

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 48 av 982

Identitetsskapande på Internet : En kvalitativ studie om det sociala nätverket Facebook

As computerized communication and the Internet have evolved, the possibility to express and affirm one?s identity in new ways has also been created. Facebook, which has taken a leading role among the social fora on the Internet and succeeded worldwide, is my choice of study due to the number of people that actively choose to present themselves on it. The purpose of this thesis is to study the identity construction on Facebook through the activities a member partakes in, as well as how the presentation of oneself is written and if it is a result of a self-reflective process of the individual.The rationale for the qualitative study has been personal interviews in order to get an insight into how the individuals use and present themselves on Facebook and - in the interaction with others ? how they construct their own identity. My hypothesis has been that we, in the interaction with others, have a great possibility to create and understand our own identities. The study results show that identity formation is a constant process and that it is indeed a self-reflective project.

Lean Construction applicerat på betongkonstruktion : The Last Planner och visuell metodik för reducering av produktionstidsvariationer

Bakgrunden till detta examensarbete är byggföretagens utmaningar med att bedriva byggprojekt där nya och unika objekt skall konstrueras, med många nya förutsättningar och allt som oftast även en ny sammansättning av personalstyrkan. Ett gemensamt behov för dessa byggprojekt är att effektivt kunna hantera en mängd av olika och nya variationer.Oden anläggningsentreprenad AB presenterade ett problem gällande oönskade variationer av produktionstider för betongmonoliter som innefattar mycket repetitiva arbetsmoment. Examensarbetets syfte blev att besvara följande frågor:Vilka är faktorerna som påverkar variationer i produktionstiden vid bygget av betongmonoliter?Vilka är lösningarna till att reducera faktorerna som negativt påverkar produktionstiden?Hur ska de nya lösningarna implementeras?I examensarbetet har teorier kring lean production, lean construction, organisationsförändring och betongkonstruktioner undersökts. Det empiriska materialet har hämtats genom att författaren deltagit i produktionen och fört en fältdagbok över dagliga problem som produktionspersonal påtalat.

Investeringskalkylering : En benchmarking av Volvo Construction Equipment

Uppsatsen innefattar en intern benchmarking för Volvo Construction Equipment, Arvika, Hallsberg, Eskilstuna och Braås. En kartläggning utifrån intervjuer ska göras över de investeringskalkyleringsmetoder som används i dagsläget. Syftet är att arbeta fram en mall för investeringar inom Operations Sweden, där samtliga involverade använder samma beräkningsmetoder och parametrar i sina bedömningar.Volvo Construction Equipment tillverkar anläggningsmaskiner. De fyra fabrikerna bildar tillsammans gemenskapen Operations Sweden. Inom Operations Sweden tas beslut om ett investeringsprojekt ska genomföras eller ej.

D-vitaminsupplementering och dess effekt på kroppssammansättning hos överviktiga och obesa ? en systematisk översiktsartikel

Sahlgrenska Academyat University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Vitamin D supplementation and its effect on body composition in the overweightand obese ? a systematic reviewAuthor: Johanna Blum and Emma Sellin FrimodigSupervisor: Sofia KlingbergExaminer: Ingrid LarssonProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: April 10, 2013Background: There is an increasing burden of overweight and obesity worldwide. Theconditions lead to morbidity and lowered quality of life. Since there is research showing aconnection between obesity and low levels of serum 25(OH)D, this raises the question ifsupplementation of vitamin D may have positive effects on body weight, waist circumference andbody composition in the overweight and obese.Objective: To investigate if there is enough scientific evidence to recommend vitamin Dsupplementation combined with nutrition therapy to overweight and obese patients.Search strategy: The systematic collection of data was performed in the databases PubMed andScopus. Search terms included were ?vitamin D supplementation?, ?obesity? ?cohort?, ?vitamin D?,?vitamin D3 supplementation? and ?overweight?.Selection criteria: Human studies with RCT, CCT or cohort design written in English orSwedish were included.

Jag lever som jag vill, eller jag lever som jag lär? En enkätstudie med avseende att undersöka 15 åringars BMI, kost-motionsvanor samt socialisationens påverkan av dessa

The habits of living are seen as important factors for public health, and are related to the primary socialization. Exercise and food habits are two main factors for development of health or ill health and are both related to the overweight epidemic. The overweight increase among children and youth has been given particular attention. The aim of this study is to examine how 15 year olds Body Mass Index, food- and exercise habits are connected to each other and also how they are related to socialization. The study is a cross sectional survey among 208 pupils in ninth grade, Kristianstad.

Sociala mediers påverkan på ungdomars hälsa

In the age group 16-25 years, the Internet is the most powerful source of information. This age group is also the main user of social media. The purpose of this study was to investigate young people's experience of social media and any associations between social media and adolescents health by answering the questions: ?how does young people use social media?, ?what risks can occur in young people's use of social media? and ?how can social media influence young people's lifestyles?. The survey was conducted by a quantitative cross-sectional study using questionnaires.

Förbättrad vakuumtätning mot kabeln under plastextruderingsprocessen

This thesis is about developing a design that provides improved vacuum seal between a lead coating and a plastic coating during plastic extrusion processes of cables. This report is a part of the course MSGC 17 for Bachelor Engineers in mechanical engineering.The work is performed at Nexans Norway AS in Halden where they have a production of high voltage cables for sea-, and offshore industry. A problem they face is that they do not get enough good seal at the attachment to the plastic extrusion machine. They want to achieve a vacuum between a lead coating on the cable and a plastic coating of the cable for plastic extrusion, which is something they do not achieve today. The thesis is thus to come up with a design that provides better sealing against the cable.The work involves a construction part with the phases of product development processes.

