

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 12 av 44

Skillnader hos elevers beteenden i klassrummet respektive idrottshallen

Vår studie är gjord för att se om det finns någon skillnad i mellanstadieelevers beteenden i klassrum respektive idrottshall. Våra frågeställningar är: Finns det skillnader i beteendena hos mellanstadieelever i idrottshallen respektive i klassrummet? Finns det några skillnader mellan pojkars och flickors beteenden? Hur yttrar sig eventuella skillnader och vad beror de på? För att komma fram till detta har vi använt oss av observationer som metod och observerat årskurs fem-klasser på två olika skolor. I arbetet har vi kopplat vår empiri till Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet och Goffmans beteendeteori Front-stage och backstage. Vi har också använt oss av behaviorismens grundläggande tankar om hur en miljö kan påverka ett beteende.

Bära Sorg Föra Liv : En studie om begravningsritualer bland syrianer/assyrier i hemlandet och i Sverige.

This essay describes the phases of funeral rituals between the Syrian/Assyrian, and compares the homeland with Sweden. It describes the stage of rituals according to Victor Turner schema of separation, margin or limin, and aggregation. The rituals religious significance agrees with Clifford Geertz?s theory about the importance of religious beliefs for the human being.

Mean value modelling of a poppet valve EGR-system

Because of new emission and on board diagnostics legislations, heavy truck manufacturers are facing new challenges when it comes to improving the engines and the control software. Accurate and real time executable engine models are essential in this work. One successful way of lowering the NOx emissions is to use Exhaust Gas Recirculation (EGR). The objective of this thesis is to create a mean value model for Scania's next generation EGR system consisting of a poppet valve and a two stage cooler. The model will be used to extend an existing mean value engine model.

Artisten i vardagsrummet : Gränsöverskridande och samförstånd i det moderna genombrottets dramatik: Leffler, Benedictsson och Stéenhoff

Anne Charlotte Leffler, Victoria Benedictsson and Frida Stéenhoff were all part of the Modern Breakthrough in Swedish literature. By utilizing Jürgen Habermas theoretical works on communicative action, and Nancy Fraser?s supplementary reading of his theory, this essay makes clear that the authors? struggle for an understanding and a rethinking of social norms in their plays Skådespelerskan (1873), Romeos Julia (1888) and Lejonets unge (1896) can be read as a contribution to the public debate. Dialogue has a key function for female authors during the Modern Breakthrough. Women and mens? possibilities to take part in conversation and argument as equals, requires the professional woman?s transgression and access to the privileges of both public (State) administration ? ?system?, and world of everyday life ? ?lifeworld?.

Delaktighet och inflytande i undervisningen

Vår studie är gjord för att se om det finns någon skillnad i mellanstadieelevers beteenden i klassrum respektive idrottshall. Våra frågeställningar är: Finns det skillnader i beteendena hos mellanstadieelever i idrottshallen respektive i klassrummet? Finns det några skillnader mellan pojkars och flickors beteenden? Hur yttrar sig eventuella skillnader och vad beror de på? För att komma fram till detta har vi använt oss av observationer som metod och observerat årskurs fem-klasser på två olika skolor. I arbetet har vi kopplat vår empiri till Connells teori om hegemonisk maskulinitet och Goffmans beteendeteori Front-stage och backstage. Vi har också använt oss av behaviorismens grundläggande tankar om hur en miljö kan påverka ett beteende.

Det Spökar Igen... - en empirisk studie av produktion och ljussättning till en isshow i samarbete med en ideell förening

På grund av vårt stora och gemensamma intresse för konståkning valde vi att sätta upp en isshow i samarbete med Lunds konståkningsklubb. Rapporten behandlar hur det är att försöka leda ett projekt i en ideell förening samt tar upp vikten av kommunikation och ledarskap för att ett projekt ska lyckas. Den tar upp problem som uppstått under projektets gång och hurdana lösningar vi funnit till dessa problem. Vi har också undersökt hur man ljussätter en isyta och hur man går tillväga när föreställningen som ska ljussättas inte står färdig förrän dagen före premiär..

Patogenes för prostatacarcinom hos hund : en jämförelse med människan

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Planering och projektering för individuell mätning och debitering i flerbostadshus

The study aims to reduce energy consumption in apartment buildings where individual metering and charging of heat is applied. The aim is to develop planning and design for individual metering and charging in apartment buildings.The study is based on literature review, interviews and case study that include analysis of existing documents. Interviews were carried out with the property developer and the involved consultants who planned the apartment building Yasuragi. To investigate the differences the condominium association has noted in heat consumption between flats, the debit values of the heat were used to discern which houses that were furthest from the average consumption. On these flats there were temperature measurements and thermal photo shoots made for discriminating behavior and possible construction techniques which could be the explanation for the heat spread.Boverket shows that the consumption of heat can be reduced by 10-20% after insertion of individual metering and charging in an apartment block.

