

1130 Uppsatser om The Federal Funds Rate - Sida 27 av 76

Fastighetsutveckling i Farsta. Ekonomisk analys av TeliaSonera-områdets framtid

Stockholm is one of the fastest growing cities in the world. Its population is growing every day and the housing needs are becoming higher. Despite the growth and the need for more houses only a few new housing units are being built every year. Critics argue that if the building rate stays as it is today the development of the city will be very limited since there is no capacity for the city to embrace new incomers.The decision makers in the municipality of Stockholm are planning for large investments in housing units for the coming years up until 2030. There are plans of building approximately 140 000 new apartments to mend the ascending need for new houses.Farsta County is part of Stockholm and lies a few kilometers to the south of the city center.

Påverkar antal tuggningar mättnad?

Sahlgrenska Academy at University of GothenburgDepartment of Internal Medicine and Clinical NutritionAbstractTitle: Does the number of chews affect satiation and satiety?Author: Madeleine Johansson och Helena AnderssonSupervisor: Heléne Bertéus ForslundExaminer: Frode SlindeProgramme: Dietician study programme, 180/240 ECTSType of paper: Examination paper, 15 hpDate: May 27, 2014Background: Overweight and obesity is a growing problem worldwide. In 2008, 35% of theworld's population were overweight and 11% obese , which is almost doubling since 1980,according to WHO. Recommendations on overweight and obesity is not just about what weeat but how we eat. A generally accepted recommendation is to eat slowly and chew yourfood properly in order to increase fullness and reduce energy intake.

Hästar som utför vävning

The horse is an animal that often becomes humanized. Despite domestication, the horse still has a need to interact with other horses, be able to move for the most of the day, and being able to graze. If these needs cannot be fulfilled, the horse can be negatively affected and develop abnormal behaviours. An example of abnormal behaviours is weaving; the horse performs a swinging motion in the front area of the body during a long time. This literature review aims to investigate how different stabling forms (box/stall) affect the incidence of weaving, and also how this behaviour can be prevented or limited.

Företagsförvärv: En studie av redovisningsdatas inverkan på förvärvspremien

Although previous research conclude that mergers and acquisitions do not always lead to improved profitability or increased shareholder return, the number and size of M&A?s is steadily increasing. In this thesis we examine why an acquirer pays a price higher than the market value. Can accounting data explain the size of the premium? 618 European transactions between 1997 and 2008 are examined and relationships between the targets? accounting data and the premium is analysed through statistical regressions.

Elektrolytisk reduktion av zink vid reningsprocess

When cylinders for motor saws are manufactured there are high demands on the cylinders strength and wearing qualities. Aluminum is a material with low density and is used by Husqvarna AB for their motor saw cylinders. The aluminum is strengthening with nickel that is attached to the cylinders through electrolysis. When aluminum is in contact with oxygen a film of oxide is formed. To eliminate the oxide and to prevent formation of new oxide zinc is used.

Neonicotinoids and honeybee health : the effect of the neonicotinoid clothianidin, applied as a seed dressing in Brassica napus, on pathogen and parasite prevalence and quantities in free-foraging adult honeybees (Apis mellifera)

Sub-lethal doses of neonicotinoids have been shown to negatively impact the health of honeybees. However, most studies to date have exposed bees only artificially to these pesticides under laboratory conditions. There have been just a few well designed and replicated studies of the impacts of realistic neonicotinoid exposure on honeybees foraging under field conditions. In order to close this knowledge gap, and to test the influence of the neonicotinoid clothianidin on honeybees, we used a study system of 16 paired, spatially separated (>4 km) spring oilseed rape fields in the south of Sweden. The fields were paired according to land use, the surrounding landscape and geographical proximity, using GIS.

Enkätundersökning hos markägare inom SCA Skog Jämtlands förvaltning

This report is a joint venture with SCA Skog AB in the Jämtland forest management area. The company is a major player in the timber market in northern Sweden, and also a large business globally with offices in over 100 countries. The purpose of the study was to find out how timber suppliers want feedback/follow-up after completion of timber business. To determine this, a questionnaire survey was sent out to 75 landowners who supplied the wood for the company during the past year. The questionnaire consisted of a total of 15 questions with the opportunity to comment on certain issues.

Black-Scholes : En prissättningsmodell för optioner

This paper aims to derive the Black-Scholes equation for readers without advanced knowledge in finance and mathematics. To succeed, this paper contains a theoretical chapter in which concepts such as options, interest rate, differential equations and stochastic variable are explained. This paper also presents the theory of stochastic processes such as the Wiener process and Ito process. In the chapter on the Black-Scholes model the Ito process is used to describe price of shares and with the help of Ito's lemma Black-Scholes equation can be derived. In the paper, assumptions are listed that apply to the Black-Scholes model and then uses the Black-Scholes equation to calculate the price of a European call option.

Tick burden in neonatal roe deer (Capreolus capreolus): the role of age, weight, hind foot length, and vegetation and habitat on bed sites

This thesis deal with tick burden on roe deer (Capreolus capreolus) fawns, in relation to age, weight, hind foot length, and as well as to vegetation and habitat on bed sites. Roe deer fawns (N = 25) were captured from May 27 to June 27. Samples of ticks were collected and tick burden were estimated. Of all sampled ticks the nymphs and adults were Ixodes ricinus, while the larvae were not identified. 4.4 % of the sampled ticks were larvae, 55.0 % nymphs, 26.8 % adult females, and 13.8 % adult males.

