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Dress for success - by using multichannel marketing
Background and problem: Corporate Governance is a well-known phenomenon which has been the focus of plenty of research where the board of directors and the CEO have been regarded as important actors. What's affecting decisions regarding these actors has been debated whereas media has been pointed out of having an impact. To decide whether or not media can affect Corporate Governance have shown to be problematic whereas it exists divergent views regarding this. At the same time this relationship is more explored in other contexts than the swedish one, although this one is considered suitable for this. Consequently there is a motive for examining medias impact on Corporate Governance in Sweden. Purpose: The purpose of the thesis is to explain if media has an impact on Corporate Governance at an overall level.
Övergångarnas Dilemma : En uppsats om kvinnors underrepresentation i andelen övergångar ifrån Samhall AB till den reguljära arbetsmarknaden
With the ambitions to rehabilitate individuals with different kinds of work disabilities through work, the government owned Samhall AB has a long history as labour market measure in Sweden.To show Samhall AB its importance, the company has requirements to fulfill the goal that around 5 percent of their employees, at Samhall AB, every year shall be transferred to an employment outside the company, which is called transition. Unfortunately since this goal was introduced it also created several dilemmas. One dilemma is the long lasting female under representation in transitions from Samhall AB to the regular labour market.The essays main task is to investigate the factors behind the female under presentation in transition from Samhall AB through a genus perspective and by using quantitative and qualitative method.The main conclusions are that female under representation in transitions from Samhall AB are basically caused by structural factors. Samhall AB?s strong industrial tradition and particularly the strong segregation between female and males on the regular Swedish labour market may inhibit females in their transitions.
Projekteffektivitet inom tekniska utvecklingsprojekt : Vilka faktorer påverkar projekteffektivitet och hur kan dessa mätas?
The purpose of this thesis is to identify the factors that drive efficiency and effectiveness in technical development projects performed at A?F?s department of product development. In addition to identifying and analyzing these factors, the thesis also analyzes what needs to be taken in to account in order to implement a measurement system that is able to both monitor and control the identified factors.The thesis has been performed in a qualitative manner. It is based on interviews with people from several different technological companies, within different lines of business, all of which are customers to A?F?s department of product development.The results show that there are seven critical factors for project efficiency and effectiveness.
Ekonomiska konsekvenser för skogsbruket vid avsättning av mark för viltvårds- och jaktändamål : en fallstudie på Svenska Jägareförbundets fastighet Öster Malma
The value of game for hunting from a social economic viewpoint is an interesting topic
that is currently being investigated in a Swedish research program. The amount of
damages that the game stocks cause to the forestry is, and has been in focus for a longer
period of time. Something that I saw as missing was an investigation of how much an
active game keeping measure might cost in lost incomes for forestry in terms of reduced
acreage for forest production.
This question was the foundation for this investigation, which purpose is to give
interested persons with decent knowledge of forestry an example of how cost estimation
for forestry resembling the example that is studied can look like.
The measures that has been taken is a felling of forest in different ages on both sides of
a forest dirt road to create increased asset of forage for the game, and at the same time
give hunters that have their post along the dirt road a better chance of seeing passing
animals early and increasing the possibility to shoot good shots. The area, which is a
part of The Swedish Association for Hunting and Wildlife Management estate Öster
Malma, is also used as an example for guests who wish to learn more about managing
ungulates. These guests have now got the opportunity to get information on how big the
costs are for the measures that have been taken.
The main conclusions of this work is that changed timber prices and foremost a change
of interest rate makes big differences on the result of the calculations.
Empatisk nog för socionomexamen, eller? : En studie om socionomstudenters empatiska förmåga och dess utveckling under utbildningstiden
This quantitative study, with qualitative elements, intended to investigate the empathic ability among students and its change during social work education in Sweden. The study used a self-assessment form in the form of a questionnaire sent out to 8 of the 15 universities around the country. Respondents who participated in the survey studied in semester 1 & 2 and semester 6 & 7. The instrument which were used, measure the empathy level of the respondents and was a Swedish translation of the instrument, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index (IRI) which is a proven self-assessment form. IRI consists of 28 questions divided into 4 areas (subscales), which together provide a score, where a higher score corresponds to a greater capacity for empathy.
Budget som styrmedel : Ett stöd eller en belastning?
Bakgrund: Ekonomistyrningen omfattar planering och uppföljning av ekonomiska mål och mått, samt påverkan på en verksamhet och dess personal genom beslut och handling. Styrmedel behövs för att fullgöra ekonomistyrningens funktioner och uppnå företagets uppsatta mål. Budget är ett av de vanligaste styrsystemen inom de formella styrmedlen. I dagsläget är debatten om budgetering intensiv och det råder oenigheter om budgeten i själva verket är ett bra verktyg eller ett onödig ont. Syfte: Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka vilken betydelse budgeten har som styrmedel i det valda fallföretaget. Vidare vill vi ta reda på om de driftsansvariga på Burger King upplever budgeten som ett stöd eller en belastning. Metod: En kvalitativ undersökningsmetodik och ett deduktivt angreppssätt har använts i uppsatsen.
Elevers koncentrationsförmåga under matematiklektioner på förmiddagar och eftermiddagar
This project has aim to examine how students experience their concentration ability during mathematics lessons in the mornings and afternoons, and how students? learning can be in-fluenced by the concentration ability during mathematics lesson in the morning and after-noons respectively? Which role do the methods of learning play in mathematic depending on which time it is carried out during mornings or afternoons with regard to student concentra-tion ability? In order to find out those issues, I used two methods; (interview and observa-tion).Interview with 4 students and 3 teachers and observations of 4 mathematics lessons based on a qualitative method. In order to measure students' concentration ability during ma-thematics education on various times, I distributed questions to 23 students and repeated it during each lesson that I have observed from a quantitative approach in two classes in a sec-ondary school. In the literature I discuss the definition of concentration, and factors affecting the concentration negatively and positively. What is the relationship between concentration, learning and type of activity and how individuals can improve their learning and attention? In addition I studied two earlier studies on the concentration.
