

2973 Uppsatser om The ordinary world - Sida 10 av 199

Varför undervisa om Förintelsen? : En intervjustudie om hur historielärare i högstadietundervisar om Andra Världskriget och Förintelsen i samband medvärdegrundsarbetet

This is an interview- and literature study that discusses teaching about the Second World War and the Holocaust, while working with the basic values in grade 7-9.The purpose with this examination is to see how teachers of history in grade 7-9 choose to teach about the Second World War and the Holocaust, how they work to integrate the basic values in their education and whether the teachers? education can be sustained by the Swedish school curricula.In this study I?ve been doing qualitative interviews with five teachers of history in grade 7-9 from different schools. I have also perused the Swedish school curricula and read some literature and studies about different ways of dealing with the subject: the Holocaust.According to the central parts of the Swedish curricula, LGR 2011, the fields about the Holocaust and the 20.century World Wars are to be studied during grade 7-9. All my respondents in the study teach about this think that the most important thing with this complex time in history, is to give the students a deeper understanding for the time leading up to the beginning of the  Second World War in 1939, and why the Holocaust actually took place.Regarding the work with the basic values, all the five respondents agree on the fact that, this subject shall permeate the entire work at school, all the time, every day, but that it?s absolutely essential while studying the Holocaust.

Gränsland : var går gränsen mellan mig och en fysisk plats?

I have investigated the interaction between man and environment, between my inner reality and a physical place, using a camera as my primary tool. What conceptions do I have and how do they affect how I relate to the outer world? I am not a passive receiver of the surrounding world. Instead I actively (but usually unconsciously) choose what to take in and how I experience it. If we as landscape architects do not reflect upon our conceptions, they will unconsciously affect our decisions. Only when we accept our experiences as subjective, can honest communication take place. By means of literature studies I have connected my own conceptions with different definitions of place: place as enclosure (location, space), place as inner meaning (genius loci) and place as action (the place-creating process).

Stenålderns schamaner : En studie om gudars ursprung och världens fornkulturella tro

In this work, you get drawn into a different and distant world than the one we are usedto. You get to know what shamanism is, in a basic and understandable way, easy to lookupon for a newcomer to this gigantic subject. The world of raging spirits and meddlingshamans with the belief of three worlds where spirits roam will be compared toreligions that we might know better, with big focus on the Aesir Faith. Oden and otherwell-known characters from this belief are in a historical way looked upon and relatedto beliefs, storys and findings.The archaic belief of the humans are intriguing and exciting, and I hope you find outthat yourself, when you dig in to this essay.

Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers och deltagande

The failure of Structural Adjustment Programs and its neoliberal policies to effectively reduce poverty have led to the creation of Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper (PRSP) by The World Bank and International Monetary Fund. PRSP, connected to both the Comprehensive Development Strategy and the HIPC initiative, are built on the notion of national ownership and stakeholder participation and thereby expand potential conditionality to include matters of governance. This thesis examines the evolution of PRSP and how the process of participation affects national governance structures. By analyzing the role of rules and norms within the World Bank and IMF from a historical point of view the thesis explains why the participation process has developed the way it has. It concludes that neoliberal norms, still at heart within the World Bank and IMF, have an impact on the process of participation within nation states and thereby its governance structure.

Egendomsbegreppet enligt Europarätten, särskilt legitima förväntningar och dess betydelse för den svenska rätten

This is an interview- and literature study that discusses teaching about the Second World War and the Holocaust, while working with the basic values in grade 7-9.The purpose with this examination is to see how teachers of history in grade 7-9 choose to teach about the Second World War and the Holocaust, how they work to integrate the basic values in their education and whether the teachers? education can be sustained by the Swedish school curricula.In this study I?ve been doing qualitative interviews with five teachers of history in grade 7-9 from different schools. I have also perused the Swedish school curricula and read some literature and studies about different ways of dealing with the subject: the Holocaust.According to the central parts of the Swedish curricula, LGR 2011, the fields about the Holocaust and the 20.century World Wars are to be studied during grade 7-9. All my respondents in the study teach about this think that the most important thing with this complex time in history, is to give the students a deeper understanding for the time leading up to the beginning of the  Second World War in 1939, and why the Holocaust actually took place.Regarding the work with the basic values, all the five respondents agree on the fact that, this subject shall permeate the entire work at school, all the time, every day, but that it?s absolutely essential while studying the Holocaust.

The Origin : en jämförande tolkningsstudie mellan två skapelseberättelser, med fokus på kvinnan

The purpose of this paper is to interpret two stories of creation and compare them to each other with focus on the gender perspective. The interpretation is generally limited to the creation of mankind and how women are represented in each particular story.  The stories I?m interpreting is the story of creation from the Holy Bible, the so called genesis, and from The Nag Hammadi Library?s story of creation called On the origin of the world. I want to show the difference between these two stories when it comes to the women?s position and in what level she is described.

