

1133 Uppsatser om Turning points. - Sida 26 av 76

Omvärldsbevakning som ett verktyg inom Business Intelligence. En kvalitativ studie av omvärldsbevakning inom en verksamhet

Intelligence is an elusive concept with strong links to business intelligence , in which organizations have recently more and more have incorporated the use of IT (Information Technology). A research carried out recently have identified the importance of effective monitoring, but there are few studies showing how organizations actually work in the field.A qualitative study consisting of the interviews with employees at an IT company was done to see how external monitoring is carried out in practice, in a specific company and how it would help the company to develop. The company we visited did not work with special procedures of any kind regarding external monitoring but still knew about the term and its meaning.The conclusion account for detected patterns as well as difficulties, including the definition of external monitoring which differs a lot between individuals. The patterns discovered points to the importance of clarity and objectives regarding the use of external monitoring for it to be effective and measurable.Keywords: External monitoring, Business Intelligence, Competitive Intelligence..

Paradoxens styrka och kraft : En studie av paradoxala inslag i Samuel Backetts verk i väntan på Godot

AbstractThe purpose of this investigation is to find out how the pupils can discover and to feel joy in their creative art activity and also to believe in their own ability. The aim is to figure out if creative art activity is able to raise the pupil?s self-image. By literature, pedagogue interviews, and interviews with pupils at the age of ten years old and by action research is the way that I have searched for an answer for my question. The main result is that fantasy, creativity, courage and lust are important parts to develop in the job of raising the self-image.

Back to the USSR : En studie av Rysslands demokratiska urholkning

Abstract:The purpose of this study is to examine what actually makes Russia an incomplete democracy, despite of all the formal democratic institutions and legal democratic rights.The research method used for this essay has been qualitative case study, which strives to answer two research questions: Which democratic principles are not respected in Russia? How does the executive power control the political arena? The theoretical framework used for this study consists of a model based on Dahls Polyarchy theory and the Rule of Law concept. The conclusions points out that very little have formally changed in Russia regarding democratic rights and the constitution. The democratic decline is due to political manoeuvres and undue political influence. There is no proper division of power and the executive powers are not controlled by a system of checks and balances.

Lärare och skolbibliotekarie ett udda par som bör dra jämnt. En studie i samarbete på en högstadieskola

This Masters thesis concerns collaboration between teachers and librarians. Three theoretical perspectives, profession, power and legitimacy, are used to analyse the results of written interviews with eight teachers and one librarian at a comprehensive school. We did not find evidence of any deeper collaboration between teachers and the librarian. The effects of profession had little impact on the relation although the involved parties seemed to appreciate differences in education and points of view. The teacher retains power over education and grades while the librarian holds sway over the physical library and the purchase of books and other media.

Litteraturhistoria i Gymnasiet : En undersökning över hur nationalitet skapas i läromedel och hur det förhåller sig till läroplanen för Svenska i gymnasiet

This essay discusses the problem of literary history in the Swedish school system. The aim of the essay is to discuss whether the textbook, Den Levande litteraturen, in literary history for Swedish high school students measures up to the demands of the curriculum in terms of obtaining knowledge about international literature and the historical and cultural framework that surrounds it. The essay establishes a theoretical framework that is used to distinguish the discourse that permeates the textbook and how it affects the means of sustaining the curriculum and the problems it may create.The textbook is broken down chronologically and analyzed showing quotes that points towards national and orientalistic discourses which in turn are discussed put in relation to the curriculum and the effects that these discourses might have on education in Swedish and literary history.This is in turn problematized with the current theories regarding comparative literary history..

Möjligheter med en skola för alla : En intervjustudie om idrottslärarnas syn på inkludering av elever med funktionsnedsättningar

English is an international and global language that students, regardless of mother tongue, encounter in their everyday lives. In Sweden, students are introduced to English teaching in year 1, 2 or 3, and in some cases, year 4. English teaching can sometimes be problematic when the language of instruction often consists of Swedish, which for second language students becomes a challenge to acquire new skills in a week language.The study aims to examine, with a qualitative study, how pedagogues plan and implements English teaching in first grade with students whose mother tongue are other than Swedish. Further, the aim was to examine how pedagogues say they relate to the fact that second language pupils participating in English lessons and if they think it affects their English teaching.The conclusions is that the pedagogues has probably not been problematized the phenomenon examined and say they do not adapt their teaching. In the interviews reveals information about the teaching method which, in my opinion, indicates that, unconsciously, adapting their teaching when they have second language students.

Hiphop Edu(N)ation : En kvalitativ studie om relationen mellan skapandet av hiphopmusik och ungdomars socialisation samt identitet

The aim of this study is to explore hiphop music as an aspect of youth socialization and the relationship between music creation and identity. The study is conducted through five semi- structured qualitative individual interviews. Our theoretical starting points are Putnam?s (2000) bridging and bonding social capital symbolic interactionism. We also have used a model of learning presented by Fornäs, Lindberg and Sernhedes (1989).

