

1736 Uppsatser om Touchscreen interaction - Sida 66 av 116

Den dynamiska hotellverksamheten som ett enat varumärke

The purpose of this study is to analyze and specify the characteristics of servicescapes in the hotel industry and its role when building a brand. Further, the aim is to put forward how Management in this sector strategically utilizes the location to manage the staff in order to help build a strong lasting brand. To fulfill our purpose we have targeted one overall question - What purpose does servicescape have when building a solid brand name in the hotel sector?In today?s society brands play an integral part in influencing our buying behavior and are now considered to be a new business tool to communicate a business trough. Also services have become a widespread phenomenon, which is seen as a competitive tool not only for companies in the service sector.

Upplevelserna av ett coachande ledarskap : och vikten av emotionell intelligens för ledare

Det coachande ledarskapet är ett ledarskap som fokuserar på samspelet mellan ledare och medarbetare. För att studera detta ledarskap så har syftet med denna undersökning varit att undersöka upplevelserna av detta ledarskap som personer med beteendevetenskaplig utbildning har. Resultatet visar att undersökningsdeltagarna värderar relationen mellan ledaren och medarbetaren som det grundläggande i ledarskapet. Förutom det coachande förhållningssättet i ledarskapet så handlar det också om hur ledaren är och vilka egenskaper han eller hon har. Det viktigaste är att ha kunskap om sig själv och sitt eget beteende som ledare och här är emotionell intelligens betydelsefullt.

Utvärdering av AKKTIV föräldrautbildning: föräldrars bedömningar av barnens kommunikativa utveckling

This study investigates, through parental evaluations, communicativeand adaptive abilities within a group of children with various developmentaldisorders, after the parents had participated in AKKTIV (Augmentative andAlternative Communication ? Early Intervention) parental education. The studyalso investigates through case studies how parents experience the influence ofAKKTIV-intervention in their children?s development a few years aftercompletion. The parents estimated their children?s abilities using three differentquestionnaires; the Swedish Communicative Developmental Inventories(SECDI), Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-II (VABS-II) and parts of theform? Parents? perception of the interaction with their child?, before and afterthe intervention.

Entréträdgårdar - rumslighet, gestaltningselement, uttryck och sociala aspekter :

The BA thesis Front Yard Gardens ? spatiality, design elements, expression and social aspects is a summary of the entrance and front yard garden phenomenon ? where the entrance is the set design and the designer is the director. The thesis touches the social context of which entrances have been and still are shaped. The various appearance of the entrance and front yard gardens throughout the history, starting with the first entrance by the edge of the wood and coming up to the front yard gardens of today, is described. It touches the present day through an analysis of some entrances and front yard gardens of modern residential areas.

EU-patent på datorrelaterade uppfinningar : en rättsekonomisk analys

Computer programs must give a technical effect that goes beyond"normal physical interaction"to be considered to belong to a technical field. The invention shall be be susceptible of industrial application, which means that it should be possible to reproduce or use in any other industrial way. The reqirement that the invention shall be new means that the technique must not be previously known because of patents, published articles, etc. That an invention shall be a contribution to the state of the art in a technical field means that the invention shall not be obvious to invent for a person skilled in the art. Patents do effect the innovation among the inventers, but in most industries most inventions would be invented independent if there was a patent system or not.

Politisk Mobilisering och Kollektiva och Sociala Identitetskonstruktioner -en studie om dess interaktion med Nicaraguas Atlantregion som empiriskt exempel

This thesis is concerned with political mobilization and the construction of a collective andsocial identity. The main purpose of the study is theoretical which emphasize their interaction.In order to do this I study the two phenomenons by seeing them as cases of each other. Wecannot understand one of the two phenomenons without taking into account the other as well.In addition, the secondary aim of my thesis is empirical. I use the political transformationduring the 70th and 80th on the eastern seaboard of Nicaragua to relate my theoretical analysisof political mobilization and the construction of identities. Nicaragua will provide mytheoretical analysis with new insights.

Universell Design - en användbarhetsutvärdering av MyTobii C-series Control

Universal Design is a well established methodology with the fundamental purpose of designing products to be usable for as wide audience as possible, without the need of special adjustment to suit the individual. In this essay, Universal Design has had a clear influence in both the process and the result. The choice to use Universal Design as methodology in this usability evaluation, has essentiallv to do with the target audience.As a part of the design process of MyTobii C8 has Tobii Technology ask for a usability evaluation. MyTobii C8 is an 8" touch screen computer with a windows based operating system which will initiate the software MyTobii C-Series Control. MyTobii C-Series Control is the control panel for MyTobii C8, whose interfaces constitute the platform for various modificarion of the unit.

