

6169 Uppsatser om Tri-valent design - Sida 23 av 412

Landskapsarkitektur och hållbar design : förhållningssätt, tillämpning och värdering

Hållbarhet är ett begrepp som varje landskapsarkitekt ofrånkomligen tvingas att förhålla sig till. Frågan för denna kandidatuppsats är på vilket sätt det görs. Målet är att undersöka landskapsarkitektens förhållande till och tillämpning av hållbarhet och hållbar design, för att på så sätt bidra till att lyfta en diskussion kring vilken roll landskapsarkitekten spelar inom arbetet för att skapa ett mer hållbart samhälle. Genom granskning och analys av litteratur samt genom en intervju ämnar uppsatsen svara på tre huvudsakliga frågeställningar: den första handlar om begreppet hållbarhet, om hur det uppstått och hur det används inom landskapsarkitekturen; den andra frågeställningen gäller tillämpningen av hållbar design; och den tredje rör värdering och analys av hållbar landskapsarkitektur. I uppsatsen undersöks och beskrivs både metoder för att uppnå hållbarhet, hållbarheten som färdig produkt, samt inställningen inom landskapsarkitekturen till hållbarhet och hållbar design i stort. Resultatet visar på ett komplicerat förhållande, ofta speglat i hållbarhetsbegreppets komplexitet, vilket också i stor utsträckning påverkar tillämpningen av hållbar design inom landskapsarkitekturen och metoder för värdering och analys av hållbarhet. Själva komplexiteten framträder genom uppsatsen som en drivande kraft och öppnar för en fortsatt diskussion kring både utmaningar och möjligheter med tillämpning av hållbar landskapsarkitektur i framtiden..

En studie i informationsgrafik : Designstrategier och principer för det animerade formatet

In the media richness of everyday life, the encounter with information graphics ishappening on a daily basis, whether we are aware or not. With the development andeasy access of technologies, new ways to create and display information graphics hasemerged. Among them, the animated information graphics, which in the few pastyears appears to have increased in popularity on video sharing websites such asVimeo and Youtube. In the genre of animated information graphics, there seems to bean inherent diversity regarding the design characteristics. In this study we exploredliterature and research on information graphics and related subjects.

Sitta Förvara Belysa. En möbelkollektion

The purpose of the project was to design a furniture collection that can be packed in flatpackages and be assambled by the buyer. The idea is that the assembling will give the furniturean added value. I have tried to create a collection that is easy to produce so that the productwill be cheap for the consumer.The collections aestethic is inspired by Gothenburgs harbour The wide and bearing elementsof the furniture has set much of its expression.Joints has been highlighted details instead of being hidden..

Att övervinna konventionellt tänkande ? en studie av erfarenhetsåterföring och kommunikation mellan kalkylavdelningoch produktion i ett entreprenadföretag

This report describes how the process has evolved during the creation of a new web page forthe company Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC. The design methods that have been used aredescribed and also how parts of the webpage have been created by using the design methodresults. Our reflections around design and functionality are explained and how usability hasbeen our main focus during the master thesis. We also describe how it has been to work withan external costumer and how the tasks constantly have changed and been added as theprocess has continued.The background to this work is that AB Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC need to improve theircurrent web page. This to give the clients better needed information about destinations, butalso to stand out in the competitive travel business.

Cirkulationsplatser ? estetik och design :

The purpose with this final thesis has been to study the aesthetics and design of roundabouts and to ascertain important factors that influence the experience of them. The investigation was carried out through literature-, field studies and interviews with persons that in different ways have participated in the formation of roundabouts. Furthermore, six roundabouts have been explored in more depth so that the survey would get a more practical link. These six roundabouts all occur in the rim of a city and do thereby have an important role as a gateway. The environments in such contexts are often complex which adds additional difficulty in achieving a visually appealing design, especially when taking into account the usually high traffic intensity.

Användartester inom webbutveckling : Är användartester nödvändigt vid utveckling av webbplatser?

The aim of this study is to get a deeper understanding about user tests as well as answer the question about if testing for users is necessary at all times. I've done a comparison between what the literature says, and what a company says, about testing. The tests that's been in focus in this study is prototyping and card sorting tests. Prototyping aims to give the developer feedback about the design and check if there are any obvious problems with the design. A card sorting test can be used to get input about how information architecture should be constructed.

PRESS / PLAY. Ett studium av övergivna format och metoder för flerfaldigande genom grafisk produktion för musikdistributören Kyrkvägen Kassett

The purpose in this Bachelor degree project has been to create a visual identity and to design a compilation cassette for the small music distributor Kyrkvägen Kassett. My way of approaching the task has been to draw parallells between the cassette as an obsolete music format and more or less abandoned or anachronistic formats, materials and printing methods in the graphic design area. The result is a visual identity that is built upon materials and methods of production rather than specific visual elements. The work is to be seen as a tribute to the small non-profit producers of music and graphic design. As often done in the DIY movement, I chose to consider my lack of practical knowledge in these fields not as an encumbrance but as an asset and an incentive.

