
The Origin

en jämförande tolkningsstudie mellan två skapelseberättelser, med fokus på kvinnan

The purpose of this paper is to interpret two stories of creation and compare them to each other with focus on the gender perspective. The interpretation is generally limited to the creation of mankind and how women are represented in each particular story.  The stories I?m interpreting is the story of creation from the Holy Bible, the so called genesis, and from The Nag Hammadi Library?s story of creation called On the origin of the world. I want to show the difference between these two stories when it comes to the women?s position and in what level she is described. I will go through different parts of these two stories and compare the gender language, and try to find a pattern on how femaleness is expressed in The Holy Bible and in On the origin of the world.


Elin Engström

Lärosäte och institution

Linköpings universitet/Avdelningen för kulturvetenskaper, KVA


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