

5224 Uppsatser om Two-step flow of Communication - Sida 17 av 349

E-tjänstutveckling ur ett medborgarperspektiv : Att skapa beslutsunderlag baserat på medborgarärendens lämplighet för olika kommunikationskanaler

Citizens? interaction with governments is an area with unique implications for channel management. Governments need to take the citizens perspective into further consideration in order to be successful in delivering high-quality e-services. This paper aims to determine if a categorization of citizen-initiated contacts from a citizen-centric perspective can be a valuable basis for decisions regarding e-service development. The study consisted of three steps.

Internet : som kompletterande kommunikationskanal till Event Marketing

The aim of this essay is to examine how the Internet functions as a communication channel to Event Marketing. We have investigated what makes the Internet unique as a communication channel for events and how Internet has been used for event marketing. We have mapped fundamental theories within marketing, media, communications and human-computer interaction, which together describe event marketing. We have carried out case studies on two event-marketing projects where the Internet has played a major role. The first project was XCT which is a project developed by the company Eventum AB.

En bibliotekshermeneutik : Om skrivandets förutsättningar i Martina Lowdens Allt

This paper analyzes Allt, Martina Lowden's novel from 2006, from a media discursive perspective. The theoretical framework consists of Michel Foucault's discourse analysis, Friedrich Kittler's research on hermeneutic reading, and N. Katherine Hayles's studies of pattern?randomness controlled meaning production. Various examples on how communication technology influences the narrator?s act of writing illustrate the medial discourse surrounding the body of Allt.

Beteende hos lekvandrande lax i Klarälven ? utvärdering av en fiskfälla

During the migration season in 2013 a study on spawning migrating salmon and the effect of water flow on the behavior was conducted of the salmon at the Forshaga hydropower station in the River Klarälven. The River Klarälven with its nine hydropower plants on the Swedish side, constituting migration obstacles for the migrating salmon. Fortum Generation AB has together with the County Administrative Board restored a salmon trap at the lowermost hydropower station in Forshaga, aiming at making it possible for the salmon to swim into the trap, and thereafter be transported by truck past the power plants and then continue their journey to the spawning grounds on their own. Unfortunately, it is believed that the trap does not work as well as it should. In this study, I focused on salmon position in relation to water flow and if the number of salmon that swam into the fish trap differed between salmon with previous experience of the trap (experienced) and salmon without experience (unexperienced).

Modellerade och uppmätta kväveflöden i energiskog som bevattnas med avloppsvatten

The aim of this essay was to study the nitrogen flow in two willowplantations, at different locations in the south of Sweden, that wereirrigated with sewage. The study was also performed to compare thedifferences in nitrogen flows between two years, 1998 and 1999. The studywas made in three parts. First, the denitrification activity was measuredusing the acetylen inhibition method. Second the nitrogen flow, as well asthe water- and heat flows, were modeled through the SOIL-SOILN-modelThird; the nitrogen flow was calculated to compare with the results fromthe model.The results from the measurements were then compared with the resultsfrom the SOILN-simulations to detect differences in the denitrificationrate.

En Survey av NFC och NFC-Protokoll med Fokus på Säkerhetsaspekterna

Near Field Communication (NFC) is a short range wireless communication technology that enables data exchange between devices. NFC is used in many different areas, from subway tickets to authentication systems. This paper presents possible security threats to Near Field Communication and documented attacks that have been used to target various NFC protocols. Weaknesses in different NFC protocols will be presented and suggestions on how to counter certain weaknesses will be discussed. This survey will be valuable for companies interested in protecting their data when using or planning to use NFC systems..

Just In Time : Effektivisering av materialflöden med hjälp av principer från Inventory Management och Production Management

AbstractManagement is a field that started getting attention in the beginning of the 20th century by Frederick Taylor. His publication is called the Principles of Scientific Management and is based on the principles of using scientific methods to find the best way of conducting each operation within a production facility. Many of Taylor?s principles may appear obsolete today but the matter of an effective material flow is still highly current. Efficiency is the relationship between the input into an operation and its result.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV KomIgång ? en studie av föräldrars och kursledares upplevelser av en kommunikationskurs

The aim of the study was to evaluate parents and course directors?experiences of the AKKTIV ComAlong-course (Augmentative and AlternativeCommunication ? Early Intervention). ComAlong targets parents of pre-schoolchildren with extensive communication difficulties and aims to give parentsknowledge about different aspects of communication, communication developmentand AAC. Both qualitative and quantitative methods were used. Individualinterviews and pair-interviews with totally nine persons were performed and 54course questionnaires filled in by parents were evaluated.

