804 Uppsatser om The Liberal Party - Sida 21 av 54
"En individ som ingenting är, ingenting representerar" : Meningskapande kring demokratiseringen i den liberala debatten om anarkisterna på 1890-talet
1998 beslutade Nässjö kommun att ett minnesmonument skulle uppföras lagom till millenieskiftet. En av de drivande personerna till idén var Jan Holmquist som vid tidpunkten var Kultur- och fritidschef för kommunen. Monumentet skulle göras av "den bäste" varpå Carl Fredrik Reuterswärd fick förfrågan.Skulpturen gestaltar Nässjö stad med hjälp av ett minne, historien om stadens uppbyggnad med järnvägen som en central del. Tåg som rörde sig framåt med hjälp av hårt arbete och kol inspirerade konstnären. Skisserna till verket spelar stor roll för att kunna förstå konstnärens intention med Kolskyffeln.
REKTORERS BESLUT OM POLITISKA PARTIBES?K I SKOLAN. En kvalitativ studie om rektorers sk?l till att till?ta respektive inte till?ta politiska partibes?k i gymnasieskolan
This thesis explores the decisions behind swedish principals to permit or prohibit political
parties from visiting schools. Through a series of semistructured qualitative interviews with
five respondents from different high schools, insights were gathered into their motivations
regarding political party visits to schools. The results indicate that principals view political
party visits as significant for fostering civic engagement, aligned with the school's democratic
mission. However, some principals opt to prohibit such visits due to concerns about non democratic values and potential disruptions. Practical considerations like safety, logistical
issues, and conflict risks are also crucial in their decision-making, highlighting awareness of
potential challenges posed by political visits.
Från väpnad oppositionsgrupp till politiskt parti- En komparativ studie om transformeringen och institutionaliseringen av RENAMO, FRELIMO och SWAPO i Moçambique och Namibia
This thesis explores and compares the former armed opposition groups; Mozambique National Resistance (RENAMO), Front for the Liberation of Mozambique (FRELIMO) and South West Africa People's Organization (SWAPO) transformation processes into political parties. The first question addressed is; What factors determines the ability of these armed opposition groups to transform into political parties after armed conflict? The question is addressed through four structural and organizational factors; international involvement, the organizations ideology and identity, their ability to change inter-elite relationships and their ability to change collective incentive strategies. The second question addressed is if the transformations process can affect the parties? degree of institutionalization? The degree of institutionalization is examined through the party's adaptility, complexity, autonomy and coherence.
Global Ethics in Dialogue : Church Studies on Globalization in Relation to Global Theories of Justice
The globalization of political and economic processes is a growing moral concern for theologians and political philosophers alike. My thesis aims to outline, analyze, and compare church studies of globalization with global theories of justice.To do this, I draw upon recent studies of globalization made by the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the Lutheran World Federation (LWF). The WCC and LWF are two global reaching church organizations. They have a common aim of uniting churches for ecumenical dialogue and are involved in social, economic, political, and ecological questions. The WCC and LWF analyze globalization by applying biblical and theological principles from the Christian tradition.
Mulit party-anpassning av lagen om skiljeförfarande : reflektioner utifrån ett multi party-single contract-perspektiv
Bakgrund:Det som har dominerat den traditionella informationen i en ÅRV, sett frånexternt perspektiv, är av finansiell karaktär och är det som företag ger ut ibalansräkning, resultaträkning och kassaflödesanalys med tillhörande noter. Undersenare tid har vikten av den information som ges ut i ÅRV förändrats och utvecklas tillen betydligt mer omfattande rapport. Betydelsen av information som är av ickefinansiell karaktär har kommit att bli mer och mer intressant. Likaså beskrivningar ochförklaringar av både finansiella och icke finansiella delar har kommit att bli betydandeutifrån verksamhetens affärsmässiga sammanhang.Syfte:Uppsatsens syfte är att beskriva vilken information i ÅRV som har störstpotential att öka aktieägarnas förståelse för företaget och dess verksamhet. Informationsom kan behövas för att underlätta i beslutssituationer angående köpa, sälja eller behållaaktier.Metod:För att kunna uppfylla rapportens syfte har vi valt att arbeta utefter en kvalitativmetod med en aduktiv ansats.
Sverigedemokraterna i skolan : En undersökning om mellanstadielärares förhållningssätt till Sverigedemokraterna i samhällskunskapsundervisningen
A majority of conducted studies connected to democratic socialization and the party-political education has primary affected students in higher education. In this study I intend to find out how primary school teachers handle controversial issues in social science connected to the political parties. The Swedish Democrats are by many perceived as a controversial party and while the school?s mission is to educate students to think independently another mission implies that certain views are not to be uttered if they stand contrary to the basic democratic values. The aim of this study is to obtain knowledge in and about the teachers view on the dilemma between the more nurturing assignment versus the knowledge assignment and in connection to this how they approach the Swedish Democrats in the classroom. For further immersion the research treats the following questions: How do teachers view their own role as intermediaries in democratic education? How to teachers portray the Swedish democrats in education?The survey was conducted by using qualitative interviews.
Har socialdemokraternas ideologi förändrats? : En uppsats om Socialdemokraternas partiprogram 1960-2001
This study aims to map the opinions and attitudes of lokal elected officials regarding corruption and corruption preventing measures. The study also attempt to determine weather opinions differ based on the interviewed party political affiliations. The study material of the thesis is therefore largely based on interviews with elected representatives from the municipalities; Älmhult, Lessebo and Tingsryd. .
Mellan kommunism och socialdemokrati : - en studie av vänstersocialismens ideologiska utveckling i Norge, Danmark, Sverige och Finland efter Berlinmurens fall.
