

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 40 av 398

Undervisa engelska på engelska : Ett sätt att göra målspråket till arbetsspråk

High school students of today frequently come into contact with the English language throughradio and television. Many students even manage to read instruction manuals and understandhow technical devices work, such as, for example, computer games. However, most teachersunderestimate their students? ability and persist in using Swedish to explain how the Englishlanguage works. I have analysed how high school students manage when they take an Englishgrammar test in English.

Personalläsecirklar på folkbibliotek ? Ett forum för att utveckla litteraturpedagogiska förhållningssätt

The purpose of this master?s thesis is to examine how librarians perceive the importance of staff reading groups in helping to make fiction more accessible to adult users of public libraries. The study also examines how librarians perceive the learning processes in such groups, and what these learning processes involve and how they appear. The empirical data was acquired via observations of four staff reading groups and interviews with seven public librarians who took part in the groups. In part, the empirical data is interpreted by means of Lena Wilhelmsson?s analytical tool, which deals with changes of perspective within an organised group.

Hem- och konsumentkunskap som stödämne

Domestic science is an interdisciplinary subject. Furthermore domestic science is a combination of theory and practice. The basic competence, a recommendation from ?The Swedish School Institution? (Skolverket), is to enter the secondary school with minimum grade G, (godkänd) in the basic themes: Swedish, English and Mathematic. Today there are many pupils finishing their secondary school without grade in one or more basic themes; Swedish, English and Mathematic.

Utemiljöns betydelse för små barns utveckling och lärande

The study concentrates on which significance the pre-school?s yard and the outdoor environment has and how it influence the young children regarding their development and learning. The study is carried out through observations of the children complimented by interviews of them. The results show that children?s outdoor environment is important for their development of mobility, language, social competence and learning about nature.

Utmaningar i byggleken : en möjlighet att lära matematik?

Ett av förskolans vanligaste material är byggklossar i trä. I denna studie undersökte vi hur barnen i den fria byggleken gick tillväga då de löste uppkomna problem, samt vilka matematiska aspekter de erfor i leken med klossarna. Barnens lek observerades med hjälp av videokamera, och det resultat som erhölls härur kopplas i studien till teorier kring matematik och barns lärande. De slutsatser som drogs då observationsmaterialet analyserades är att förskolebarn i byggleken får rika tillfällen att erfara olika matematiska områden. Dessutom möter barnen för dem relevanta problem, vilka de behandlar, och i vissa fall löser, på skilda sätt.

En undersökning av grundläggande taluppfattning hos elever i årskurs 3

Syftet med uppsatsen är att undersöka vilka kunskaper en grupp pedagoger utvecklat, genom att delta i learning study i matematik. Svenska elevers kunskaper i matematik har blivit sämre. För att vända trenden har regeringen utlyst projektbidrag för att förändra undervisningen och förbättra resultaten. I uppsatsen studeras hur ett projekt i form av learning study, kan bidra till en skol- och specialpedagogisk utveckling i matematik. Utifrån användandet av fokusgrupper, parintervju och enskilda intervjuer studeras pedagogernas uppfattningar av learning study i matematik.Resultatet av uppsatsen visar att pedagogernas kunskaper består av redskap, bland annat i form av vikten av att fokusera det som lektionen handlar om.

Barns pedagogiska material : En kvalitativ studie om barns användning av det pedagogiska materialet som finns på fem förskolor och om sex pedagogers tankar kring placeringen av det pedagogiska materialet

?Childs pedagogic material ? A qualitative study of child?s use of pedagogic materials available at five nursery schools and about their teachers thoughts about the display of the pedagogic material?In the nursery preschool the environment and the educational materials have always had a central place. That's why it has been chosen to study and observe five preschools and interview sex teachers, in an attempt to understand the teachers thought about the choice of material and the choices of material that the children used. The reason I do this is to see what the underlying idea about the materials the children use is, and why educators choose to make certain materials visible. The purpose of this study is to examine the educational materials that are used to stimulate children´s learning and examine what determines the choice of educational materials.

Projekt Pedadoggen - Hunden som pedagogisk resurs i en daglig verksamhet

Through this project -?Projekt Pedadoggen?- I have tested dog training as a pedagogical resource at Daily activities. The study was made together with a group of persons with intellectual and neuropsychiatric disabilities, whose daily activities consist of running a day-care centre for dogs. Each participator of the project trained a dog towards a specific goal. This goal was individually formulated by each participator from his or her specific interest.

Referenssituationen på högskolebiblioteket ? en arena för lärande?

