

20911 Uppsatser om Textbook-study - Sida 17 av 1395

Favorit på Internet: en fallstudie om tonåringars ingående i relationer med företag på Internet

The purpose of this thesis was to investigate how teenagers are attracted and motivated to maintain a relationship with companies on the Internet. Companies that have teenagers as a target market have to understand their needs and wants, in order to establish relevant relations. The study has been carried out through a review of theory within the field of study. A case study was carried out through interviews with teenagers in the ages of 15 to 19. The results from the study showed that what mainly attract teenagers to visit a website are personal recommendations, the name on the website and high rankings on the search engines.

Elevers uppfattning om Idrott och Hälsas betydelse för ett livslångt idrottande : En enkätundersökning om gymnasieelevers uppfattningar om fysisk aktivitet i gymnasieskolan

The study is about Physical Education as a subject that offers students in Upper Secondary School a possibility to a life long interest in exercising. The study focuses on whether there is a difference between study concentrate programmes and profession concentrate programmes. The study also includes differences among exercising and non-exercising students. Earlier research shows that many youths don?t have an exercise form that they spend their spare time in.

Säljare och kompensationer : En kvalitativ studie anga?ende sa?ljares upplevelser av olika kompensationsplaner

ABSTRACT Title: Salesmen & Compensations - A qualitative study regarding salespeoplesexperiences with different compensation plans. Authors: Milenko Bijelic & Robin Heimberger Supervisor: Lars-Johan A?ge, Jonas Molin & Jens Eklinder Frick Date: 2014 - JuneAim: The aim of this study is to examine how salespeople respond to a fixed compensation plan versus a compensation plan based on a variable pay and how the implementation of these compensation plans can affect sales peoples? emotions and motivation.Method: For this study, a qualitative method has been used. Data for the study has been collected through semi-structured interviews and the empirical data has been presented and analyzed using the well-grounded theory.Result & the contribution of the thesis: The result of this study shows that there are differences in how the compensation plans tend to affect salespeople regarding an number of different factors. The study contributes with a greater understanding about how compensation plans affect salespeople.Suggestions for future research: For future research we suggest a quantitative study with the same aim as we have used for this study so that a generalizable understanding about sales peoples? experiences with different compensation plans can be conducted.Key words: Compensation plans, motivation, stress, variable pay, fixed pay .

Självkänsla och motivation : En studie kring gymnasieelevers självkänsla och motivation inom ämnet matematik

The objective of this study was to bring further knowledge to the subject as to what influences students motivation and self-esteem. The study had focus on role that the teachers play in these aspects. The study was done by using both a qualitative and quantitative approach. The qualitative method was interviews based on six interviews with two teachers and four students from two different classes. The quantitative method was a questionnaire study that was done in both classes.

Kemikalier på förskolor : En studie om hormonstörande ämnen och medvetenheten hos förskolepersonal

Chemicals in preschools - a study of endocrine disrupting chemicals and awareness among preschool teachers The purpose of this study was to investigate endocrine disrupting chemicals that have been shown in preschools and also the preschool teachers? awareness of these chemicals. There were two methods used for completing this study; a literature study and a practical study. The literature study was made by researching on the internet and in books. The practical study was performed by sending questionnaires to all preschools in Kiruna municipality to study awareness among staff.

Är du myndig så är du : En kvalitativ studie om insatser för ensamkommande barn.

This is a qualitative study about unaccompanied refugee?s support that they can get from Social Services and Migration Board. It?s a survey that is made in Skellefteå Kommun by interviewing four professional workers, two at the Social Services and two at the Migration Board. The questions in this study deals with the social support and how age may affect this support.

Patienters upplevelser vid tandhygienistbehandling på Högskolan Kristianstad : En enkätstudie

The aim of the study was to describe how patients experienced communication, treatment and costs at the dental hygienist program at Högskolan Kristianstad. The study was based on a questionnaire that was made at the patient clinic. The questionnaire was conducted by the treating dental hygienist student after the treatment. The questionnaire was answered in the waiting room. Collection of the material occurred during the month of March in 2009.