Digitala tredimensionella visualiseringsmetoder : ett sätt att kommunicera landskap

This thesis investigates the possibilities offered to a working landscape architect by anincreased and altered use of digital 3D environments. A basic assumption is that increased useof digital three-dimensional environments promotes the creative processes and presentationoptions of landscape architects.The thesis is based on literature studies and communication with working landscapearchitects, and includes an investigation of the visualization methods available in the Blender3D modelling software. The thesis provides a thorough survey of what it means to model inthree dimensions, as well as of what modelling methods are feasible for a landscape architectto use. As landscape architects, we work with human and unique processes, and thus it isdifficult to develop standardized and automatic software for our profession. One possiblesolution is to turn to open source development, where software and models are shared andanyone can contribute.

Det estetiska problemet : Relationen mellan det estetiska och etiska i Kierkegaards filosofi

This paper is about Soren Aabye Kierkegaards (1813-1855) philosophy regarding the relation between the aesthetic and the ethic stage. The result of the essay is a modification of the aesthetic problem. The suggestion is to convert part of Kierkegaard?s metaphysical claims into an epistemic approach. An epistemic approach means to hold a position of well grounded stipulative beliefs.

Torg som offentlig mötesplats : en studie av Sundstorget i Helsingborg

The purpose with this thesis is to understand the relationship between a square?s design and its function as a public meeting place, were Sundstorget in the city of Helsingborg is used as a study object. The architect Jan Gehl developed a theory of people?s outdoor activities in his book Livet mellem husene (1996). He divides the activities in three categories; 1) necessary activities, 2) optional activities and 3) social activities, which are differently affected by the place?s design.

"Bråk pågår" Om konflikthantering i en årskurs fem

Abstract The goal of the study was to conduct an in-depth investigation of how conflicts are resolved in schools, from a pupil- and a teacher perspective. Our intention was to view and compare pupils and teachers different opinions in the school environment. A major focus was put on different ways teacher handle conflicts and how they try to prevent them. The material was acquired by interviews with both teachers and pupils. The study is based on Jean Piagets and Lev Vygotskijs visions about the cognitive developmental stage for children. The result of the study shows the teachers need to be attentive and also that the pupils generally do not notice when the teacher works to prevent conflicts.

Mätning av partikelmassa i avgaser från en dieselmotor

This master thesis was a continuation of a previous study in the diesel exhaust characterization, which is part of the academical work embedded in the EMIR-1 project. The main objective of this thesis work was to finish the installation and make the proper modifications of the particulate mass measuring system located in one of the engine test cells at KTH, in order to be able to measure the mass of the particles from the exhaust of diesel engines.This experiment requires a diluted flow sample from the exhaust that should be sent to the device that makes possible the measurement of particle mass, called TEOM. In the first stage of this project, the objective was to study and make the proper modifications in the existing KTH diluter because there were several problems to obtain a constant dilution ratio from it during tests.This modifications were made and it resulted in a great improvement in the maximum inlet and outlet flow that this diluter can handle. Therefore another modification is proposed for controlling the inlet exhaust flow so it will be possible to regulate the dilution ratio and make it constant along a wide range of engine loads and speeds.The second and most important stage was to make particulate mass measurements possible by analyzing the frequency signal from the TEOM device. The idea was to obtain the frequency of oscillation from the tapered element in the TEOM, and therefore with the proper correlations, be able to predict the particulate mass concentration in the exhaust flow from the engine.An electrical problem in the TEOM circuit was detected and corrected, so the signal that carries the frequency from the TEOM can be analyzed properly.

Slottsholmen på Svaneholm : en fallstudie om en historisk park- och gårdsmiljö och hur den kan ha tett sig under 16-1700-tal

The park at Svaneholm is a place, the history of which is very little known today and the needfor better knowledge has been the cause of this investigation. The essay is primarily limited tothe time from late 17th century up to the end of the 18th century and takes stand on profoundinvestigations in accessible map-and archive material. The results presented show a manorhill, which during the course of a hundred years was subject to several changes and in bigparts consisted in other than park/garden.Burman related to the manor hill containing a cowshed, a large dam and a parterre garden isix quarters and it is plausible to think, that this establishment generally was built as producedon the plate.In the 18th century the construction is being changed, they go on building at the cowshed andin 1707 there are totally 268 livestock on the farm. In 1723 the garden is represented in amuch bigger scale than on the plate from the 1680:s, but it is not possible to tell, whether it isnew or not.Parts of the parterre garden is remaining during the whole of the 18th century, for the leastuntil it is being squared, but on two of the squares there was built a riding-groundMoreover the cowshed burnt down and was only partially reconstructed.The image given by the archive material is at the same time variegated. The inventory list ongarden tools from 1726 gives an image of gardening more directed to growing and pathshuffling, while the possibilities of keeping the parterres were fewer (e.g.

Social Construction of Crisis: The Constructed Realities of SAS Ground Service Employees Regarding the Preparatory Period of Strategy 2011 Organizational Development Program.

The thesis explores an ongoing dialectical process between different levels of employees including top management to workers of Scandinavian Airline Service (SAS) regarding a new change program and to find out the possible social construction among them. In particular, it searches for the constructed reality of SAS ground service employees at Malmö Airport with regard to the preparatory stage of SAS Strategy 2011. A possible ambiguity in dialectical process is explored as it relates to an organization?s ability to effectively influence the understanding and identity of its employees through discourse.

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