

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 50 av 88

Frysa livsmedelsrester eller kassera dem för biogasproduktion : En studie, ur livscykelperspektiv, av energianvändning och växthusgasutsläpp

Food is widely consumed and in 2011 an average American devoured approximately one ton of food. The production of these goods requires large amounts of energy and contributes to 22-31 % of all greenhouse gas emissions occurring in Europe. More than one third of the produced food is discarded instead of consumed, and food waste make up about 30 % of the waste generated by households. 60 % of this food waste could be avoided if the eatables were handled in a better way.Avoidable food waste arises partly because residues from food are not taken care of, and because the food is not stored in a way that optimise its durability. Residues arises part- ly because of the contradictory and complex demands of everyday life and are, because of our busy lifestyle, difficult to avoid.

Fysisk aktivitet som fallprevention i särskilt boende - en litteraturstudie

Our population are ageing. As this happens more people will be in need of long term care facilities. We now know that some elderly people with certain background factors are more likely to be injured or sick. One of the four biggest background factors is fall propensity. Most of the reported falls come from long term care facilities, approximately 60 % of the care takers in long term care facilities fall one time or more each year.

Överföring av radiocesium till potatis vid olika nedfallstidpunkter :

Agricultural land could be polluted by radioactive substances after a fallout. We would then need information about the level of contamination to decide whether the crops could be utilized as food under these circumstances. In an experiment carried out during the 1990ies the retention of 134Cs in potato haulm and the transfer to the tubers were studied. The experiment was carried out during three consecutive years. The plants were cultivated in pots under field conditions and the artificial deposition was sprayed directly onto the potato haulm at different times during the growing season.

Förbättringsarbete och avvikelsehantering för ökad tjänstekvalitet hosSCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning

On a highly competitive market, quality is an important aspect to take into account, both in terms of goods and services. The Swedish timber market is very competitive and to achieve long-term success focus on the customer, in this case private forest owners, is a prerequisite. SCA Skog AB Jämtlands forest management administration is dependent on the acquisition of timber from private forest owners to fulfil their mission to the supply of SCA's paper and sawmills in Sweden with raw material. To be able to develop the cooperation with private forest owners, the administration investigates their quality management by measuring the customer satisfaction index (CSI). The purpose of the study was to identify a practical and systematic method to handle deviations and suggestions for improvements to achieve a higher customer satisfaction.

Partneringupphandling inom anläggningssektorn : Kommunernas intresse i Mälardalen

Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Effekter av evenemang för lokala företag : En fallstudie av Skidskytte-VM i Östersund 2008

Evenemang är för många nationer och orter idag ett prioriterat område. I Sverige anses evenemang vara ett viktigt utvecklingsområde och en möjlig tillväxtgenerator för turismnäringen. Hur evenemang påverkar lokalsamhället och vilka effekter de får för det lokala näringslivet på en arrangörsort är områden där det behövs mer kunskap. Detta för att skapa rimliga förväntningar på evenemangets effekter och för att veta vilken nytta ett evenemang egentligen har för lokala företag. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka effekter av evenemang för lokala företag.

Grovkrossning av stubbar : en produktivitetsstudie

The Swedish parliament has decided that Sweden should increase its usage of renewable fuel sources to a level of 50% of the total energy consumption in Sweden by the year 2020. One way to reach that goal may be to increase the usage of stumps as a bio-fuel. In Sweden stump harvesting is possible on about 5-10% of the total harvested area and thus contribute with 1,3 - 2,6 TWh per year. An increase stump harvest doesn't come without its drawbacks for the environment. When harvesting stumps a tracked excavator is used to pry the stumps from the ground and then cut the stumps into smaller pieces.

Moibl interaktion i kollektivtrafik

In this paper we take a look at digital applications to help the user with public transportation. The main goal was to evaluate the problem a user can face when aiming to use the public transportation system, and to create a application for Apple Iphone that can enhance and help the user, no matter if he is familiar with the local public transportation system, or if he is less familiar with it. The aim was that the user wouldnt need any previous knowledge to be able to use our application. We combined Location-Based Services with Realtime-travelinformation and trip planning to examine if this combination could make both of the two different user-groups satisfied. To understand the problematics a user faces when approaching the public transportation-scene, Scenario-Based Design is evaluated as a method to grasp this problem.

Optimal inkalvningsålder för rekryteringskvigor till mjölkproduktion : relaterat till data ifrån egen besättning

Heifer?s growth may be divided into three main phases: calf period, puberty and pregnancy. When the heifers are about three months old a critical period begins. This period ends when the heifer reach puberty and have her first oestrus at around 9-12 months of age. In the critical period the mammary gland starts to grow at a fast rate and Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) transport the growth signals to the mammary glands.

E-Handeln i Sverige : En studie om den offentliga statistikens möjligheter inom svensk e-handel

The Internet has developed into a marketplace for national and international companies. With relatively small means, a company can reach out to millions of people on a daily basis by placing itself on the Internet. With this report, we wish to suggest how e-businesses can change its strategy to adapt to the new market. Focus is on the Swedish Internet market where Swedes, resident in Sweden, trades with Swedish e-companies active within the Swedish borders. To be able to make suggestions, we will first paint a picture of the Swedish e-commerce market from statistics collected from public sources.

