886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 40 av 60
exercise-4-fun : Konceptframtagning av motionsfrämjande utrustning
The Master Thesis has been carried out in cooperation with Silva Sweden AB and the objective was to develop a new product concept within the product category for everyday exercise. The purpose of the thesis was to use and analyze methods and tools which aid creativity and concept creation in order to make method recommendations for future projects.During the thesis a number of customer needs were identified, which in turn were translated into 20 concepts. On a concept decision meeting a pedometer-based concept was chosen for development. The new pedometer is in addition to counting steps also able to measure and calculate the user?s total climbed height during a day and present this graphically in comparison to famous monuments or distances.
Utökning av mätområdet för turbinverkningsgraden på avgasturbo
The Goal with this Master of Science thesis is to expand the possible turbine efficiencymeasurements on an exhaust turbocharger. It was done as a part of the CICERO competencecentre. To feed the turbine with air a special flow rig has been used. Instead of loading theturbine by just restricting the compressor flow a docking system for an electrical dynamometer isdesigned to use the dynamometer as an additional loading source. By using an electricaldynamometer as loading device for the turbine, measurements are not depending on compressorperformance.A large part of the work consists in designing accessories for the dynamometer.
Kalcium- och fosforsmältbarhet hos växande hästar
In the latest edition of NRC (2007) the feeding recommendations for Ca and P to growing
horses were increased with 35 and 25 %, respectively, based on results from a Canadian study
showing that daily endogenous fecal losses of Ca and P were greater than previously
suggested. A Ca absorption efficiency of 50 % is used for all horses. However, the true
absorption efficiency might be as high as 70 % in young horses. P absorption efficiency is
assumed to be higher for growing horses because their diets are often supplemented with
inorganic P. Thus, an efficiency of 45 % is used for growing horses as compared to 35 % for
mature horses.
Förslag till förnyelse av en villaträdgård i Limhamn, inspirerat av egnahemsrörelsens trädgårdar :
The population growth in Europe and with that in Sweden was enormous
under 18th century. The results became housing shortage in large part
of Europe.
Tight residency/ inhabited, poverty and emigration were series of social
questions in Sweden.
Private house (egnahem) as in the beginning was an idea from England and
Germany became a political measure and the answer at those miserable
social circumstances in Sweden.
The purpose with the private house (egnahem) was to help those new
people moved in to towns with place to live and counteract movers to
towns and emigration. With the governmental loan and land availability
that some municipalities and wealthy people contributed with, could
people get a place to live with the small garden.
The city garden (trädgårdstaden) with their future idealistic idea/utopia,
English gardens, ideas with roots in the old-fashioned gardens (allmogeträdgårdar)
and lots of books and periodicals were the source of inspirations.
From these the private house gardens (egnahemsträdgårdar) were
Object for my study is my and my family?s own house in Limhamn,
south west of Malmö which was built in 1912 under private house gardens
era. The garden and the building have still trace and element from
the time of private house.
My suggestion is inspired by the private home style with a new thinking
design that answers to daily need and the busy life style; a rather easy to
maintain for green environment.
A more relaxing and peaceful garden with simple design, a garden
despite that it is surrounded by neighbours and streets invites in harmony
and dreams..
Framtagning av finansiella och icke finansiella prestationsm?tt f?r milj?m?ssig h?llbarhet
Bakgrund och problemdiskussion: Intressenter st?ller h?ga krav p? f?retag g?llande
milj?m?ssig h?llbarhet, vilket f?retag beh?ver anpassa sig till. F?retag samlar in information
f?r h?llbarhetsrapporter och samma information kan anv?ndas f?r interna milj?m?ssiga
prestationsm?tt. D?remot beh?ver f?retag anpassa m?tten f?r att de ska se milj?p?verkan p?
detaljniv? f?r prestationsutveckling.
Buntning av grot med lastbilsmonterad utrustning :
During the transportation of logging residues (LR) the material´s low density is a problem that results in low use of pay-load capacity. Comminution or compression of LR are possible methods to increase pay-loads. In the present thesis studied a bundling machine which was mounted on a truck chassis, and the subsequent transport and crushing. The truck bundler created bundles that were larger and longer than other bundling equipment on the market. The objectives were to determine the total time consumption and its allocation over work element and machinery, to measure dry matter (DM) content of green and brown LR-bundles.
Det korrigerande samtalet : -ett samtal för tillfällig förbättring eller varaktig förändring?
At the workplace, different types of discussions take place, where employers meet members of staff. Some of these discussions take the form of an employer correcting a member of staff; that is the employer wanting the member of staff to change his/her behaviour. The correcting discussion has a very important role within labour legislation as it is often this measure that the employer takes to bring about change. If this does not happen then more severe disciplinary measures like a warning or giving notice will be necessary. This paper is about the employer's role in the corrective discussion. How an employer can work with the corrective discussion but also what effects can be experienced due to the discussion. To understand how an employer experiences the corrective discussion, 98 employers within a municipality have received a web questionnaire via the computer program Esmaker. Of these employers 68 answered the questions, which is a response of barely 70%.
Mätning av ekosystemtjänster i jordbrukslandskapet :
In order to make the modern agriculture less dependent on non-renewable external inputs, it
has to rely more on ecosystem services. The agricultural system produce not only food, fiber
and fuel, it also generates other ecosystem services such as e.g. photosynthesis, recycling of
nutrients, influencing local microclimate, pollination, biological control and detoxification of
noxious chemicals.
