

1267 Uppsatser om Top 10 requirements - Sida 6 av 85

Att leda - N?r juridiska krav kolliderar med personliga v?rderingar

This study aims to analyze the effects of the proposal regarding mandatory reporting for undocumented individuals within the Swedish public sector and how this potentially affects leaders in their efforts to motivate their employees to comply with this requirement, which is considered ethically charged. The primary focus is to understand how these leaders can motivate their employees considering legal requirements that are both legally binding and ethically sensitive. By interviewing leaders from various sectors within the public domain in multiple Swedish municipalities, this case study seeks to highlight the challenges arising from the amalgamation of legal mandates and ethical dilemmas. Its goal is to provide insights that can support these leaders in their complex decision-making regarding such issues. The study addresses theoretical aspects such as change management and critical organizational theory. The study's findings indicate that political decisions play a pivotal role in the processes of change within public operations. Resistance to change varies and takes various forms.

Redovisning av dörrar och dörrpartier i offentliga lokaler : Problem och förslag till förbättringsåtgärder

Today, the requirements on doors and door sections in buildings are often many andtightly restricted. Especially in public buildings, the requirements for safety andfunctionality must cover the needs of larger groups of people. These strictrequirements have often led to doors and door sections in public buildings being verycomplex and difficult to correctly install without any complications.This diploma work has been carried out in cooperation with Werket Architects,which estimates a high percentage of flaws regarding aforementioned components, inprojects of the type described. The company therefore wanted to investigate howthey could develop their remit in door production, which is the projection and designof blueprints. By taking part of installers opinions on how they want the blueprints ofdoors and door - sections to be designed for the best installation possibilities,develop¬ment areas, and to some extent improvements regarding the company's useof accounting techniques, could be provided to the company.The study shows, among other things, that there is a possibility of development in thefunctional descriptions that entail the doors' fitting components.

Use case som teknik för identifiering och dokumentering av krav

Ett effektivt användande av ett informationssystem förbättrar informationshanteringen inom en verksamhet. För att ett informationssystem ska kunna fungera effektivt krävs att det motsvarar de krav som ställts på informationssystemet av olika intressenter.Requirements Engineering (RE) är en viktig del av systemutvecklingsprocessen för att kunna säkerställa en väl fungerande kravhantering. Use case är en teknik som kan användas som hjälpmedel i RE-processen för att identifiera och dokumentera krav.Syftet med detta examensarbete är att undersöka om use case är tillräcklig som enda teknik för att identifiera och dokumentera krav samt vilka eventuella kompletterande tekniker som används bland systemutvecklare. Resultatet av undersökningen visar att use case-tekniken inte är tillräcklig utan måste kompletteras med andra tekniker för att möjliggöra att samtliga krav kan identifieras och dokumenteras..

Hastighets- och positionsinterface för motorer

The environmental requirements and laws on combustion engine emissions are very tough today andthey will become even more stringent in the future. To achieve these requirements there are highdemands on the control systems for these engines. An improved precision in the measurement of anengine's speed and position gives the electronic control system an even better timing when it comes tofuel injection and ignition. This makes the engine more fuel efficient, reducing the emissions. This thesisis part of a collaborative project between Hoerbiger Control Systems and subsidiaries.

Utveckling av dyksystem : Handhållen enhet för sökning under vatten

Ocean Modules Sweden AB is a small business active in the field of underwater technology. Thecompany was contacted by the Swedish Defense Materiel Administration (FMV) in order todevelop a new system that would conform to their specific requirements. Two students at theRoyal Institute of Technology (KTH) were consulted in conjunction of this project in order to aidthe development and conceptual design of the system.The primary users of the system are the divers of the Explosive Ordnance Disposal division (EOD)- a branch of the Swedish Armed Forces. The purpose of the product was to incorporate allnecessary functions required by the EOD divers into one single system. The main functions arecommunication between the surface operator and diver, video recording, still imaging, positioning,navigation and ocean floor mapping with sonar.

Inhysning av struts :

The Swedish ostrich production started about thirteen years ago and still there are no Swedish recommendations regarding ostriches? space requirements. The European Council give recommendations and the Swedish Board of Agriculture (SJV) has a proposal, but so far the producers follow Danish regulations regarding space requirements. The Swedish Animal Welfare Agency are about to set standards for the ostriches? space requirements, and therefore the Swedish ostrich producers, together with The Federation of Swedish Farmers (LRF) ask for a scientific background to these decisions. This thesis is a preliminary study at the prospect of a future experiment on which factors important for ostriches? space requirements and welfare will be examined more thouroughly.

Kundanpassning av ett rehabiliteringsverktyg

To be able to move around without having to think about each movement is for most people amatter of course. Todays society contributes to a life at high speed where the sparetime is oftenspend doing somekind of sport, even extreme sports which earlier only a few people wheredoing. This leads to not only good health effects but also to more injuries. One of the mostcommon injuries is the knee injury.Capio Artro Clinic is a clinic specialized in sports medicine and particulary patients with injuriesin knee, shoulder, foot, hip or elbow. They perform a great part of all the crucial ligamentsurgeries in Sweden and has therefor also a lot of patients in need for rehabilitation of the knee.During the rehabilitation the load of the injuried knee is increased in steps.