The purpose of this essay is to analyze the ideological development of the former communist parties and the contemporary left-wing socialist parties of the Nordic countries. It is aimed at the two decades that have passed since the collaps of the Berlin wall and the parties at hand are; the Norwegian Sosialistisk Venstre, the Danish Socialistisk Folkeparti, the Swedish Vänsterpartiet and the Finnish Vasemmistoliitto. Since the 1960´s these parties have undergone major ideological changes with reference to a widening of their political agenda to an inclusion of democratic ideals as well as the new ideologies of feminism and ecologism. Thus reforming them into modern left-wing socialist parties at different times. The main hypothesis is formulated from the idea that there must be a connection between the startingpoint of reformation and the degree of modernism/traditionalism they show today.
Schymans ben i Let?s Dance som kommunikationsstrategi : En fallstudie av Feministiskt initiativs kommunikation i valkampanjen 2010
Schyman?s legs in Let?s Dance as a communication strategy- a case study of ?Feministiskt initiativ? in the election campaign 2010.(Schymans ben i Let?s Dance som kommunikationsstrategi, en fallstudie om Feministiskt initiativ i valkampanjen 2010).Author: Joanna Morell, Tutor: Ann-Marie Morhed2009 was the first time where Swedish political parties were entitled to have TV- commercials, another sign of political communication taking one step closer to the strategic marketing communication. A type of communication that also is expensive.The Swedish political party Feministiskt initiativ (Fi) have existed since 2005 and is not yet a part of the Swedish parliament. They have not been entitled to the economic support that is given to Swedish parties with more than 2,5 percent of the votes in the last two elections. As a result Fi is completely dependent on economic contributions.
Conflict Resolution in West Africa: A Comparative Analysis of Sierra Leone and Liberia
This paper is a Master thesis for the Master?s program in International and European Relations in the Department of Management and Economics at Linköping University. As the title indicates, the aim of this thesis is to make a comparative analysis of the conflict resolution initiatives that were employed in the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts. The research questions are: ? What were the root causes and trajectories of the Sierra Leonean and Liberian conflicts? ? What were the conflict resolution initiatives employed in resolving both conflicts? ? Why did the Lome Peace Accord succeed in the case of Sierra Leone whilst the Abuja Peace Accord failed in bringing peace to Liberia? In order to answer the afore-mentioned questions and fulfil the aim of this paper, a qualitative research method has been chosen.
Synen på arbetslösheten i Växjö stad under 1820-1860-talet
This study examines the view of the people, unemployed in the city of Växjö during the period from 1820 to 1860. The focuses are on the perspective in which these people where seen by the municipal executive board in the city of Växjö. The result of this study shows that the rulers had a conservative wiev of them who were unemployed. Usually, the meaning was that their situation was only caused by their own laziness. Starting ?Workinghouse? was the best way solving the problem with them who were unemployed, was the common opinion in the view of the rulers..
"Men KBT tycker jag e problematiskt" : en samtalsanalytisk studie av interaktionsmönstret i radioprogrammet Morgonpasset i P3
This paper discusses how four people in the Swedish Radio station P3, together interact to account therapy trends towards a third party. The focus is on whether, and if so, how they collaborate to make the conversation intelligible for radio listeners. This is done by means of conversation analysis and methods developed by the CA. The result is interesting when the conversation participants do not follow their expected roles as broadcasters and experts while they disagree about the communicative projects to be carried out..
Minor Greene eller Major Greene? : En studie av berättarteknik, tematik och intertextualitet i Graham Greenes roman Doctor Fischer of Geneva or The Bomb Party
I denna studie har jag undersökt textillärarnas arbete med teoretiska moment i slöjden. Studiens syfte är att belysa lärarnas tankar kring innehåll, syfte och hur de lägger upp undervisningen för att motivera sina elever till att jobba med dessa moment. För att samla in empiri för studien har jag gjort kvalitativa intervjuer med 8 textilslöjdslärare som arbetar på högstadieskolor. Den empiri jag samlat har sedan analyserats med hjälp av litteratur och ett didaktiskt perspektiv. Jag har kommit fram till att den teori som går att väva in i det praktiska arbetet exempelvis resurshushållning, miljöaspekter och ekonomiska aspekter inte anammas i den utsträckning som det är möjligt och det leder till att elever kan gå miste om kunskaper som krävs för att de skall kunna uppnå kursplanens kunskapskrav.
Elevens skyldighet och skolans rätt.
This study examines the possibilities of interpreting the moral values and ethics presented in the current curriculums in a way that makes them inclusive and constructive. The study also reveals how the liberal democratic ideal, presented in the curriculums as a hyper-ideology, is not at all easy to define or live up to in the pluralistic school of today.By close-reading and criticizing the curriculum for the Swedish senior high school (Gy11)and by looking at it from two different points of views, as rules or norms and as a process, Ishow how the curriculum can be interpreted as a basis or starting point for a communicationabout values. I also discuss wether the aim of this communication should be consensus or anongoing process..
Hur långt sträcker sig den svenska välfärdspolitikens strävan efter jämlikhet? : en diskursanalytisk fallstudie av storstadssatsningen
The aim of this study is to analyse the Swedish state´s ambition in achieving equality among its citizens. By studying the new urban policy introduced by the government in 1998 from a theoretical perspective the purpose of this essay is to understand the ideational dimensions in this policy project, in regard to established understandings about equality.The theoretical framework on which this study is based consists of two different parts. The first presents dominating models on welfare states, mainly focusing on the socialdemocratic welfare state. The second introduces influential theoretical views on equality, primarily discussing universalism and a differentiated equality view. It also presents theoretical views on how to understand the relationship between the state an its citizens.