

658 Uppsatser om Two-stage least squares - Sida 13 av 44

De är på en evig resa i tid och rum : En studie i Harry Martinsons Aniara

Aniara is a versified epos written by Harry Martinson in 1956. The story is about a large group of people who are being evacuated from earth to Mars because the earth is radiated. However something goes wrong. They fall out of course and end up on a never ending journey in space.This essay examines the relations between the eposAniara and Lars Rudolfssons dramatization for Stockholm City Theater, played during the fall/winter of 2010. Through performativity and narrative theories I analyze narrations and characterization in the text and in the play.

En studie om elever i årskurs nio, identitet, ungdomskultur och prövandet av narkotika

The purpose of our study was to look at the connection between theories, research work and concepts when it comes to teenagers and the testing of drugs. The theories we have used are Erikssons development theory, psychoanalysis and labelling theory. Concepts that we focused on for our study were youthculture, the search for identity and the testing of drugs. We did this by asking students, in ninth grade, to fill in questionnaire and interviews.Teenagers find themselves in a confusing stage in life and in a search for their identities they test many different things. The youthculture can be a contributing factor to them testing drugs.

Palliative care for pancreatic cancer - patients´ experiences

To receive a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer can lead to a tremendous change in a person?s life. Thoughts regarding death may cause a personal crisis which can have negative influences on the patient?s social, mental and spiritual state. Most people with pancreatic cancer are diagnosed in a late stage of the disease.

Wikileaks i svensk media ? en diskursanalys

The aim of this Master thesis has been to analyse the debateon Wikileaks as it occured in the Swedish daily press during2010 and early 2011, as well as to identify what differentdiscourses influenced the discussions. The empirical materialconsisted of fifty-three articles, taken from three nationalnewspapers and has been analysed using the discourseanalysis theory of Ernesto Laclau and Chantal Mouffe. Thearticles were analysed in four stages which included:identifying statements concerning Wikileaks and itsoperations; identifying additional groups and individualsappearing in the debate and the statements made about these;grouping statements into themes and on the basis of thesethemes construct chains of equivalence and identify subjectpositions. The last stage consisted of identification ofdiscourses and the relationships and possible conflictsbetween those discourses. The results showed that fourdiscourses could be identified: the good democracydiscourse, the traditional diplomatic discourse, the goodjournalism discourse and the power-critical discourse..

Överraskning ? Tidlös eller totalt omkastad?

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Inte bara en kommentar : En studie om krishantering på sociala medier

AbstractTitle: It?s not just a comment ? a study about Crisis Management on Social MediaAuthor: Malin Pettersson 910624 and Amanda White 920310Year: Spring 2014Level: Bachelor degreeDepartment: School of Business and EconomicsSupervisor: Carina HolmgrenExaminer: Frederic Bill Purpose: The purpose of this paper is to develop and test a theoretical model for Crisis Management on social media. Method: The overall literature that was found consisted of traditional Crisis Management and the communication that goes with it, and it was mainly written for traditional channels such as newspapers. The theories could not concretely describe how organizations should handle crisis in Social Media. Therefore, this study focuses on if and how organizations can use the traditional theories when working with crisis management in social media. Through a qualitative method the study has examined and tested the model on three crises, and subsequently improved the model based on the empirical material and  the analysis that was made. Conclusion: The conclusion found that organizations need to adjust their crisis management after following guidelines for it to work on social media:-    Strategies should be limited to only one, and be either a rebuilding strategy or a bolstering strategy.-    The focus should be on emotional communication, and regarding the rational aspects the focus should be on actual actions and plans for the future.-    Clear guidelines for what type of questions and critics that should be answered should be set.

Operamaskerad i Stockholm 1925

I have examined the conditions for participation in an opera masquerade. Theoretical support has been found in Michail Bachtin, Richard Schechner and Judith Butler. The main study object has been a masquerade organised by the workers of The Royal Opera of Stockholm in 1925. The masquerade is examined as a social practise with distinct aesthetic framing. The analysis shows that the opera masquerade share some characteristics with the medieval carnival culture as described by Bachtin, but differ in many ways as well.

Sociala krav i byggentreprenader : En tillfällig trend eller här för att stanna?

Europe has, since the economic crisis of 2007, gained increasing social segregation. The gap between rich and poor has increased and the large number of hidden statistics regarding people excluded from the labor market is greater than in many years. Social exclusion has thus taken a toll on community groups that already before the crisis had a hard time getting included. Groups such as young, elderly, immigrants and people with mental of physical disabilities. To curb this development, the European Commission have, since the 2004 directives, enabled public sector clients to, through procurement of goods, services and contracts, include measures that promote social consideration.Social consideration is a term that have been a part of Swedish procurement legislation since 2007, and was updated in 2010.