Redovisning av goodwill ? en kvalitativ studie av jämförbarhet i årsredovisningar och halvårsrapporter

The purpose of this paper is to investigate analysts' and investors' possibility to compare different companies' information in accounting for goodwill under IFRS in their annual and semi-annual reports. The study was based on IAS 34 on interim reporting, IAS 36 impairment of goodwill and the comparability requirement of the financial statements. Therefore, the comparability requirements? of the IASB Framework, previous studies on the comparability after the implementation of IFRS and also the relevance of goodwill was studied. We used a qualitative textual analysis to examine whether the recognition of goodwill is considered to be comparable between our sample of companies' annual and semi-annual reports from 2008 and 2009 data.

Prefabricerade Passivhus

European Union has made a new decision that all new built houses by 2020 shallbe near-zero energy houses. Boverket?s definition of near-zero energy housesintends buildings with good energy performance in which a proportion of theamount of energy that must be added to the building is made of renewable energy.Passive House is a set of requirements from FEBY designed to build energyefficient buildings. This is achieved by reducing loss of heat through the buildingenvelope and to take advantage of the passive heat from solar radiation,installation and heat sources like people living in the house.This project has been made with help of Anebyhus and one of their model houseshave been examined from the report?s issues, including Anebyhus?s energyperformance, requirements for the manufacturing and assembly, how theenvelope must be improved to fulfill the requirements for the Passive House andwhat energy calculation programs are available on the market.The report aims to provide solutions for energy efficient houses that are adaptedfor production of house building.Two visits to Anebyhus has been done to study their manufacture and assemblyof building elements.

Design och konstruktion av strandspel

This project was conducted during the spring semester 2013 at mechanical engineering program at University Halmstad. The project was conducted in collaboration with MPQ Consulting in Halmstad. MPQ Consulting is a newly established company looking to take step into the product development world. The company has already had ideas and existing products. One of the ideas is to construct and design a form of beach games whose rules are based on the volleyball rules.

Läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem : En användarcentrerad utveckling av läkemedelssökning i vårddokumentationssystem

This thesis examines the problems related to IT in the Swedish healthcare system, specifically the drug searching part of the electronic healthcare systems used in Sweden. The question formulation is divided into two questions: What parameters and functions are of greatest importance when performing a search on drugs, and how should these be presented in a graphical user interface? Thus the purpose is to answer these questions through developing a design concept, in the form of a prototype, which describes how a drug search can be carried out.The entry point is a central quality checked drug database that is managed and owned by Swedish county councils and regions. The problem is attacked through user-centered methods where interviews of physicians and developers, in conjunction with observations, are used to give an overview of the problem area as well as to specify a requirements specification for the prototype that this thesis aims to develop. The thesis result is a requirements specification in combination with a prototype that exemplifies how drug searching can be performed, the prototype is based the requirements gathered from the interviews with the user group of physicians..

Utveckling av biopsiinstrument : Instrumenthållare för skruvnålsbiopsi

This Master Thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Ursus Medical AB (URSUS) which markets, assembles and sells the Rotex Screw Needle Biopsy Instrument ®. The instrument is delivered with an instrument holder. Customers had expressed dissatisfaction over that they needed to use two hands during a biopsy procedure, which resulted in a project to develop a new instrument holder.The project aim was to create concepts for how the new instrument holder should be designed, with focus on the mechanics. The new instrument holder would build on the existing basic principle that the screw needle and the cannula were screwed into the tissue. The thesis work would result in a technical solution and a functional prototype of the chosen concept.To achieve this, a generic product development processes were used and began with a comprehensive literature review.

EU:s medborgarinitiativ : En framkomlig väg för att minska det demokratisk underskottet?

The European Union is struggling to maintain democracy and tries to increase the participation among the citizens in Europe. The European Citizens? Initiative, ECI, is a platform established by the European Commission to allow citizens to propose new legislation. ?Water and sanitation are a human right! Water is a public good, not a commodity!? is the first ECI that has met the requirements.


 Conclusion:Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion. Since the TACSI platelets passed the quality requirements, and the vast majority of patients platelet count increased after TACSI platelet transfusion, the TACSI platelets will replace the old method to produce platelets at the Uppsala University hospital.  Methods: A new approach that pools 8 buffy coats (TACSI platelets) that were separated into 2 units instead of 4-6 buffy coats pooled to 1 unit was investigated in this study. After the platelets were extracted from the buffy coats their quality was controlled and subsequently the platelet product was evaluated in 96 patients. Results: The results showed that 80 % of the platelet units passed the European quality requirements. Further, the platelet count was increased in most patients that received TACSI platelets. Conclusion: Medical treatment may have a role in platelet count after transfusion.

Miljöanpassad offentlig upphandling: effektivt styrmedel mot koldioxidutsläpp? : En studie av kostnadseffektivitet, transaktionskostnader och teknisk utveckling

Green public procurement (GPP) can be used as an instrument to reduce carbon dioxide emissions, and consideration of environmental aspects within public procurement is becoming more common in Sweden and internationally. Two product groups that have been pointed out as especially important are transports and electricity, where the opportunities for public purchasers to reduce emissions are relatively large. This paper studies GPP which aims at reducing emissions, primarily of carbon dioxide, through environmental requirements within these two product groups. A theoretical analysis of cost-effectiveness, transaction costs and effects on technological development is performed, followed by a closer study of how these aspects appear in practice within GPP. The results indicate that a cost-effective allocation of reductions between the two product groups is most likely to be attained if the main part of emission reduction is achieved through environmental requirements on electricity. The cost for emission reduction within transports is relatively high, especially for heavy transports. For transportation services, more generally focused requirements on emission reductions could probably give greater environmental gains, but the existence of transaction costs steer the environmental requirements towards more technology specific types.

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