

6169 Uppsatser om Tri-valent design - Sida 22 av 412

Applikationsutveckling i Responsive Web Design

Responsive Web Design (RWD) har på kort tid gått från ett koncept till en av de största trenderna inomwebbutveckling. Det är nästan underförstått idag att nya webbsidor ska vara i RWD. Trots det är inte RWD detsjälvklara alternativet som löser alla problem dagens utvecklare står inför när det gäller den stora floran av surfandeenheter.I examensarbetet djupdyker vi i tekniken, både praktiskt och teoretiskt, för att kunna dra slutsatser om RWDs styrkoroch svagheter. Detta åstadkoms genom att ta fram en applikationsplattform och en första applikation(semesterplanering) åt konsultföretaget Sigma AB, där ett av grundkraven var att det vi utvecklade skulle kunnaanvändas varsomhelst.Utifrån våra resultat lämnas rekommendationer på när RWD är alternativet att satsa på och när det behöverkompletteras av andra tekniker, så som Native- eller HTML5 applikationer..

Gymnasieskolans utemiljö ur ettelevperspektiv

The essay is written at the request of Nyköping municipality park management by PatRadestedt who wanted a design proposal for one of the five courtyards at the Tessin Schoolin Nyköping. The Tessin School is located 2 miles from the center of Nyköping and the schoolhouses approximately 900 students. To make a design proposal for the courtyard that lies atthe canteen I decided from the outset that I wanted to take some of the Tessin SchoolStudents' opinions and wishes regarding their own outdoor spaces. I had a workshop witheight students from the arts program with the image orientation in which they had to drawand tell them what they wanted to do in the courtyard. The outcome of the workshop, Iused to move forward in my future work with a concept that fit into the environment, wethen apply it in my final design proposal.

Design Program for Dessie Campus, Wollo University, Ethiopia

A geographical position and its social, cultural and political context as well as climate and specific physical characteristics define the scope for a landscape design project. This has become clearer for us in our master project where we have made a Design Program for the outdoor environment of Wollo University in Dessie, Ethiopia and analysed and reflected on the work and process. The aim for the project has been to design an attractive and functional outdoor environment for the Campus, based on the inventories and the needs and wishes of clients and users. But, the aim has also been for us as landscape architect students to gain a greater knowledge about landscape architecture and the design process by position ourselves outside our usual context. The method has been open and seeking where the site, literature studies, dialogues with people and our own experiences from the field study in Ethiopia has influenced the work. Wollo University is situated 400 kilometers north of Addis Ababa, in a mountainous landscape. It faces problems of heavy rainfall during the summer, soil erosion, a lack of essential facilities, and is still a construction site with empty spaces in-between buildings and infrastructure.

Deco Retro : Designprocessen för att skapa ett varumärke

Denna rapport redogör för skapandet av varumärket Deco Retro. Samt den tillhörandedesignprocessen för att skapa en visuell identitet och profil för varumärket. VarumärketDeco Retro togs fram som ett undervarumärke till Kitsch Sweden AB som behövde ettvarumärke som passade deras nuvarande och framtida produkter. Deco Retro ska bidra meden stärkt identitet och värde för de produkter som ska säljas under varumärket. Designarbetetkring varumärket strävade framförallt efter att kommunicera den idé, identitet och de värdensom under projektet tagits fram för varumärket, samtidigt som det ska ha bidragit med enestetiskt tilltalande grafisk design.

Beredning av lokalnät i landsbygd

In this thesis a rural network in Norrbotten, Sweden, has been to designed and planned with the purpose of improving distribution reliability by exchanging existing overhead lines with underground cables. General network design considerations are discussed as well as the ones for the specific low voltage grid. During the design phase the maximum power of domestic consumers has been estimated using Velander?s method. Currents, voltage drop and impedance of the network have been calculated and fuse operation and selectivity has been considered.


This master thesis is about designing and dimensioning a boat for transport of caravan, car, trailer or ATV. Buoyancy and stability are important properties as the pontoonboat should also be able to serve as a workboat. Many of the vessels on the market today that is being used for similar purpose are stable enough, but their hull is often similar with barges and thus too slow. This work has been to construct a boat that has good stability but also has a hull that enables it to move faster, is more maneuverable and having a more attracting design than today?s barges.

Från student till anställd. En studie av mötet mellan nyutexaminerade och företag

This report describes how the process has evolved during the creation of a new web page forthe company Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC. The design methods that have been used aredescribed and also how parts of the webpage have been created by using the design methodresults. Our reflections around design and functionality are explained and how usability hasbeen our main focus during the master thesis. We also describe how it has been to work withan external costumer and how the tasks constantly have changed and been added as theprocess has continued.The background to this work is that AB Scandinavian Travel Agent DMC need to improve theircurrent web page. This to give the clients better needed information about destinations, butalso to stand out in the competitive travel business.

Spelimmersion & död : En undersökning av hur spelupplevelse och immersion påverkas av döden i nätbaserade multiplayerspel

Immersion is a construct that measures how deeply engrossed a user is with any mediated situation. In the field of game design, immersion is a significant aspect of what makes a game enticing, and as such it is of pivotal importance to create and maintain it to keep the player's mind off the real world while inside the confines of a game framework. According to the GameFlow theory, it is one of seven key tenets of evaluating and implementing a successful game design. Yet, certain multiplayer online games are designed in a fashion that in some cases seem to break immersion, where the player is frequently put out of action, sometimes for minutes on end. In this study, using online questionnaires, we discover that players, despite claims otherwise, seem to be in several ways affected negatively by this breaking of immersion.