Utmaningar och hinder i gränsöverskridande transportinfrastrukturplanering : En studie av TEN-T med Nordiska triangeln som exempel

Flera saknade länkar i Europas transportnät definierades på mitten av 1980-talet som nödvändiga att bygga för att bidra till att uppnå de EU-politiska målen om fri rörlighet inom gemenskapen, större och jämnare transportflöden inom och mellan medlemsstaterna, ekonomisk tillväxt, en friktionsfri och välfungerande inre marknad, hållbar utveckling samt territoriell, social och ekonomisk sammanhållning.EU och medlemsstaterna initierade mot denna bakgrund transportinfrastrukturprogrammet "Trans-European Networks for Transport", eller det transeuropeiska transportnätverket (TEN-T) på svenska, som en följd av Maastrichtfördraget 1992.I Norden ska den s.k. Nordiska triangeln, som både har pekats ut som ett särskilt prioriterat transportinfrastrukturprojekt i de nu gällande och sannolikt inom kort i de nya EU-riktlinjerna för TEN-T, bidra till att uppnå de ovanstående politiska målen. Syftet med projektet är att sammanbinda Norge, Sverige, Danmark och Finland via uppgraderade och gränsöverskridande vägar, järnvägar och maritim infrastruktur. Förutom att projektet anses förbättra förbindelserna för gods och passagerare inom Norden, skapas bättre möjligheter för större och snabbare transportflöden till och från Centraleuropa, Ryssland och de baltiska länderna.Det västra benet i den Nordiska triangeln, dvs. korridoren Oslo-Göteborg-Köpenhamn, har varit föremål för diskussion sedan 1980-talet då en högklassig motorväg, järnväg samt en fast förbindelse över eller under Öresund och Fehmarn Bält föreslogs av "European Round Table of Industrialists".Syftet med infrastrukturpaketet var att förbättra transportinfrastrukturen inom korridoren samt få en fast förbindelse till kontinenten.

Alternativa drivmedel i den svenska vägtrafiken år 2030 : En utvärdering av den svenska regeringens målbilder

The Swedish government has set up the overall goal that no net emissions of greenhouse gases can occur after 2050. A sub-target has been developed for road transports which states that the use of fossil fuels must be reduced with 80% to 2030 in order to be completely abolished to 2050. A public inquiry mapping how this can be achieved was handed in to the government late in 2013. The use of alternative fuels for road transport, both biofuels and electricity, is expected to give the biggest contribution to the reduction of the use of fossil fuels. The inquiry sets up a number of goals for how much the use of alternative fuels must increase to 2030 in order to reach the overall goal and which instruments that are needed in order to do so.The aim of this thesis is to evaluate how these goals can be reached and what the most likely obstacles that may hinder the reaching of these goals may be.

Ökad effektivitet inom svensk sågverksindustri - Kan ?One-stop shop? effektivisera det logistiska flödet?

Sågverksindustrins logistikkostnader är idag höga och utgör närmare en fjärdedel avslutpriset på produkten. Branschen möter nu konkurrens från andra delar av Europa ochkunderna ställer samtidigt högre krav på snabbare och mer flexibla leveranser. I Varberggörs sedan hösten 2009 en stor satsning för att effektivisera logistikflödet inom branschenför sågade trävaror vilket har resulterat i ett koncept som sedan 2011 går under namnetTimberbridge.Med utgångspunkt i de höga logistikkostnaderna inom sågverksindustrin är studiens syfteatt studera om samarbete mellan företag kan effektivisera sågverkens transport-ochlogistikupplägg från sågverk till kund. För att utreda detta genomfördes inledningsvis endjupintervju med en representant från Port of Varberg för att få relevantbakgrundsinformation. Dessutom har tidigare forskning inom olika teoretiska områdenstuderats och har sedan kombinerats med empirisk data från en undersökning i form avtelefonintervjuer med 29 svenska sågverk.Det insamlade datamaterialet har sedan analyserats och resultatet visar att Timberbridgehar goda förutsättningar för att bli en etablerad leverantör för svenska sågverk.

Stadskyrkogårdar : socialt hållbar stadsutveckling

This master thesis is a study of how city cemeteries can be used and contributes to a socially sustainable urban development. Today sustainable development and sustainable urban development is something that more or less every organization is working with. Therefore it is also relevant to integrate our cemeteries in this work so that they can become a part of the sustainable urban development process.The thesis gives a basic understanding of sustainability as a concept and also defines socially sustainable (urban) development. The work then immerse itself in various types of park structures and how the relationship between the human individual and the public space work, to satisfy the needs that different people have.The literature study that has been made is also the base for the design of the walking interview that has been made for the two city cemeteries. The cemeteries that where studied where the Assistens cemetery in Copenhagen and the Eastern cemetery in Gothenburg.

This is the era of the personal brand : En studie om betydelsen av det personliga varumärket i professionella sammanhang i dagens samhälle

Authors: Phia Bergdahl & Karin TydénTitle: This is the era of the personal brand ? a study about the role of a personal brand in a professional context in modern societyLevel: BA Thesis in Media and Communication StudiesLocation: Linnaeus UniversityLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 54Background In pursuit of being unique and stand out, it has become fashionable to market yourself as a personal brand. According to some experts on the subject, this has become a necessity for survival in the tough competition about the jobs and the customers. With Internet and social media as a natural element in our society, we also have to relate to these channels when it comes to communicating ourselves.Purpose The purpose of this study is to examine the role of the personal brand in a professional context in modern society and to explore Internet involvement in communicating the brand.TheoriesWe have used Bauman?s theory of ?consumer society?, how we live in a society where we are both the consumers and the goods consumed. We have also used Castells?s theory of "network society" and how its growth is changing our culture.

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