3109 Uppsatser om The human body. - Sida 18 av 208
Rumsbilder : The English Patient (1996), Hero (2002)och Mulholland Drive (2001)
The phenomenology of Gaston Bachelard holds that readers, or viewers, relate to spatial imagery through the use of age-old archetypes. These archetypes form a collective image-memory that is employed when reading space. One such image is the house. The house for Bachelard is, however, never solely an image, but constitutes a familiar space that becomes inscribed in our bodies through the repeated physical contact with this domestic space. The house teaches us to interact with space, and comes to inform the way that human beings understand images of space.
Hälsa som huvudsak : En diskursanalys av hälsa i populärmedia
The purpose with this master´s thesis is to examine how helth and unhelthy in the Swedish magazines Topphälsa, Fitnez Magazine, hälsa and I Form. The study is made from a discourse analytical approach and text and pictures are analysed together. The governmentality-perspective is also used as a theoretical frame. Power and govern are two inportant conceptions for this paper. Some of the main characteristics of the material are the double messages, the division in the categories "we" and "them" and the personal address to the reader.
Mötet med det otänkbara : Värdekonflikter i mötet med kvinnor utsatta för kvinnlig könsstympning
When professionals meet people from other cultures, there are some problematic issues that may appear, especially when considering human rights. Every individual has the right to live as they choose, and have the right to their own culture and traditions even if they have immigrated to another country. Female genital mutilation is a tradition that violates human rights. In this study we will look at what conflicts of values that professionals can have while meeting clients who have been mutilated. We have made qualitative interviews with four professionals working in a small town in Sweden in an area where many immigrants live.
"På ojämn mark lär vi oss att gå" : En studie av det interreligiösa arbetets möjligheter, hinder och kopplingar till mänskliga rättigheter utifrån Fryshusprojektet Tillsammans för Sverige.
This thesis examines interfaith work from a general perspective and through the Swedish interfaith project ?Tillsammans för Sverige?. They are based in a famous youth center in Stockholm. The examination has two aims. The first is to identify the main characteristics of interfaith work and how they correspond with daily practice.
Att dela eller inte? Medarbetarnas perspektiv på delat ledarskap inom Human service organisationer
Studiens syfte var att undersöka och sätta ord på medarbetarnas upplevelse och uppfattning av delat ledarskap utifrån två teman: verksamhetsaspekter och personalaspekter. De teorier som det relateras till i uppsatsen är Döös med fleras teori om delat ledarskap, Engquists kommunikationsteori, Hällstens & Tengblads medarbetarskapsteorier samt Thylefors ledarskapsteorier inom Human service organisationer. För att genomföra undersökningen användes en abduktiv, kvalitativ metod med tre strukturerade fokusgruppsintervjuer med medarbetarna samt två individuella intervjuer med två delande chefer på tre verksamheter inom Human service organisationer, där konceptet med delat ledarskap tillämpas eller har tillämpats.Medarbetarnas upplevelser av delat ledarskap har skiftat från nöjd till missnöjd. Resultatet visar att delat ledarskap ger flera fördelar och få nackdelar om rätt förutsättningar finns. Slutsatsen är att delat ledarskap är något alla tjänar på ?om uppdelningen av det delade ledarskapet är väl genomtäkt och personerna som delar ledarskapet passar in i rollerna?.
Sponsring - En studie om handbollsföreningar i Göteborg
Background: Enterprises often refer to their employees as ?Our most valuable assets? in annual reports and other written statements. In reality, employees are seen as an expense rather than an asset in annual reports and the voluntary disclosure is often insufficient. Human capital disclosure has been discussed through decades and the latest topic in voluntary disclosure is called integrated reporting. Knowledge firms should disclose more about their employees than industrial companies due to the fact that the employees are a considerably more important asset to these types of enterprises.Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to study the disclosure of human capital, compare the disclosures between knowledge firms and industrial companies, and study the development of the human capital disclosures between the years 2003-2013.
Hur tänker barn att de ser ut inuti? : Vad har 3- och 4-åringar för uppfattning om insidan av kroppen?
AbstractMy purpose of this essay was to discover three- and four-year-olds comprehension of their internal body and then compare the result between their ages. I have used the same methods in both essays, semi-qualitative interviews. It is structured interviews with space for following questions. My formulations of the questions were: Do the children have a comprehension of their internal structure of the body? Do the children have a comprehension of organs and organ systems? Is there any difference between the ages?Their comprehensions I have categorized in four categories and I have seen age related differences in their comprehensions.
?Förhoppningsvis är man två? : En studie över hur 18-åringar i en mindre stad i Sverige resonerar kring kön, kropp och sexualitet
The essay is about how teenagers around 18 years of age in a small town in Sweden talk about gender, body and sexuality. The study is based on two focus group interviews with five boys and four girls. We have then thematized and analyzed the material with queer theory.The results show how young people see heterosexuality as something 'natural' and gender as biologically determined. The teenagers are critical towards anything that deviates from the traditional nuclear family consisting of mother, father and children. Norms are created in their speech as some of them acts as so called "border guards" for these norms.
