1945 Uppsatser om Teaching profile - Sida 24 av 130
Hbtq-frågor, varför då? Barnen är ju så små... : En studie om huruvida lärare tar tillvara på hbtq-perspektiv i sin undervisning i årskurs F-3
This study investigates whether teachers working with children ages 6 ? 9 are including an LGBTQ perspective in their teaching methods. The purpose is to critically examine sexuality and gender as part of the teaching methods in Swedish schools; whether teachers are working with LGBTQ questions in their classes, and if so, how. The following research questions are answered: Are the teachers incorporating an LGBTQ perspective in their classes, and if so, in what sense?Are LGBTQ questions relevant and of interest in the education?Do teachers feel like they have gained the right tools in their pedagogical education and/or in their workplace to work with LGBTQ questions in their class room? And if so, in what way? The method used is qualitative research in the form of interviews and observations.
Matematikundervisning på väg... Men vart ska vi? : Grundskolelärares egna ord om hur de vill utveckla sin undervisning i matematik, analyserat ur ett dramapedagogiskt perspektiv
The aim of this thesis is to ascertain how primary school teachers would like to improve their mathematics teaching. The central questions for this research are:In what ways do teachers want to improve their mathematics teaching?How do the teachers justify their statements?What main features can be distinguished out of the teachers answers?Three interviews and seven surveys have been used to collect information from a total of nine teachers, at one primary school. Teaching pupils from preschool to sixth grade. The results have been analysed, interpreted and discussed using a drama pedagogical perspective, inspired by a holistic approach to learning.
?Det finns ju inte med i boken, ska jag kunna det ändå?!? : en studie om elevers övertro till läroboken som angivare av kunskapsmål samt vilken misstro detta skapar till all undervisning som går utanför dess ramar
The purpose of this study has been to get a deeper insight into how students reason about the textbook and teaching that goes beyond its content. This in order for the teacher to be able to consider and respond to these important attitudes already at the planning stages of such teaching situations. This approach will aid to help students overcome the distrust of things that are not in the textbook.The study shows that students have an attitude of overconfidence to the textbook's reliability. It is considered to be controlled in its content as well as being a reference on the extent of the knowledge content.The general approach to teaching that deviates from textbook structure is that it is welcomed as an interesting feature. However, a questioning attitude soon appears about whether the element will be included in any requirements for knowledge or tests.The following important conclusions can be drawn after this study was carried out:Very clearly communicate the purpose of all education that deviate from the textbook.Inform students about the textbook's deficiencies and the need for supplementing.Accept and respond to students' focus in that grades are the main driving force for the acquisition of knowledge in high school..
Innehållet i Magasinet och Ess i svenska utifrån styrdokument och betygskriterier
This study focuses on two text books, Magasinet and Ess i svenska, both common teaching material in Swedish schools. Since Swedish school system recently got a new curriculum and grading criteria, the purpose with this essay was to see how well the teaching materials used in school match the new documents.Since the subject has not really been studied before, the chapter containing recent studies focuses on layout, appearance and contents of good teaching material. The survey that I have implemented includes studies of the two text books, with comparison of the new curriculum, grading criteria and previous studies of what makes a good text book.Conclusions were that Magasinet is very comprehensive and match the criteria and curriculum very well, even though it spans over four classes and has to cover a lot of information. However, since it covers so much information, each section sometimes feels not as thorough as it perhaps should have been. Ess i svenska on the other hand, is a good complement to use in ninth grade, if you have studied the previous books for seventh and eight grade in the series.
En likvärdig skola? - Om läromedel och kursplaner i grundskolans musikundervisning
Syftet med arbetet är att undersöka hur musiklärare tolkar målen i kursplanen i musik och hur de applicerar dessa tolkningar på sin undervisning. Syftet är även att ta reda på hur musiklärare använder sig av läromedel för att nå dessa mål. Bakgrunden till ämnet är tankar som jag har haft angående musikundervisningen på grundskolans lägre stadier och huruvida denna undervisning är likvärdig över hela landet. Skulle det vara möjligt att ett läromedel i musik, skapat utifrån de nationella målen i kursplanen, åstadkommer en sådan likvärd utbildning? Mina forskningsfrågor syftar till att kartlägga användandet och behovet av läromedel i musik och dessutom till att förstå hur målen i kursplanen för musik kan tolkas av olika lärare.
Ekologiska perenner - Lokalt och globalt : En Intervju- och Litteraturstudie
AbstractThe customer demand for ecological products has increased in recent years, within the garden industry this mainly concerns herbs and other edible plants. The organic trend is increasing and more people are aware of the environment and want to take responsibility for it through their purchases for their garden as well.In this essay the aim is to investigate customer demand and the possibility of selling organicperennial plants in eight garden centres on the Åland islands and in Gävle/Sandviken. I include two garden centres with an organic profile to get a wider point of view. I investigate the global market for organic perennials and look further into existing certification standards on the Swedish market today.The methods I have been using are interviews and a literature study.The study shows that the experienced demand for organic perennials is small in both of myinvestigated groups. The biggest motivation for starting to sell organic perennials would be to find a supplier of these plants and that more customer would ask for them.
