

5970 Uppsatser om The quality of learning in mathematics and learning in mathematics - Sida 24 av 398

Läsundervisning- att följa en metod eller ej? : En jämförande studie om lärares val av metod i arbetet med den tidiga läsinlärningen

This is a study of how four teachers work with pupils? early literacy learning. Interviews were conducted with two teachers who chose to use a specific method, Writing to Read (WTR), for teaching pupils to read, and with two teachers who had not chosen a specific method. The aim of the study was to compare how the teachers worked, their motives for their choice of method, and the ideas the teachers have about early literacy learning. To see whether the teachers? choice of method was related to the individualization of the teaching and their views of pupils? learning in interaction, Vygotsky?s theories about children?s learning have been used.

Silversurfarna med hela världen i en låda Användarundervisning i internet för sju ålderspensionärer

Today, librarians tasks may sometimes take on an educational aspect, e.g. when designing educational courses. Our aim with this paper has been to extend our knowledge of peoples learning and learning processes in order to better adapt our educational courses for different user groups. We have investigated what eight senior citizens wanted to learn about the Internet, and followed seven of them during their course. We have examined how the group experienced a course about Internet use, and how they described their learning and learning processes.

Demokrati i klassrummet : En kvalitativ studie i de sociala rollernas betydelse i år tre.

According to the curriculum the Swedish school system should aim to let the democratic values permeate the school as a whole, and the school should assume each student's individual abilities in teaching. (Lpo -94) Democratic education is what the pragmatist John Dewey strongly encourages in his book Democracy and Education, which is why he stands for the theoretical framework of the concept of democracy in the school context. This study aims to examine whether and if so, the social roles in a classroom can affect students' opportunities for learning. The main research questions asked were:How can the social roles affect students' opportunities for learning in a classroom? How do students perceive that the social roles in the classroom affect their opportunities for learning? This has been investigated by two complementary perspectives.  Partly thru a student perspective to raise the students 'own experiences, and partly from an outside perspective to show how I, as an observer can see that social roles affect students' opportunities for learning.

Informationshantering och organisatoriskt lärande i samband med företagens etiska handel

The purpose of this essay is to examine how four Swedish retail companies describe their information management in connection to ethical trade. My purpose is also to examine how this information management relates to organizational learning. My questions at issue are ? ?Which activities related to information management in connection to ethical trade is described by the companies?? and ?How can these activities and statements be related to organizational learning?? My method of investigation is to perform qualitative interviews with representatives from the retail companies and relate the results to theories on information management and organizational learning, mainly theories of double-loop- and single-loop learning. The information management literature address issues such as information needs, information sources and information seeking.

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to learn a melody, and the remaining three did best when auditive cues were used. All but one of the students had the worst result in the kinestetic trial.

Resonemang kring variation i lärandet: Waldorf-, Freinet- och Bifrostpedagoger

The aim of the study is to investigate reasoning about variation in learning, made by Waldorf, Freinet- and Bifrost pedagogues. The focal points are how the pedagogues reason about variation in learning and why they want to use variation. It is a qualitative study, and it is done through interviews with one Waldorf pedagogue, one Freinet pedagogue and one Bifrost pedagogue. The conversation with each pedagogue is complemented by literature that describes and discusses each pedagogue?s specific teaching method. The results of the study are linked to different theories and reasoning by scientists and professors.

Ett språk för alla? : en kvalitativ studie av ett antal pedagogers syn på sinanvändning av IKT-verktyg i den tidiga läs- och skrivinlärningen

The aim of this study is to investigate a number of class teachers' thoughts on the use of information and communications technology (ICT) in early literacy learning. The study has been conducted as a qualitative study, interviewing five teachers with the help of an interview guide. Three central questions were posed.What perception do the teachers have about the use of ICT in their tuition?What perception do the teachers have about the pupils' literacy learning in teaching with ICT tools?What perception do the teachets have about teaching and learning by means of ICT when it comes to pupils with reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia?The overall theoretical basis of the study is Vygotskij's sociocultural theory.In conclusion, the result of the study is as follows.Most class teachers feel that the training they have undergone in ICT education was adequate, but they also call for skill development.Most teachers believe that the use of ICT tools provide opportunities to adapt their teaching to pupils' knowledge level. The teachers' opinion is that ICT in teaching is useful for pupils' progress in early literacy learning.Most teachers also believe that ICT tools in teaching can be of some help for pupils with reading and writing difficulties/dyslexia.One obstacle in helping these pupils is lack of time.Therefore, the majority of the teachers hand these pupils over to special education outside the classroom..