Varumärkesvård i tider av kris : En fallstudie om återhämtning till följd av ett produktfel

This study is about how a swedish brand within the food industry that experiences a crisis following a product failure. It focuses on three areas following the crisis and these are crisis management, recovery strategies and brand management. This study seeks to explain how these areas interact in relation to massive exposure to mass media and how they interact restore the brand's potential loss of reputation. This study was conducted as a case study with a deductive and qualitative approach. The data gathered to this study was mainly based on newspaper articles and complemented with semi-structured interviews with twelve local retailers of the brand..

Arbetsmiljö och säkerhet på arbetsplatsen

The purpose of this study was to describe and analyze youth community service in the Kalmar municipality. Our focus was on juvenile offenders and predecessor of public authorities. The juvenile offenders in our study have completed youth community service. A qualitative study was undertaken which include seven interviews. Our empirical data were compared and analyzed with previous research data.

Att byta grupp : En studie om elevers och studenters perspektiv på icke självvalda grupper

The purpose of this research is to investigate the group constellation that is, what thoughts, feelings and sensations that arise when students and pupils change groups. The study will also affect students and pupils knowledge of why they should work in groups. Their perceived security will also be something that this study is looking for.The main questions of this study are:How does students and pupils experience the phenomenon of "group replacement"?What is considered to work or not work in the new group formations?The method that is used in this study is based on six qualitative interviews with students and pupils from three different levels of education. The target groups are college and high school students.

Muskuloskeletala besvär bland kvinnlig tandvårdspersonal : En kvantitativ studie

The purpose of this study was to investigate whether cannabis use can affect cognitive functions. The method that was chosen to answer the purpose of the study was a general literature review. Article search occurred in the databases PsycINFO and PubMed. Nine articles were selected based on the study?s inclusion criteria.

Bättre taluppfattning : En pilotundersökning om hur Learning Study metoden påverkar elevers förståelse av bråktal

Syftet med min studie var att undersöka om elevernas matematiska förståelse i taluppfattning inom bråktal kunde förbättras med hjälp av Learning Study metoden.Learning Study är en metod som fokuserar på elevernas missförstånd (kritiska aspekter) i lektionens mål (Lärandeobjekt) samt lärarens professionella utveckling och lärarsamverkan i skolan.För att utföra studien behöver man minst två klasser med olika lärare. I metoden fokuserar man på två aspekter, lärarens undervisning och elevresultaten efter två planerade tester.De kortsiktiga studieresultaten ökade för de deltagande klasserna men i olika hög grad vilket talar för att metoden inte är ett sätt att nå alla elever. Metoden kräver mycket tid och ett långsiktigt arbete.Nyckelord: Learning Study, matematisk förståelse och bråktal..

När skötaren leder läraren

The leadership within healthcare is a constantly discussed subject. The discussion today is evolving around the physicians' lack of strive towards becoming managers within healthcare organizations. Furthermore the leadership that the nurse practice when becoming manager is on the other hand not discussed. The purpose of this study is to describe important factors of the leadership the nurse practice upon physicians in a healthcare organization as well as to explain why that is. To fulfill this purpose, we have used a qualitative case study research design including a private Swedish healthcare company.

Elevers meningsindelning : Användningen av interpunktion, konnektivbindning ochsatsradningar i elevtexter från årskurs 3 i svenska ochsvenska som andraspråk

The aim of this study is to analyse how pupils in grade three use punctuation and howthey divide texts into sentences. The material in the study consists of 41 texts by pupils,divided into two types: narrative text and analytical text, written both by pupils withSwedish as their first language and by pupils with Swedish as their second language. Inthe study the pupils? use of connectives and comma splices has been studied, and therelationship between graphical and syntactical sentences in the texts. The studycompares the results for narrative and analytical texts and the differences between L1and L2 pupils.

Hur kommuniceras värderingarav matematik i kursplanen? : En diskursanalys av värderingar i kommentarmaterialet tillkursplanen i matematik.

This study is part of an international project, The Third Wave Project. The project aims to conductstudies with students of different cultures to see what they value as important in mathematics andmathematics learning. Part of the project involves carrying out a survey, the WIFI study. The WiFistudyaims to examine values of mathematics teaching that may affect student learning. The valuesthat are examined in this study are based on the mathematical values which are described by Bishop(1991).

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