804 Uppsatser om The Liberal Party - Sida 20 av 54
En annan värld kan bli möjlig : En studie om ABF:s bildningsideal i det mångkulturella samhället
The purpose of this paper is to investigate, analyse and interpret the educational ideals of the ABF (Workers Educational Association) as they are understood by five members within ABF. The paper also examines how the educational ideals are represented in the national guidelines and statues of the ABF. The basic theoretical perspectives are intercultural theory and theories about Bildung and adult liberal education in a multi-cultural pedagogical environment presented by Bernt Gustavsson and Hans Lorentz respectively.The empirical study consists of five semi-structured interviews and a text study of the official documents of the ABF. The data is interpreted with hermeneutic and semiotic tools. Organisational theory focusing on organizational culture has also contributed to the study.The result of the study, when analysed in accordance to the methods, shows mainly four things.
Situation majtal : en komparativ analys av tre socialdemokratiska ledares första maj-tal från 1954, 1978 och 2011
Based on the concept of rhetorical situation, the purpose of this study is to compare and describe the three Socialist leader's May Day speech from the years 1954, 1978 and 2011. The results of the analysis showed that there is a big difference in how the leaders chooses to appeal to the rhetorical audience. Erlander, 1954, never appealed directly to his audience which Palme, 1978, did both initially as repeatedly throughout his speech. Juholt, 2011, has a personal and frequent appeal which is repeated throughout his speech, which is interpreted as a sign of the intimization of the public language. It proved difficult to discuss the Socialist rhetoric as one unified form.
Skolan ? o?ppen eller sta?ngd fo?r politiska partier? : En studie om skolans tillga?nglighet fo?r svenska partier efter Sverigedemokraternas intra?de i riksdagen
This is a study about the relation between the Swedish school and the political system of Sweden. I wanted to see if the relation had changed since the election of 2010 as it was in that election the Sweden Democrats got over five percent of the votes and took seat in the Swedish parliament. The thing that is unique about this election is that it was really the first time a right-wing party had been elected into the Swedish parliament. Many experts argue that this is the first xenophobic party that has been elected into the Swedish parliament. This led to a problem for schools and their principals and a difficult question to answer because xenophobia is contrary to the school?s core values and the school?s democratic mission.Should the school still be open for political parties? How do schools manage to distinguish between political information and political propaganda? If parties still are welcome into the schools, which parties should be allowed? The equality ombudsman has said in a report that the schools have to comply with the principle of objectivity, which stipulates that the public sector has to be unbiased.I have chosen to make use of a qualitative method because I think the study then gets a deeper understanding of the topic.
Kultursponsring i Moderaternas motioner: En diskursanalys
The purpose of this bachelor thesis is to study cultural sponsorshipof cultural institutions and cultural events in some particular pointsof views. Namely, how do the Moderate party look at culturalsponsorship based on their motions and how these motions havebeen received by the Swedish parliament. The aim has beenbroken down into three questions. Firstly, how does the Moderateparty look at sponsorship of cultural institutions and culturalevents based on their motions on the subject. Secondly, whatviews have been existed in parliament both in committee andplenary, against the motions? Thirdly, what are the most relatingparagraphs for the different material groups.
Fallstudie om förfaranderegel handläggning inom skälig tid
Fair trials? rights under Swedish law of public administration (FL) are regulated by Article 7 of the Statute. Similarly, fair trials? right under the European Convention of Human Rights (EU Convention) is regulated by Article 6.1. The essay conducts a comparative study of the two legislations and seeks to determine whether Article 7 of the Swedish law of public administration is consistent and compliance with Article 6.1 of the EU Convention.
Svart organisation kontra vit institution : The Black Panther Party i populärkultur, det amerikanska historiebruket och film som socialt minne
Syfte med denna uppsats är att undersöka hur lärare arbetar med att introducera skönlitteratur vid klassgemensam läsning. Uppsatsen tar också upp vilka eventuella konsekvenser lärarnas val av introduktion kan få för elevernas läsutveckling. Undersökningen baseras delvis på teorier kring hur elevers möjlighet att påverka valet av skönlitteratur kan påverka deras inställning till vad de läser, men i första hand grundar sig uppsatsen på forskning kring kontexten vari skönlitteraturen placeras och hur den påverkar elevernas läsning. För att uppnå syftet med uppsatsen genomfördes kvalitativa intervjuer med fem lärare verksamma i grundskolans år 7?9.
Slöjdprocessen : processbedömning i trä/metallslöjd
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.
Demokratisk Transition : Fallen Slovenien och Lettland
Slovenia and Latvia are two examples of countries which have gone through a successful democratic transition. They were both under authoritarian rule and command economy up until their declarations of independence in the early 90s. Today they have a functional market economy and political pluralism. I have examined transition theories highlighted by Jonas Linde and Joakim Ekman and from these theories sought the explanations to what lies behind the successful transitions of these two countries. The transition in Slovenia was affected by liberalization from within the ruling communist party which then controlled much of the transition process. A relatively large civil society and the fact that Slovenia was not involved in the Balkan War also contributed to the short process.
Säg mig vad du är: Balkan : En mediebaserad diskursanalys med fokus på relation och påverkan
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.