Verktyg för mätning av tjänstekvalitet på bredbandsnät

Operators and Internet service providers invest in broadband to be able to deliver new services that require higher data transmission rate. A way to make this possible is to use ADSL, Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line, as the access technology. To be able to handle this technology, the service providers should do a pre-qualification. Methods and tools are needed to analyze the local copper lines and decide if these qualify for ADSL with respect to service availability and possible bandwidth through the lines. This report brings up some methods for pre-qualification of ADSL, the important quality parameters and how to gather them from the available services today.

Viktreduktion inf?r IVF ? p?verkan p? f?delsetal och graviditetstal hos kvinnor med obesitas En systematisk ?versiktsartikel

Syfte Syftet med den h?r systematiska litteratur?versikten var att unders?ka evidensen f?r om en viktnedg?ngsbehandling genom energireducerad kost, med eller utan till?gg av fysisk aktivitet, inf?r in vitro-fertilisering (IVF) hos kvinnor med obesitas har en p?verkan p? f?delsetal och graviditetstal. Metod Litteraturs?kningen genomf?rdes i databaserna Pubmed och Scopus den 23 januari 2023. Artikelselektionen utf?rdes systematiskt med hj?lp av en avgr?nsad fr?gest?llning samt inklusions- och exklusionskriterier. Populationen utgjordes av kvinnor med obesitas som planerade att genomg? IVF.

Equity Premium Puzzle : teori och empiri

Syftet med uppsatsen är att diskutera det så kallade equity premium puzzle. Jaganalyserar teoretiskt den intertemporala konsumtionsbaserade CAPM (C-CAPM),sammanställer en del av litteraturdiskussionen som finns på området samt empiriskttestar C-CAPM på svensk data. Fenomenet equity premium puzzle innebär attöveravkastningen på aktier är så stor att det inte stämmer med den ekonomiska teorin.Enligt teorin beror C-CAPMs riskpremie på kovariansen mellan konsumtionen ochaktieavkastningen. Litteraturen visar att forskare inte har lyckats förklara equitypremium puzzle genom att ändra antagandena i grundmodellen. Den empiriskaundersökningen visar att equity premium puzzle även uppkommer på svensk data..

Corporate Social Responsibility inom banksektorn : En fallstudie av Nordeas CSR-strategier

AbstractTitle: Corporate Social Responsibility within the banking-sector ? A case study of the CSR-strategies of Nordea.Seminar date: 130108State University: Mälardalen University ? Västerås Institution: School of Sustainable Development of Society and TechnologyLevel: Bachelor Thesis in Business Administration ? FÖA300Authors: Samir Ghaddab, Josefine Jonsson, Sam LindforsExaminor: Cecilia Lindh Thillenius Supervisor: Magnus LinderströmPages: 35 Attachments: 1 Key words: CSR, bank, sustainability, communication, awarenessResearch questions:- What is the nature of CSR-related work in Nordea, and how do they practice CSR? - How can Nordea raise awareness about CSR among employees and other stakeholders?Purpose: The purpose with this thesis was to get an increased understanding about how Nordea interprets CSR and how they work with CSR. Finally with relevant theories in mind, this thesis presents suggestions on possible changes and opportunities within Nordea?s CSR-activities and how they can co-operate with NGO?s like CSR Sweden.Methodology: A qualitative study with deductive methods. A case study has been done with semi-structured interviews at a company and a nonprofit organization.Conclusion: The reality in which Nordea operates conforms to the theories presented in the thesis when we look at the driving forces behind working with CSR and the demands on the company that stakeholders have.

Spelar storleken roll? : En studie på ETF:er och dess underliggande kapitalvärde

Börshandlade fonder (ETF:er) blir alltmer populära som spar- och investeringsalternativ. Antalet ETF:er och variationen av dessa ökar stadigt. Denna studie ser på ETF:er likställda aktier (ur ett värdepappersperspektiv) och syftar till att applicera momentumstrategier på den amerikanska ETF-marknaden, likt Jegadeesh och Titman (1993), för att testa sambandet mellan ETF:ers kapitalvärde och riskjusterad överavkastning, estimerat genom Jensens alfa. Med utgångspunkt från Banz (1981) som visar på samband mellan investeringar i småbolagsaktier och högre riskjusterad avkastning (än motsvarande investeringar i stora bolags aktier). Testet har baserats på portföljer sammansatta på momentum- och contrarianstrategier för att utröna om en ETFs storlek på kapitalvärde är avgörande för en ETFs avkastning.

Från top down till bottom up : - Att förklara och utvärdera psykosocialt arbete inom hälso- och sjukvården

Today, activities funded with public funds needs to present relevant and reliable information which shows the results obtained. Requirements increase in welfare activities to be run based on scientific, empirical knowledge. This applies particularly to social work. The social work is, however, poorly researched in areas such as knowledge of interventions in the content, context and effects. One way to evidence-base social work can be to conduct regular and qualified assessments.

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