

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 8 av 349

Älgarås avloppsreningsverk- studie och metodisk felsökning av en biobädds BOD-rening

Wastewater contains biodegradable materials, which are often measured as BOD7.Trickling filters are sometimes used as a purification step for BOD-reduction. Atrickling filter is a tower, which is filled with a carrier material. Microorganisms growon the carrier material in the form of a biofilm. This biofilm consists mostly of bacteriathat purify water from BOD.In Älgarås? wastewater treatment plant the water is purified by a trickling filter.However the treatment plant has difficulties reaching the emission requirements forBOD.

Kommunicera - Att förmedla en möjlighet : En studie av den interna kommunikationen på ABB Sverige i Västerås

Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.

Matematisk begreppsbildning för elever med läs-och skrivsvårigheter

This essay deals with the subject of communication through Facebook. In this survey we studied 100 youths from Karlstad and their communication habits and behavior patterns on Facebook. The social network site Facebook has since its start in 2004 made a mark in modern communication. Today in 2010 the site has more than 500 million users. This paper wants to study what happens to other types of communication.

Flödesoptimering på sjukhuslaboratorium: En praktisk implementering av lean

This study has investigated the possibilities of implementing lean in a division of a hospital in Stockholm. The goal was to reduce the lead time for the patient to get his diagnose by implementing lean in the two production flows of this division. In order to accomplish it, a complete map over the value stream has been done. With the help of the value stream map and lean theory a list over the processes in contradiction with lean has been made. Finally propositions to implement lean and by this way reduce the lead times in this stream have been made out.

När ett företag ska kommunicera : En explorativ fallstudie kring hur en kravspecifikation tas fram i syfte att välja ett internkommunikationssystem

The importance of internal communication within companies has increased in recent years. However, there are still a number of companies that are not adapted to the modern world and the new modes of communication the Internet provides. This study evaluates the internal communication of a medium sized company by holding semistructured interviews with the employees. The goal of the interviews was to develop a requirement specification. This requirement specification was later used as the basis to analyze possible aids for the internal communication of the company.

Adoption av en kommunikationslösning : En kvalitativ studie

The modern workplace is dependent on effective communication in order for the employees to be able to execute their tasks. Despite this over half of the new communications-solutions that are inserted to handle an organizations communication needs fail. Therefore this study focuses on the adoption of communication-solutions in the context of the modern workplace. This with the intent of identifying factors that are central to the individuals? adoption of new communication-solutions.

Positionering av industriella tjänster

This thesis aims to investigate the positioning concept of industrial services. We chose to identify the reasons why positioning is used as well as to describe the positioning process. The research strategy chosen for this thesis was a case study of a consultancy firm Benima AB. This firm was chosen due to the fact that a new positioning concept during the latest year hade been implemented and therefore seemed like a good choice for our study. Of the six available theoretical reasons for positioning, we found that Benima AB had two of them: namely change in target market or their needs and demands and renewed company identity/personality.

INTRANÄT : Ett medium för kommunikationsverktyg

This report explains how different communication tools can be used in a company?s intranet. It gives a short description of the different parts in an intranet and their field of application, and what communication means. It?s only the communication tools that the company uses that we are illuminating in this report.

Marknadskommunikation : en studie hos Skara Näringslivsoffensiv

The purpose of this thesis is through a case study and a survey; to examine the most appropriate communication channels between a sender and a receiver. It also aims to make this relationship more effective.The following questions are to be answered:1. Which communication channels ought to be used to optimize the message from Skara Näringslivsoffensiv to its target group?2. Which communication channels is Skara Näringslivsoffensiv planning to use?3.

Akilleshälen som glöms bort : En kvalitativ studie av kontorsmiljöns betydelse för internkommunikationen på en arbetsplats

Employers are becoming more and more aware of that the internal communication between employees is the reason why organizations are being held alive and also what impact the office environment has on employees work performances and their communication. The aim of our study was to gain an understanding of what significance an office's spatial design has for the communication between employees and managers in the workplace. We have through qualitative interviews with managers and employees from different business cases gotten a perception of their ways of communicating with each other. The results showed that employees and leaders thought that they shared the same picture of what their communication was like in reality, how they thought their ways of marking their territory in the office was understood and respected and what their opinions and expectations of how the communication between them and their leaders should be like. These results were then analyzed in consideration with relevant theory and previous research in the disciplines of office environment and communication studies.The main conclusions that have been drawn from the analysis are that the work environment's design can be both positive and negative at the same time and that what should be focused on is the leaders' communication. The leaders and their employees have to communicate more about their communication between them so thart misunderstandings can be avoided in the office environment - and therefore become more effective..