Lantbruket som energiproducent : tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga förutsättningar för fjärrvärmeproduktion med lokalt skogsbränsle
A third party access to district heating networks has been proposed in Sweden, to increase the competition
on the district heating market. Such third party access could create opportunities for the agricultural sector
as an energy producer. This study describes the technical, economical and environmental prerequisites for a farmer cluster to build and run a heating plant, fueled with local wood fuel.
The heating plant in the described scenario is 8 MW and will supply a village of 1000 houses, and is fueled with wood chips exclusively. Supplying a heating plant with fuel puts high demands on the logistics, since there need to be a continuous flow of fuel. In the scenario, wood residues from felling and thinning is stored in stacks in the forest, and a few times a year chipped and transported to a storage area at the heating plant.
In the study, an estimation of the profitability has been made by estimating the cost of the investment,
personnel, operating and maintenance costs and costs for the fuel and ash handling.
En studie av trender inom due diligence med fokus på spridning och genomslagskraft
Bakgrund: I dagens näringsliv där nationella och internationella företagsförvärv tillhörvardagen har due diligence-analysens relevans ökat tillsammans med antaletundersökningsmoment. Företagens ansvar vad gäller samhällsansvar och korruptionsfrågordebatteras ständigt i samhälle och media vilket bidragit till att CSR-due diligence och thirdparty-due diligence uppkommit som nya granskningsmoment vid företagsförvärv. Utöverdessa har M&A-försäkringar uppstått som en reaktion på förvärvens allt komplexareriskanalyser och garantiklausuler.Syfte och forskningsfrågor: Syftet med studien är att beskriva hur due diligence-trendersprids och undersöka i vilken utsträckning trenderna CSR- och third party-due diligence samtM&A-försäkringar praktiseras av svenska förvärvsaktörer. För att uppnå syftet kommerföljande forskningsfrågor att undersökas och besvaras: Vilken genomslagskraft har deidentifierade trenderna uppnått enligt aktörer på den svenska förvärvsmarknaden? Vilkafaktorer och aktörer är mest bidragande till spridning av nya due diligence-trender?Avgränsningar: Uppsatsen undersöker den svenska förvärvsmarknaden med fokus påspridning och användning av tre utvalda due diligence-trender.
Sverigedemokraterna i kommunerna 2006 ? En empirisk studie av de kommunala förhållanden som gynnar partiet
The Sweden Democrats achieved great progress in the latest election in the Swedish municipals. The party is now closer than ever concerning reaching the Swedish parliament. This thesis examines the Sweden Democrats in the Swedish municipals with the aim to find out which municipal factors that led to their progress. By looking at the percentage share of unemployment, the percentage share of foreigners, the percentage share of education, average income, traditional political colour, average age, criminality, early representation of a party hostile to foreigners, the municipal type and the sickliness in the municipals I find out which factors explain the progress of the Sweden Democrats. The thesis is an empirical quantitative study build on statistics by the help of regression analysis and diagrams.
Ungdomars förhållningssätt till cannabis - En kvalitativ studie med fokusgruppsintervjuer i en västsvensk kommun
Introduction: The current research shows that cannabis use is increasing, while alcohol use is decreasing in many countries. The reason for the increase is considered to be the increased availability and that adolescents attitudes towards cannabis has become more liberal. Aim: This qualitative study aimed to examine adolescents attitudes and knowledge about cannabis. Methods: Data has been collected from focus group interviews with adolescents aged 15-18 years, in a west Swedish municipality. Participants were recruited through visits to secondary and upper secondary schools.
Naturgiven ordning eller ideologisk konstruktion? : Ett försök till dekonstruktion av det liberal?kapitalitiska systemet
Den kapitalistiska organiseringen av ekonomin och det liberaldemokratiska representativa styrelseskicket har de senaste årtiondena blivit så cementerade och ?objektifierade? att denna ideologiska konstruktion i många avseenden inte längre betraktas som en produkt av det mänskliga medvetandet utan presenteras mer eller mindre som en naturgiven totalitet. Trossatsen att mänskligheten inte längre kan hoppas på något bättre än det liberal-kapitalistiska institutionella arrangemanget ? med det individuella ekonomiska subjektets fria förfogande över privategendomen, fri konkurrens, ekonomisk tillväxt, fri kapitalrörelser samt ett indirekt och representativt styrelseskick ? har blivit ett vedertaget sakförhållande inom den offentliga diskussionen. I det föreliggande arbetet utgår vi ifrån uppfattningen att den liberal-kapitalistiska världsbilden, liksom alla andra världsbilder, är en kognitiv konstruktion.Vårt syfte är att, med avstamp i Thomas Kuhns paradigmteori, försöka dekonstruera denna världsbild för att förhoppningsvis kunna skönja den historiska och samhälleliga bakgrunden till det rådande paradigmet, samt att synliggöra hur det ideologiskt orienterade liberala samfundet genom olika mekanismer och modifieringar försökt försvara och bevara denna världsbilds legitimitet och parametrar.
Third party ownership inom professionell fotboll
Uppsatsen behandlar third party ownership (TPO) inom den professionella fotbollen da?r fokus fra?mst ligger pa? den europeiska toppfotbollen. Vidare tas fotbollens autonoma sta?llning till samha?llets o?vriga grenar upp och belyses. Syftet med uppsatsen a?r till stor del att belysa en problematik som den traditionella juristka?ren inte anammat.