

7225 Uppsatser om Theory of nationalism - Sida 47 av 482

Europas gräns under en säkerhetspolitisk förändring? : En fallstudie om säkerhetspolitiken vid den europeiska gränsen mellan 2007 och 2010 samt en prövning av Köpenhamnsskolans säkerhetiseringsteori

The purpose of the essay is both to bring forward the threats images, sectors, actors and referents that can be found at the European border between 2007-2010 and to explore whether they change during this period. Furthermore, the essay also intends to review the Copenhagen School?s theory of securitization. The analysis of the essay will be done on the European commission?s ?Enlargement Strategy and Main Challenges?, a rapport that focus on the European border and its enlargement.

Elever och skolfusk : en studie om attityder, subjektiv norm, upplevd kontroll, intentioner, rättfärdiganden, motivation samt självvärdering - en applikation av The Theory of Planned Behavior

Syftet med föreliggande studie var att undersöka sambandet mellan elevers attityder, subjektiv norm, upplevd kontroll, intentioner, rättfärdiganden, motivation samt självvärdering i relation till benägenhet att fuska eller att avstå från att fuska. The theory of planned behavior (Ajzen, 2006) har använts som teoretisk modell för en enkätundersökning med 122 elever i grundskolans årskurs 9 och i gymnasieskolans årskurser 2?3. Resultatet av studien visar att intentionen att utföra ett beteende, som i denna studie är fusk, är den viktigaste prediktorn för beteendet i fråga. I föreliggande studie har även kunnat styrkas att rättfärdigande av eget fusk har en avgörande roll vad gäller beteende och intention.

Att lära med webquest. En fallstudie om studenters erfarenheter av Webquest för barnmorskor vid Karolinska Institutets Universitetsbibliotek.

The main purpose of this Master Thesis is to describe students experiences of learning with Webquest för barnmorskor (Webquest for midwifes) at the University Library of Karolinska Institutet (KI), Stockholm. To investigate the possibilities of acquiring information literacy in higher education with the webquest model a qualitative case study is carried out, based on five interviews with students. The students? perceptions of the webquest course and their ideas on information seeking and information literacy are being analyzed in relation to a framework of learning theory and information literacy expressed by documents and librarians of KI. A descriptive presentation is structured from the main themes that emerged in analysis within the frames of my research questions.

Den svenska genealogiska rörelsens historiedidaktiska förevändningar under 1900-talets första hälft

Uppsatsen handhar de svenska genealogiska rörelsernas framväxt under första hälften av 1900-talet, i en tid då modernister kom att stå mot traditionalister, masskultur och industrialism mot 'den lilla idyllen' och 'humanismen', framstegstänkande mot undergångsstämning. I tiden som (i varje fall inom kulturdebatten) kom att präglas av vacklande ovisshet och desorientering i brottet mellan det gamla och det nya, försöker i uppsatsen undersökas hur man inom genealogiska sammanslutningar och till dessa relaterade organisationer sökte orientera eller förhålla sig till de olika tidsdimensionerna (eller historien om man så vill), hur man kom att identifiera sig antingen med eller mot det förgångna respektive framtiden. Det centrala är vilka frågor som man inom de genealogiska skrifterna/trycken/böckerna ansåg vara viktigt och stå på spel i berättelsen om den tidens samhälle, om vilka idéer rörelserna genomsyrades av, vilka fenomen i historien som man ansåg vara viktiga att artikulera och lyfta fram och i så fall varför. Kort och gott: de genealogiska rörelsernas historiedidaktiska förevändningar under 1900-talets första hälft..

I huvudet på en lapplisa : En studie om hur parkeringsvakter upplever sin arbetssituation

The aim of this study is to examine which factors in a traffic wardens? situation at work that promote and which that inhibit satisfaction at work. The aim of this study is also to examine if there are any differences in the work experiences for traffic wardens that work alone versus those who work in a team of two. The following questions are examined in the study:?Which factors promote and which factors inhibit the work situation for traffic wardens??Are there any differences between traffic wardens that work alone and those who work with another colleague?The selection consisted of eight traffic wardens, of which four of them work with another colleague while the other four work by themselves.

Regional frihandel med miljöhänsyn? En studie av regionala frihandelsavtals förhållningssätt till konflikten med miljön

The relationship between free trade and the environment is often considered conflicting and the debates surrounding it are infected. My thesis deal with this conflict and how environmental concerns are integrated in three regional free trade agreements, North American Free Trade Agreement, The common market of the southern cone (MERCOSUR) and Southern African Development Community (SADC). I point out how the organizations differ from each other in this respect and I present a possible explanation to why they differ. The explanation is founded on the theory of the environmental Kuznets curve and that environmental concerns will depend on which level of development the member states in the organizations have. To judge and rank the organizations I have composed a model based on a pre-existing description of the trade and environment conflict.

Aktörer och strukturer: en studie av Karlstads stadsbiblioteks framväxt

The aim of this thesis is to examine the underlying causes for the opening of Karlstad Public Library. In doing so a theory based on the actor/structure model within social theory is used. The structures and actors are intertwined and therefore need to be analysed together. To do so the theory poses a series of questions that needs to be answered. The method used is document analysis.

IAS 40- värdering till verkligt värde : En studie av hur värderingsresultatet av förvaltningsfastigheter skiljer sig beroende på val av intern eller extern värdering

Swedish listed property companies report their investment properties under the standard IAS 40 that gives the opportunity to value investment properties to either historical cost or to fair value model. One problem with the fair value model is that there is no observable market price since the real estate market is far from complete which means that the price of the asset is hard to determine because of the limited information.IAS 40 gives companies the opportunity to choose between internal or external valuation and this study aims to show how the property companies? values appeared between the years 2007-2011. From the result we will study if there could be a difference in the outcome depending on if the company chose either internal or external valuation.To investigate this we observe all Swedish real estate companies listed on OMX Nordic Stockholm and their financial reports during this period of time and complement this information by interviewing people working with these matters in the property companies. The methodology for the study is therefore partly quantitative and partly qualitative since we collect data both from financial reports and from interviews.