Läraren och den matematiska kommunikationen : Hur lärare tolkar och arbetar med matematisk kommunikation i årskurs Fk-3

The Swedish curriculum points out mathematical communication as one of the importantabilities that students need to develop. Previous studies show that students have not been given the right conditions to develop this ability sufficiently. The purpose of this study is to investigate how some Swedish teachers interpret mathematical communication and how the work with this takes place in their classrooms.The investigation consists of qualitative interviews with six teachers in the grades of Fk-3. The interviews have been focused around the teacher's interpretation regarding mathematical communication, how this is reflected in their work in the classroom and also if they see any advantages or difficulties in working with mathematical communication with their pupils.The result of the study shows that the teachers are well aware of the importance of communication and they have a will and an intention to let the pupils communicate mathematically. Mathematical communication is emphasized mainly as important for the pupil's learning and understanding.

Produktplacering i tv : En studie om skillnaden mellan teori och praktik

Title: Communicate ? to provide an opportunity Authors: Ida Eriksson & Petra LindbergTutor: Johan Grinbergs, Mälardalen UniversityExaminer: Cecilia LindhSubject: Bachelor's essay, Business AdministrationKeywords: communication, internal communication, channels, communication models, communication theory, information, organizationPurposeThe idea of this study was to describe how ABB Sweden?s internal communication and information appeared in Västerås. The aim is also to see what tools and channels they use to communicate information internally and see how employees perceive them in Västerås.MethodWe have read literature in form of books and articles that discuss theories on the subject communication including internal communication, channels and tools. Interviews were conducted with employees of ABB and were to serve as the basis for our empirical work. A survey by the Communication Center was made in the spring 2010 and was also the basis for our empirical work.ConclusionsThe communication has been increasingly from one-to two-way communication. To get a functioning organization, it is required that the internal communication in the first place will work.

Redovisningens värderelevans av fritt kassaflöde : för den svenska aktiemarknaden

Problem: Is the free cash flow a value relevant accounting measure in relation to the Swedish stock market?Objective: The aim is that by using an investment strategy to examine whether the free cash flow is an accounting measure that could be perceived as value relevant in relation to the Swedish stock market.Method: The paper is based on a quantitative survey of empirical evidence that has been collected from companies listed on the Large and Mid-Cap lists of the Swedish stock market.Theoretical Frame of reference: value relevance, cash flow, portfolio theory, drive theoryResults: It was concluded that the study results conform to the Finnish survey results. The portfolio shows higher returns than the OMX index..

Reducering av ledtid genom en värdeflödesanalys En fallstudie på Lammhults Möbel AB

The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of activities, flows and waste in a company's production process. By performing a value stream analysis, non-value adding activities are identified in a production process and then the suggested improvements that can reduce lead times will be stated. The value-stream mapping identifies the flow of information and the flow of material in a production process and this provides the basis for the identification of non-value adding activities.We conducted the study at Lammhults Möbel AB in Lammhult Sweden, where the production flow of Spira-21 has been investigated. This to identify any non-value adding activities that affect the flow negative and consumes time and money in a non-value adding way.A reasonable approach for the project was taken by studying the methodologies and theories. We conducted interviews and site surveys at Lammhults Möbel AB where the flow of information and material in the production process were investigated.

E.ON:s transformatorflöde - en studie av återanvändningen av transformatorer i projekt krafttag

Problem StatementAfter the hurricane Gudrun in January 2005 EON Elnät Sverige AB started the project KRAFTTAG, were 17,000 km of the airborne power grid shall be replaced with cables underground. The transformers in the airborne power grid shall be dismounted, renovated if necessary and then conveyed to stations, of type kiosk.Additional new transformers, more than planned, have been bought. This is due to the dysfunctional transformer flow from the demolished power supply to projects, were the new power supply is built, the general picture is complicated, since the reconstruction involves other companies and many employees at E.ON.PurposeThe purpose of this master thesis is to map and understand the existing transformer flow. The objective is to make a recommendation on how to increase the level of E.ON? s transformer recycling.Methodthe authors have worked with a system approach, including both qualitative and quantitative data.

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