886 Uppsatser om Tape measure - Sida 14 av 60
Analys av monteringslinan för luftbehandlingsaggregat (EC)
The purpose of the work is to analyze and balance an assembly line at Fläkt Woods in Jönköping. The work is going to answer the questions about today?s throughput time, how much waste that occurs, number of staff at the assembly line, how the supply of material works and possible improvements that can be made at the work stations. The work is also going to give a proposal of improve-ments that can be made.The methods used to get the result include observations and measurements, con-versations with technicians and operators and also data from Fläkt Woods? data-base.Large variations in throughput time are measured during the measure period, from 3 hours up to 5 hours and 35 minutes.
En pilotstudie för validering av den svenska versionen av CMPS-SF ? gradering av akut postoperativ smärta hos hund vid ortopedisk kirurgi och mjukdelskirurgi
One of many difficult issues in veterinary medicine is the assessment of an animal's experience of pain. As a licensed veterinary nurse in Sweden you are obligated by law to work by the concept of evidence based medicine. To achieve this the author of this study sees the need for standardized methods of pain assessment. A Swedish version of Short form of the Glasgow Composite Measure Pain Scale (CMPS-SF) has recently been translated and developed. Furthermore, a psychometric validation needs to be performed to ensure its validity and reliability.
Vidhäftning mellan prefabelement och pågjutningsbetong : Undersökning hur skrovligheten påverkar vidhäftningskapaciteten vid skjuvning
Self-compacting concrete has soon been around for a decade. Recently the prefabrication industry has started to use this fairly new concrete type in larger scales, mainly because of its distinctive properties. There are still certain areas that need to be thoroughly examined, such as bond capacity. There have been very few studies regarding shear capacity due to the fact that the procedure is complicated.This report will highlight a method to examine the shear capacity of different surfaces that have been prewetted as well as non-prewetted surfaces. The surface areas follow BBK 04?s and Eurocode 2?s demand for surface roughness. A smooth surface will be completed in order to confirm if the different shapes influence the bond strength by shear stress or not. The purpose of this essay is to measure the bond strength within the shear capacity as well as examine the impact it has on surface roughness and treatment for shear bond.The method used to identify the shear capacity is called L-shaped Push-Off Test.
Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till sina mål och hur dessa följs upp
Titel/Title: Hur myndigheter definierar sina prestationer i förhållande till
sina mål och hur dessa följs upp./ How government authorities define their
performance indicators and measure them up in relationship to the goals.
Författare/Author Almaliki, Rayya; Hulaj, Anita; Nepola, Fisnik
Handledare/Supervisor: Gyllberg, Henrick
Sektion/Section: Sektionen för Management, Blekinge Tekniska Högskola./ The
Section of Management, Blekinge Institute of Technology.
Kurs/Course: Kandidatarbete i företagsekonomi (FEC007), 10 poäng./Bachelor?s
thesis in Business Administration (FEC007), 10 credits.
Syfte/Purpose: Syftet med denna uppsats är att studera hur statliga myndigheter
definierar och följer upp sina prestationer, i förhållande till uppsatta mål
för verksamheten./ The main purpose with this thesis is to research how
government agencies define their performance indicators and measure them up in
relationship to the goals.
Metod/Method: Vi har genomfört en kvalitativ fallstudie, där vi har utfört sex
semistandardiserade intervjuer på Blekinge Tekniska Högskola och Boverket. Det
material som vi har fått från intervjuerna samt annat sekundärt material, utgör
grunden för vår analys och slutsats./ We have done a qualitative case study,
where we did six semi standard interviews at Blekinge Institute of Technology
and Boverket. The material we got from the interviews and other secondary
material make up the ground, for our analysis and conclusion.
Energibalans Dåva Kraftvärmeverk
To be able to measure high-surge voltages and transients with short rise times youneed measuring instruments with a high sampling frequency and large Bandwidth.These surges and transients occur primarily at lightning but can also occur at forexample at connecting errors at an electrical switch-gear. This report describes thework with finding two solutions for measuring and log data from these surges andtransients. One temporary solution where a measurement program has beendeveloped. A second solution where different company solutions have been analyzedto decide which fits best. For these measurement solutions two solutions for bringingdown the voltage has been used.
Kartläggning av kapacitetsutnyttjandet och ställtider på Stålöv AB : Survey of the use of capacity and set up times at Stålöv AB
The aim of this report is to analyse the use of the capacity at the CNC (computer numerical control) cutters and show how the level of set up time for these cutters at Stålöv AB. This assignment is concrete whereas there are no subjective questions to this matter and there are only cold figures presented.Production economy is getting more important as the competition hardens and there are several different ways to increase productivity and efficiency in a company. In order to increase productivity and efficiency work studies are used to, through an analysis, find developments in methods that result in improved work methods and to establish the time that are used. Increased production of different parts and customer driven production in combination with increased demands on rationalisation of capital have led to an enlarged interest for shorter set up times in the production.To point out the use of capacity and the set up time of the cutters at Stålöv AB we used frequency studies. Frequency studies are work measure methods based on random observations on predetermined events to calculate the relative occurrence of these events.
