

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 25 av 398

Förutsättningar för vuxnas lärande : En observationsstudie influerad av ramfaktorteorin

Abstrakt Wikner, E. (2015). Förutsättningar för vuxnas lärande: En observationsstudie influerad av ramfaktorteorin. Högskolan i Gävle. Detta arbete är en observationsstudie med syfte att undersöka vilka förutsättningar för lärande är vid tre specifika lärandesituationer i samhället samt att undersöka hur förutsättningarna varierar beroende på vad det är man ska lära sig. Observationerna som gjordes var semi-strukturerade och genomfördes utifrån en observationsguide vid tre icke-formella lärandesituationer.

Knowledge Management -lärprocesser över gränser

Background: To be better able to meet the new competition, companies are seeking new competitive advantages, wich is forcing them to review and, in time, change both working methods and corporate structures. This has led to an increased interest in the development of strategies within the field of Knowledge Management. Objective: The objective of this thesis is to improve understanding of how learning in a company occurs over internal boundaries and to investigate whether individuals need to be motivated in this regard. We also aim to give recommendations as to how this can be developed. Furthermore, we will work out a model that explains the learning process.

Lärande - styrt eller i samspel? : En studie om lärares syn på undervisning och lärande

This study?s purpose was to examine which main forms of teaching methods that occurs in the Swedish nine-year compulsory school and how often learning through social collaboration take place. The study contained literature and interviews with eight teachers. Our research-questions were: What is the teacher?s opinion about different teaching methods, their opinion about learning and teaching and if there were any difference between the teachers teaching younger or older students regarding teaching methods? Our conclusions of this study were that ?lecture-methods? is the most common among teachers.

Att se samband : undervisning och lärande med nya ögon

Denna artikel presenterar en Learning Study som innehåller tre forskningslektioner.Syftet med studien var att analysera på vilket sätt variationsmönster inverkar på enelevgrupps lärande och förståelse för vad som påverkar blodomloppet. Studiensdesign baserades på Variationsteorin och undersökningsgruppen utgjordes av 45elever i årskurs sex. Resultatet visade att alla elever utvecklade sina kunskaper omvad som påverkar blodomloppet. Genom att åskådliggöra blodcirkulationen som ettsammanbundet system och hur en väska transporteras i ett helt system gentemot ettsystem med hål i fick eleverna se att oavsett var i systemet brottet är påverkas alla delarna..

Ålandsfrågan : En studie ur ett medieperspektiv

AbstractThe purpose of this essay is to study in what way teachers in preschool work with pupils enabling them to gain influence and involvement in their learning.Influence means being able to make your voice heard which is an important component of a democratic society. Involvement is about being part of a community in which everyone is welcomed regardless of beliefs and opinions. Several of today's researchers believe that learning occurs in interaction between people. Teachers providing meaningful assignments to pupils, they become more motivated to learn.The study is based on observations of how teachers work with influence and involvement in controlled sessions, and interpretations of them. My results show that children become involved in their learning when they are confronted with a variety of pedagogical approaches to learning.

Vilken roll spelar förskoleklassen i vårt skolsystem? En studie av läroplanerna för förskolan och grundskolan : Med fokus på rådande diskurser om barns lärande och utveckling

The aim of this essay is to get a view of the contemporary approach to children´s learning and how children´s learning and development are influenced by the preschool year for six- year olds, by analyzing the Swedish curriculum. What is the purpose of the preschool- year for six year-olds? What does the curriculum say about what children need when entering primary school? I also wish to investigate how through the curriculum common norms and standards, as far as children´s learning are concerned, are shown and discussed. My result show that the curriculum does not mention much about the preschool year for six-year-olds at all. It seems that this year in school is not given priority, which makes it difficult for the teachers to work with the children of this age and to know what their assignment is.

Lärares åsikter om ämnesintegrering : En studie om ämnesintegrering mellan matematik och karaktärsämnena på de yrkesförberedande programmen

Syftet med denna rapport är att utreda vad matematik- respektive karaktärsämneslärare på yrkesprogrammen på gymnasiet anser att det finns för för- respektive nackdelar med en ämnesintegrering mellan deras ämnen. Med hjälp av en enkät har de två grupperna fått delge sina för- och nackdelar samt i vilken utsträckning de tillämpar en sådan ämnesintegrering. Enkäten användes också som underlag för en intervju som låg till grund för en beskrivning av hur ett ämnesintegrerat arbete kan gå till. Majoriteten av lärarna var positiva till att ämnesintegrera och ansåg att de tillämpade en sådan undervisning men endast ett fåtal samarbetade med sina kollegor över ämnesgränserna..

