

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 11 av 44

Optisk undersökning av dieselsprayer från en höghastighetsroterande insprutare

There have been changes in Earth?s climate system on both global and regional scale since the pre-industrial era and some of these changes are due to human activities such as the combustion of fossil fuels. This calls for the development of engines with a higher efficiency and less harmful emissions. One interesting concept is the Homogeneous Charge Compression Ignition (HCCI) engine, which has the advantages of potentially low emissions combined with high efficiency. However, HCCI with diesel fuel requires a relatively long fuel/air mixing time to ensure a "homogenous" charge.

Lärsituationens komplexitet för elever som upplever svårigheter i matematik : Rutiga Familjen i en ny lärmiljö

The Squares Family is a game developed as a learning aid in mathematics. With its graphical representation of the decimal system, the four basic arithmetic operations and positive and negative numbers together with a learning agent as pedagogical approach, the game?s primary purpose is to motivate students in their learning of mathematics. Although the game is strictly based on mathematical rules it attempts to encourage students to play and work with math without experiencing it as mathematics as this is initially not obvious. The game being internationally tested on normal performing students, this project introduced the game to six Swedish students who experience low motivation for and/or difficulties in mathematics.

Ecclesia viva Ecclesia communitatis aut antiquary = En levande kyrka : Församlingens kyrka eller antikvariens?

There are about 3 500 churches protected under the Heritage Conservation Act in Sweden today. These churches still belong to living congregations that want to be able to adapt them to the needs of today, just like people have done throughout history. But since the churches are protected, the congregations have to apply for a permit and that is not always given. This can lead to frustration, and you can sometimes hear representatives of the church express the view that antiquarian authorities are enemies that oppose the church. On the other hand we have the antiquarian authorities that, in a way, have to act as advocates for generations to come and make sure that there is a cultural heritage preserved for them when they grow up.

Elektrokardiografiska fynd hos dobermann med och utan dilaterad kardiomyopati

SAMMANFATTNINGDilaterad kardiomyopati (DCM) är en ärftlig, primär hjärtmuskelsjukdom som är mycket vanligt förekommande hos dobermann. Sjukdomens förlopp har tre stadier. Det första stadiet innebär att sjukdomen föreligger men kan enbart påvisas vid histologisk undersökning av hjärtmuskelvävnad. Det prekliniska stadiet innebär att inga sjukdomstecken ses hos hunden, men förändringar, såsom hög förekomst av kammarextraslag och dilatation av vänster kammare, kan hittas med hjälp av elektrokardiografi (EKG) och ekokardiografi. I det overta (kliniska stadiet) uppvisar hunden sjukdomstecken som nedsatt arbetsförmåga, trötthet, hosta samt kachexi.

Skuggvävens effekt på fryslagrade täckrotsplantor av tall (Pinus sylvestris) i upptiningsstadiet :

This project was an assignment by Sveaskog and Svenska Skogsplantor. The purpose was to study the effect of protective fabric on the thawing stage of frozen pine seedlings. The function of the protective fabric is that it should protect the seedlings against strong sunlight and create an even temperature inside the boxes containing the seedlings. The result has shown that there was no statistically significant difference when the protective fabric was used or when it was not used, although this was probably due to the weather conditions. The study was carried out under cold and cloudy weather conditions and probably would have given other results if there had been more sunny days with a higher ambient temperature.

Boken ? ett stöd i livets slutskede

This is a study of the importance of culture for persons who are in their terminal stage of life. The purpose of my study is to find out if culture, particularly literature, can be a comfort for persons who are about to die. The study is based on interviews with people who are working in the palliative team at Norra Älvsborgs Länssjukhus (NÄL) in Trollhättan. It is also based on study of literature. It is literature about hospital library, culture in hospital treatment, palliative care, bibliotherapy and ?own stories? from dying persons.

Historieläroböcker - hur förändras dessa? : En studie av tre läroböckers historiebeskrivningar med fokusering på medeltiden

Sociala nätverkssidor är för människor idag en del av vardagen då vi skapar nya umgängen, bekantskaper, vänskaper och fiender. Vi träffar framtida arbetsgivare och finner i visa fall kärleken med hjälp av detta nu vardagliga verktyg. Eftersom vi gör allt detta är uppbyggnaden och utvecklingen av användarens profil ett viktigt hjälpmedel för att lyckas presentera sig själv på ett positivt sätt.Målet med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur svenska kvinnor framställer sig själva inför andra användare och vad de delar med sig av sin identitet på det sociala nätverket Twitter. Vi utgår från tre frågeställningar:? ? ?På vilka sätt framställer sig svenska kvinnor på Twitter? Vilka skillnader finns mellan användare beroende på antal följare? Vilken gräns sätter kvinnor för vad de delar med sig till sin publik på Twitter?De teoretiska utgångspunkterna för denna studie är i Erving Goffmans teorier om ?front stage?, ?back stage? och ?impression management? och nyare forskning gjord av bland andra danah boyd samt begreppet representation.

