

7225 Uppsatser om Theory of nationalism - Sida 48 av 482

Inomföretagshandel : en deskriptiv studie av de gängse ekonomiska modellernas förmåga att förklara inomföretagshandel

This essay in economic geography describes what intra-firm trade as a concept is and different ways to determine in which cases trade is to be labeled as intra-firm trade (IFT) or not. The method used by the author is most easily described as descriptive. This method was chosen in order to test if existing theories; classic and neoclassic economics, new trade theory and international business studies, are capable to explain the phenomena of IFT. The theories are tested trough primary and secondary literature but also trough reasoning by the author.The conclusion is that the most reasonable way to determine whether trade occurs intra-firm or not, is to decide upon a 5-% rule where it when one part owns 5-% of the voting strength in the other company is to be considered intra-firm trade. This is a conclusion based on several reasons; the strongest one being that a common view on IFT could boost comparative studies as the U.S already collects data based on the 5-% rule.Classic and neoclassic economics are incapable of explaining IFT as aprerequisite for these theories is that markets are perfect.

Kriskommunikation; Komplex eller enkel? : En undersökning av fyra organisationers kriskommunikation på Facebook

Syftet med undersökningen är att få en bättre förståelse för hur fyra organisationerskriskommunikation kan se ut med dagens kommunikationsteknologi. Kommunikationsteknologidefineras i undersökningen som sociala medier, mer specifikt Facebook. För att uppnåundersökningens syfte har fyra organisationers Facebook feed under pågående kriser undersöktgenom att analyser hur de väljer att hantera information både från sig själva och från sinaintressenter. De fyra organisationer som har undersökts är Karlstad kommun, Halmstad kommun,SJ AB och Värmlandstrafik. Två frågor har ställts för att uppnå syftet:1.

Partiet som utflöde av samhället : En argumentationsanalys av det nyuppkomna partiet Feministiskt Initiativ

This thesis is a study of Parties as an outflow of societal changes where the aim has been to find out how parties are affected by societal changes and how they justify to new party formation. This is done by using a theory called Parties as an outflow of societal changes which is a theory developed by Swedish researchers in Political Science. To confirm the theory it is necessary to do an argumentation analysis of one external developed party?s electoral program. In this case the party selected is Feminist Initiative which brings a different view on how the society of Sweden should look like.Selected parts of the argumentative analysis will be examined with the purpose to give a perspective on how Feminist Initiative values the changes in society and how they describe their role as a new party.The main question of this study is; Are new parties an outflow of societal changes? The basic arguments includes that along with societal changes in Western Europe also changes the view of a representative democracy in which political parties play a central role.

Levinas, Bauman och undervisning i etik Etik och moral i religionskunskap på gymnasiet

This essay is a study of ethics and morality in textbooks in religious education. The mainquestions in this essay is how ethics and morality are represented in the textbooks, what thebooks say about ethics and morality and, in some cases, what they don´t say about it. Toanswer these questions I have studied three textbooks in religios education and my methodwas content analysis and features of discourse analysis. The theory that I have used in thisessay is Emmanuel Levinas theory about ethics and the-other and Zygmunt Baumans theoryabout ethics in the postmodern society.The conclusion is for example that ethics and morality often is separeted from the rest of thereligious education and that Levinas and Baumans theories are not something that thetextbooks are very much influenced of..

Sverigedemokraterna i kommunerna 2006 ? En empirisk studie av de kommunala förhållanden som gynnar partiet

The Sweden Democrats achieved great progress in the latest election in the Swedish municipals. The party is now closer than ever concerning reaching the Swedish parliament. This thesis examines the Sweden Democrats in the Swedish municipals with the aim to find out which municipal factors that led to their progress. By looking at the percentage share of unemployment, the percentage share of foreigners, the percentage share of education, average income, traditional political colour, average age, criminality, early representation of a party hostile to foreigners, the municipal type and the sickliness in the municipals I find out which factors explain the progress of the Sweden Democrats. The thesis is an empirical quantitative study build on statistics by the help of regression analysis and diagrams.

Legitimitet och nekande tvångsmakt i Operation Desert Storm

When are aerial bombing strategies effective in coercing target states? According to the recent research debate there is a consensus that denial strategies may be an effective instrument for coercing states to change their politics. This study is based on Belkin?s theory which argues that the effectiveness of denial strategies may depend in part on the domestic legitimacy of the target states? regimes. From a political standpoint, aerial denial effectiveness can be considered more likely to coerce when political leaders of target states lack domestic legitimacy rather than when they are legitimate.   The purpose of this study is to contribute an explanation of a condition where denial strategies are more likely to succeed.