This study is an attempt to get a better understanding about the interaction among different
ecosystem services and different habitats capacity to generate them. An evaluation of eight
different methods is done. The ecosystem services studied are the ability to absorb solar
energy, biomass production, botanical diversity, decomposition and natural predation of
Detektering av in- och utandning vil bilkörning med hjälp av Matlab
Volvo Human Monitoring (VHM) is an ongoing project at Volvo Cars where they measure, amongst other parameters, inhalation and exhalation through a device called Respiratory Inductance Plethysmograph (RIP), on drivers. RIP measures changes in the cross-sectional area of the chest and abdomen. When the driver is in motion, such as when she is turning the vehicle, the cross-sectional area changes and noise in the RIP signal may arise.The noise results in a large number of manual adjustments in the analysis of the RIP signal, which is very time consuming and the validity of the device for measuring inhalation and exhalation is questioned.The purpose of this study was to improve the efficiency of the analysis of the RIP signal. The goal was to create a new data processing tool in Matlab that automatically detects inhalation and exhalation from a RIP signal with higher validity compared to the previous data processing tool.In this study, nine tests were performed on drivers while they were driving in different scenarios such as highway, country road and in city traffic. Inhalation and exhalation was measured using a RIP, a pneumotachograph with a tightly sealed facemask and a thermocouple placed between the nose and mouth, which was used as reference to the RIP.The result of this study was a data processing tool that automatically detects inhalation and exhalation with higher validity compared to the previous data processing tool.
Kan relationen mellan CSR och lönsamhet stödja svenska finansbolags undermåliga samhällsansvar? - En kvantitativ studie med beaktning av endogenitetsproblemet
Introduction: The concept of CSR was first coined in the 1950?s and refers to corporate vol-untary work to contribute to a sustainable society. In Sweden, companies within the finance sector are among the worst when it comes to implementing CSR in their daily work. The debate on whether companies should engage in CSR activities or not, is extremely relevant nowadays. Right now we are facing a time where the demand on companies to take their social responsi-bility becomes more intensified.
Multipel Skleros En kartläggning av infektionskomplikationer i samband med hematopoetisk stamcellstransplantation
ABSTRACTMultiple sclerosis (MS) is the leading cause of adult disability inSweden. Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (HSCT) can be used as a treatment option for patients with MS where the disease has an aggressive course. The treatment is preceded by high-dose chemotherapy which lowers the patient's immune system. It is therefore of interest to study infectious complications associated with HSCT in this patient.Aim: The purpose of this study was to identify infection problems in this population associated with HSCT, and to study differences in infectious complications between this group and patients diagnosed with lymphoma who have undergone the same treatment.Method: The study was a retrospective descriptive study with quantitative data. A medical record review was conducted.
Automatic registration of dairy cows grazing behaviour on pasture
Information regarding cows grazing behaviour and time spent grazing can be of great interest to dairy farmers, since this information can indicate how well suited the pasture is to the cows. Feed intake at pasture is however challenging to measure. Automated systems for monitoring the behaviour of cows within dairy production have become increasingly important and relatively common. The aim of this study was to validate an activity measuring device (HOBO® G Logger Pendant Data Logger, USA), a triaxial accelerometer that registers the cow?s head positions during grazing, in order to see if cows? grazing behaviour on pasture could be distinguished from their non grazing behaviour.
Nolltolerans i skolan om hot och våld : En studie om rektorers tolkning av begreppet nolltolerans
Arbetets art: Examensarbete i lärarutbildningen, Avancerad nivå, 15 hpHögskolan i SkövdeTitel: Nolltolerans i skolan om hot och våld - En studie om rektorers tolkning avbegreppet nolltoleransSidantal: 41Författare: David Löfving och Joakim PeterssonHandledare: Kennert OrleniusDatum: januari, 2009Nyckelord: nolltolerans, hot och våld, åtgärder, gränsdragning, agerandeI USA på 1990-talet infördes en lag gällande nolltolerans mot vapen i skolan. Denna laghar fått en vidare tolkning vilket har gjort att många elever har blivit exkluderade frånundervisningen av märkliga skäl.Uppsatsen handlar om rektorers syn på begreppet nolltolerans i frågor om hot och våldmot skolpersonal. Vidare redogör studien för hur rektorer arbetar förebyggande och hurderas efterarbete ser ut. Dessutom berör studien rektorers erfarenheter kring hot ochvåld mot skolpersonal. För att nå fram till studiens syfte så intervjuades rektorer påhögstadieskolor.De intervjuade rektorerna hade inga större erfarenheter kring hot och våld motskolpersonal.
Efficient Frequency Grouping Algorithms for iDEN
This Master?s Thesis deals with a special problem that may be of importance when planning a frequency hopping mobile communication network. In normal cases the Frequency Assignment Problem is solved, in order to plan the use of frequencies in a network. The special case discussed in this thesis occurs when the network operator requires that the frequencies must be arranged into groups. In this case the Frequency Assignment Problem must be solved with respect to the groups, i.e.
Jämförande studie mellan traditionella seminarier & webbseminarier i marknadsföringssyfte
Titel: Comparative study between traditional seminars and webinars for marketing purpose. Level:Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business AdministrationAuthor:Peter Nicks and Alexander WidellSupervisor:Aihie OsarenkhoeDate:2011 ? JanuaryAim:We want to examine how businesses can use webinars to supplement or replace seminars in its industrial marketing. When should businesses use seminars, when should they use webinars and when should they use a combination of the two?Method:We have chosen to do a combination of quantitative and qualitative research.