Simulering av elektriska förluster i en vindkraftpark : Utveckling av programvaran Wind Farm ElectricSystem Calculator (WFESC)

When planning new wind farms, the cost for the internal electrical grid is estimated to account for 8-9 % of the total investment cost. On top of that, the cost for accumulated reduced income over several years (due to electrical losses), has to be added. The economic lifespan is relatively long (about 20 years) which means that an error in the loss calculation could lead to a bad decision basis. The accumulated reduced incomes due to electrical losses can be higher than the initial investment cost for the internal electrical grid.Today, Statkraft Sweden is using a template number when estimating the electrical losses in a wind farm. The actual losses are probably lower than the template number which could lead to an unnecessary high loss cost when planning a new wind farm.The aim of this M.Sc.

Synen på mångfald och jämställdhet vid vägverket

Research has shown that still today mostly men inhibit the managing director positions and jobs such as electricians, engineers, and road workers, which makes the work situation unequal among those work places. Another issue is that studies show that minority groups have fewer possibilities in comparison with majority inhabitants on the labour market. One reason can be that many companies and organizations lack when it comes to the recruitment process due to prejudices and the applicants for a job who has names such as Ahmed, Carlos and Ali are taken out of the process at first stage.The purpose of this research is to study how civil servants at Vägverket (Swedish Road Administration) discuss about diversity and equality. Whereas subjects such as ethnicity and gender will be illuminated..

Livsåskådningars framställning : En textanalys på tre läroböckers framställning av icke-religiös respektive religiös livsåskådning.

The purpose of this study is to analyse and compare how religious and non-religious world views are described and represented in three Swedish textbooks. The main question of this study is: How do three textbooks for the first stage of religious studies in high school represent non-religious and religious world views based on the text analysis tools: ethos, modality and transitivity?The three textbooks that are being analysed and compared were produced in the years of 2000, 2002 and 2009. The textbooks are used when teaching the first stage of religious studies in Swedish high school. The text analysis that I´ve chosen to use in this study is a part of Norman Faircloughs critical discourse analysis.

Mätning av ekosystemtjänster i jordbrukslandskapet :

Abstract In order to make the modern agriculture less dependent on non-renewable external inputs, it has to rely more on ecosystem services. The agricultural system produce not only food, fiber and fuel, it also generates other ecosystem services such as e.g. photosynthesis, recycling of nutrients, influencing local microclimate, pollination, biological control and detoxification of noxious chemicals. This study is an attempt to get a better understanding about the interaction among different ecosystem services and different habitats capacity to generate them. An evaluation of eight different methods is done. The ecosystem services studied are the ability to absorb solar energy, biomass production, botanical diversity, decomposition and natural predation of aphids.


The study aims to reduce energy consumption in apartment buildings where individual metering and charging of heat is applied. The aim is to develop planning and design for individual metering and charging in apartment buildings.The study is based on literature review, interviews and case study that include analysis of existing documents. Interviews were carried out with the property developer and the involved consultants who planned the apartment building Yasuragi. To investigate the differences the condominium association has noted in heat consumption between flats, the debit values of the heat were used to discern which houses that were furthest from the average consumption. On these flats there were temperature measurements and thermal photo shoots made for discriminating behavior and possible construction techniques which could be the explanation for the heat spread.Boverket shows that the consumption of heat can be reduced by 10-20% after insertion of individual metering and charging in an apartment block.

Portning av ett plugin till 3d-modelleringsprogram

This report describes the work and the results found when comparing three different 3d modeler applications. The programs are 3ds Max, Maya and Cinema 4D. The comparisons focus on the possibilities/the amount of freedom these programs interface offer to its plugins. The comparisons are made from the point of view of a tool for creating animations developed as a plugin for these modelers. This plugins demands on the system it is loaded into have been analyzed and from the results of this analysis a template have been created.

Åkerböna i samodling med vårvete som helgrödesensilage till mjölkkor :

The aim of this undergraduate thesis was to formulate advices regarding the use of field beans, cultivated together with spring wheat, as whole-crop silage in feeding to dairy cows. In the thesis, optimal harvest time of the field bean/spring wheat crop, as well as the feeding value and the fermentation quality, was studied. On the research station at Röbäcksdalen in Umeå field bean/spring wheat (70 % respective 30 % of normal seed rate for the pure crop) and pea/oat (70/30) was grown in field experiments both 2002 and 2003. The following year, 2004, the pea/oat crop was excluded and instead field bean and spring wheat was cultivated in three different mixed ratios (field bean/spring wheat; 100:0, 70:30, 30:70). Every year the crops were harvested at four different development stages and the green forages were used in ensiling experiments.

"Jag gjorde det dom betala för" : En narrativ berättelse om en kvinnas liv och vägen ut ur prostitution och missbruk

This study aims to find out what happens with the roles that are seemingly left behind. Are there roles that are harder or easier to exercise? Available roles with us through life and affect our future decisions or we switched completely away from them and create new roles based on the situations we find ourselves in at the moment? The aim is also to see how the relationship looks like between closed roles and new roles in life. To try to find this out, I have used the narrative method. The study is based largely on Goffman's theories of roles, behind and above the front- and back stage.

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