Framtagning av en remdriven växellåda till en häcksax

The project was performed in collaboration with Husqvarna, one of the world?s leading manufacturer in the market of electric outdoor products. The report is a thesis work of a bachelor mechanical engineer program, in the field product development and design.The project is a study of the development opportunities within drive belt for a gear driven gearbox to one of Husqvarnas petrol powered hedge trimmers. A big part of the project was also to find combinations of materials for all components in the gearbox, to reduce weight and maintain or improve the performance of the system. Belt drive was of interest to investigate as an alternative solution to the current design that can reduce wear on the system at a performance test performed in the company before the product is released to market.

Ordets blomma kommer inte att dö : att förändra världar genom globala nätverk

Social movements have long been valuable components of the struggle for a world with true justice. Along with the changing and modernization of society these movements also change, both in their actions as well as in the goals they want to accomplish. Technology is taking a greater part in many aspects of social life, creating new dimensions but also new social divides. This thesis examines how new social movements make themselves visible and affect the world around them through different kinds of networks. For the purpose of this study, we have chosen to study two social movements; the Zapatistas in Mexico, who have become known worldwide for carrying out the first informational revolution, and MoveOn.org, an American grassroots organization that struggles for increased democracy in the US.

?Var är alla bögarna?? En studie i heteronormativitet i mediernas skildringar av idrottare, mot bakgrund av sexualitet

Authors: Philip Trollér & Jasmin FrljevicTitle: A sharp striker or forwardLevel: Bachelor of JournalismLocation: University of GothenburgLanguage: SwedishNumber of pages: 62All throughout time the Swedish language has been influenced by various external languages. And throughout the years many loanwords have been introduced to the Swedish vocabulary. And this phenomenon occurs in the texts written by Swedish sport journalists. But in what extent do loanwords from the English vocabulary occur in texts written by Swedish sportjournalists, in what types of texts they can be found. And also why the usage of loanwords occur.The purpose of our study is to find out how frequent English loanwords are in Swedish sports journalism.

Smulor är också bröd. En samling berättelser i bild och text

?Crumbs make crust? is a collection of memories, told in words and pictures. It is a praise of the ordinary person and the essentials of everyday life.I have several years of experience from working with elderly people in social home care service. There I was given the opportunity to meet different personalities and take part in their stories and everyday life. I have followed this life and collected memories and in this project I have portrayed an older generation, now looked upon only as crumbs, yet crumbs that in many ways rested on and still rests on society today..

Maktens ideologi? - En studie av Samuel Huntingtons verk "The Clash of Civilizations and the remaking of world order" utifrån Antonio Gramscis hegemoniteori

Samuel Huntingtons bok ?The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order? har vållat en omfattande debatt alltsedan den publicerades 1996. Efter terrorattackerna mot USA den elfte september 2001 har Huntingtons tes att det förekommer ett globalt civilisationskrig fått tjäna som ett rättfärdigande av USA:s attacker och ockupationer av Afghanistan samt Irak.Följande studies syfte är att genomföra en kritisk läsning av Huntingtons bok utifrån den ideologikritiska metoden. Den frågeställning uppsatsen försöker besvara är ?vilka maktintressen främjar Samuel Huntingtons verk ?The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order??.

Den finansiella krisen 2008 : En studie av dess påverkan på British Airways-World Cargo och dess finansiella operationsstrategi

The financial crisis in 2008, effected companies around the globe and forced them to change their operational strategies, in order to survive. Companies with international links needed to consider external effects and due to that adapt their strategies on a global level. Demands for goods and service were decreasing and companies could only manage the cost during a recession to not face bankruptcy. Organisations need to reconsider their optimal strategy as this will determine their future outcome when managing a crisis as the one in 2008. British Airways - Air Cargo is a global company with an international network which serves about 80 countries, with about 200 destinations.

Fridens och kärlekens ord : Nathan Söderbloms gestaltning av ärkebiskopsämbetet 1914- 1931

Nathan Söderblom, Swedish archbishop 1914 - 1931, understands his role as bishop from an integrated theological conception that episcopacy is a gift to the church and the apostolic succession a heritage of utmost value. Episcopacy is an important tool to make the churches come together. in his work for peace during the Great War it was through his position without any power that he could approach the politicians. His calling was not only for Sweden; he had a responsibility for the whole world. In the Ecumenical Cope for the 1925 Stockholm meeting Söderblom expressed his views on the importance of the Uppsala see.

Informal settlements : the world's invisible communities

Since the beginning of the new millennium the world?s population has increased exponentially fast. The majority of this growth has been accommodated for by urbanization of the developing world. This in turn has lead to a wide spread of informal settlements. Thus, areas of urban slums, that have risen illegally on the marginal lands within and at the periphery of the formal city.

Navigeringsprogram för postutdelare

This thesis is developed by Posten Åland AB in order to simplify the work of agency staff when distributing mail in rural areas. In my thesis I have developed an application to help automotive mail dispensers. The need for such an application exists, especially during the summer but at other times when ordinary dividend cannot run his route. With the help of a PDA and a GPS the mail dispenser should see where the next stop is and what is to be delivered thereThere already was a directory of mailboxes and the addressees and the coordinates of the mailboxes. Using this, I will implement functionality to retrieve a specific route and plot those coordinates on the map..

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