

14723 Uppsatser om The body as a social construction - Sida 49 av 982

Upplevelsen och konsekvenser av att leva med Body Dysmorphic Disorder - en fallstudie av en 22-årig man

Studiens syfte var att öka förståelsen för och kunskapen om upplevelsen av att leva med Body Dysmorphic Disorder (BDD). Fokus i upplevelsen låg på känslor och konsekvenser i livet men också för individen själv. Med konsekvenser för individen avsåg exempelvis konsekvenser för självuppfattningen, rädslor och framtidstron hos deltagaren. Den metod som användes i studien var semistrukturerad intervju vilken genomfördes via chattservicen MSN och via e-mail. Den initiala intervjun efterföljdes av ett antal uppföljningsintervjuer då nya intressanta aspekter fanns i den första intervjun.

3D-visualisering i markprojekteringsprocessen

The thesis has been made for NCC Teknik in Gothenburg. The NCC Corporation is one of the largest leading companies in Scandinavia within the construction industry. NCC is active throughout the whole construction process, where one part is to carry out soil investigations prior the construction of various buildings, for example residential buildings. NCC Technology wants to visualize the samples taken at the construction sites in 3D for clients, authorities and also internally to show in a simple and understandable way how contamination is spread out in the soil.The thesis includes the area of Limhamns läge in Malmö, previously an industrial area. The area has previously included a concrete factory and the contamination from that factory has lingered in the soil.

Tala är silver, tiga är guld En studie om förhandlingsprocessen mellan offentliga och privata parter i Danmarks första Public-Private Partnership

The purpose of this thesis is to describe and to increase the understanding of the negotiation process between the public- and the private sector in a Public-Private Partnership (PPP). I have chosen to explore the first ?real? PPP project in Denmark, the construction of Vildbjerg compulsory school in the municipality of Trehøje.This case study is based upon a qualitative method consisting of interviews with the leading negotiators from both sectors. Two different theoretical perspectives are used to construct the basis of the analysis - The Theory of Public-Private Partnership and Negotiation theory - and serve as a concept instrument.The result of the analysis indicates that the negotiators from the different sectors have problems to get out of their traditional roles as purchaser and contractor ? in PPP they should act like partners.

Gravritualer vid gånggrifterna på Falbygden : En undersökning av den materiella kulturen inne i och utanför graven

This essay is about the burial rites in the passage graves of Falbygden, Västergötland. My questions were: Can the burial ritual be understood by comparing the material culture inside and outside the tombs? What kind of grave offerings did the dead have? Most peculiar are all these beads of amber, what kind of meaning did they have? Was the position of the body a part of the ritual? The time period is the middle Neolithic.I selected four passage graves to investigate: Hjälmars rör (Falköping 3), Rössberga (Valtorp 2), Näs sn 7:2 Kvättak 5:1 and Frälsegården (Gökhem 94).My conclusion was that there are differences between the material culture inside and outside the tombs. Outside the ritual includes fire, inside the material culture are not burned. The material culture outside is more dominant than the finds inside, although the beads of amber are only represented inside and dominates the findings inside.

Hiv - En förstummande sjukdom? : socionomstudenters och socialsekreterares attityder till hiv-positiva

The aim of this study is to examine social workers' and social work students' attitudes towards people living with hiv in Sweden. I will also examine if there is a connection between knowledge and attitudes. The questions at issue are how social workers' and social work students' attitudes can assume to influence on their professional practice and what causes can affect their attitudes towards people living with hiv. The study is based on a qualitative method. The methods have been: conversational interviews with five social workers, who work with family issues and integration, and a focused group interview with four social work students.

Kronisk mitralisinsufficiens hos hund : samband mellan graden av klaffinsufficiens och det arteriella blodtrycket

Myxomatous mitral valve disease is a common disease in older dogs of small- to medium-size breeds. The mitral valve, and less commonly the tricuspid valve may be affected which causes them to leak blood from the ventricle to the atrium of the heart during systole. With increasing severity of mitral valve leakage the forward stroke volume ejected into the aorta decreases, which may lead to an increase in blood pressure in the pulmonary vein resulting in pulmonary edema. A decrease in cardiac output may lead to a decrease in blood pressure, but the body may respond in order to normalize the blood pressure. Franzén showed in 2007 that the systolic blood pressure was increased in dogs with severe mitral insufficiency.

Tekniska system i förskolan : 3-5 åringars uppfattningar om mobiltelefoni

 This report will describe a project between two students from Karlstad University and Markus Norström from Hovercraft solutions. The project aim was to develop a cabin for the hovercraft 380TD. The project was divided into two sub parts; one concerning the design of the cabin and one concerning the engineering. Throughout this rapport you can follow the engineering part of the project. The project has followed a systematic product development process resulting in optimized results for material selection and engineering solutions.

Vem är du? Vem är jag? ? Charader i dagens medierade värld. En studie av identitetskonstruktionen på Facebook.

AbstractTitle: Who are you? Who am I? ? Charades in the mediated world of today. A study of the construction of identity at Facebook.(Vem är du? Vem är jag? ? Charader i dagens medierade värld. En studie av identitetskonstruktionen på Facebook.)Number of pages: 58 (66 including enclosures.)Author: Mathilda WahlundTutor: Ylva EkströmCourse: Media and Communication Studies CPeriod: Fall 2007University: Division of Media and Communication, Department of Information Science, Uppsala University.Purpose/Aim: The aim is to study how people construct their own identities today.

