1220 Uppsatser om Team orientation - Sida 17 av 82
Diatermirök- Det perioperativa teamets arbetsmiljö
BackgroundDiathermy is the most commonly used surgical instrument in the surgical area today. Diathermy is used in surgery to cut and coagulate tissue. The use of diathermy releases chemical substances in to the environment in the form of diathermy smoke. Research shows that these chemical substances pose health risks to both staff and patient exposed to the smoke. To protect the interdisciplinary, perioperative team from the smoke, smoke evacuation systems can be used.ObjectiveThe purpose of the study is to highlight the work environment of the perioperative team when working with diathermy smoke.MethodThe study is meant to be implemented as an empirical descriptive sample survey.
Om samspel och gruppklimat i arbetsgruppen : En kvalitativ studie om samspelets och gruppklimatets betydelse för arbetsgruppens gemensamma psykosociala arbetsmiljö
The purpose of this paper is to identify significant factors of influence for the co-existence and team climate within working groups, and to examine their impact on the psychosocial work environment within a group. Team climate and interaction affect every individual in a group. The manager, however, is the one formally accountable for the psychosocial climate in a working group, which is the reason why this study uses the management perspective.As an introduction to the empiric study, an overview of the existing literature within the field was made. A qualitative method is used and the empiric data is based on semi-structured interviews. The study comprises six interviews with department managers within the Social Services in the City Council of Stockholm.
Att arbeta med Scrum : Påverkan på arbetslag, kommunikation och social miljö
Systems development methods has always been an important part of the systems development process. It affects not only the product, but also the organization itself. Today more and more companies are abandoning the more rigid traditional methods for the more flexible agile ones. A transition like this is bound to affect the product and the organization, but in what ways? Is it a difficult transition to make, and how does it affect social environment and dynamics? Does it change how people communicate information to each other? This study was conducted at a local branch of a larger international IT-company.
Betydelsen av IT-stöd i problemlösning : Analysverktyg för att studera hur IT-system stödjer problemlösningsstrategier hos servicetekniker
Scania Top Team is a competition where the best mechanics in the world are competing against each other. In 2011, the world final was recorded and this material is now used to see which problem solving strategies these top of the line teams are using to solve the realistic problems assembled in front of them. To help them, the mechanics are allowed to use two of Scanias IT-systems: Scania Multi and Scania Diagnose and Programmer 3. This report consists of two parts. The first part is the development of a method to analyze the recorded material.
Trädgårdsmästarens roll i en rehabiliteringsträdgård :
The aim of this essay is to find out how different factors influence the occupational role in a rehabilitation
garden. The study is based on two qualitative interviews with and shadowing of the gardeners in the rehabilitation
gardens of Alnarp and Gröna Rehab in Gothenburg. The result shows that the main factors that
influence the occupational role is the gardener?s background, the garden/place, the participants, the team
and the possibilities for development. The occupational role appears to consist of several different roles; the
team-worker, the activity and project manager, the source of inspiration, the educationalist, the informer,
the therapist and the fellow human being.
Analys av mjuka faktorer som påverkar grotuttaget från hygge till avlägg inom Sveaskogs organisation
Biofuels are getting more important as EU plans to replace fossil fuels with renewable energy sources. Because of that Sveaskog has chosen to invest in developing the handling process of logging residue. The company has a joined organisation for handling both round wood and logging residue. They are also working at integrating the forwarding of the logging residue with the rest of the harvesting team. Sveaskog is currently extracting 44 % of the available amount of logging residue.
Organisationskontextens påverkan på kunskapsspridning - En studie i den kunskapsintensiva revisionsbranschen
Vi vill genom denna studie av revisionsbranschen öka förståelsen för hur organisationskontexten bidrar till det kunskapsintensiva företagets möjlighet att dra nytta av den kunskap som medarbetarna besitter genom intern kunskapsspridning, med fokus på en projektstruktur där arbetet utförs i team. Vi har utifrån teorier försökt definiera begreppet kunskap. Kunskapens vikt i företagets jakt på konkurrensfördelar har också rätts ut utifrån tillgängliga teorier. Vi har också redogjort för organisationsstrukturens, framförallt projektorganisationens, förmåga att underlätta kunskapsspridning och hur kommunikation och sammansättning av team bidrar till detta. Studien har utifrån kvalitativa, semistrukturerade intervjuer införskaffat empiri från företag inom den kunskapsintensiva branschen.
Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende
The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical
tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the
objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group
was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific
incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning
Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The
observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the
Arenastaden ? En jämförande studie om attraktiva områden för kontor
This thesis has been conducted at Volvo Bussar ABunder a period of ten weeks. Within the organizationVolvo, the work is conducted with leaders and teamson every level; from production to top management.They have three tasks, besides executing their dailywork, they are expected to actively work on improvingtheir individual work as well as themselves as persons.The two latter are future value adding activities for theorganization. When doing so, however, it has beennoticed that they often lose the grasp of their dailywork. The question that consequently arises is whythis happens. Is it because of lack of time or it isbecause the co-workers do not have the competenceand simply do not know how they are to execute thethree tasks? Or, is it because the motivation to executethe three tasks is not enough? With this in regard, thestatement of issues for this bachelor thesis were thefollowing: how can the conditions for leaders and theteam be improved, in order for them to execute thesethree tasks.To find out why the execution of these threeassigments did not always succeed, the decision wastaken to conduct a survey and interview study in reallife and at the plants.
"Vi etniska svenskar tänker att det här är ett importerat problem": en kritisk granskning av RFSL Rådgivningen Skånes arbete med ungdomar som utsätts och riskerar att utsättas för hedersrelaterat våld på grund av sin sexuella läggning.
This study has dealt with a phenomena that is regarded as new in the Swedish context of social work called honour related violence because of sexual orientation. The purpose was to critically examine a project that offers a variation of assistance for individuals between 13 and 25 years of age who suffers from the above. The project mentioned is run by an organisation called RFSL Rådgivningen Skåne. The aim was to examine the practice and to gain knowledge concerning the target group and relate it to that described by the project. Another aim for the study was to look into how the employees and the author of a report that is commonly used as background material in the practice used the complicated terms involved in the field and how that may effect the individuals that are the target for the resources.
Arbetsformer och metoder på handelsprogrammet
By studying the forms of work and methods teachers choose for their teaching on the Business and Administration Programme and by examining the experiences gained by these teachers, I hope to gain a clearer insight into how the demands of national policy/governing documents are met in the actual teaching of the courses within the programme. In my qualitative study,teachers in a team from a Business and Administrative Programme have been my informants. The team combines multiple forms of work and methods in line with the intentions of the national policy/governing documents. Students usually have an unbroken school day with block teaching where they work with case studies and interdisciplinary work. Morals and ethics are integrated in class.
Sjukgymnastens ansvar och yrkesroll inom neurologiska rehabiliteringsteam: en intervjustudie bland legitimerade sjukgymnaster inom slutenvård i Sverige
Teamarbete blir vanligare och vanligare inom våden och som sjukgymnast påverkas ofta ens arbetet av andra professioners arbete. Det finns dock mycket lite forskning om hur sjukgymnaster upplever sin roll i teamet. Ansvarfördelningen inom teamet kan variera mycket mellan olika team och detta beror bland annat på de olika individer som ingår. Sex sjukgymnaster intervjuades genom personliga besök eller via telefon. Svaren transkriberades och analyserades därefter enligt Burnard (1991).
Att lära av varandra? : En undersökning om arbetslag utifrån ett lärarperspektiv
The purpose of this study is from a teacher?s perspective to examine how schoolteachers experience the possibilities of learning from each other within their work team and to shed some light on how teachers believe that cooperation affects their ability to learn and improve on a daily basis. My research questions are: What is the general discussion among the teachers concerning daily capacity building from enhanced teamwork? How important is well-functioning cooperation between co-workers for learning and daily capacity building? What are the prerequisites for a well-functioning learning situation within the work team?The study is based on five qualitative interviews with teachers within the same school but from different teaching backgrounds based on what grade they teach, what subjects they teach, and they belong to different work teams within the school. The interviews are semi-structured.The results have been analysed from a perspective based on the theories of organisational pedagogy and learning organisations.The results implies that the work teams does not function as a forum for exchanging experiences and learning from each other.
Mellan redaktionernas rader : En presshistorisk undersökning av två småländska tidningars inställning till Nazi-tyskland under mellankrigstiden
The study is a qualitative textual analysis comparing how two newspapers fromSmåland reacted to Nazi Germany during the interwar period. The purpose of the studyis to illustrate how newspapers' political orientation may influence its content. Theexamined material is limited to letters to the editor, editorials and columns. The twopapers are of different political orientations, Smålänningen is bourgeois andKronobergaren is social democratic. The theoretical basis is founded in Klas Åmarksperspective on Sweden's position in the war, the so-called small state realistic paradigmand the moral perspective, as well all Kosellecks theory about the written word.
Väljer man rätt? : en uppföljning av Svensk baskets regionsuttagningar
AimThe purpose with this study is to evaluate the selectationprocess and what happened with Swedish basketball players born 1986-89, that were selected to participate in Miki Herkel Cup (MHC), which is a camp for the 60 most talented players in Sweden.Metod Together with the Swedish basketball federation, we decided to survey those who attended MHC as well as the players playing in the senior national team 2009. The data collection has been made through a survey, with multiple choice questions in order to get as good as possible view of what factors that had influenced their development as basketball players. The survey was sent out to all players born 1986-89 that attended MHC and the senior national team of 2009. We used an electronic survey tool called questback which is an internetsurvey and sent out the survey to 320 players. To collect information we´ve searched within literature and databases.Result 18 % of the players answered the survey, which decreases the research validity.