886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 15 av 60
Ultraljudssvetsning: ett komplement eller ersättning till symaskinen?
AbstractThis bachelor thesis has been assigned by the company ACG Nyström, Borås. ACG Nyström is working in cooperation with a Swiss company named Jentschmann AG. Jentschmann is a manufacturer of ultra sonic welding machines which ACG Nyström is marketing in Scandinavia and the Baltic States. On behalf of Jentschmann AG the company has the aim to introduce the ultra sonic welding technique to new companies.The aim of this thesis is to compare traditional sewing machines with ultra sonic welding machines within two textile areas, protective clothing and outdoor living.Two investigative questions have been formulated for this purpose: what are the differences between a sewing machine and an ultra sonic welding machine? Is it possible to replace the sewing technology with ultra sonic welding? These stand as guidance for this paper.To gather knowledge interviews, literature studies, and tests on two different ultra sonic welding machines were performed.
Mät och loggningsutrustning för spänningstransienter
To be able to measure high-surge voltages and transients with short rise times youneed measuring instruments with a high sampling frequency and large Bandwidth.These surges and transients occur primarily at lightning but can also occur at forexample at connecting errors at an electrical switch-gear. This report describes thework with finding two solutions for measuring and log data from these surges andtransients. One temporary solution where a measurement program has beendeveloped. A second solution where different company solutions have been analyzedto decide which fits best. For these measurement solutions two solutions for bringingdown the voltage has been used.
Beskrivning och rendering av kurvade backspeglar
Driving simulators are a very important part of the research that is done at VTI. Enhancing the realism and creating a better driving experience in the simulators are very important and an ongoing work process for the engineers and researchers who work with the simulators. This project has been done as a part of this developing process and the purpose is to enhance the realism of the rear-view mirrors.Simulating realistic rear-view mirrors has been demanded, not only from the researchers at VTI, but also from car and truck manufacturers. To achieve a realistic mirror view a method to measure and parameterize real mirrors has been developed. The code for the existing graphics system has also been redone to be able to handle the new types of mirrors introduced..
En utvärdering av synthesizern OP-1 utifrån ett användbarhetsperspektiv
Denna rapport handlar om en användbarhetsutvärdering av synthesizern OP-1, utvecklad av företaget Teenage Engineering. Studien är kvalitativ och undersöker bara den omedelbara användarupplevelsen av produkten. Rapporten baseras på resultat från ett antal användbarhetstester, utförda på företaget i fråga. Användbarhetstesterna avser att undersöka hur en användare kan förstå hur OP-1:s kan användas och hur de kan förstår dess olika lägen och vidare på vilket sätt detta påverkar den initiala användarupplevelsen.Totalt nio av fjorton tillfrågade personer har ingått i användbarhetstesterna. Urvalsgruppen bestod av personer med tidigare, dock varierande mängd, erfarenhet av synthesizers.
Analys och modellering av ljusbåglängdsregleringen i pulsad MIG/MAG-svetsning
This master thesis deals with problems in the arc length control in Pulsed MIG/MAG Welding. The main problem is that it is not possible to measure the arc length. In the present solution the voltage over both the electrode and the arc represents the arc length. To improve the arc length control a model of the electrode melting has been built. One output from the model is the voltage over the electrode and with this voltage together with the measured voltage it is possible to calculate the voltage over just the arc.
Deltack, Blanket Study
There are two objectives of this study.The first one was to study the new instrument Deltack fromPrufbau, and with the new knowledge, study the interaction between blanket and paper.Deltack is a new instrument to measure the ink splitting force. Blankets from an earlier study doneby GATF have been montered on 12 different Deltack print forms and those have together with Deltackbeen the base for this project.This study together with information from GATF?s study shows that some of the blankets have ahigher capability to adsorb ink. Those blankets generate a sharper shape on the force curve, they havea lower dot gain, but they print not as good solid..
Six Sigma i små företag: en fallstudie vid Ecolean AB
Små och medelstora organisationer finner sig ofta vara aktörer på en mycket
konkurrensutsatt marknad där det är avgörande att uppnå ständiga
förbättringar för att förbli konkurrenskraftig. Six Sigma (även känt som
Sex Sigma) är en mycket populär metod för processförbättring, med hög
framgångsgrad, hos stora organisationer. Denna uppsats och examensarbete
försöker utvärdera huruvida små och medelstora organisationer kan anamma
Six Sigma. I strävan att utvärdera detta utfördes ett Six Sigma
processförbättringsprojekt vid Ecolean AB i Helsingborg, Sverige. Fynden i
denna studie antyder att Six Sigma kan anammas av små och medelstora
Metoder för prediktion av kardiovaskulär sjukdom med njurfunktionen
This study examines if the prediction of cardiovascular disease in hypertensive patients can be improved upon when renal function and microalbuminuria are added to the classical risk factors The predictive capability of a model is measured by discrimination, calibration, reclassification and Harrell's C.The results are ambigious. In most cases, microalbuminuria should be included in the model, but the results regarding the other measures of renal function are varied. Therefore, the selection of risk factors to include in the model depends on which measure of prediction one prioritizes..
