

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 5 av 76

Kalkylering i flygbranschen: En fallstudie av ett flygbolag

The purpose of this thesis is to analyse and propose improvements to the cost accounting system in use at an airline operating on the Swedish market. The choice of study object is based on the airline?s desire to have its cost accounting system evaluated. During the analysis we have identified a number of points where the current cost accounting system does not correspond to its intended purpose. These points include significant groups of costs not being considered in the current system, potential over capacity is not visible and logic connections between distribution keys and the use of resources are sometimes lacking.

Bestämning av vattenytor med hjälp av Nätverks-RTK och totalstation : Inmätning av Karlbergsån i Grums kommun

This report is presenting an approach that can be used to measure water surfaces in difficult conditions caused by dense vegetation and lack of nearby known points. The objective was to make a contribution to necessary measures for adaptation against floods in Grums Municipality along the stream Karlbergsån, which may occur when persistent rain raises the level of the stream. Along the river there are low-lying areas prone to flooding. According to Grums Municipality, the stream may widen where the water level differences are large, to create a better flow path and to counteract flooding. Grums Municipality was also interested in survey stormwater discharges which may affect the water level in the stream.

Med eller utan flytväst ? En diskursanalys av censur i barnlitteraturen

Debates about suitable content in children's literature occur regularly. In spring 2010 such a debate took place in Sweden. The purpose of this Bachelor's thesis is to analyse the debate to identify ideas concerning the role of children's literature in society. A second aim is to examine how children's literature is described and which concepts are used by the debaters. The empirical material used for the analysis consists of ten articles, blog posts, radio- and TV- features published in March 2010.

Kultursponsring i Moderaternas motioner: En diskursanalys

The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study cultural sponsorshipof cultural institutions and cultural events in some particular pointsof views. Namely, how do the Moderate party look at culturalsponsorship based on their motions and how these motions havebeen received by the Swedish parliament. The aim has beenbroken down into three questions. Firstly, how does the Moderateparty look at sponsorship of cultural institutions and culturalevents based on their motions on the subject. Secondly, whatviews have been existed in parliament both in committee andplenary, against the motions? Thirdly, what are the most relatingparagraphs for the different material groups.

Food preference in African Elephants (Loxodonta Africana) and the impact of Bomas in the vicinity of and in Masai Mara National Reserve

In the Maasai Mara National Reserve the native people, the Maasai, have lived for a long time following their own traditions. Their traditional lifestyle is that of a nomadic people, leading their cattle to the best grazing. Sharing their land with a large variation of different animals, one of them being the African Elephant (Loxodonta africana), the Maasi people have since long adapted to a life side by side with these giants, as well as the fierce predators living in the area.The aim of this study is to determine whether the Maasai settlement, known as Boma, has any impact on the elephants in the surrounding area. In order to conclude whether the bomas has an impact or not, observations of the wildlife were carried out. Observations were conducted in two different seasons, in December 2003 and May/June in 2004.

Politiskt förtryck: orsaksförklaringar, mekanismer och uttryck : Rohingyafolket som Agambens homo sacer i kontrast till Kymlickas liberaldemokratiska perspektiv

The persecution of the Rohingya Muslim minority population in southwestern Burma has come to the fore in recent years. The aim of this study is to first analyse the degree and respects of biopolitical control in the case of political oppression. Secondly, the aim is to compare the similarities and differences when it comes to the causes, mechanisms and expressions of the two theoretical starting points in the case.Giorgio Agamben´s biopolitical theory, which tries to reconnect state control over life and death with modernity, forms the basis of the analysis. Will Kymlicka´s liberal theory on minority rights serves as a theoretical comparison tool. Methodological starting points to the specific bilateral purpose will be both of the textual and discursive analytical tradition.

DISA: en depressionsförebyggande metod för tonårsflickor : Deltagarnas perspektiv och deras sinnesstämningsförändring

Background: Mental ill-health among adolescents is one of the most increasing public health problems in Sweden. Particularly girls suffer from mental and psychosomatic symptoms. The National Board of Health and Welfare recommend the DISA method as a preventive measure. Problem: Investigations has been done of the DISA method, but further investigations needs to be done. Aim: The aim of the study was partly to investigate how participants in DISA groups in two counties understand the method and its eventual effect and partly how their mood change, to contribute with knowledge to the development of the DISA method.

Competitive Intelligence - A necessary complement to the Balanced Scorecard?