Skönlitteraturens budbärare: folkbibliotekariers syn på det litteraturförmedlande arbetet

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to study how public librarians? view mediation of fiction: the knowledge needed, the thoughts expressed about their own and other adults reading of fiction and how the informants define their roles as mediators of fiction. The method used was qualitative interviews with six librarians at main libraries in Swedish cities of different sizes. The theoretical starting points are Louise M. Rosenblatt?s reader-response theory, Michail Bachtin?s theory of speech genres and Åse Tveit?s and Jofrid Karner Smidt?s theories about mediation of fiction.

Motivation beroende på anställningsform? : En fallstudie om motivationsrelaterade skillnader mellan fast anställda och inhyrda medarbetare på ett bank- och försäkringsföretag

Bemanningsbranschen växer och allt fler personer blir anställda via bemanningsföretag. Bemanningsföretagens viktigaste uppgift är att öka flexibiliteten på arbetsmarknaden. De gör det lättare för företagen att snabbt anpassa arbetsstyrkan till efterfrågan. Samtidigt finns problem och risker med att hyra in personal. Flertalet studier kring dessa problem tangerar ämnena motivation och/eller inhyrda medarbetare, men forskningen är begränsad vad gäller inhyrda medarbetares motivation.

Sprida virus : - Implementering & faktorer inom Viral marknadsföring

Viral marketing is a marketing tool that is becoming more common in the marketing industry. As people spend more time on the internet via their smartphones, tablets and computers marketers try to find new ways to reach out and connect with consumers. Succeeding with a viral spread is not easy; it's several factors that are important. Viral marketing encourages consumers to recommend and talk about product-related information with each other. So, what should a viral campaign or message contain in order to create this interest among us consumers? There are few empirical studies done in this subject which makes this kind of uncharted territory.

Mot en museologisk värdeteori : Varför vi ger och varför vi samlar

The foundation for a museum is the collection. To collect, preserve and display is what constitutes a museum. But the process of deciding which object´s should be saved, and which objects should not, are based on values. It is also values that make people inclined to donate objects to museums. How and why we value a museum determine if and why we donate.Objects themselves could be said to have a biography just like people.

Att utveckla en modern webbplats : A?r responsiv design framtiden?

The IT industry is constantly evolving and it's more or less a requirement today for web developers to be familiar with and to be able to develop for all platforms. A technique that has taken hold and is now widely used is responsive design. Developing responsive design means adapting the layout to the viewing environment; the screen size. Another useful method when developing for different devices is the mobile first theory, which means developing for the mobile screen first. This is done to scale down the site and to clear unnecessary information in order to provide a better user experience.

Operation Rolling Thunder

This paper provides an explanation of the concepts John A. Warden III describes regarding the use of air power and if this theory can be found, within the confines of an unconventional war. The U.S. ability to air power is overwhelming, however the right kind of warfare can force this great power to abandon their military and political objectives by exhausting its resources over time as it becomes increasingly costly, both economically, politically and morally, to wage war. The research deals with operation Rolling Thunder and John A.

Sektorsskillnader i aktierelaterade ersättningar - En kvalitativ studie av incitamentsprogram inom OMX Large Cap

Background and problem: There is a continuous debate regarding incentive programs in public companies. Since the global financial crisis and the subsequent recession in 2008, the criticism has reached even higher levels. Various regulatory authorities as well as influential external actors require stronger regulations and limitation of the monetary compensation in publicly held companies. Share-based payments are based on the development of the market value of the company. This means there is an existing relation between the owners? and the managers? interests.

Jag var hopplös innan, men sen jag började här känner jag att jag förstår varför jag ska lära mig saker : En studie om ungdomars upplevelser om pågående vistelse på resursskola

 In this essay our starting point was the question:? How youth experience their ongoing sojourn in the resource school?? We did a qualitative study with interviews. We interviewed totally eight youth with different backgrounds. The head question was youth´s positive and negative experiences about ongoing sojourn in the resource school compared with their home school. In the result, we came until that most of the youth were pleased with their sojourn in the resource school.

Styrning av projekt : Hur påverkas projektbeställarens och projektledarens arbete i projekt vad gäller kommunikation, tillsyn samt tillit?

Uppsatsen utgår ifrån Agency- och Stewardship Theory samt Project Governance som bakgrund till att beskriva hur projektorganisationer arbetar med styrning av projekt. Studien ämnar skildra hur styrning av projekt påverkar projektbeställares och projektledares arbete i projekt vad gäller tillsyn, tillit samt kommunikation. För att göra detta är studien baserad på sju kvalitativa semi-strukturerade intervjuer med respondenter som verkar inom olika branscher på arbetsmarknaden. Datan från intervjuerna bearbetades sedan med s.k. deduktiv tematisk analys för att göra den mer presenter- och hanterbar.Agency- och Stewardship Theory är nära sammankopplade med Project Governance, även om de i sig själva är helt skilda.

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