

1320 Uppsatser om Transport of goods - Sida 20 av 88

Hastighetsbegränsningar i järnvägsanläggningen

En studie om hastighetsbegränsningar i banöverbyggnaden och kontakledningsystemet på Västkustbanan Helingborg - Lund..

Experten eller konsumenten - vem påverkar oss mest? : En kvantitativ studie om skillnaden mellan expert- och konsumentrecensioner i media och på internet

Titel: Experten eller konsumenten ? Vem påverkar oss mest?Nivå: C-uppsats inom företagetsekonomiFörfattare: Mattias Strömberg Bennermo & Johan Öhlund SvenssonHandledare: Akmal HyderDatum: 2015-06-05Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att jämföra expert- och konsumentrecensioner för att se vad som påverkar konsumenten mest inför ett köpbeslut av search goods. För att jämföra dessa har vi valt ut tre variabler för att kunna identifiera likheter och skillnader. Dessa är tillgänglighet, användbarhet och pålitlighet.Metod: För denna studie har vi använt oss av en kvantitativ metod och en surveydesign. Vi har genomfört en enkätundersökning där vi har ställt frågor med bakgrund i vår teori som i sin tur har byggt på vår forskningsfråga och syfte.

Utveckling av differentierade transportersättningar för rundvirskestransporter med lastbil

Approximately 60 million cubic meters of round wood are transported every year with trucks in Sweden and stand for 15 % of all truck transportation in the country. The big amount that is transported results in many haulage companies works in different parts of the country with different conditions to get a good flow on their transports. Today the transport pricing is very general and the payment consists of the unit round wood they are transporting and the distance of the transport. The purpose of this study were, from the freighter and the haulage company?s perspective, try to find ways to change the today applied transport pricing to more differentiated and compare them to historic payment of transportation.

Äldres resande i vardagen - Möjligheter, begränsningar och inställning till hållbara stadsvisioner

Everyday life mobility of elderly people ? opportunities, restrictions and sustainable urban visions aim to examine and describe elderly people?s movement patterns, their opportunities and restrictions of reaching high mobility and accessibility, and their attitude towards various sustainable urban visions. This paper is based on an approach of time-space geography as it covers the topic of movements in time-space, explained and developed using the concepts of mobility and accessibility. To examine elderly people?s attitude towards sustainable urban visions, this paper also takes approach on theories such as New Urbanism, mixed-use and the compact city.The method used in the study is an interweaving of a time geographic diary and qualitative interviews, where the respondents are six retired people between 68 and 77 years old living in Gothenburg city.

Distribution Av Pejlbäringar Över IP-nät

The objective of the thesis is primarily to conform and encode a digital signal to be controlled by software. The idea is to transport today?s tracesignal through the IP-network instead of cable-net. In this report I will suggest a possible solution to get a fully passed result with no peculiar time delay. I will also suggest some ideas for a future work with the new tracesystem..

Beteendeintentioner hos tunneltågförare i Stockholms tunnelbana: en kvantitativ studie av säkerhetskulturen inom Veolia Transport AB

Genom utvecklingen av infrastrukturen i storstadsområdena ställs idag allt större krav på masstransportsystemen som binder samman olika områden. En viktig aspekt är att upprätthålla en god säkerhet samtidigt som persontransporten måste utföras så snabbt och effektivt som möjligt. Detta ställer stora krav på den som utför persontransporter. Syftet med denna studie var att undersöka tunneltågförares attityder och subjektiva normer till säkerhetsarbetet inom Veolia Transport AB, mäta deras beteendeintentioner till säkerhetskulturen och deras upplevda säkerhetsbeteende. Studien utgick från Ajzen & Fishbeins (1975) teori om beteendeintentioner, Reasons (1990) teori om människor och säkerhetskulturer, samt Westrums (1992) karaktäristika om utvärdering av organisationsstrukturer.

Upphovsrätt och mönsterrätt för industriell design inom EU : hur ett icke-harmoniserat område utnyttjas i kommersiella syften

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

Om jämkning av utfyllande lagregler : En analys av skälen bakom Högsta domstolens breda tolkning av 36 § avtalslagen i NJA 2011 s. 67

A group of companies that only recently has caught the attention of Swedish designers, enterprises and media are the so -called "furniture pirates". In Sweden it?s mainly two companies that have ended up in the spotlight. The online stores Ikon M and Designers Revolt are two companies which currently sell replicas of famous Swedish and foreign designers. Although the designs sold are copyright protected in Sweden, and most other European countries, the right holders can only stand by and watch as more or less exact copies are sold for a fraction of the price of the originals.The business model - to exploit the EU?s free movement of goods and the UK's short term of copyright protection in matter of mass-produced art (industrial design) - has proven successful for the companies that practice it.

Utmattning av järnvägsbroar i armerad betong : Enligt eurokoder

Commissioned for this report is Ramboll, Bridge and Tunnel Unit in Stockholm. Theidea throughout the work has been to primarily help bridge designers compilingadvice and instructions on how fatigue verification for railway bridges in reinforcedconcrete shall be performed under the new rules, the Eurocodes.After the introduction of the Eurocodes in 2011 has major problems emerged amongdesigners around Sweden. In some areas, it differs in the calculation rules comparedwith rules from the Swedish Transport Administration and the National Board ofHousing, Building and Planning calculation. Fatigue verification is one area where thenew calculation rules are different from the past.A large part of the report has been to interpret and find the relevant information inthe Eurocodes concerning fatigue. When questions or doubts have surfaced, this hasbeen discussed with Elisabeth Helsing at the Swedish Transport Administration andbridge designers at Ramboll.The result is a report where the structure is organized in the way that the bridgedesigners can move from cover to cover and realize that fatigue verification in realityfollows the same order as the report's sections.

