

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 49 av 88

Ersättning för markåtkomst avseende tredimensionellt (tunnel) intrång i fastighet

Chapter 1. 1 § jordabalken (1970:994) defines property as land that includes area, which is divided into properties.A three-dimensional property must be firm with a closed volume where top and bottom are specified. The property boundaries are described clearly according to Chapter 4. § 27 fastighetsbildningslagen. A three-dimensional property can undermine a traditional property, as well as a three-dimensional property.

1700-tals köksträdgård möter Varbergs fästning : -en processbeskrivning

Den mest använda definitionen av begreppet hålbar utveckling lyder: ?En hållbar utveckling är en utveckling som tillfredsställer dagens behov utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjligheter att tillfredsställa sina behov?. Definitionen kommer från rapporten ?Vår gemensamma framtid? från 1987. Hållbar utveckling omfattar ekonomiska, ekologiska och sociala aspekter samt samspelet och balansen mellan dem.

Aktivitetsbaserade kontor : En studie kring hur Vasakronan implementerat det aktivitetsbaserade kontoret och arbetssättet

Partnering is a collaboration method where the contractor and the client work together, based on a mutual trust towards each other and with a common goal for the project. The method originates from the United States where it was early adapted by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. It later spread internationally where the United Kingdom and Denmark were early in Europe to see the potential with partnering, to help aid with the issues they were having where construction projects kept running late, going over budget and lacked in quality. By using partnering you can achieve a shorter building time, improved work relationships and enhanced efficiency and cost effectiveness.

Spelutveckling och lansering av applikation till Android

For several years Uppsala University together with several companies has been involved in a WISENET project aimed at improving railway transport security. By placing a sensor system near the wheels of each wagon, the temperature of the bearings can be measured and transmitted to a collector placed centrally on the wagon. This in turn transmits the collected data to RFID receivers placed intermittently along the railway.As the signals are transmitted wirelessly, problems may occur as the antennas get dirty or coated with ice and snow. To determine the effects of these coatings, several tests were performed examining the reflection coefficient S11, the impedance Z11 and the efficiency eta of an antenna, and how they varied when various coatings were placed over the antenna. Examined coatings were ice, snow and water to determine the effects of weather, and various metal-based coatings: powdered iron both pure and partially oxidized, and iron ore granules.

Med 90 år på nacken - en studie av internationella avtalsrättsliga alternativ till den svenska avtalslagen

Denna uppsats syftar till att redogöra för och analysera internationella alternativ till den svenska avtalslagen. I år (2005) var det 90 år sedan den svenska avtalslagen tillkom. Avtalslagen har under årens lopp kompletterats med rättspraxis och doktrin och har därmed utvecklats i takt med samhällsutvecklingen. 1989 ratificerade Sverige United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, härefter kallad CISG, med undantag för del ?? som utgör den avtalsrättsliga delen.

Exosomes as a potential mechanism of intercellular spread of prion protein

Structural rationalizations and regionalization of the agricultural sector in Sweden has lead to unevenness in thedistribution of plant nutrients. Nutrients are lost from crop producing farms as harvest products are sold, whilefarms with animal production often have manure in excess of their needs. In addition to this the retention ofwater and nutrients in naturally occurring wetlands has decreased due to a reduction of wetlands in number andsize in the agricultural landscape. This increases nutrient levels in agricultural run-off and causes eutrophicationas well as nutrient losses from arable soils. One potential solution to both problems would be to store nutrientrichsurface water from agricultural areas and use it for irrigation of agricultural crops.

Undersökning av mental arbetsbelastning under instrumentflygövningar

En människa har en viss mängd kapacitet för att utföra uppgifter. Om uppgifterna blir för svåra eller för många, det vill säga om den mentala arbetsbelastningen blir för hög, går det inte längre att klara av alla uppgifter och prioritering av de viktigaste uppgifterna blir nödvändigt. Piloter behöver ofta ta in och bearbeta en stor mängd information under instrumentflygning. Ofta måste en del av uppgifterna utföras samtidigt och på begränsad tid. Syftet med examensarbetet är att, med hjälp av en subjektiv mätmetod undersöka vilka moment under instrumentflygövningar som medför störst respektive minst mental arbetsbelastning.

Förutsättningar för hantering av kemikalierisker i förskolor : En fallstudie av Haninge kommun

Goods that children come in contact with on a daily basis for example toys, electronics, textiles, household items, have attracted an increased attention in recent years because of a common occurrence of residues of potentially hazardous chemical substances. Some municipalities in Stockholm have developed plans for managing chemical risks and work systematically to phase out products containing hazardous substances. This thesis aims to contribute to an improved knowledge base for any future work with non-toxic nursery schools in Haninge. The study's focus is on the challenges encountered by conditions and problems of preschool personnel to manage chemical risks in early childhood environments. Primary data was collected through a qualitative approach based on semi-structured interviews with both the preschool staff and practitioners working in the central organization of the municipality.

