Factors such as the feed composition and genetic variation among different hybrids clearly affect the establishment rate of the infection. Ascaridia galli will probably become an increasing problem, with a shift from the traditional battery cages to alternative systems where the risk of re-infection is high.

Hjärtfrekvensens förändring vid sinläggning av undervisningskor vid institutionen för kliniska vetenskaper :

It?s been noted that cows held at the section of ruminant medicine and epidemiology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences (IME), used for the education of veterinary students, have a lower heart rate than what is considered normal for ruminants. In this investigation the heart rates of seven lactating cows were recorded continuously during the period around drying off. The first recording took place at the farm from where the cows were bought, and then their heart rate was monitored after their arrival at IME and further on until they were completely dried off. The results were then compared to the heart rate of seven already dried off cows from the same farm.

Varmsmidning av aluminiumlegering 6026 T9 : Warm forging of aluminum alloy 6026 T9

In this project forging of aluminum alloy Al 6026 T9 has been performed in the temperature range of 400 °C ? 470 °C. The alloy which was in the shape of a cylindrical billet was formed in a press with the aim of analyzing the effect of different forging temperatures and required press load for optimal die filling. The component?s dimensions were later measured and compared to a reference piece.

Beslutsfattande i säkerhetspolitiska kriser -En studie om press och politisk förändring i den ekonomiska krisens Thailand

This thesis is seeking to explain why policy change come about. This is done by applying a part of Karin Lindgrens dissertation Vad styr ledaren?. The research evolves around the term pressure and the hypothesis are that policy change come about when there is middle range pressure on the decision-maker. Low and high pressure results in no or small policy change.The thesis is done as a case study where the economic crisis in Thailand 1996-1999 makes my case.

Teknologi, Pedagogik och Ämne : En policystudie om hur nationella mål för IT i skolan transformeras till kommunala IT-strategier

Today there is a large consensus about the importance of Swedish schools providingconditions enabling students to develop the ability to manage and learn through information technologies (IT). The goal of this study was to describe and examine how national education goals for the use of IT transformed into municipal IT-strategies for the school. A content analysis was conducted of thirty-eight municipal IT-strategies collected from Swedish municipal websites on the Internet. The content in the municipal IT-strategies was compared with the content in both the Swedish education act and the national curriculum. The results showed that the content in the Swedish education act and the national curriculum in fact was translated into municipal IT strategies, but that the range of strategies concerning technology, pedagogy and content in relation to IT was broad.

Byggnadsutformningens inverkan på energianalysen : En jämförande utvärdering av två energisimuleringsprogram

Since the demands from authorities regarding lower energy consumption havebecome increasingly strict, this puts new pressure on designers and builders, who notonly have to ensure an esthetically pleasing building, but also make sure it issufficiently efficient to pass under new laws and regulations.This thesis takes into consideration a wide range of various parameters and theireffect on a building?s energy consumption. For this evaluation a computer softwarecomparison between the two programs Autodesk Ecotect Analysis and AutodeskProject Vasari was performed.Autodesk Ecotect Analysis is better suited for studies made on individual factors whileAutodesk Project Vasari is better used in experiments regarding the geometricalshape of the stucture itself.The results from the two different software tools used, give us both differences andsimilarities. For instance, both software programs produced the same resultsregarding the importance of the windows of the buildings to ensure a highly energyefficient building, both when it comes to the windows size and their U-value..

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