1735 Uppsatser om Touchscreen interaction - Sida 65 av 116
När naturen leker : hur barnets relation till naturen framställs i filmen ?Granne med Totoro?
The landscape architect is similar to the moviemaker in that they both want to mediate an experience with their creations. The landscape architect designs playgrounds
and the moviemaker makes movies for children, but how does the relationship between children and nature look like in the landscape formed by the movie maker?s fantasy? The purpose with this thesis is to study how the relationship
between child and nature is depicted in a movie as a medium, by analysing ?My neighbour Totoro?, a Japanese animated movie from 1988 by Hayao Miyazaki.
The analysis consists of two combined analyses, Experiential Landscape Analysis and Gordon Cullen?s Serial Vision, both of which analyse the relationship between a human being and her environment as well as the emotional changes that occur as she moves in it.
Pedagogers högläsning : Ett outnyttjat pedagogiskt verktyg
Detta examensarbete lyfter fram sju olika lärares kunskap om högläsning och på vilket sätt de medvetet använder sig av högläsning i sin undervisning. Avsikten är att lyfta fram hur pedagoger som undervisar yngre barn arbetar med att läsa högt för sina elever.Aktuell forskning kring grundläggandet av läs- och skrivutvecklingen påvisar betydelsen av att läsa högt för små barn. Undersökningens resultat visar att lärare upplever högläsning som ett bra och mångsidigt pedagogiskt redskap. Det framgår dock att de pedagoger med längst yrkeserfarenhet och högst utbildning är de som använder sig av högläsning på ett mer medvetet och komplext sätt. Därigenom synliggörs vikten av att pedagoger har kunskap om högläsningens användningsområden.Pedagogernas insikter som kom fram under undersökningen har relaterats till forskning i ett jämförande perspektiv.
De allra minstas språkutveckling i förskolan : Pedagogers syn och estetikens betydelse
The study has been conducted to find out whether aesthetic expressions and experiences can benefit the smallest children's language development. How do the teachers at the preschool relate to aesthetic expression? Do they think that aesthetic expression and experience will be favorable for stimulating children's language? Children perceive through their senses, logically aesthetic expressions should promote children's learning and development. How does this claim stand in relation with the smallest children's language development and teachers' views on aesthetics as a pedagogical tool for language stimulation? To get closer to the answer a survey have been done.
När tiden står stilla går allt så fort : Objekt som minnesbärare
This master thesis deals with the theme of memory, it is through an artistic process I have investigated and peeled off to a specific memory, the hut. It is in the work of the personal memory through a craft process it transforms into something public. The hut is constructed out of corrugated boxes, corrugated boxes casted in clay. To cast an object differs according to me from sculpting the object; it is the function rather than the sensual feeling that is sought after. It is about the clarity and accuracy through the casted object that suggest something vague and indeterminate.
Att genomföra livsstilsförändringar vid Diabetes mellitus typ 2 : Sjuksköterskor och patienters perspektiv
Diabetes mellitus type 2 is a rapidly increasing disease worldwide. The disease is connected to lifestyle. Making lifestyle changes is hard. When suffering from Diabetes mellitus type 2 it is necessary to live healthy to prevent secondary diseases. Lifestyle changes includes for example changing dietary habits, become psychically active or losing weight.
Hur fungerar vårdens IT-system egentligen? : Jämförelse av elektroniska patientjournalsystem
To support, enhance and, in the future, develop the activity within the county councils in Sweden, IT support systems are currently used to a large extent. The need to document is central to the health care organizations and the counties have come a long way in the introduction of electronic patient record systems (EPR). The aim of the EPR systems is to support the care processes and the clinical professions in their work.This is a master thesis in the area of human-computer interaction (HCI), Department of Information Technology at Uppsala University. The aim of the thesis was to describe and compare the five most common EPR systems in Sweden. The comparison will focus on some usability aspects and on how well they support the users in their clinical practice.
Service på Internet ? Hur service erbjuds av företag som säljer resor på Internet
Business across the Internet has increased in recent years and most companies that are selling trips have increased their sales online. Many companies that are selling trips strive for customers to receive and experience a personal service online. The meeting between the client and a webpage service system on the Internet should work. Service encounters are an essential part of the contact between customer and company and play a big part in how the first impression is perceived by the customer. To understand how a service encounter works, meeting face to face, companies need to understand how customers perceive that meeting.
Dagens Nyheter 3.0 : En kvalitativ jämförelsestudie av dagstidningens form i tryckt format respektive applikationsformat
A daily newspaper?s main purpose is to inform its readers without creating noise. Theimportance of the visual presentation is therefore of weight for an effectivecommunication process. This study informs about the importance of typography inthe visual decoding process. The study includes the Swedish newspaper DagensNyheter?s transition from printed media to digital media adapted to an Ipad.