Analys och förbättringsförslag för riktkopplardesign

Ericsson develops a new stripline directional coupler. Its design is described in appendix B and differs from the directional couplers Ericsson uses in current products. The new directional coupler will be used for transmission power measurement in future UMTS 3G base stations.The most important parts of directional coupler theory are presented. It is necessary to study this theory to understand how the coupler works and how it should be designed to get good performance.Optimal directional coupler termination component values to get high directivity and broad directivity bandwidth have been investigated.The trim screws trim ranges have been studied.A simple analysis of serial production performance when termination component tolerances are taken into consideration has been done.The resistance components reactive (inductive/capacitive) characteristics at 2.14 GHz have been analyzed.The directivity performance limitations of the directional coupler, when Ericsson?s band pass filter is connected, are investigated.Design changes leading to better performance are proposed.

Tro och Vetenskap : Intelligent Design på Newsmill 2010-2012

Syftet med denna uppsats är att analysera debatten som tog plats på hemsida Newsmill åren 2010och 2012 om intelligent design. Fokusen i själva textanalysen är en argumentationsanalys somtillsammans med kritisk diskursanalys skall utröna och förstå den maktförskjutning som går attfinna inom diskursen. Den kritiska diskursanalysen är byggd på Norman Fairclough. Analysen ärordnad kronologiskt och innefattar tjugotre artiklar allt som allt.Fokus i själva analysen ligger i att utröna och förstå hur debattörerna ställer sig till religion ochvetenskap i deras argumentation kring intelligent design. Här går att finna hur religion ofta förs insom begrepp i relation till personers emotionella agerande och överlag blir religion en belastning fördebattörerna.

Business Navigator : Anva?ndarcentrerad utveckling av framtidens internetbank

This thesis deals with an iterative user-centered IT-development project in a bank setting. The aim is to present a solution for deployment of future Internet banking for small businesses. The project features a design of IT-related concepts and ideas with a strong emphasis on scenario-based design and the usage of patterns as a documentation tool.The project plan featured an iterative framework and was carried out by a group of designers in collaboration with a reference group representing the future users of the system. This group consisted of company managers and bank employees, all from the small town of Åtvidaberg in Sweden.The method used in the development process was Scrum. A total of three sprints were completed with user meetings at the end of every sprint.

Hållbara projekteringsverktyg : Från byggnadsinformationsmodell till simulering ? en utvärdering av Revit och Virtual Environment

This study examines the use of building modeling and energy simulations in the design process  of  a  building.  The  take-off  point  is  the  notion  of  energy  simulations  being needed early and throughout the building design process, and that the lack of energy simulations may be explained by the fact that they are time consuming and therefore often too expensive. A greater interoperability between software tools used by relevant disciplines,  such  as  the  architect  and  the  energy  specialist,  would  create  smoother workflows, which would reduce this cost and open up for more frequent and iterative energy  simulation  processes.  The  study  is  an  assessment  of  the  modeling  tool  Revit and  the  simulation  tool  Virtual  Environment  and  whether  they  can  create  smoother workflows, and make leeway for a more frequent use of energy simulations throughout the  design  process.  It  also  investigates  the  limitations  of  what  can  be  examined  by simulations in Virtual Environment. This will hopefully help clarify the future role of energy  simulations  in  design  processes.  The  method  is  a  trial  by  error  approach  of testing the two software tools by building and simulating a model. The results of these tests  show  that  the  workflow  is  not  optimal  (and  therefore  time  consuming)  for frequent  and  iterative simulations  throughout the  design  process,  but  it  also  reveals some  great  possibilities  of  what  can  be  performed  with  these  two  powerful  tools  at hand.  Further  development  with  regards  on  platform  independency  of  the  building information  model,  including  seamless  exporting  and  importing,  seems  necessary  to strengthen the future role of energy simulations..

Elektriskt system för detektion vid ballistiskt prov

The purpose of this thesis was to design an electrical system for use in a ballistic test at the Swedish National laboratory of forensic science (SKL). The detector unit would use four main parts: coilsystem, transmitter, reciever and indicator. The coilsystem would be based on a balanced system using three coils. One that creates a magneticfield and the other two will sense the differences when a metallobject is in the coilsystem. This report starts out by investigating possible solutions for this specific task followed by a description of the physics that the metaldetector use.

Produktutveckling för Cate & Nelson Design : Framtagning av möbel

Denna rapport behandlar examensarbete utfört för industridesignföretaget Cate & Nelson Design. Företaget ligger i Eskilstuna och jobbar i huvudsakligen med möbeldesign och inredningsprodukter. Projektgruppensuppgift har varit att ta fram en ny möbel för företaget och arbetet har omfattat utveckling av hela produkten från idé till prototyp..

Läsflöde eller läsmöda? : Ett arbete om hur la?sning pa?verkas (och inte pa?verkas) av olika element pa? en webbplats fo?rstasida.

The purpose of this project was to find out how reading is affected, and not affected, by different elements on a start page. The site I was studied belongs to the magazine Fitness Magazine, and the current site has a problem. The editorial texts and articles don?t reach out to the visitors. The goal was to make a proposal for a new first page of the web site that highlights the texts and the reading.With the help of interviews, user testing and textual analysis, I studied if the texts were in itself that caused the problem or if it was the design.

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