Gruppens betydelse för inlärning

In today?s individualistic society, I experience a need to bring forward the importance of collaboration. From a sociocultural perspective, I have chosen to highlight the positive and negative aspects of collaborative learning, with the intention of illustrating the effects for the individual learning and development. I have therefore made an interview with an educationalist, who?s been a teacher all her grown up life, with the intent of illustrating her thoughts on collaborative learning.

Vision möter verklighet : Forskarrollen i relation till lärande för alla.

The purpose of this study is to investigate how the researcher experiences its role in real life in relation to the field of education and adult learning. The context of the study is the academic department of education and adult learning in Swedish institutions. This is a qualitative study, inspired by Grounded Theory. Data consist of interviews, texts from policy documents and reports. Both the aspects gender and context have been taken into consideration.

Perception of human acoustic communication in the domestic dog (Canis familiaris)

For most dog owners today it is natural to use acoustic stimuli such as talking to communicate with their pets. Words are used both to ask the dogs to perform tricks, as well as to hold ?conversations? with the dog. This literature review looks at how dogs perceive human acoustical communication and how this can influence the behaviour of the dog. This information could be used e.g.

?Barnen behöver de att erbjudas mer än bara en sandlåda med hinkar och spadar? : en undersökning kring förskolepedagogers uppfattningar om förskolegården och dess relation till barns lärande

The aim of this study is through a teacher perspective illustrate and analyze how preschool teachers apprehend children´s learning in relation to the preschool yard.The main research questions asked were:How do preschool teachers apprehend the preschool yard in reference to it as a place?In what way do preschool teachers use the preschool yard in their work with the children?How do preschool teachers view the preschool yard and the significance it has on children´s learning?The research is based on data collected through interviews and observations at four different preschools in the same municipality. The research views place and people as social constructions, a theory of knowledge that is based on the view that the world, places and people are constructed in relation to each other. This perspective as well as previous research is used for analyzing the data collected through a qualitive study based on interviews. The data analyzed show that the preschool teachers involved in this research apprehend the preschool yard as a central part in the learning of young children.

?Anti-vertigo-systemet behöver kalibreras? : En undersökning av Bamsetidningens läsbarhet i förhållande till målgruppen

Learning words have shown to be a very crucial part of learning a second language and the one most important factor to make pupils with Swedish as a second language succeed in school. To make sure that all pupils get the right conditions to learn from all subjects and their entire content a wide vocabulary is necessary. Even so it is found that there are shortcomings regarding this kind of teaching in Swedish schools.Through interviews and observations of two teachers that teach pupils with Swedish as a second language, and also with a short reading test for the pupils, the possible strategies that these teachers use for learning words have been studied. The result shows that the teachers are using several strategies and that they are actively working with transmitting these to the pupils, but there are some areas that need developing..

Utbildning och lärandeteori - om lärares professionella utveckling i en Learning Study

Bakgrund:Läraryrkets komplexitet och bristen på lärares teoretiska förankring öppnar för att i en variationsteoretisk ram fokusera ett lärandeobjekt som ett sätt att utveckla lärarnas lärande samt lärarprofessionen.Syfte:Syftet med studien är att undersöka några lärares föreställningar om innehållet i deras undervisning, deras föreställningar om elevernas lärande samt hur detta innehåll gestaltas under en lesson/learning study.Metod:Genom deltagande i planerings- och analysmöten samt genom observationer studeras lärarnas samtal om och deras gestaltningar av ett innehåll i vad som kan sägas vara en mix av en lesson study och en learning study.Resultat:Lärarnas samtal under planeringsarbetet och genomförandet kännetecknades av en låg grad av teorianknytning, där innehållets strukturella aspekter inte synliggjordes. I lärarnas samtal synliggjordes inte heller elevernas lärande vilket däremot kom till uttryck i undervisningssituationerna..

Samband mellan identitet och positionering vid matematiskt samarbetslärande i grupp

The aim of this study is to fill the gap in mathematics education research concerning the relationship between identity and positioning in mathematical collaboration in groups. This study elaborates on the relationship between how pupils see themselves as math students in sixth grade, how they show their identities as math students, in contrast to how they position themselves reflexively in group collaboration while engaging in mathematical problem solving. The theoretical concepts linked to this study are discourse, identity and positioning. Discourse is used to describe and form the setting and context of the study. Identity is seen as a transient and elusive concept formed by the students own perceptions of self through narratives.

Barnet eller ämnet? : Lärarstudenters preferenser av didaktiska val vid naturvetenskaplig undervisning i förskolan

Teaching in pre-school usually takes its starting-point in children?s reality and curiosity. Apart from that it has also been important to take contains of a special subject under consideration, for example development of language and communication or mathematics development. The purpose of this study was to investigate how natural science as a special subject in pre-school education is expressed by five trainee teachers when they teach children at the age of 2-7. Generally the study focuses on the students? teaching actions as well as their line of argument about their teaching and the choices they have to make.

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