Bibliotekskatalogens utveckling i Sverige från medeltid till nutid ? sedd ur ett institutionsteoretiskt perspektiv

This master?s thesis deals with the development of the Swedish library catalogue. The thesis primarily has two purposes. Firstly, it describes how the Swedish library catalogue has developed from its first appearance until today. As the Swedish library sector is very extensive the authors have chosen a few catalogues which they have studied more thoroughly.

"Den svage bland oss"

The purpose of the thesis is to examine the thoughts and opinions of a selected group of people regarding the terrorist attack that occurred in Stockholm 12/11-2010. This study has been conducted through the method of focus group interview. The study was methodologically and theoretically inspired by Grounded Theory, which simply means that the participants' opinions have formed the theory of the study. As a result of the study, we can see that the main focus of the discussion held by the participants was through a we and them thinking-perspective. Furthermore, the study reveals that the participants tried to include who we (muslims) are, and to exclude who they (non muslims) are, while arguing in the discussion. Another definition is the one of here and there, where the participants defined terrorism and what causes it. Finally, media's role was discussed in relation to the creation of the medie-muslim. To explain the participants' perceptive, part of Appadurai?s Fear of small numbers and part of Brune?s Dark magic in the white media was used..

Att plocka russinen från kakorna : En studie om hur kuratorn inom hälso- och sjukvården arbetar med och utvecklar sin kunskap inom krisstöd.

This thesis aims to explore how medical social workers/counselors perform their workwith people during crisis and how they accumulate and practice scientific crisisknowledge. This study is an empirical research paper based on qualitative interviewsconducted with eight medical social workers. The data was analysed with Kvalesmodel for categorization, which constitutes the basis of the research. The results ofthe research was then analysed with the use of Cullbergs crisis theory and a model ofevidence based practice which is described by Topor and Denhov. The results showthat the medical social workers practice the evidence based practice model, describedby Topor and Denhov, in combination with Cullbergs crisis theory.

LEAN produktuveckling : Ett arbete om kunskapsbaserad produktutveckling med fokus på tvärfunktionellt samarbete & lärande

Lean Product Development is a knowledge-based business concept in order to maintain high quality, meetcustomer requirements and to make product development more efficient. An important part of the processis to add a lot of resources at an early stage and execute the development as an iterative process betweendepartments exploring many alternatives thoroughly. The work focuses on how Lean ProductDevelopment is carried out and explores how to manage interaction between different departments andexpertise with regard to cross-functional collaboration and knowledge sharing i.e. learning.The information for the studies was gathered at a major Swedish company from two projects. The projectswere carried out as cross-functional and possible key factors for cross-functional collaboration wasidentified.The results have been correlated with theories of Lean, Product development, Lean product developmentand Learning.

Genus i sportjournalistik : En studie av rapporteringen från två mästerskap i fotboll i SVT och TV4

Den här uppsatsen har undersökt och jämfört rapporteringen av dam- respektive herrlandslaget i fotboll under varsitt mästerskap i tv-kanalerna SVT och TV4. Uppsatsens frågeställningar var hur mycket utrymme vardera landslag fick och vad som kännetecknade rapporteringen av de båda landslagen.För att besvara frågeställningarna användes en kombination av kvantitativ undersökning och kvalitativ innehållsanalys. I den kvantitativa undersökningen studerade vi 128 inslag medan 16 inslag valdes ut för den kvalitativa innehållsanalysen. Uppsatsen utgick från två teoretiska utgångspunkter, en genusteori som innebär att genus är en social konstruktion och en medieteori om att medier kan påverka samhällets genusbild.Den kvantitativa undersökningens resultat var att herrlandslaget nyhetsvärderades som viktigare och fick mer utrymme än damlandslaget i båda kanalerna. Båda kanalerna hade fler inslag och längre sändningstid för herrlandslaget.

Genus och FN: s fredsbevarande operationer : en studie av de fredsbevarande operationerna i Namibia och Kosovo

The purpose of this essay is to examine the United Nation?s work and structure to find possible factors that can explain why some peacekeeping operations have achieved to mainstream a gender perspective, when others have not. This study is based on two cases; the peacekeeping operation in Namibia and the peacekeeping operation in Kosovo.The theory I have chosen to apply is feminism, a theory that allows an alternative explanation to this phenomenon. The conclusion is that there are three decisive factors: The leadership and its will to recruit female personnel to decision-making positions, the number of female employees and whether the peacekeeping operation cooperates with local women-organisations or not. All this is of great importance whether the institutional hegemonic masculine culture within the United Nation and its peacekeeping operations, is challenged or not..

Det Omedvetnas återkomst : En tvärvetenskaplig litteraturstudie i fältet mellan psykoanalys och neurobiologi

There are differences today amongst psychoanalysts regarding if psychoanalysis should limit itself to being exclusively a hermeneutic discipline or if psychoanalysis should find points of contact with neurobiology. The purpose of this essay is to touch upon the larger issue that creates the different points of view: Can psychoanalysis become enriched by finding points of contact with neurobiology, and should psychoanalysis be regarded as belonging to a broader scientific field than being exclusively a human science? The question at issue is: Can modern neurobiology contribute to a development of the psychoanalytic concepts; compulsion to repeat, transference/countertransference and talking cure? The method used is a literature study. The result shows that: Freud?s theories regarding traumatic compulsion to repeat can be linked with LeDoux?s theory of "emotional memory".

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