

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 18 av 349

Utveckling av laborationer till en datorbaserad simulator som simulerar en kokvattenreaktor

When an organisation is going through a work of change, it is highly important that both management and employees has a healthy communication in order to make everybody feel involved. It is then important to be observant for both the managements and employees thoughts and ideas.This study has been performed on an upper secondary school which is performing a work of change. The change has divided the employees in three different groups. One, which thinks the change have evolved the organisation to something better. The second group of people means that it is preventing individual development of competence.

Marknadskommunikation i förändring : En studie i hur PR-byråers marknadskommunikation har förändrats under första decenniet på 2000-talet med bakgrund i sociala medier

Title: Market Communication in transformation Authors: Gabriella Holm and Christoffer LarssonPurpose/Aim: The purpose of this paper is to examine how market communication at PR-firms in Sweden has changed over the first decade of the 21-century. In 2007 social media expanded on the Swedish market. This had implications for the way we are looking at communication and therefore also the PR business and how they are operating. The aim with this paper is to see how social media have affected marketing communication at PR-firms.Methodology: This paper is based on case studies from Swedish PR-firms. We used five cases from 2003-2005 and five from 2010-2012.

Implementering av dokumenthantering i Medius Flow

IT-företaget Medius tillhandahåller en produkt för ärendehantering, Medius Flow. I denna produkt finns ett visst stöd för dokumenthantering, närmare bestämt en möjlighet att klassificera dokument och lagra dem via Medius Flow. En av Medius kunder har efterfrågat mer funktionalitet och möjligheter att kunna sätta rättigheter på dokument, alltså bestämma vem som ska ha tillgång till ett specifikt dokument.Examensarbetet har gått ut på att undersöka olika lösningar för att implementera dokumenthantering i Medius Flow, utvärdera dessa och sedan implementera den lösning som verkar vara bäst.Efter att en kundintervju utförts framkom krav på systemet i form av bland annat utökade rättighetsfunktioner, möjlighet att skapa arbetsflöden och att man lätt ska kunna hitta dokumenten.Tre olika lösningsförslag togs fram. Det första gick ut på att vidareutveckla den dokumenthantering som finns i Medius Flow idag. Det andra gick ut på att använda sig av ett tredjepartsdokumenthanteringssystem och sedan bygga en integration mellan Medius Flow och detta system.

Analys av ett företags internkommunikation med hjälp av CSM

ternal communication in an organization by using CSM Communication Situations Model [18[upps-01.gif The topic of this master thesis is internal organizational communication and factors influencing the way people in an organization communicate with each other. The purpose of the study is to, by using a specific model called Communication Systems/Situations Model CSM, identify the social context of a given organization and examine how it relates to the dimensions of communicational behaviour which are presented in CSM. We would also like to see how the different parts of CSM affects the choice of communication channels. The thesis is based on interviews with eight employees in the specific organization, whom we have asked a number of questions regarding how they communicate with each other and through which channels. The results show that the social context is very informal within the organization and the relationships between the employees are very open and personal.

Kreativitet och undervisningsmetoder - om rutiner och kaos inom institutioners ramar

SammanfattningDetta arbete handlar om att kritiskt belysa de aspekter av undervisning som är centrala för mig som pedagog. Som lärare vill jag nå fram till eleven, jag vill att eleven ska ha möjligheten att vara kreativ och att få uppleva det tillstånd som kallas flow.Arbetet har utgått från de upplevelser jag fick av musik när jag var yngre, då tänkte jag inte i termer och begrepp utan upplevde - utan allt för förutfattade meningar. Nu när jag är lärare känner jag ett starkt behov av att identifiera vad jag då upplevde för att kunna ge mina elever en liknande kick av musik. Identifieringen har lett fram till detta arbete, jag kunde inte sätta ord på vad jag sökte men visste ändå intuitivt vad det var jag ville åt. Så småningom kom orden på plats: jag har i mitt identifieringsarbete kretsat kring kreativitet, flow och undervisnings metoder.

Bärande eller bristande? : - en studie av Bällstabergsskolans kommunikationssystem -

AbstractPurpose/Aim: The aim of this essay is to map out how the communication is organized at the Bällstabergs School in Vallentuna. The purpose with the essay is to illuminate the pros and cons with their system so that a communicationstrategy could be worked out from the basis of the results. The aim is devided into three different questions at issue: What does the organizational structure look like and how does it concide with the communication? What does the present communicative work look like? Which communicative needs can be identified?Method: The methodology contains two parts. The first part is an analysis of the present organization.

Kommunikationen mellan sjuksköterskor och äldre patienter inom vården- en metasyntes

Background: Good quality of communication has a significant role and is essential in the care, and there are many factors that have an impact on the communication between nurse and patient. It is important that the interaction and communication is directed to and focused on understanding in broad sense in order to make sure that the meeting between nurse and care taker will result in something positive. Through a greater understanding the cooperation between nurse and the patient will be facilitated, which will create opportunities for both sides to be part of and contribute to a meaningful rehabilitation.Purpose: The aim of the study is to describe how the elderly patient and the nurse experience the communication within the health care, however also to identify what factors that are essential for an optimal communication.2Method: In this study the method that has been chosen is metasynthesis. The metasynthesis method implies that qualitative studies, that illustrate elderly patients and nurses perceptions and experiences of communication within health care, have systematically been reviewed and compiled to a result.Result: The analysis of the study?s results in a composition that consist of the following three themes; the patients and the nurses perspective on how information should be conveyed, the role of the time aspect in communication and the impact of the attitude on communication.

