

1999 Uppsatser om The Voice Symptom Scale - Sida 38 av 134

Slumpmässig Informationssökning eller ?Jag talar hellre om inspiration?. Skådespelares slumpmässiga informationsanskaffning

The aim of this study has been to investigate actors? methods for acquiring information that is necessary for their profession, with a focus on the more random methods they might possibly use. The study is based on the following questions: What information needs do actors have in relation to their profession? Which methods do actors use to procure information? Which information systems do actors use? What role does the library play in the actors? acquisition of information? Through an interview study with 10 informants a picture is formed of the actors? information behavior. With the help of theoretical ideas regarding random methods of acquisition, we describe which information needs actors have and how they acquire that information.

Belting i undervisning En studie i syn- och arbetssätt

Title: Belting in teaching. A study of views and teaching-procedure.The purpose of this study is to map how the singing teachers at a Swedish college of music describe and implement the vocal technique 'belting' in their curriculum. This study is based on watching and interviewing six different teachers. The theoretical part deals with voice physiology and four different theories surrounding belting. The results show that the descriptions of belting vary between teachers and experts alike.

Analog-to-Digital Converter Design for Non-Uniform Quantization

The thesis demonstrates a low-cost, low-bandwidth and low-resolution Analog-to- Digital Converter(ADC) in 0.35 um CMOS Process. A second-order Sigma-Delta modulator is used as the basis of the A/D Converter. A Semi-Uniform quantizer is used with the modulator to take advantage of input distributions that are dominated by smaller-amplitude signals e.g. Audio, Voice and Image-sensor signals. A Single-bit feedback topology is used with a multi-bit quantizer in the modulator.

Socialt välbefinnade hos barnmorskor inom förlossnings-/ BB-vård : En tvärsnittsstudie baserad på Job Related Social Well-being Scale

Bakgrund: En familj som lever med ett barn som har autismspektrumtillstånd påverkar dem och hela deras livssituation. Barnet behöver särskilt stöd av föräldrarna under hela deras levnadsår. Barn med autismspektrumtillstånd är personer som har individuella behov och dessa kan variera stort. Enligt tidigare studier som inkluderats i denna litteraturstudie framkom det att dessa individuella behov kan ha negativ påverkan på föräldrarna. Autismspektrumtillstånd är en neuropsykiatrisk funktionsnedsättning där personen har ett annorlunda sätt att ta in, bearbeta och tolka information.

Kolik hos häst - vanliga riskfaktorer och profylaktiskt arbete : en mindre enkätundersökning om svenska hästägares erfarenhet

Reasons for performing this study: Colic has for a long time been seen as a serious health problem in the equine population. Even so, the knowledge of colic seems to differ a great deal among the people interacting with horses. A large number of studies have for several years looked at risk factors that cause colic, in order to provide knowledge about them. The knowledge can then be used as tools for developing prophylactic methods in order to reduce the number of horses that develop colic. Objectives The aim with this study was to investigate if people have the correct knowledge about colic in horses, which risk factors that cause colic today and describe prophylactic methods that can result in avoidance of colic in horses. Method Eleven veterinary practices were contacted in order to send out two questionnaires for a study of six weeks.

Överensstämmelse mellan bedömningsinstrumenten Bergs balansskala och Short Physical Performance Battery-Svensk version,utvärderat på strokedrabbade individer, 1-3 år efter stroke

SammanfattningSyfte: Att undersöka hur prestationen av deltagarnas resultat var för stroke drabbade individer,med relativt god gångförmåga, ett till tre år efter stroke, utförda med bedömningsinstrumentenBergs Balanstest (BBS) och Short Physical Performance Battery - svenska versionen (SPPB-S)som mäter bland annat balans och fysisk funktionsförmåga. Samt undersöka hur stortsamband (samtidig validitet) som förelåg mellan SPPB-S och BBS samt sambandet (samtidigvaliditet) mellan delmomentet statisk balans inom SPPB-S och BBS.Metod: Deskriptiv och korrelerande studie som analyserade redan insamlad journaldata frånbedömningsinstrumenten SPPB-S och BBS. Antal försökspersoner bestod av totalt 67personer i åldern 65-85 år med gångförmåga på minst 10 meter, ett till tre år efter stroke.Resultat: Undersökning av prestationen för SPPB-S visade medianvärde 9 av 12 poäng,interkvartilavståndet 3 och lägsta erhållna poäng var 0 och högsta poäng var 12. Prestationenför BBS visade medianvärde 50 av 56 poäng, interkvartilavståndet 7, minimun 6 ochmaximum 56 poäng. Prövningen av samtidig validitet för SPPB-S och BBS visade en starkkorrelation, med korrelationskoefficienten 0,8 (p<0,00).

Anställda och entreprernörers psykosociala arbetsmiljö av relevans för stress

Stressrelaterade problem i arbetslivet anses vara den vanligaste orsaken till arbetsbesvär. Inomgruvsektorn kan ökad stress leda till psykiska symptom. Studien utgår från QPSNordic (GeneralNordic Questionnaire for Psychological and Social factors at work) + 34's enkätmaterial ochundersöker skillnad i skattning mellan en grupp anställda och entreprenörers (n=25) psykosocialaarbetsmiljö av relevans för stress. Analysen utgår från enkätmaterialets itemnivå. En signifikantskillnad påvisades där gruppen LKAB - anställda skattade högre inom kategorinorganisationskultur samt förutsägbarhet i arbetet och entreprenörsgruppen inom kategorinarbetskrav.