Kellersson E, Jämförelse av andningsmuskelstyrke mätning på ny utrustning. Examensarbete i biomedicinsk laboratorievetenskap 15 poäng. Malmö högskola:
Hälsa och Samhälle, enheten för biomedicinsk Laboratorievetenskap, 2012.
Svaghet i andningsmuskulatur är vanligt hos neuromuskulärt sjuka, lungsjuka och hos vissa patienter som behandlas med steroider. Vid neuromuskulära sjukdomar utgör en progressiv försvagning av andningsmusklerna (främst diafragman) det allvarligaste hotet mot överlevnad. Andningsmuskelstyrkan kan mätas med hjälp av en spirometer, där det maximala inspiratoriska trycket (PI max) och det maximala exspiratoriska trycket (PE max) mäts med hjälp av tryckreceptorer vid en pnemotachograf.
Manligt och kvinnligt på humorscenen : En studie kring språk och kön inom komik
The purpose of my study was to determine whether there are any differences between the language that men use and the one that women use in a context that has not yet been studied. With the results of previous studies from other areas in mind I tried to ascertain if the stereotypes that exist about language and gender may also be transmitted to the comedy stage. I compared two stand-up comedians with opposite sex in a clip from a Swedish television show. The comparison was based on their body language, the use of nouns and verbs and on the length of their words. I used a combination of a qualitative and a quantitative method.
Think Clearly Outside The Bottle! : Hur kranvattnets kommersiella värde kan höjas
Due to the fact that bottled water has negative impact on the environment,Elite Hotel hasdecided to stop serving bottled water in their restaurants. Since Swedish tap water is regarded tohave great quality,Elite Hotel wants to look at the possibilities to carbonate their own sparklingwater and serving it in fancy carafes. This Master of Science thesis is about constructing a costefficient water carbonator system that suits Elite Hotel?s need specification. This thesis alsocovers other water refinement criteria.The work has been divided into three parts.
Identitetsverifiering via tangentbordsstatistik
One important issue faced by companies is to secure their information and resources from intrusions. For accessing a resource almost every system uses the approach of assigning a unique username and a password to all legitimate users. This approach has a major drawback. If an intruder gets the above information then he can become a big threat for the company and its resources. To strengthen the computer security there are several biometric methods for identity verification which are based on the human body?s unique characteristics and behavior including fingerprints, face recognition, retina scan and signatures.
Färdplanen & Genèveinitiativet : Förutsättningar för framsteg i den palestinsk-israeliska fredsprocessen
The aim of this paper is to examine if the two latest Peace Plans in the Palestine-Israeli con-flict observes the sources of the conflict and presents measures in the purpose of solving them. The point of departure is William Azar?s theory of protracted social conflict (PSC). According to Azar, the internal sources of a PSC lies in three clusters of variables: the com-munal content of a society, the deprivation of human needs as an underlying source of PSC, and the role of the state in the deprivation or satisfaction of human needs. The study is de-signed as a multiple-case study where the units of analysis are the Roadmap to Peace and the Geneva Initiative.
Förändrad interaktion, förändrat värde? : En kvalitativ studie om värdeskapande vid mänsklig och teknisk interaktion
The progress in the field of technology is often described as massive and its development has had a great impact on the social development (Vetenskapsrådet, 2012). As a result of the digital evolution, there has been a change in the way customer and company interact (Normann, 2011). The traditional way for players to interact with each other required an interaction human to human (ibid), a mode of interaction that now can be replaced or supplemented by todays technology and often Internet-based solutions (Salomonson et al., 2013). These technological solutions, the technical interaction, are often referred to as self-service systems. These systems enables the customer to carry out the tasks previously performed by the company (Hilton and Hughes, 2013).
Patienters upplevelse av Basal Kroppskännedom efter avslutad behandling : En kvalitativ intervjustudie speglad ur socialkognitiv teori
Introduction: Basic Body Awereness Therapy (BBAT) is a treatment developed to treat different kinds of psychiatric diagnoses, but also to prevent the emergence of any other unhealthy conditions. The treatment is aimed to increase the body control and conscious breathing but also requires mental awareness.Aim: The aim of this study is to, based on social cognitive theory, describe patients' experiences of BBAT performed as group therapy.Method: The study design was qualitative with an inductive approach. Five people were interviewed after a BBAT group treatment in primary care. The data was collected by individual interviews with semi-structured questions and the interviews were analysed by qualitative content analysis.Result/Conclusion: The participants experienced increased body awareness and implemented BBAT strategies even though the treatment frequency was insufficient. BBAT was described as helpful used to regulate intensity level, stress management and facilitate breathing.