Familjehemsvård - En studie om kontakten mellan familjehem och handläggare på socialtjänsten

The aim of this study was to understand the contact between foster homes and social workers, by doing a comparison of the social workers and the foster homes experiences of the cooperation that is between them. We started from three main questions to get an answer to our aim, how the foster homes and the social workers experience the organization of the foster care in the Social Service as an impact of the cooperation, what does the foster homes and the social workers experience as a important fact of a successful placement and finally, how does the foster homes and the social workers experience the supporting and controlling contact that is between them. To get our results we based our study on interviews whit four foster homes and whit four social workers. The analysis was based on one theoretical perspective, Skaus (2007) analytical approach for power and help. As a conclusion we have found out, that the organization of the Social Service has significance for the contact between social workers and foster homes.

Den psykosociala arbetsmiljöns betydelse för det sociala arbetet : En kvalitativ studie av socialsekreterares upplevelser

The study aims to gain insight into how social workers perceive their psychosocial work environment and examine whether this effects the performance of their duties. The study mainly addresses the shortcomings of the psychosocial work environment of Social Services and the implications it entails for social workers health and wellbeing. The psychosocial work environment includes physical and psychological factors therefore the study's interpretive framework consists of organizational theoretical and social psychological concepts and previous research on the subject. We examined the organizational and social psychological connections to social workers perception of their work environment with a qualitative approach. The empirical data was collected through interviews with four social workers in a municipality in central Sweden using a semi-structured interview guide.

Lyckat motivationsarbete ur socialarbetarens perspektivSuccesful client motivation from a social worker point of view

The purpose of doing this research except for educational reasons is to show significant effects that make motivational work successful. The choice of subject we decided out of experience from the term of practise. The description of the subject is from the social workers angle of approach. The method we used is a qualitative study with semi structured interviews. We have looked at three different fields of social work from the view of six social workers, two from each field.

?På andra sidan planket? : en kvalitativ studie om hur det sociala stödet från nätverken påverkar återhämtningsprocessen från ett drogmissbruk

Research about social support and social networks has mostly concerned the impact on a person?s wellbeing and health. However an aspect largely neglected is how social support within the social networks can affect the process of giving up a drug abuse. The purpose of this paper is to contribute to a better understanding of what role the social support within different relationships can have on the process of giving up drug abuse. Furthermore the aim is to examine how a self-help group can provide social support in the transitional period after leaving a drug abuse.

Skolyoga : En kritisk diskursanalys av en anmälan till skolinspektionen, ett yttrande till skolinspektionen samt ett utlåtande av skolinspektionen angående yoga i Östermalmsskolan

The aim of this paper is to study how school yoga in Östermalmsskolan is expressed in the texts consist of a notification to the Schools Inspectorate, an opinion to the Schools Inspectorate and a statement of the Schools Inspectorate. The method used for the investigation is a critical discourse analysis which study social and political processes in the society as created through language. The perspective of the critical discourse analysis is a social construction that considers that language is a social production created in a discursive way. It produces and reflects social process in the language. By using theories of different concepts such as yoga, religion, spirituality, non-denominational and freedom of religion, my aim is to investigate how yoga is expressed in the school inspectorate text.

Högeffektslysdioder. Möjligheter och förutsättningar för högeffektslysdioder som belysningskälla - ett demonstrationsbygge

This report examines the prerequisites for LEDs to replace other technologies indifferent applications. How does the different technologies for light generationwork and what are the advantages and disadvantages? The various technologieslimitations and characteristics provides the opportunities for the LEDs.This report describes a test-construction built to examine what practical arrangementscan be built with modern light emitting diodes, in order to showsome of the possibilities. The construction consists of three different applications,a high power lamp based on cold white LEDs, one based on warm whiteLEDs for the evaluation of the light characteristics and a RGB-LED based lampable to mix any colors quickly and seamlessly. The test construction also containsthe essential peripherals including control-electronics, optics and a custombuilt watercooling solution.The potential for LEDs is huge but it is complicated to build LED based applicationsdue to the limitations which mainly includes the electronics and theneccesary cooling.

Hundar kring benen. En analys av belastning och storleksvariation hos hundarna i det mesolitiska Skåne

This paper deals with variations in the osteological material of dog (Canis familiaris L.) from the Mesolithic Scania, southern Sweden. The general aim is to discuss the use and specialisation of dog during the period, and differences or relations between cultures and traditions within the Mesolithic period. The study is based on a analysis of the bone material from the sites; Ageröd I:A-D, Ageröd I:H-C, Bredasten, Bökeberg III, Hög, Löddesborg, Ringsjöholm, Segebro, Sjöholmen, Skateholm I-II and Tågerup, phase 1-3, with datings from Late Maglemose Culture to Early Ertebølle Culture. The seminar paper also includes descriptive statistics of the osteometrical data of Denmark, from several studies of Degerbøhl (1927) and Noe-Nygaard (1995, 2003). The study is focused on the relation between size, robusticity, muscle grooves and ligaments of mandibula, tibia, radius, humerus, femur and metacarpalia/metatarsalia.

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