Ädelmetall i portföljen : En jämförande studie om ädelmetallers diversifieringsegenskaper
A comparative thesis to study precious metals impact on a portfolio, during a long period of time, from the fourth quarter of 1986 to the third quarter of 2012. Five different portfolios are compared; three of the portfolios containing one of the following precious metals, gold, silver and platinum, the fourth portfolio contain all precious metals and shares, and the fifth portfolio containing only shares which is represented of OMXS30. This is done to determine the portfolio that generates the most return in relation to the least risk with the help of historical prices. Sharpe ratio is used to measure the profitability of precious metals by measuring the yield relative to the total risk. The study also measures precious metals correlation with shares..
LSS-handläggares uppfattning om LSS-lagstiftning och dess tillämpningSocial workers apprehension about the Support and Service for persons with Certain Functional Impairments (LSS) and the application
The aim with this study is to see how social workers apprehend the law, support and service for persons with certain functional impairments (LSS) and the application. We interviewed six social workers in six different municipalities to get a distribution between small and big municipalities. In the study we have used a qualitative method with half structured interview questions, since we wanted to get a comprehension for the social workers apprehensions. We have used a communication theory and a role theory in the study. The result showed that the social workers consider that the LSS is important, but that there are a few difficulties in the application.
Tillväxthastighet och storleksfördelning hos hassel (Corylus avellana)
To increase the knowledge about the growth of hazel (Corylus avellana)and size distribution of the shoots, circumference and stem diameter wasmeasured in a total of 54 clones in two areas in Östergötland. Further, thewidth of growth rings was determined for separate years. The diameter ofthe stems was measured both out from the centre of the stem andperpendicular to the first measure. The stems showed only a weaktendency to have an oval shape (with the longest side outwards from thecentre). The growth model did not improve when the degree of sunlightof clones was taken into the account.
Arbetsknivar : En funktionsanalys av knivar från Birkas Garnison
This paper deals with knives excavated in the Birka Garrison between 1997 and 2004, in a selection of 100 knives out of approximately 400. The aim is to measure and analyze the material to find out if certain elements in design points to a specific craft. Two groups of knifeblades can be seen, one with a convex bevel and one with a flat bevel of the blade. Considering osteological evidence, historical sources, and the main suitabillity of the knives, it is concluded that some of the flat beveled knives may have been used for crafting leather and fur, whereas the convex beveled knives are of an allround type..
Avtryck i glas och kropp : om glasblåsning, teknik och representationer av kvinnokroppen
I am a glassblower and I am a woman. In this project I've been working with alternative representations of the female body, muscles and technology. Mouthblown objects contains traces of body and form representations.I've been using muscle sensors to collect data from my arms while I blow glass. A special has made 3D-models from the collected data and I've blown these viritual objects in glass.My work is based around issues like: What happens when I measure my muscles? Am I (and my process) affected by the data gathering? How can I create alternative representations of the female body? What is the relation between glassblowing, the objects, body and gender?.
Lycka: nyckeln till en önskvärd socialpolitik - en begreppsanalys
This essay deals with the same task that utilitarians have tried to solve for a long time, what is happiness? In the eighteenth-century utilitarians suggested that happiness should be the base for social political decisions. But the lack of definition disposed so that GDP became the measurement of happiness, which proved to be wrong when the unhappiness continued to increase. More than two hundred years later scientists came up with a new definition of happiness and new ways to measure it. And during the last decade economists have taken the discussion to a higher level.So once again we?re dealing with the same old issue, if happiness ought to be the base of social political decisions.
Att marknadsföra politik i Sverige : En fallstudie av tre svenska politiska partiers marknadsföringsstrategi gentemot yngre väljare
BackgroundPolitics in some ways has always been about communication and marketing. In Sweden some people believe that communication and meaningful relations with the voters are of no value, instead it is the political content that is of importance. Media evolution has changed the conditions of political marketing; this has meant that the choices of the right communication channels in political marketing have become more important today than ever. Political competition in Sweden has become more even in recent years, this has called for political communication and marketing to be more planed and well thought out. Political parties have therefore begun to spend millions on marketing themselves.