The BSC is a widely used management tool that is turning the vision and strategy into operational goals. However, after analyzing the criticism received by the BSC, it seems as if its internal focus, rigidity, static-ism and mechanical mindset limits the company?s ability to create a strategy that takes important external factors into account. As we see it, the BSC?s limitations can create a risk for strategic inertia.

Fysprofilen hos puckelpiståkare på elitnivå och en jämförelse av fysisk prestation över tid

AimThe aim of the present study was to evaluate physical performance according to ?fysprofilen? in skiers of the Swedish mogul ski team and to compare their physical performance at three test occasions during one year.MethodsAll eight elite mogul skiers at the Swedish national mogul ski team during the seasons 2011/2012 and 2012/2013 participated voluntarily in this study. The test battery ?fysprofilen? was performed at three test occasions, October 2011, May 2012 and October 2012. Muscle strength was evaluated with squats, bench press and grip strength; power was evaluated with power clean, squat jump, countermovement jump with and without arm swing, Harre´s test and the 30 meters sprint.

Reglering av vridbord

This report describes a master thesis performed at Saab in Arboga. The main purpose was to build a controller for a system containing a turn table and an antenna beam. The idea is to use this system on a boat where it will be exposed to position disturbances due to waves. The desired behaviour is that antennas placed on the antenna beam should point towards the same target all the time. To solve this problem the system has been modeled and simulated in Matlab and Simulink.

"En sann önskan om att vilja förändra livet, hitta en meningsfullhet, ett sammanhang och mer alltså tillhörighet" En kvalitativ studie om vad som har varit betydelsefullt i processen att lämna sin kriminella livsstil

Brottsligheten i Sverige har ökat. Två av fem individer återfaller i brott efter frigivning. De individer som lever i utanförskap och kriminalitet är i en utsatt position. Flertalet av kriminalvårdens klienter har behov av insatser från olika verksamheter för att klara sig från återfall i kriminalitet. Syftet med studien är att få en djupare förståelse om vad före detta kriminella anser har varit betydelsefullt i deras process att lämna sin kriminella livsstil.

Feldiagnos för RM12 baserad på identifierade modeller

The jetengines of today are growing in complexity. Reliability for aircraft engines are of extreme importance, mainly due to safety reasons but also economical ones. This master thesis deals with faultdiagnosis in the turbine section of RM12, the engine used in Saab/BAe's Gripen. Three different faults which can occur in the turbine section was studied. These faults are: clogged fuel nozzle, hole in outlet guide vane and sensor fault.

Modernisering av driv- och vändstation för timmersortering

The purpose of the rebuild of Notnäs AB timber sorting line is to renew the existing drive and turning ends of the transport chain, which has become old. This means that Notnäs AB have problems to get new parts if the gearbox and chain are worn out. They also require that the rebuild should have a maintenance schedule for the new spare parts that will be used in the rebuild. Maintenance workers placed great emphasis on that in a rebuild it shall be a service-friendly design. The maintenance schedule used in Notnäs AB in the current situation is from Statoil and the report uses SKF formulas and recommendations in order to obtain a lubricating schedule.

Sagostundens tidlösa rum? : En litteraturanalys av metodhandboken Magiska Fingrar: sagostunder för dagens barn

The purpose of this two years master´s thesis in Archive, Library and Information Museum science is to examine the ideas about children and childhood which have an influence on the storytime at public libraries. The material on which this thesis is based, is a methodbook which is aimed to develop the storytimes and those picture books that are recommend in the methodbook. The theoretical points of departure are discourse analysis and childhood sociology. The concepts of being and becoming are frequently used when analyzing the methodbook. Other theoretical points of departure are the combination of narratologi, semiotics and hermeneutics, which are also used when analyzing the picture books.The result indicates that the storytime, recommended in the methodbook, is based on the idea of a timeless culture of childhood - where the "modern child" including the media used today - is left out. Concepts as nostalgia and pedagogy are tightly connected.

Rådet, kommissionen och den svenska sysselsättningpolitiken.

The aim of this paper is to see if Sweden has implemented the recommendations and taken notice of the guidelines for employment that the Commission and Council set up every year and from this see the role of the Commission and Council for the national employment politics. The years that I focused on in the paper are year 2000- 2004. The method that is used is a case study research that is exploratory and explanatory. The theoretical starting points are theories about delegation, cooperation and a variation of control and autonomy. This is recognized in the Principal- Agent theory and the Principal- Supervisor-Agent model.

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