Transporttidsmodellering vid provpumpning i heterogen jord : spårämnesförsök i en isälvsavlagring

When protection zones for wells are delineated, it is important to acquire good knowledge about possible travel time from different points in the catchment area to the well. Often, simple analytical methods are used for estimating travel times and the assumption is made that the hydraulic conductivity is relatively homogenous within the aquifer. Nevertheless, many aquifers are strongly heterogeneous which may lead to differences between estimates and actual travel times. As a part of the process to develop improved methods for delineating protection zones for groundwater supply wells, a tracer experiment was performed in a glaciofluvial esker formation in Järlåsa. On the basis of the experiment, a numerical flow model was created for the test site.The purpose of this master?s thesis was to apply the flow model to an aquifer where the hydraulic conductivity shows great variability and should be described by a stochastic distribution.

Förändring i färdigvarulager och utlastningen av foder efter införande av en ny produktmix : En fallstudie på Lantmännen Agroetanol

This Master thesis was written for Lantmännen Agroetanol in Norrköping concerning the layout of their finished goods inventory and unloading of feed after introducing a new product mix. Lantmännen Agroetanol has two production lines which produces feed. Both lines lead to six silos, used as inventory of finished goods. The feed from the two production lines differ in terms of quality, where as Lantmännen Agroetanol wants to separate their finished inventory in order to charge a higher price, by selling the better product as a premium. With two different feed products the yearly revenue is expected to increase which motivates a research about the current capabilities and necessary changes to be made in the factory.

Hur kvalitetsstyrning kan förebygga avvikelser i en terminalprocess.

In todays competitive business climate the concept of ?quality management? is a significant part of daily work for many companies, as they want to achieve high performance quality and delivery success. Within the services sector third-party logistics companies play an increasingly central role when it comes to the goods that are being transported. These companies are presented with continuous challenges to ensure that goods are loaded on trucks efficiently and delivered on time, at the right place and in the right condition. The present case study was conducted in collaboration with Schenker AB and Schenker Åkeri in Jönköping, to help these two company branches serving under the same major corporation to solve a common problem they both encounter, namely the fact that it regularly occurs handling abnormalities in the terminal process that affects overall quality for customers.The study aims to find out how the daily quality control concerning the handling of goods in the terminal process can be improved hopefully resulting in a higher quality in cargo shipments.

ITS och Logistik : Skogsåkeriernas behov av väg- och trafikinformation jämfört med Vägverkets tillhandahållna information

Jag har i detta examensarbete analyserat behovet av väg- och trafikinformation i samband med skogstransporter och jämfört behovet med den information som Vägverket tillhandahåller. Arbetet har utförts på uppdrag av Vägverkets ITS-sektion, den avdelning som ansvarar för Vägverkets uppdrag att öka användningen av IT i trafiken. Målet med arbetet har varit att undersöka hur väg- och trafikinformation kan bidra till bättre skogstransporter och bättre trafik. Syftet har varit att ta reda på hur en perspektivväxling mellan trafik och transport påverkar tjänsteutvecklingen när det gäller väg- och trafikinformation. De metoder jag har använt har varit kvalitativa intervjuer, litteratur- och dokumentstudier samt komponenterna problem- och målanalys i metoden Förändringsanalys enligt FA/SIMM.

Felansvar vid Företagsöverlåtelser

Sale and acquisition of a business is risky, since vague legislation and lack of literature often contribute to the fact that it is not possible for the parties to know beforehand how a dispute about the agreement shall be resolved. The objective of this thesis is to clarify what should be applied in terms of liability and the allocation of risks between the parties, in order to help avoid disputes about the agreement. In order to fulfill the purpose of the thesis, the legal status of the agreement has been investigated, as well as the question whether the sale of goods act should be applied, even though the sales agreement between the parties should be the primary regulation. Furthermore, another question that has been investigated is whether the buyer?s duty to investigate, and the seller?s duty to inform, affects the allocation of risks between the parties, and thereby also their liability..

Skärgårdsliv för rekreation : En undersökning av möjligheterna till vistelse i Stockholms Skärgård

AimThe aim of this study has been survey the possibilities for short-term stays in the Stockholm Archipelago for people without their own means of transport, own equipment and/or experience of outdoor life.To fulfil this aim, the following questions were formulated:? What communications are available to chalet parks in the Stockholm Archipelago?? What overnight accommodation is available in the chalet parks in the Stockholm Archipelago?? What activities can be pursued in the Stockholm Archipelago?? What is the financial cost of travelling to and staying in the Stockholm Archipelago for a week?MethodWe chose to use six interviews and three observations in order to gain as much insight as possible. Interviews were conducted with Claes Petterson at Waxholmsbolaget, a company that provides transport services in the Archipelago, and with managers for five chalet parks: Rolf Andersson for Finnhamn, Per Englund for Grinda, Arne Johansson for Rånö, Pär Hjärtström and Peter Hösöyen for Gålö and Anders Bedinger for Gålö and Nåttarö. The interviews were recorded in writing and on tape. Observations were carried out at three chalet parks, i.e.

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