Flödesoptimering i begränsande resurs

Most companies have a bottleneck in their production, that is a constraining re-source. When the demand is higher than the capacity in the constraining resource it is impossible to produce the demanded output. This problem leads to delayed deliveries, unhappy customers and ultimately to decreased revenue. Bottlenecks therefore has a significant role in production and must be handled thereof.MW Power in Sävsjö, Sweden designs and manufactures water and steam boilers for the customer's unique needs. MW Power invested in a new plasma cutting ma-chine but the machine has not reached the expected capacity.

Faktorer som påverkar IT-relaterad gruppkommunikation inom organisationer

This thesis builds on the core problem: What Factors Affect IT-related Group Communicationwithin Oragnizations? With sub-questions: How does the daily communication in the workplacepresent itself? How can the individual affect communication? The purpose of this paper is toinvestigate which factors influence group communication positively and negatively, andhow communication affects the daily work in an organization. For this study, the fourinterviewees, from four different organizations, have been selected to participate in astructured interview conducted with the help of an interview guide. To analyse thequalitative data derived from interviews, a method of creating patterns and themes wasused. This is presented by selected quotations from the interviews in order to provide aricher depiction of the collected data.The result could indicate large gaps in both formal and informal communication, whereemail turned out to be one of the biggest single problems.

Är Grönt Skönt?: En studie om hur effekten av grön marknadsföring påverkas av förekomsten av miljöargument inom produktkategorin

Al Gore may have helped put global warming on the agenda. However, it is not a new subject. Neither is so called green marketing a new phenomenon within branding and communication. As more and more companies establish environmental strategies there exist beliefs that the environmental focus is becoming a triviality, which is the reason for this study. Implementation of words such as ?environmentally friendly?, ?green? and ?global warming? is becoming more and more widespread and frequently used within marketing communication.

Skadliga nollflödespunkter i Fortum Värmes fjärrvärmenät i Stockholm : En analys av dess förekomst och effekter

When several production units provide a district heating network, water is pumped from different directions. When the flows from the plants finally meet in the network, the water can be completely still. These places are called zero flow zones. In district heating networks with several plants, which also have different supply temperatures, large and frequent temperature fluctuations can occur when the zero flow zones move. This may cause wear on the pipes, a phenomenon called low cycle fatigue.For this reason it is important to examine where and when zero flow zones that cause temperature changes occur.

Indexeringens dilemma. En analys av förutsättningarna för ämnesindexering av skönlitteratur i förhållandet mellan indexeringen och dess objekt.

This thesis analyses the conditions for subject indexing of fiction by studying the relationship between the nature of fiction and the properties of subject indexing. The analysis is founded on a reading of a recently published Swedish subject headings list and uses a theoretical framework of Adornos theory of modern reason. The study is conducted through a qualitative text analysis in three steps. In the first step the subject headings list is analysed by examining how it provides subject access to fiction by the aspects of form, frame and subject. In the second step of the analysis these aspects of subject access are analysed and discussed by relating them to relevant research of subject indexing of fiction.

Välbefinnande och Känsla av sammanhang bland flickor i skolvardagen (ÅR 6)

I ?Skolbarns hälsovanor? har sedan 1985 frågan ?Vad tycker du om skolan nu för tiden?? funnits med. Skoltrivseln minskar med åldern och till skillnad från många andra frågor skiljer sig pojkars och flickors uppfattning i denna fråga mest i den yngsta åldersgruppen, då flickorna i högre utsträckning uppger att de trivs mycket bra i skolan (Svenska barns hälsovanor, FHI 2005). I den här studien undersöks hur åtta 12-åriga svenska skolflickor i en västsvensk småstad upplever sin skolvardag. Min metod har varit att fastställa deras KASAM-värde genom en enkät (Margalit & Efrati, 1996) baserad på Antonovskys frågeformulär för att mäta Känsla Av Sammanhang (Antonovsky, 1987)och sedan intervjua dem enskilt om trivsel, flow och beröm i skolan.

IT-relaterade problem på arbetsplatser : En studie om äldre arbetstagares krav, kontroll och sociala stöd i IT-relaterade arbetsuppgifter

According to science internal communication is a complicated, yet very important, issue of organizations today. An organization with a successful internal communication shows better results both economically and in terms of coworker satisfaction. The two main theories on communication are sensemaking and transmission. After a century with a transmissionary point of view, researchers stress the importance of sensemaking internal communication.Main question of this thesis is ?Which of the two main theories is the most useful when anchoring important messages in large organizations??According to the results of this study, conducted by interviews, neither one is more useful than the other.

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