Förskollärares erfarenheter av särskilt stöd i förskolan
Much of the everyday work of teachers in pre-schools, schools and youth centers is based on experience. This study is a qualitative interview study intended to make visible the experiences of pre-school teachers in situations when children are considered to be in need of special support. I have looked at pre-school teachers? descriptions of the kinds of situations in which a child is estimated to be in need of special support, what teachers look for in a child to identify it as a child in need of special support in a specific situation, and how the teachers define special support. Both this study and previous research show that children?s estimated need of support depends on the situation and context the child is in. The pre-school teachers in this study identify common situations where children are estimated to be in need of special support, namely: in interaction with others, in structured situations, during changes of activities and during free play.
Vårdpersonalens kunskap, attityder och bemötande i vården av demenssjuka personer
Syfte: Syftet med studien var att undersöka vårdpersonals kunskaper, attityder och bemötande i vården av dementa i äldresjukvården.Metod: En deskriptiv kvalitativ studie genomfördes med sju semi-strukturerade intervjuer med åtta deltagare från äldreboenden i Jönköpings län. Intervjuerna spelades in och bearbeta-des med innehållsanalys.Resultat: I resultatet framkom att intervjupersonernas personliga erfarenheter av demenssjukdom påverkade deras förståelse för anhöriga till demenssjuka. Vårdpersonalen ansåg att anhörigas kunskaper och åsikter var viktiga. Aktiviteter anpassades efter de demenssjukas förmågor och intressen. Vikten av att se personen bakom sjukdomen betonades, detta var svårt vid tids- och personalbrist.
Politiskt engagerade ungdomars informationssökning
This Bachelor?s thesis is related to the area within library and information studies that focuses on information seeking and information practices. The study deals with how politically engaged young people seek information in relation to their political interests. The purpose of the study is to create an understanding of the roles that different forms of information-related activities play within the framework of political interest and of the feelings, experiences and challenges that such activities may give rise to for those involved. The study also discusses purposes and motivation for information seeking and use in political engagement.
?Men jag är ju inte svensk?? : En studie om tillhörighet bland människor med utomsvenskt påbrå i Sverige
Uppsatsen syftar kartlägga den känsla av social tillhörighet som individer med utomsvensk bakgrund upplever i dagens Sverige. Hur Sverige och svenskhet erfars och utefter vilka villkor vardagen struktureras. Kvalitativa semistrukturerade intervjuer genomfördes och den subjektiva verklighetsupplevelsen analyserades med hjälp av en abduktiv ansats. Det empiriska materialet tolkades mot bakgrund av ett socialkonstruktionistiskt ramverk kombinerat med stigmabegreppet och behovet av tillhörighet för skapandet av identitet. Resultaten visar att det i Sverige existerar en strukturell diskriminering baserad på etnicitet och ett andregörande av individer med utomsvenskt påbrå, ett andregörande vilket har sin grund i ett förgivettaget vitt tolkningsföreträde. Maktobalansen tvingar individen in i en avvikande roll som paradoxalt nog krävs för att integreras.
?Det anstår mig inte att göra mig mindre än jag är? - skönhetsidealet och den kvinnliga grotesken i textanalyser av Kerstin Ekmans Grand Final i skojarbranschen, Muriel Barberys Igelkottens elegans och Majgull Axelssons Moderspassion
The purpose of this paper is to make a feminist textual analysis of three female protagonists incontemporary novels in order to demonstrate representations of ?skeva? female bodies, deviantfrom beauty-, slender and age norms. The analysis is based on an intersectional perspective whichdemonstrates the interaction between body, sex, gender, class, sexuality and age. The theoreticalmaterial used are class theories by Bourdieu and Skeggs, performative theories by Butler, theoriesof grotesque realism by Bachtin and the female grotesque by Russo and Lundberg. The charactersall belong to the genre of the female grotesque which manifests a feminist protest and a free zonewithin patriarchal power structures.
Med datorn som följeslagare : Perspektiv på datorers inverkan för lärare i ett En-till-En-projekt
In today?s society we depend on technology to perform the simplest tasks. Whether we are engaging in conversation with a friend or are navigating in traffic, we are likely to be found with some technological device in our hands. This dependence has grown over a period of time, and many of us have failed to reflect on the impact technology has had on our lives. The emergence of so-called One-to-One projects, where teachers and students gain access to a personal laptop, does however provide an excellent opportunity to do so.
Den dynamiska hotellverksamheten som ett enat varumärke
The purpose of this study is to analyze and specify the characteristics of servicescapes in the hotel industry and its role when building a brand. Further, the aim is to put forward how Management in this sector strategically utilizes the location to manage the staff in order to help build a strong lasting brand. To fulfill our purpose we have targeted one overall question - What purpose does servicescape have when building a solid brand name in the hotel sector?In today?s society brands play an integral part in influencing our buying behavior and are now considered to be a new business tool to communicate a business trough. Also services have become a widespread phenomenon, which is seen as a competitive tool not only for companies in the service sector.