Rätten att skrika : den omöjliga representationen i Clarice Lispectors Stjärnans ögonblick

This essay aims to show how Clarice Lispector uses a double narrative to wright beyond the rules of representation that are given for all literature. All writing is determined by the social hierarchies that exist in a society, and thus the essay shows how Lispector uses a specific literary strategy in order to give voice to a character that would otherwise be invisible. Using the philosophy of Michel Foucault and Gilles Deleuze as a means of contextualization, the essay further discusses the social and political impact of Lispectors novel.Through a thematic close reading of the novel The Hour of the Star the essay aims to deepen the understanding of the unique characterization in the novel and its implications. The first chapter is devoted to an analysis of the first person narrative in the novel and its development into a extra diegetic narrative. The second chapter aims to go further into the narrative with an analysis of the dichotomy between body and thought and its interplay with the two main characters in the novel.

Blyg och delaktig? : Pedagogers erfarenheter av att arbeta för att främja blyga barns delaktighet

The purpose of this study was to examine pedagogues? experience working with shy children and their opportunities for participation in preschool. An increasing number of children are registered in preschools today; this leading to larger groups of children and the chance for the individual child to practice its rights of having its voice heard are therefore becoming more difficult.The literature review will start with what the UNCRC and the pre-school curriculum, Lpfö 98, say about children?s participation and their right to have their voices heard. After that, shortly about the shy child, and then moving on to what is important in the work with children?s participation.

Med kroppen som verktyg : Hur ser lärarutbildare på kroppsspråket?

Att bedöma en person utifrån de signaler den skickar är ett instinktivt beteende. Denna studie har två olika delar. Den första är en observation av hur man kan uppfatta en lärares ickeverbala kommunikation med avseende på användandet av röst, mimik, gester och ögon. Dessa olika bitar brukar räknas som ?kroppsspråk?.

Affärsmodeller inom IP-telefoni

When communications traffic increasingly turned into data, IP telephony became a disruptive technology for the telecommunication business. IP telephony was a hot topic when voice over IP services started to become available to consumers in the 1990s. The new technology changed the rules of the game and many new actors entered the market.The purpose of this study is to describe, study, and analyze how the business models of the Swedish telecom sector developed in the middle of the 2000s. The study is delimited to the Swedish consumer market for telephony.The study is built mainly upon deep interviews with 24 prominent persons in the telecom sector in 2006. To aid understanding, two telecom companies that have been chosen to represent different kinds of actors are described and analyzed more closely.

Internationell jordbruksmark till salu - Nationell suveränitet, fattigdomsbekämpning & visionen om en hållbar utveckling

During 2008 we experienced an expansion of large scale investments in foreign farmland. This increasing trend has become a political hot-spot, but there is not much research available within the field. Due to a lack of research it remains a vital task to outline the potential effects of this trend. Drawing on existing ideas from some of the main actors within the field, The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), The World Bank, International Food Policy Research Institute (IFPRI) and the latest G8 summit on agriculture, four main purposes are set out for this paper. First, to outline some of the underlying mechanisms behind the trend is considered crucial for the understanding of the nature of these investments.

En studie om studenters upplevda kontrollokus och akademiska motivation i relation till arbetslivserfarenhet och ålder

Syftet var att undersöka skillnader mellan olika studentgrupper uppdelat efter år av arbetslivserfarenhet och ålder. Detta för att se om arbetslivserfarenhet och ålder hade någon betydelse för studenters interna motivation, externa motivation, amotivation och kontrollokus. I tvärsnittsstudien deltog 71 studenter (60 kvinnor och 11 män) från en högskola i Mellansverige och deltagarnas ålderspridning var 19-47 år. Undersökningen byggde på två enkäter; The Academic motivation scale (AMS-C28) for college students (Ryan & Deci, 2000) och Academic locus of control scale for college students (ALC) (Trice, 2013). Statistiskt signifikant skillnad fanns mellan en studentgrupp som var 19-22 år gamla och en studentgrupp som var 26 år och äldre på kontrollokus, där resultatet visade att den äldsta gruppen upplevde mer externt kontrollokus än den yngre gruppen.

Svenska sojabönor - finns marknadsmöjligheter?

The large-scale soy cultivation has negative consequences for the habitat of local populations because of the intensive use of pesticides and the destruction of rain forests and eco-systems. GM soya, varieties are often used. The majority of Swedish people, however, do not want GM products in their food. It will be hard in future to ensure GM free food, particularly foods that come from countries where GM crops are grown on a large scale. It is very difficult to avoid cross- contamination when both GM and non-GM crops are grown in the same area.

Total hälseneruptur: Resultat efter operativ respektive konservativ behandling.

ABSTRACTBackground: On behalf of the Orthopedic clinic, Västerås, a study has been conducted with focus on comparing the results after conservative and surgical treatment due to complete achillestendon rupture.Aim: To compare results when testing the active and passive range of motion, calf muscle endurance, estimation of pain related to the achillestendon and self-efficacy to be physically active for individuals who have undergone conservative or surgical treatment after complete achillestendon rupture.Method: 14 individuals afflicted by complete achillestendon rupture in 2010 were recruited as a purposive sample. Examination were conducted of: Ankle range of motion with a goniometer, calf muscle endurance through a toe-raise test, estimation of pain intensity related to the achillestendon by VAS and self-efficacy to be physically active through ?Exercise self-efficacy scale?. P-value and the median were calculated.Result: The results of ankle range of motion and calf muscle endurance were based on the difference between the injured and the healthy side. When testing active plantarflexion the conservative group had a median of 4 ? and the surgical group had a median of 10 ?.

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