Finns det ett samband mellan börsnoterade företags resultat och dess värdering?
Background: What is a share and what determines the value of a company? This is a constant issue that many in the financial world are facing. Many argue that there has been some decoupling between stock valuation and how the company in question is developing operationally after the financial crisis that the world faced during 2008-2009.Problem: It is important to distinguish between the company and the share. A company that is good and well maintained may not be worth buying only because of it. The share is judged by other elements also.
Maximerande av ekosystemtj?nster i urbana kulturmilj?er: En fallstudie om tr?dval i Pommerska tomten i Mariestad
The purpose of this work has been to explore what ecosystem services a small green area in an urban
environment can offer and whether specific trees can be used to maximize regulatory ecosystem
services in a cultural-historical environment. Additionally, it investigates whether there is any
difference in ecosystem services depending on whether these trees, or trees that better fit into the
cultural-historical environment, are used. Through simulations and comparisons with existing trees in
Pommerska tomten, Mariestad, Sweden, a pocket park within a national interest area, different
hypothetical tree planting options are analyzed and evaluated. To measure ecosystem services, the
website My-Tree, developed by the US equivalent of the Department of Agriculture, was used. By
inputting data about the tree, such as location, species, vitality, stem diameter, and solar exposure,
My-Tree calculates some of the ecosystem services the tree provides.
Vem drar mest nytta av en internetadministrerad kognitiv beteendeterapi mot uto?vande av va?ld i na?ra relationer? : Moderatorer i en randomiserad kontrollerad studie
Inom ramen fo?r IVIN- projektet avsa?g fo?religgande studie att explorativt underso?ka vilka variabler som kan moderera behandlingsutfallet i en internetadministrerad KBT-behandling fo?r personer som upplever sva?righeter att reglera ilska, aggressioner eller utagerande beteenden i na?ra relationer. Sextiofem personer inkluderades och randomiserades till de tva? betingelserna behandlingsgrupp (n=32) och kontrollgrupp (n=33). Aktuell studie baserades pa? resultaten fo?r de deltagare som fyllt i fo?r- och efterma?tning (n = 59).
Kommunala underprisöverlåtelser och återbetalningskrav med stöd av art. 88.3 EGF ? En studie av svensk process- och sanktionsrätt utifrån den gemenskapsrättsliga effektivitetsprincipen
Private state aid enforcement with respect to below market value transactions carried out by Swedish municipalities ? A study on the conformity of Swedish procedural and substantial rules with the principle of effectiveness of EC law Recently in Sweden, several local governmental entities (municipalities) have engaged in commercial transactions that, essentially, have been aimed at transferring the ownership of public services ? for example schools and local medical care centers ? to private undertakings. A few of these transactions have been declared by Swedish administrative courts to constitute illegal below market value transfers of public resources. The essay seeks to determine whether the Swedish national provisions that govern legal claims based on the directly effective Art. 88(3) of the EC Treaty, are compatible with the principle of effectiveness, i.e.
Scintigrafisk undersökning av esofagusmotilitet hos häst :
Scintigraphic examination of the esophagus has for some time been the method of choice for the study of motility dysfunction in humans. The method has not yet been described for horses hence the lack of reference values for passage time for a bolus through the esophagus in healthy subjects. The purposes of this study were to measure passage velocity and time for a bolus to pass through the esophagus in healthy subjects, as well as to evaluate the reproducibility of the method. Eight warm-blooded trotters were used in the study. The horses were sedated with a low dose of Acepromazine prior to onset of the study.
Val av område och områdesskydd för Natura 2000 med skogshabitat : En jämförande studie av fyra län i Sverige
The Natura 2000 Network is one of the European Unions many tools concerning nature conservation, and is without comparison the premier contribution when it comes to halting the loss of biodiversity. This essay is a case study on how the regional work with the Natura 2000-network has been carried out in four different counties. These counties are Södermanland, Västernorrland, Jämtland and Örebro. They have been compared based on the theoretical concept of sustainable development. This essay describes how the officials in the County Administrations view the regional implementation of Natura 2000 when it comes to the selection of Natura 2000-sites with forest habitats and the creation of an additional protective measure.
Skolbiblioteket som socialt rum. Om skolbibliotekets placering och utformning.
The aim of this Master's thesis is to explore how the localisation and the design affect the conditions for a school-media centre. A school-media centre is in this study a place where the students seek, find and evaluate information, discuss and exchange ideas. An active place for generating knowledge. The method applied in this study is "Space Syntax Analysis", a quantitative method with visual representation of the results. In the theoretical framework, space is the voids between walls, doors and ceiling, between furniture and bookshelves.
Early immune responses to an adjuvant (AbISCO-100) tested in porcine peripheral blood mononuclear cell
Immune stimulating complex (iscom) matrix is a formulation that is used as anadjuvant within research. The capability of the iscom matrix to elicit an immuneresponse when not present together with an antigen has not been extensivelyinvestigated. One way to evaluate the status of the immune system is to measure theamount of cytokines that usually are produced by various cell types during an immuneresponse. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the early immune responses inporcine peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) after stimulation in vitro with theiscom matrix, AbISCO®-100. The immune response was evaluated by measuring themRNA expression for various cytokines, a chemokine receptor (CXCR4) andregulator of G-protein signaling (RGS16) in porcine PBMC after stimulation withAbISCO®-100 or other inducers like a lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and a CpGoligodeoxynucleotide (ODN 2216) used as controls.