Nivågruppering i matematik : Ur ett elevperspektiv

The question how teaching should be organized in order to give the students the help and support they need to reach their goals is always of vital interest. All students are unique individuals with different prerequisities, possibilities and needs. Streaming in mathematics could be one solution.The first week at upper secondary school a diagnostic test is carried through. Thereafter, the result is used as a basis for dividing the classes into different teaching groups. Thus, the groups working with mathematics become more homogeneous and the students? previous knowledge is approximately at the same level.

Internetbaserade distansutbildningar

In the informational age of today, continuous learning is of greatest importance. The demand for this seems to be increasing, while at the same time people are under more pressure to carry out more tasks in shorter amounts of time. A way to solve the problem of finding time to learn could be to make use of the possibilities that Internet offers for learning at a distance. The purpose of this thesis is to, from a pedagogical perspective, contribute to the discussion concerning Internet based distance education for a target population consisting of professionals. We have found that some of the courses included in the two certification programs which we have investigated are suitable for Internet based distance education.

Om du lyssnar på mig kanske jag lär mig något! : En essä om relationers betydelse för barnets lärande på förskolan

The purpose of this essay is to explore how educators are supposed to prioritize their work at the preschool so that all children are listened to and the conditions necessary for kids to dare to express their feelings and thoughts are in place. How is the relationship important for the child's learning? How do I become a committed educator who knows how to interpret and prioritize my work so it benefits children's learning? I am developing these questions in two parts in my following text. Firstly I am writing about why it is important that we who work as pedagogues meet the child on the child?s own terms.

IKT verktyg ? befrielse eller belastning? : Elever i behov av särskilt stöd och deras uppfattningar om IKT verktyg i lärandet.

The aim of this study was to describe and analyse the perceptions that ten 12-15 yearold pupils with special educational need, who had been assigned a personal computer, have about Information and Communication Technology (ICT) in the learning process. Data was collected by personal interviews and observations. Sociocultural perspective and phenomenographic research approach were used as theoretical and methodological frameworks in analyzing and understanding the result. The major conclusions were that most respondents perceived the computer as beneficial assistive technology for learning, but some felt singled out by having a computer to assist in learning. Students had various opportunities to succeed in using their tool depending on e.g.

Hedmans Kvadratrotsalgoritm

I detta 10-poängsarbete går jag igenom hur min egenhändigt producerade kvadratrotsalgoritm fungerar praktiskt och teoretiskt. Med denna algoritm kan man för hand räkna ut kvadratrötter som innehåller 50-60 värdesiffror. Med de tidigare kända algoritmerna för kvadratrötter kan man räkna ut 5-6 värdesiffror. Min algoritm fungerar inte på samma sätt som de tidigare använda kvadratrotsalgoritmerna men den är lika korrekt. Stor tyngdvikt i arbetet har därför lagts på att visa på att det finns flera olika korrekta algoritmer för våra vanliga räknesätt.

Dominansprofiler - en väg till din inlärningsstil?

In this study the reliability of dominance profiles as a method of establishing a person's learning style was tested. Eight students at Malmö Academy of Music tried three different ways to learn a short melody at the piano. In this way, their preferred way of learning things (either visual, auditive or kinestetic) was established. Five of the students did best when they used a visual cue to learn a melody, and the remaining three did best when auditive cues were used. All but one of the students had the worst result in the kinestetic trial.

En jämförelse av stickprovsmetoder vid mätning av radioaktivetet på en yta

This study compares the sample variance of the mean in a simple random sample (SRS) and a systematic sample from a surface. The study also compares the prediction error variance in a SRS and systematic sample from a random field. Recommendations are presented on which method to use in the clearance and exemption process in the nuclear industry. The results indicate that quadratic systematic sampling outperformed SRS in most instances and proved to be especially efficient in the presence of a long-ranged covariance function and high sampling intensity (i.e. short distances between observations).

Processboken : Ett pedagogiskt verktyg att använda inom hantverksstudier

The students participating in my development work will work with a process book for handicraft studies. In the beginning of their studies, the students need practical knowledge about the development of the profession itself, but they also need to be challenged and learn how to solve problems on their own which will help them gain a deeper knowledge of the subject.    I focus on open questions to create a process with the students. This process is created when working with Solution-Focused-Education. Through ?assessment for learning? we can help the students to improve their self-assessment and understanding of the learning process.

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