Att na? fram till fritt flo?de i improvisation : En sja?lvstudie i eget la?rande

Detta arbete a?r en sja?lvstudie i att utveckla improvisation pa? saxofon. Syftet a?r att utforska hur det a?r mo?jligt att uppna? en niva? av frihet i det improviserade spelet. En grundtanke som presenteras i inledningen a?r att all musik egentligen kommer ur improvisation.

Strategisk kommunikation inom franchising, en fallstudie av Gallerix

AbstractTitle: Strategic Communication within franchising, a case study of GallerixNumber of pages: 60 (65 with enclosures)Author: Charlotta Babington ThorszeliusCourse: Media and Communication DPeriod: Spring 2008University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University, SwedenPurpose/Aim: To find out, by doing a case study, how communication between the two parties in a franchising relationship works, and how communication can strengthen the concept and brand. By analysing the communication, identify strengths and weaknesses and make suggestions for improvement.Material/Method: Qualitative method by using interviewsMain results: The understanding of the concept and the relationship between franchiser and franchisees are vital for the success of the franchising chain. The main internal communication channel today is the Intranet, and more personal contacts and meetings are requested. The yearly meetings are appreciated by the franchisees, but the content of the meetings are of varied quality. The chains value words, which are important for how the brand is perceived by the customer, are slightly different from how the franchiser and the franchisees sees them.

Inredningsförslag till Bolandgymnasiets matsal

My bachelor?s dissertation concerns the creation of a proposal for interior decoration of the Boland High School?s canteen. I have been in contact with personnel, students and the school principal through the duration of the project. In the end, substantive changes of lighting, interior decoration and movement were proposed for the canteen. In the proposal I have focused on accentuating the school?s profile, on creating smaller spatial configurations within the larger configuration of the room, lowering the noise level, creating a good movement flow, increase the number of seats and creating a pleasant environment in which to eat..

Den tryckta annonsens förlängda arm : En studie i hur ett utvidgat kommunikationsutrymme skapas genom den tryckta annonsen

The foundation of our study is five strategically selected printed advertisements which all contains signs that refer to digital medias. Through a quality content analysis, we are studying how advertisers may use a room with extended communication too enlarge the space given in a printed advertisement. The potential in these rooms are proposing a social connection and a flexible interaction by providing content that is not possible to create in a printed advertisement. The form of communication is changing and there is a two-way communication created in an obvious way. The different kinds of roles in the communication process are here partially integrated with each other.

Organisationskommunikation i praktiken En kommunikationsgranskning på Arkivator Falköping AB

The goal of this Masters thesis is to examine how people at the production department of Arkivator Falköping AB perceive the internal organisational communication transfer and exchange of information, by means of a communication audit. The objectives are also to characterise the communication climate and the respondents satisfaction with the internal organisational communication within the organisation. The results of the study are compared with the companys information policy and with previous research in organisational communication. Answers from different demographic groups within the population are compared. The communication audit was conducted using a modified and added version of a questionnaire originally compiled by the International Communications Association.

Att mötas på webben : Hur sociala medier påverkar B2B relationen

The purpose of this study is to investigate how social media can affect and influence the B2B-relationship. Social media is now a widespread and accepted tool for communication in many B2C-companies; therefore we find it interesting to examine how social media can find its place in the communication mix of B2B-companies. We are also aiming to distinguish standards in how social media is practiced and discussed in the context of the B2B-market. We have applied a qualitative method for this study and we have interviewed seven respondents, which are experts in social media or working with market communication at B2B-companies in Sweden. During our study we have identified several comparable attributes within the B2B market and their opinions about how social media should be approach and adopt in the communication mix of the company..

Mitt i prick : Optimerad internkommunikation

As competing organizations struggle to become more effective, one field stands out as one of the vital keys to success; internal communication. Even small errors in information handling can end up into obstacles that seem impossible to overcome. Managers constantly need to adjust the internal communication to fit variables that mirror the structure of the organization. This thesis is a study about how and in what magnitude structure affects organization?s internal communication.We have done qualitative interviews with McDonald?s and Diesel, two different global organizations within the branch of service business.

Den Interkulturelle Kommunikatören : En studie av kulturens inverkan på kommunikation

AbstractAuthors: Åsa Höjer, Karl WijkmarkTitle: The intercultural communicator. A study of cultures? influence on communication.Level: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: University on KalmarLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 67Date of seminar: 2009-01-15Advisor: Jens CavallinKey words: Intercultural communication, culture, Hofstede´s cultural dimensions, anxiety and uncertainty, self-confidence, high and low context, verbal and nonverbal communication, Telenor, Pakistan, Scandinavia.Case company: TelenorPurpose: The purpose of this study is to investigate what cultural differences, regarding communication, that are present between Scandinavia and Pakistan. Furthermore the purpose is to illustrate which factors that are important for personnel working for Telenor, that are about to work in a foreign culture, in order to create effective intercultural communication.Methodology: The following study is a case study that has used a qualitative methodology with interviews conducted via e-mail. To be able to interpret and understand human experiences and situations a hermeneutical approach has been taken.

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