

The English Patient (1996), Hero (2002)och Mulholland Drive (2001)

The phenomenology of Gaston Bachelard holds that readers, or viewers, relate to spatial imagery through the use of age-old archetypes. These archetypes form a collective image-memory that is employed when reading space. One such image is the house. The house for Bachelard is, however, never solely an image, but constitutes a familiar space that becomes inscribed in our bodies through the repeated physical contact with this domestic space. The house teaches us to interact with space, and comes to inform the way that human beings understand images of space. Spatial imagery can be conceptualized both as embodied, lived experience and as semiotic sign. The aim is to investigate the idea of a collective image-base, and in what way the universality of these images relates to the individual conditions of each meeting with images of space. The object of study here is also to survey the ways that images of space transgress the borders between bodily experience and abstract sign, between the individually specific and the universal, as well as between actual space and represented space.


Åsa Mäki

Lärosäte och institution

Stockholms universitet/Filmvetenskapliga institutionen


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