Mobilt slakteri för lamm

The essay is written at the request of Nyköping municipality park management by PatRadestedt who wanted a design proposal for one of the five courtyards at the Tessin Schoolin Nyköping. The Tessin School is located 2 miles from the center of Nyköping and the schoolhouses approximately 900 students. To make a design proposal for the courtyard that lies atthe canteen I decided from the outset that I wanted to take some of the Tessin SchoolStudents' opinions and wishes regarding their own outdoor spaces. I had a workshop witheight students from the arts program with the image orientation in which they had to drawand tell them what they wanted to do in the courtyard. The outcome of the workshop, Iused to move forward in my future work with a concept that fit into the environment, wethen apply it in my final design proposal.

Laserinkopplingselement För XFEL Laser Heater : Från Idé Till Färdig Produkt I Designstadie

Uppsala University is involved in a large international collaborationto build the Laser heater system for the European Xray Free-electronlaser in Hamburg, Germany. In this thesis I describe a laser incouplingdevice into the vacuum chamber of this laser heater all the way fromthe specifications to a completed design.The laser heater is a very important part of the XFEL and thepart described here is a part of the vacuum system needed to couplean external laser into the electron vacuum system and align it withthe electron bunches in order to heat them. The task was started by studying the literature about the basic theory andthe design of vacuum systems. After this study and collection of ideaswith colleagues I started to prepare different concepts to solve thetask. The ideas can be put into two categories, in one case the couplingmirror is located inside the vacuum chamber and in the second caseoutside.

Design av Riskdatabas : En studie för effektivare hantering av risker

Risk management is a key competency that is constantly being researched how it can be improved within project management. The risk management process consists of four major steps: identify risks, assess the risks? significance on the project, evaluate and address the key risks and follow up.The majority of companies seem to neglect certain identified risks, and decide not to mitigate if the risk does not cause adverse effects to the business. To counteract undesirable consequences and help organisations to become more effective at managing risks an initial work has been conducted for a risk repository.The project develops a proposal on the design of a risk repository which aim to effectively support a database implementation. The study includes literature studies which resulted in a relational model for database implementation.

Design och tillverkning av en stereoanläggning med aktivt delningsfilter

This thesis is the result of the author?s interest in music and electronics, namely the design and manufacturing of a stereo sound system with an active crossover. In short it can be stated that an active crossover has many advantages over its traditional passive counterpart. The active design naturally results in a more complex system comprised of a multiple number of components. This report deals with the theoretical aspects of preamplifiers, crossovers and power amplifiers as well as power supply and control.

Röstförmedlingen : Att skapa en kreativ designlösning till ett nytt företag

It becomes increasingly more important that, as a new buisness, both to be seen and heard in an increasingly harder competition situation where the range of similar products and services increase. It requires a well planned and well thought visual profile to succesfully stand out on the market. To give a good impression, this profile should be both distinct and aesthetically appealing. In the making of a new profile it requires creativity to succesfully think in new directions and to separate from the competition.This practical report presents the production process for a designsolution to the new website Röstförmedlingen (Voice agency), a commission from the production and commercial bureau Bartos media. The task in this project was to create a graphic profile and a lofi-prototype that would represent Röstförmedlingen as a buissness.

Horisontell skjuvkapacitet mellan plattbärlag och pågjutning i pelardäck. FE-simuleringar i 3-D och jämförelse mellan beräkningsmetoder

This report describes how the process has evolved during the creation of a new web page forthe company Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC. The design methods that have been used aredescribed and also how parts of the webpage have been created by using the design methodresults. Our reflections around design and functionality are explained and how usability hasbeen our main focus during the master thesis. We also describe how it has been to work withan external costumer and how the tasks constantly have changed and been added as theprocess has continued.The background to this work is that AB Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC need to improve theircurrent web page. This to give the clients better needed information about destinations, butalso to stand out in the competitive travel business.

Digital Storytelling

The purpose of this paper is to analyze and map out the cyber culture of the Internet and its all users, identity, design theories and services. How people communicate and how they build up their identities are some of the baselines. I will also discuss the important aspects of Interaction design and how this can be used in a Community for digital storytelling. The Internet, or new media, was founded in the 60?s by some great philosophers (McLuhan, Rheingold, Lambert and more). With influence from their books I will discuss and analyze what kind of media the Internet is and how it can be seen as extensions to our senses, as McLuhan claims.


Transportbranschen kan beskrivas som samhällets blodomlopp och vi är alla beroende av dess tjänster i vårt dagliga liv. Men denna bransch står inför stora utmaningar. Konkurrensen har drivits så långt att vissa aktörer bryter mot lagar och utnyttjar lågavlönad personal. Vilka är konsekvenserna av denna situation? Och vad kan man göra för att vända på denna trend? Sebastian Brännvall har utforskat hur man kan förpacka information så att denna sticker ut och väcker intresse hos en bredare massa.

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