Sätter jag mig i ett hörn, blir jag äldre än vad jag är : En kvalitativ studie om insatsen aktivering inom hemtjänsten

From the day we are born, we slowly grow old and sooner or later most people will have to use geriatric care provided by the community. In the Swedish model, society is responsible for the geriatric care, so the elderly can live a dignified, meaningful and active life. Home help insert activity is designed to help elderly get their social needs satisfied in the form of, for example, being outdoors, walk and visit a friend or some other form of social interaction. The study's purpose is to study how older people use and perceive bet activation in the municipal home care. To find out how this was conducted five interviews with older people who have help from home care to insert activation was made.

Hugo Chávez Venezuela - en demokrati i praktiken eller bara på pappret?

AbstractIn this bachelor thesis I discuss and analyse the current situation of the Venezuelan democracy. By using a theoretical framework based on the theory of horizontal accountability, I focus on the interaction between different institutions and branches within the state of Venezuela. The analysis focuses on the strenghts and flaws of the newly accepted constitution, and to what extent the institutions of checks and balances remain true to the laws and the constitution of 1999. My conclusions are that in terms of vertical accountability, the Chávez-regime acknowledges a wide popular support for their governmental actions. In contrast, the incumbent administration shows almost no respect for horizontal accountability.

Självmord : en kunskapsöversikt

The aim of this essay is to try to gain understanding and to get a more profound knowledge of suicide. The questions at issue were 1) What empirical factors are mentioned in the research as possible to explain suicide. 2) Which theoretical perspectives are discussed in research concerning suicide. To answer our questions at issue we carried out a selective research overview with a qualitative perspective. The primary documents that has been the foundation of this essay is constituted by nine of the leading researchers publications in the area of suicidology.

Tillgänglighet för funktionshindrade på ett urval av svenska folkbiblioteks webbplatser ? sett utifrån biblioteksplaner och webbplatsundersökningar

Public libraries have an important roll of making information accessible to all people. This democratic right supports the cultural development in our society. When public libraries build websites offering information and services it can sometimes cause obstacles for impaired users. It is therefore our purpose to evaluate a selection of websites and library plans to examine how the libraries work with accessibility for these users. This thesis is based on theories of cognitive and human computer interaction, and information architecture.

Interaktionen mellan lärare och elever med smart-board som medierande artefakt : En kvalitativ studie om lärandet vid problemlösningssituationer i matematik.

Skolans styrdokument ställer krav på att lärare och elever ska använda digitala medier i undervisningen och digital kompetens ses som en nyckelkomponent för ett livslångt lärande. Syftet är att analysera interaktionen mellan lärare och elever under problemlösningssituationer i matematikundervisningen med smart-board som medierande artefakt. Studien har ett sociokulturellt perspektiv.Empirin är insamlad genom video-observationer och studien är öppen och kvalitativ. Empirin består av fyra filmade och transkriberade sekvenser som innefattar fyra olika elever och hur de arbetar med problemlösning med smart-boarden som medierande artefakt. Empirin är analyserad utifrån EMA-modellen, som bygger på idéer från John Deweys pragmatiska filosofi.Resultatet visar att interaktionen styrs av läraren eftersom att det är läraren som styr över talutrymmet, men även vilka elever som ska vara delaktiga i interaktionen.

Post-stroke depression - Hur sjuksköterskor kan identifiera tidiga tecken på depression hos patienter som överlevt stroke

Bakgrund: Stroke är en av de mest förekommande sjukdomarna i västvärlden och innefattar en stor grupp patienter. Poststroke depression är den vanligaste komplikationen efter insjuknande i stroke och är underbehandlat och underdiagnostiserat. Syftet med studien var att undersöka hur sjuksköterskor kan identifiera tidiga tecken på depression hos patienter som överlevt stroke. Metoden som vi använt är en litteraturstudie med artikelgranskning. Analysen vi använt oss av är en innehållsanalys baserad på Graneheim och Lundmans (2003) beskrivning.

En vetenskaplig essä om utomhuspedagogikens möjligheter och svårigheter för barn med koncentrationssvårigheter

This scientific essay is based on four self-perceived situations that all takes place in an outdoor environment. The children are aged seven to nine years. At least one of the children in the groups has some type of concentration difficulties. I have combined my practical experience with literature and previous research regarding outdoor education and children with concentration difficulties. Based on this I have tried to interpret and reflect on the opportunities and problems with outdoor education for children with concentration difficulties, especially so called situational concentration difficulties.

Att vänta barn : litteratur för gravida från 1943 till 1981

In our time we can easily get information about pregnancy from books and magazines of thesubject. Mothers to be can also publish their own diaries at the Internet, so anyone can readabout their personal experience of being pregnant. All this information gives pregnant womenideas of what they can expect to experience during the pregnancy. This made me think aboutwhat kind of image, women in the past, did get from literature that described pregnancy.The purpose of this study was to examine how pregnancy and pregnant women has beendescribed in literature during the period 1940-1980. I have used various kinds of books aboutpregnancy released in: 1943, 1948, 1955, 1965,1969,1972, 1977, 1981.

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