The purpose of this master thesis is to investigate how librarians working in academic libraries are experiencing the reference situation from a pedagogical point of view, by applying a theoretical framework consisting of learning strategies and their different characteristics, to qualitative interviews. Other goals are to elucidate the fact that learning takes place every day at libraries during the reference situation and that this work must be seen as ?one of the most important activities that takes place at the library?, using the words from one of the interviewed librarians, but also to make place for more discussions regarding pedagogic and library work. This is done by posing questions about knowledge, learning, information literacy, communication, the reference encounter, the roles of the librarian, policy and also architectural aspects of the reference situation. The interviews were taped, transcribed and categorized according to the earlier mentioned areas of interest.

Den ?okunniga? invandraren : Språkproblem för en invandrare

The aim of this study is to have a deeper understanding about the motivations and the obstacles of an immigrant?s language learning. I have studied the problem with focus on integration and language learning. The study is principally based on deep interviews with Turkish immigrants. I have studied the question by means of a socio-cultural perspective of learning; Mead?s conceptions I, Me and the generalised other; Scheff?s conception, the social bonds and Freire?s conception, dialog and Asplund?s conception social responsiveness.

Pedagogisk dokumentation : En kvalitativ studie som beskriver hur utförande, utvärdering och presentation genomförs i praktiken

With the curriculum Lpfö98, and its revised version 2010, the demands for evaluation of the quality of the preschool have been emphasized. Accordingly, the activities need to be systematically documented, followed up and assessed, to be improved. Most importantly, this includes continuous follow up, documentation and analysis of the development and learning of the children. This is usually carried out by means of pedagogical documentation, but how this working tool should be used in practice is not totally clear for all pedagogues. The aim of this study was therefore to investigate how pedagogical documentation is performed, assessed and made accessible for the children, parents and staff-members, in practical preschool work.In the study, four pedagogues (two preschool teachers and two pedagogical mentors), working in two different preschools where the Reggio Emilia concept is practiced for pedagogical documentation, were interviewed using a semi-structured questionnaire.The informants described pedagogical documentation as a complex and time-consuming working tool, albeit necessary and helpful to fulfill the requirements of the curriculum.

Lärplattformar : en explorativ studie om lärstilar och funktioner vid distansundervisning

Lärplattformar används idag i allt större utsträckning vid distansundervisning. Forskning pekar på att lärstilar är en viktig faktor att ta hänsyn till vid distansundervisning, dock är området beträffande lärstilar i relation till lärplattformar relativt outforskat, och det saknas tydlig vetskap om hur lärplattformar kan designas för att stödja olika lärstilar. Den här studien undersöker lärstilar i relation till funktioner i lärplattformar, genom en explorativ ansats och studie med designinslag. Utifrån en litteraturstudie identifierades funktioner i en lärplattform, vilka ställdes i relation till Kolbs teori om lärstilar för att mynna ut i ett antal rekommendationer för undervisning och användning av funktioner, som låg till grund för utformning av en prototyp. Prototypen fungerade som underlag för den empiriska undersökningen, vilken genom intervjuer utgjorde prövning av rekommendationernas relevans, samt kartläggning av hur funktioner i lärplattformar stödjer olika lärstilar vid användning.

Barns tankar om älven : Förskolebarns förståelse av älven och vattnets miljö

AbstractThis research is about pre-school children?s conceptions of the river and the water environment. The aim of this study was to apply a new teaching method based on the outside learning, as well as to test the method and see if it works, i.e. if children get more knowledge this way compared to ordinary methods like teaching in the class-room which involves showing pictures and discussion of them.The main questions in this study were how children get new knowledge through outside learning and how effective this learning method is, i.e. how much they noticed and learned about the river and the water environment as a result of that outside observation.

Multimodalitet i klassrummet

The goal and purpose of this essay is to study if and how multimodality is used within a Swedish school in Kalmar. This is accomplished by observing the different modalities inside the classroom and how the use of different modalities affects the teaching. Unstructured observations combined with a material-based thematic presentation leads up to an analysis based on social semiotics and multimodality. The essay shows how the teaching uses lots of modalities: sound, images, movies, speeches and literary text in lots of different ways. These different types of modalities are used in a multimodal context, providing good conditions for learning..

Egenvård av stomi - en litteraturstudie om patientundervisningens betydelse

Background: There are many possible reasons why a patient gets a stoma and in every case it?s of importance for the nurse to adjust nursing care, information and patient education from individual presuppositions. Problem: Patient education regarding stoma self-care is an important part of the nurse?s work within stoma care. The patient is depending on the guidance of the nurse and therefore it is relevant to illuminate the importance of education regarding gaining ability to perform self-care.

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