Marknadsundersökning : Ett steg i innovationsprocessen

Syftet med detta arbete är att göra en enklare variant av en marknadsundersökning. Marknadsundersökningen är ett uppdrag från en egen företagare som gör smyckesförvaringar. Ett annat syfte med arbetet är analysera uppdragsgivarens innovationsprocess. Arbetet har två syften. För att göra en marknadsundersökning gjordes det en internetbaserad undersökning av en kvantitativ karaktär med 140 personer som deltog och 40 st blev bortfall.

Begreppet individ, hos Leibniz och Spinoza, sa?som singula?rt och del i va?rldens ma?ngfald

This thesis deals with the concepts of individual and individuation as defined by Leibniz and Spinoza. I go through the use and definition of the concept of individual in four stages.First I discuss the individual as conceived by Spinoza as a relation formed by a composition of parts and the individual as conceived by Leibniz as a complete notion consisting of all the events in the life of a subject.Next is the roll of perception in Leibniz discussed, likewise individuation through different perception with varying distinctness, and the affinity of perception with affection.The discussions concerning the individual concludes in a section about the essence of the individual as being the desire of the individual. In the last stage, I discuss the multitude as being an own individual..

Utformning av konst- och musikhus med läge i unik miljö

Examensarbetets mål var att utforma två förslag på ett musik- och konsthus för placering i Växjösjön. Konstruktionen ämnas vara flytande och mobil.Gemensamt undersökte författarna byggnadens förutsättningar och möjligheter, i syfte att underlätta utformningsprocessen.Författarna utformade var sitt förslag. Det resulterade i två förslag med skilda arkitektoniska särdrag, skapade utifrån gemensamt stipulerade avgränsningar.Det ena förslaget är utformat med hjälp av geometriska former med raka sidor. Det kontrasterar mot det andra förslaget som har organiska och mjuka former..

Revisorers perspektiv på implementeringen av ett nytt regelverk : ? fallet komponentavskrivningar enligt regelverket K3

This essay deals with the principle of surprise warfare and its development as well as the adaptation of military action that had to be made to surprise the opponent in the modern era.The concept of surprise is divided into its components in order to clarify what is required to implement a surprising maneuver, to understand the complex concept and form a theoretical framework for gathering facts in the case study.Development and adaption are demonstrated by a comparative case study where Pearl Harbor illustrates an example of historical surprise and Operation Desert Storm illustrates a modern surprise. The product will then be analyzed in order to detect the development and how military conduct is forced to adapt in order to carry out a surprising maneuver. The results shows that the military action of performing a surprise attack has had a major development and is now carried out in a different stage of the attack..

Manligt och kvinnligt på humorscenen : En studie kring språk och kön inom komik

The purpose of my study was to determine whether there are any differences between the language that men use and the one that women use in a context that has not yet been studied. With the results of previous studies from other areas in mind I tried to ascertain if the stereotypes that exist about language and gender may also be transmitted to the comedy stage. I compared two stand-up comedians with opposite sex in a clip from a Swedish television show. The comparison was based on their body language, the use of nouns and verbs and on the length of their words. I used a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative method.

Kostnadsuppföljning avproduktionskalkyler

Calculations are an important part of planning around a construction project. From concept to completion of the project calculation is a tool to try to predict the actual cost. During the production stage in particular, deviations occur which makes the actual cost different from the calculations.This thesis is done in collaboration with JM Residential Stockholm. The study includes a cost follow-up in which a comparison was made between the calculated production cost and actual cost for the five projects. The aim of the study was to observe the most common reasons that a project deviates from the calculated production cost and then summing these causes in a number of categories.

Digital doggy bag : iPhone applikation som tar med dina mat- och dryckupplevelser

In this project an iPhone application for storing food and drink experiences was developed with focus on an easy interaction design. The already existing market of similar applications were studied and evaluated to extract their positive and negative features. Interviews with experts within the food and drink business where made in the pre study to get a good perception of how to divide and categorize the sections in the application. To optimize the usability, workshops with potential users with different technical experiences where continuously held during the development of the design.During the development two variants of development environments where evaluated. The final result of the application was developed in the environment that made the best impression and seemed to be the best alternative.The resulting product has a thought out design meant to be easy to understand, even for the first time users.

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