"Okej nu kör vi! 5,6,7,8!" : En kvalitativ studie om lärare och elevers tankar och upplevelser kring momentet dans
AimThe study aims to highlight and discuss students 'and teachers ' conceptions of teaching in the element of dance in physical education.IssuesHow do teachers work with teaching of dance in physical education in secondary school?How do students perceive the teaching of dance in physical education in secondary school?MethodThis study used a qualitative approach with semi structured interviews. Two teachers in two schools were interviewed and two focus groups of five students each were interviewed. One school is located north of Stockholm and the other one east of Stockholm. The interviews were recorded with a cellphone and transcribed.
Lärarstudenters upplevelse av utbildningens förmåga att förbereda dem för undervisning av andraspråkselever : En intervjustudie med blivande lärare i samhällsvetenskapliga ämnen
This study aims to investigate how a number of students who are at the end of a teachers? educations program in social studies, geography, religion and history interpret that the national curriculums states that every teacher is responsible for students language development and should be supportive of language backgrounds. In the light of the curriculums the study explores how the teacher education students feel that the education has prepared them for teaching children with Swedish as a second language. The study also examines how the teacher education students think that the teacher education could improve in matters like preparing future teachers to teach social studies, geography, religion and history to second language children.The study is based on interviews with seven university students and shows that they feel a responsibility to develop their future students? language.
Subkulturer i litteratur som läses av tonåringar: En hermeneutisk analys av fem litterära verk.
This essay deals with the relationship between subcultures and literature. It includes an analysis of what adolescents read if they get to choose fiction by themselves. The method used in this essay is a hermeneutic method. Five novels are used in the search for subcultures and qualities and ideals within them. The essay reveals five specific subcultures, and significant features of those are presented in the analysis.
Strömningen i och över en skog : utvärdering av en 'mixing-layer' hypotes
A new theory for predicting the windprofile over a canopy has been evaluated. The theory was first presented by Harman and Finnigan (2007). The theory relies on the forming of a mixing-layer above the canopy, due to different mean wind in and above the canopy. Characteristics from both mixing-layer and Monin Obukhov similarity theory have been used to develop the governingequations that give the wind profile. The theory has been used to calculate wind profiles for sixdifferent atmospheric stabilities.
Trygghet och skrivglädje : En studie av lärares uppfattningar om andraspråkselevers språk- och skrivutveckling
The aim of the study is to investigate how teachers talk about their teaching in the subject of Swedish, with a focus on L2 pupils? writing. Data were collected through interviews with four teachers of Swedish in grades 1?3. The interview responses were compiled for interpretation and divided into four shared themes and allocated to six writing discourses.
Informationskompetens i Tyskland och Sverige : En jämförande studie av användarundervisningen vid två högskolebibliotek
This master?s thesis studies library teaching at two university libraries, Freie Universität Berlin in Germany and Södertörn University in Sweden. The aim of this paper is to study views on information literacy, how these views affect teaching practice, and how the teaching of information literacy is connected to, on the one hand, German and Swedish learning culture and, on the other, the local community of practice at the studied university libraries. The theories applied in this paper are learning culture and community of practice as developed in the works of Judith Ricken and Etienne Wenger. The methods that have been used are qualitative, semi-structured interviews that were conducted at both university libraries.It was observed that the teaching practices were highly connected to learning cultures.
Carbon sequestration in the pastoral area of Chepareria, western Kenya : a comparison between open-grazing, fenced pastures and maize cultivations
Carbon sequestration through restoration of degraded pastoral soils is an advocated way of mitigating global warming, and simultaneously alleviating poverty. An often proposed rehabilitation strategy is fencing of pastures, a method that was introduced to the farmers of Chepareria by the Vi-Agroforestry organization in 1987. The landscape of Chepareria changed from eroded, over-grazed grasslands, to a mixture of open-grazed commons, pastoral enclosures and cultivations. The aim of this study was to investigate (1) if the soil organic carbon (SOC) is higher inside the enclosures than on the open-grazed commons, (2) if SOC is affected by duration of fencing and (3) what effect cultivation of pastures has on the SOC. Estimations of vegetation cover and deep profile (100cm) soil sampling was performed on six clusters containing; (1) open-grazing (OG) (2) 1-5 years of fencing (FENCED(1)), (3) 7-10 years of fencing (FENCED(2)), (4) 15-23 years of fencing (FENCED(3)), (5) maize from OG (A(OG)), (6) maize from fenced pasture (A(FENCED)).
Arbetssättets betydelse/påverkan i matematikundervisningen : En kvalitativ studie av etniskt svenska respektive etniskt utländska elevers resultat/förståelse i förhållande till matematikundervisningen
This thesis which is about working with mathematics teaching has no effect/impact on performance and understanding of pupils. The study is intended to gain insight on working in mathematics education which has an impact on performance and understanding of students who are ethnically Swedish and foreign ethnic. In order to compare the ethnic Swedish and foreign students of ethnic understanding, I judged from their performance on the tests taken in year three. The qualitative approach permeated the work, both interviews and observations which were included in the survey. The qualitative study was chosen to get an understanding of how mathematics teaching is conducted in two different areas.
Narrativ Historia
Narrative history has a long tradition in history teaching. But during the decades after the second world war, the attitude to storytelling has been seen with doubt and skepticism. There are many indications in Swedish society and media that the narrative story today stand strong. But is narrative history useful in everyday teaching? This essay is a study of narrative history in a Swedish and Scandinavian perspective the latest thirty years.