The role and influence of the Architect in industrialized building

An emerging trend within the construction industry is the expectation of the customer to experience and sense the product, maybe even in a customized manner. The latter trend would extend the necessity of incorporating not only function and aesthetics, but also perception and sensation. To meet this trend while at the same time improve the productivity the use of information technology such as BIM and technical platforms has increased in construction projects. Nevertheless, in spite of large investments, the construction industry has not managed to increase the effectiveness and productivity as much as other industries. Evident is that successful use of information technology depend on the integration and collaboration of various experts in a continuous and dynamic process.

Användande av diffusionsspärr vid tilläggsisolering av äldre byggnader med trästomme

In the current situation a big part ofthe settlements that exist in Sweden isin need of renovation and energyefficiency in order to survive.Therefore, also many of the older houseswith a wooden structure are in a need ofenergy efficiency, which can be done ina variety of ways, including addinginsulation.This project deals with whether the useof a diffusion barrier or a vaporbarrier affects a wall structure byadding insulation to an older house witha timber frame. The insulation materialswhich are concidered in thisinvestigation are mineral wool and woodfiber insulation. Efforts are focused onthe effects of moisture on theseinsulation materials.To demonstrate the differences thatarise the moisture measurement programWUFI have been used to simulate avariety of wall designs. These designsare developed in consultation with theconstruction carers who are active inthe industry.Using WUFI graphs illustrating themoisture levels of the wall structureswere obtained and from these conclusionsvould be drawn. The work demonstratesthe differences that arise when using adiffusion barrier or vapor barrier inwall construction.

Betydelsen av hästens hud och päls för reglering av kroppstemperatur i kyla ? vad händer vid klippning och täckning?

The horse is a homeothermic animal and to keep a constant body temperature in winter season is important. Acclimatisation is to provide means for a good thermal insulation consisting of skin, hair, and an outer air layer. The skin covers the horses body and it is composed of three main layers where the top layer of the epidermis consists of dead keratinized cells that are constantly being sheed. The dermis is composed of collagen connective tissue that give the skin its strength. The bottom layer with subcutaneous fat provides a thermal insulation and can be used as an energy reserve in cold weather.

Konsekvenser av förändrade partistorlekar - en undersökning på Volvo Car Body Components

Volvo Cars Body Components i Olofström tillverkar karosskomponenter till Volvos personbilar. De senaste åren har produktionsvolymen ökat betydligt, samtidigt som hårda krav på rationaliseringar ställs inom koncernen. En parameter som skulle kunna minska kostnaderna och effektivisera produktionsflödet, är partistorlekarna i pressning. Idag är partistorlekarna anpassade efter några dagars kundbehov och man är oense om partistorlekarna tar hänsyn till om artikeln har ett högt styckvärde eller kräver små lagerutrymmen. I vår uppsats har vi använt oss av metodtriangulering, vilket innebär att vi har kombinerat ett kvalitativt och ett kvantitativt synsätt för att komma till vår slutsats.

Socialt kapital genom Föreningsengagemang? : Föreningsengagemanget betydelse för det sociala kapitalet

This study examines the connection between social capital and involvement within voluntary associations; involvement is defined either as being a member in an association or a member who has some kind of assignment in an association. The study also examines if there is a difference between two social economic groups regarding the attainment and transformation of social capital through being involved in a voluntary association.Social capital is defined as social trust and the willingness of collective action.The result of the research shows there is a slight connection between the involvement in voluntary associations and social capital. It shows that people who are members of a voluntary association often have higher social capital than those who are not members of any voluntary association at all. The study also shows that there is a difference in attainment of social capital between those who have some kind of assignment in a voluntary association and general members.When studying social capital and involvement in voluntary associations it is also of interest to take social class into the analysis, because the study shows that people with a lower education had increased social capital when they were members in an association compared to the members with a higher education..

Montering av isolering på vattentank

One of today problem at IVT industries would be assembly of insulation on water cisterns. The element of assembly insulation on the cistern gets too elevated; hence one has to climb onto the stand the cistern is assembly on. This will increase the risk of work related injuries when there is a risk of falling down. It?s also rather strenuous on shoulders due to work with your arms high above your head.

Hur arbetar socialarbetare med prostitution? En fallstudie om socialt arbete i arbete med prostitution och om socialarbetares syn på sexköpslagen.

HOW DO SOCIAL WORKERS WORK WITH PROSTITUTION? A case study on social work in the work with prostitution and perspectives on the sex purchase law from social workers. PERNILLA ELOFSSON MARIA AHLQVIST Elofsson, P. & Ahlqvist, M. How do social workers work with prostitution? A case study on social work in the work with prostitution and perspectives on the sex purchase law from social workers.

Samband mellan BMI och kariesprevalens hos barn och ungdomar - en litteraturstudie

Övervikt och fetma hos barn och ungdomar har blivit allt mer förekommande och prevalensen ökar dramatiskt över hela världen. Sedan raffinerade kolhydrater introducerades har även kariessjukdomen fått större utbredning. Då det finns gemensamma bakomliggande faktorer som påverkar både vikt och kariesprevalens vill vi i vår litteraturstudie undersöka om det finns något samband mellan body mass index (BMI) och kariesprevalens för barn och ungdomar. Efter sökningar i den medicinska databasen PubMed på artiklar från de senaste 5 åren fann vi oeniga resultat med jämn fördelning. Resultatet av litteraturstudien är att två av de undersökta studierna tyder på att det inte finns något samband mellan BMI och kariesprevalens, lika många anser att det finns en svag eller möjlig association, medan två studier ansåg att det fanns ett signifikant samband.

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