Beaktandet av regionala utvecklingsmål i kommunala översiktsplaner : - En studie av situationen i Västerbottens län

AbstractThis study aims to describe and analyze how the 15 municipalities of Västerbotten County consider regional targets of development in their comprehensive plans. The study also investigate if there´s any need of improvements for the consideration of regional targets in comprehensive planning.This paper is based on studies of comprehensive plans in Västerbotten County and on three interviews with employers of different municipalities in the county. An thematic analysis were used to analyze documents and interviews.The result shows that a new comprehensive plan generally takes more consideration to regional targets of development than older plans. The consideration varies a lot between the municipalities of Västerbotten County and it can be explained by many reasons. The informant?s points out that lack of resources- and competence plus a deficient dialog between municipalities and regional organizations are the mainly causes.Keywords; regional development, comprehensive planning, strategy for regional development, regional development program, land-use planning.

Professionell kultur i grundskolan : En studie om Skapande skola i Värmland

Formal writing is an essential part of teaching Swedish and is fundamental for higher education and professional career. The aim of my essay is to research what didactic methods Swedish teachers utilizes in upper secondary school to improve students' abilities to write formal texts. I will also examine students? project papers in an attempt to measure the extent of formal word choice.  In the presentation of the literature I decided to use, for example, Per Olov Svedner?s perspective on writing as a process, Siv Strömquist?s manuals for essay writing and various literature regarding linguistic correctness and essay layout. Interviews with three upper secondary school teachers reveals that active feedback is a basis for students development regarding formal writing in both school and professional career.

Det emotionella valet - ett alternativ och komplement till rationaliteten

The purpose of this thesis is to evaluate and develop a useful theory of human behavior that recognizes the importance of our emotions. The new framework, called the theory of emotional choice, is developed by a holistic method in which results from the fields of psychology, sociology and (neuro-) biology are used to mutually support the conclusions. The theory is distilled into six preliminary points, which are based on the finding that we are not thinking as logical, rational and longsighted as is often assumed. Instead the regular human thinking is suggested to be shortsighted, intuitive and ruled by our emotions and our needs for generality, causality and normality.To demonstrate the usefulness of the new framework, it is used in an analysis of financial bubbles. Additionally, the fields of negotiation, election and ethics are suggested as potentially interesting to analyze with the new theory..

Social förändring under svenskt 1800-tal : Några båtsmän i södra Ångermanland och deras familjer

This thesis analyzes the media debates generated by the election of Omar Mustafa to the board of the social democratic party, and the appointment of the conservative Minister of Labour, Elisabeth Svantesson. More specifically, the aim is to analyze newspaper material through a discourse analyze, to see if and how religious affiliation effects the possibilities to act as a political representative. Theories of othering and intersectionality serve as theoretical points of departure. Further, chains of equivalence from Laclau and Mouffe?s discourse theory are used to study how categories as ?us? and ?the other? are constructed in the material, and how these processes of categorization relate to the intersection of religion, gender and ethnicity.

Ungdomar och social integration i Malmö: En kvantitativ och kvalitativ studie om ungdomars upplevelser av och syn på social integration i deras vardag

This paper examines, through questionnaire, how young students in upper secondary school in Malmo experience social integration. It also contain what they think should be done in order to improve the integration between youth that are ethnic Swedish and youth that have a foreign background. To understand the subject we started with a review over Swedish integration politic and its influence over Malmo and social integration in the country. We have used such theoretical starting points as identity and ethnicity in relations to the social surroundings, social affinity theory and flexible mindedness, making of groups among youth and factors to promote social integration. Our conclusion is that the experience of social integration between the two groups depends on how you experience yourself.

Kan man tala om en norm utan att befästa den? : En diskursanalys i hur homosexualitet behandlas i läromedel riktade till skolans senare år.

The purpose of this essay has been to investigate the research and national initiatives regarding film and Cineliteracy in the Swedish curriculum.The results show that, after all research, national initiatives and the continual clarification from the Swedish National Agency for Education concerning film's place in the Swedish subject, the vision of students cineliteracy not at all obtain an obvious place in the curriculum.The research points out the main causes behind this result to be teachers' lack of expertise and the fact that the formal education for future teachers in the subject still upholds traditional views on the subject of Swedish.The initiative presented in this essay also show lack of continuity, lack of adequate professional development opportunities for teachers and lack of practical guidance manuals to help teachers to develop and educate their pupils in line with current research and visions. .

Kan man läsa film? : en studie av svensklärares attityd till spelfilm i undervisningen

This thesis aims to examine how teachers who teach the Swedish subject, uses film in their education. The survey was given to 30 of these teachers in Nykoping, half which are working in junior high schools, and half which are working in high schools. One importantcondition to this works implementation, is the existence of the widen text concept that points to that all media is a concept that can be read and analysed. This is the attitude that The National Agency for Education aims at in different govern documents. The National Agency for education also request teachers to give the students tools to the media literacy that the society demands.

Kärnfamiljens status : En studie om kärnfamiljens status som ideal och norm i familjerättssekreterares arbete med familjer

In Nuclear family as status Dennis Wijk examines if and how the nuclear family ideals and norms permeates family law secretaries work with families. The aim of the study is to investigate if the nuclear family has the status of ideals and norms in the family law secretaries practice. In order to achieve the aim of conducted four interviews with family law secretaries in Stockholm city. The interviews have been the main data collection. Theoretical concepts which are central in the study are: the nuclear family, institution, ideals, standards, and established and outsiders.

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