Maskinsäkerhetsstandarder och lönsamhet : Profitability of standardisation and safety of machinery

The composing of new standards in the area of machinery safety is a continuous work which aims at writing standards that works as a tool for companies and enables them to control if the fundamental demands of security and health which is prescribed by law are reached. It is optional for the companies to choose if they want to use the standards. This report is written in cooperation with SIS and the study were performed within the technical committee SIS/TK 282. The report aims to investigating if the companies that choose to use standards see any economic advantages due to this work, how these advantages take form and where they originate. The main question formulation is how the profitability among companies that have adjusted their production to machinery safety standards are affected. The study was performed with an initial literature study which aimed at obtaining knowledge and an overview over the subject as well as investigate what former studies had resulted in.

Experimentell konstruktion av pickupsystem anpassat för trummor med hjälp av MATLAB

For several years Uppsala University together with several companies has been involved in a WISENET project aimed at improving railway transport security. By placing a sensor system near the wheels of each wagon, the temperature of the bearings can be measured and transmitted to a collector placed centrally on the wagon. This in turn transmits the collected data to RFID receivers placed intermittently along the railway.As the signals are transmitted wirelessly, problems may occur as the antennas get dirty or coated with ice and snow. To determine the effects of these coatings, several tests were performed examining the reflection coefficient S11, the impedance Z11 and the efficiency eta of an antenna, and how they varied when various coatings were placed over the antenna. Examined coatings were ice, snow and water to determine the effects of weather, and various metal-based coatings: powdered iron both pure and partially oxidized, and iron ore granules.

Intenssivvårdssjuksköterskors uppfattning om risker vid patienttransporter

Inom intensiwården transporteras ofta svårt sjuka patienter för diagnostik eller behandling. En transport av en sjuk patient innebär alltid en risk för att olika komplikationerkan uppstå. För att främja patientsäkerheten är målet att inte utsätta patienten för risker vilka kanforebyggas bl.a. genom att risker blir kända, analyseras och åtgärdas.  Grunden för säkerhetsarbete är god kännedom om verksamhetens risker.Syftet med studien är att ta reda på vad intensiwårdssjuksköterskor uppfattar som risker vid patienttransporter,samt vad de har for önskemål fÌir optimal patienttransport ur ett patientsäkerhetsperspektiv. En enkät arbetades fram och delades ut på två intensiwårdsavdelningar.

Skadestånd vid otillbörlig inkassoåtgärd : en rättsdogmatisk respektive rättsekonomisk analys

Towards the end of the 1960s, the credit financed purchase was well established in Sweden. The Swedish households were able to purchase goods, which had been considered unnecessary, or even luxurious, in the past. On the other hand, effective means to handle the increasing amount of debt and potential debtors were introduced; credit rating was registered, trade with insecure claims increased and if debtors could not fulfil their obligations, the creditors often used harsh or undue methods. By introducing Inkassolagen (1974:182), the legislator hoped to regulate the debt recovery process and ensure the fair treatment of debtors. The legislator also introduced liability for damages caused by a creditor in the collection process.

Fuktvandring i putsade lättbetong- och tegelfasader : En undersökning om hur fukt vandrar och beter sig mot en putsfasad av två olika material med olika porositeter.

I dagsläget finns en stor mängd byggnader i Sverige där fasaden består av puts direkt anliggande mot antingen lättbetong eller tegel. Dessa fasader kan skapa problem för brukaren p.g.a. fukttransport via putsen direkt in i konstruktionen. Problemen som kan uppstå som följd av dessa konstruktioner är inte bara estetiska utan kan även påverka inomhusmiljön. Syftet med detta arbete var att undersöka om det gick att med ny teknik visa de resultat som framkommit från erfarenheter från praktiskt arbete samt undersöka hur en renovering påverkar de fasader som består av puts direkt mot lättbetong eller tegel.

Förbättringsarbete och avvikelsehantering för ökad tjänstekvalitet hos SCA Skog AB Jämtlands skogsförvaltning :

On a highly competitive market, quality is an important aspect to take into account, both in terms of goods and services. The Swedish timber market is very competitive and to achieve long-term success focus on the customer, in this case private forest owners, is a prerequisite. SCA Skog AB Jämtlands forest management administration is dependent on the acquisition of timber from private forest owners to fulfil their mission to the supply of SCA's paper and sawmills in Sweden with raw material. To be able to develop the cooperation with private forest owners, the administration investigates their quality management by measuring the customer satisfaction index (CSI). The purpose of the study was to identify a practical and systematic method to handle deviations and suggestions for improvements to achieve a higher customer satisfaction.

Den hållbara trädgården : - utifrån kunskaper om hållbar utveckling

Den mest använda definitionen av begreppet hålbar utveckling lyder: ?En hållbar utveckling är en utveckling som tillfredsställer dagens behov utan att äventyra kommande generationers möjligheter att tillfredsställa sina behov?. Definitionen kommer från rapporten ?Vår gemensamma framtid? från 1987. Hållbar utveckling omfattar ekonomiska, ekologiska och sociala aspekter samt samspelet och balansen mellan dem.

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