Effektutveckling i den koncentriska fasen i bänkpress och knäböj
Aim: The aim of the study was to investigate 1RM and what power could be generated in bench-press and half squat concentric at certain percentages of 1RM. Special interest was put to evaluate men (M) and women (K), strength trained (ST) verses non strength trained (EST) in generating absolute power as well as power relative to 1RM.Method: In total 59 subjects mean (± SD) age 24.9 ± 4.1 years divided into four test groups: 20 male non strength trained GIH-students (EST M), 20 female non strength trained GIH-students (EST K), 10 male strength trained - sprinters on national/regional level (ST M), 10 female strength trained - sprinters (ST K) on national/regional level. They did two tests on 1RM and power in events of concentric bench-press and half squat in a Smith machine. In the first test session 3 ? 5 lifts were made to measure 1RM in each event.
Mät och loggningsutrustning för spänningstransienter.
To be able to measure high-surge voltages and transients with short rise times youneed measuring instruments with a high sampling frequency and large Bandwidth.These surges and transients occur primarily at lightning but can also occur at forexample at connecting errors at an electrical switch-gear. This report describes thework with finding two solutions for measuring and log data from these surges andtransients. One temporary solution where a measurement program has beendeveloped. A second solution where different company solutions have been analyzedto decide which fits best. For these measurement solutions two solutions for bringingdown the voltage has been used.
En undersökning av framtidametoder för att säkra förband i produktion
The thesis is an examination of the methods that are appropriate and long-term choice to obtain clamping force and secure screw joints in production. The employer, Scania CV AB, transmission manufactures axle gears to all trucks produced in Södertälje. One of the most common assembly elements is screw joints, where the clamping force is essential to achieve a secure joint. Current methods to secure the joint is due much of the friction effect and is an indirect method to measure the clamping force. The clampforce accuracy becomes more widely with torque angle control.
Precommercial thinning stumps´susceptibility to Heterobasidion spp : a comparison between high and low Norway spruce and birch stumps : a measuring of the efficacy of Phlebiopsis gigantea stump treatment
Each year, Heterobasidion spp. is a major cause of economic losses to forestry in the northernhemisphere, including Sweden. New results indicate that pre?commercial thinnings could be at riskfor Heterobasidion spp. infections.
Tvåspråkighetsutveckling: Albansk-/svensktalande ungdomar berättar om sin utveckling av tvåspråkighet utanför skolan
We consider the meaning of leisure time for the human linguistic and cultural development of great meaning, in particular association with bilingual. We are both bilingual and have had the privilege to use and develop our knowledge likewise our experience during our education.The purpose with our school essay is to investigate what the youth tell us about their bilingual development outside School time. Our target group is Albanian-/Swedish speakers from upper secondary youth. Based on our own experience we know that upper secondary School contributes to an increasing awareness about themself and their own language and identity.In our empirical study, have we used qualitative strategy and build our interview guide on the basis of the semi structural method. Furthermore we have carried out two different group interviews which consisted each between 6-7 interviewees.
Konflikthantering i förskolan : en kvalitativ intervjustudie om olika sätt att arbeta med konflikthantering i förskolan
The aim of this thesis was to find out how the teachers I have interviewed, felt that they worked with and looked at conflict management. The aim was also to find similarities and differences in teachers' ways of working with conflict. With the help of my questions, I got answers to what I wanted to explore in my essay. I used these questions: What strategies do the teachers I interviewed for managing conflicts in preschool? What tools do the teachers I interviewed see as most effective in the process of conflict management? Are there differences and similarities in the way that the teachers I interviewed work with current conflict? What factors, according to the informants starts a conflict? What is the teachers? definition of a conflict and how does their definition affect their approach when working with conflicts?In my study, I have used a qualitative approach in the form of structured interview, to get material for my thesis.
Money vs. Happiness : En fallstudie om CSR på företaget Fair Travel Tanzania
Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) is about facing responsibilities towards a company?s employees, customers, stakeholders, suppliers and the environment. As customers and consumers came to seek companies that were dealing with CSR a rapid wave of ?forced? implementations of social responsibility began. Fair Travel Tanzania, which has CSR as the foundation of the company, says that they are transparent about what they do and how they give back to the locals, could it be a problem with this? And how do they actually give back to the locals? Is it possible to measure the impact of CSR activities within the company? And if so, how?.
Habitat preferences and reproductive success forthe threatened longhorn beetle Plagionotusdetritus
Plagionotus detritus is a threatend longhorn beetle that only exists at one site in Sweden. It is saproxylic and depending on recently dead coarse oak wood for its larval development. Trees at Djurgården, Stockholm that have been colonized by Plagionotus detritus has been studied to find out the habitat preferences of the species and to see what affects the density of beetles in a tree. The bark of some trees and wood from the breeding project at Nordens Ark has also been studied to find out what affects the species reproductive success. The reproductive success was measured in two ways, the larval mortality and the size of the hatching holes.
A review of methods used to measuretemperamental characteristics in horses
Horses respond individually to challenges, and the possibility to use these reactions to evaluate equine temperament with an objective instrument would have several advantages. Horse welfare could be improved by making it possible to find individuals best suited for a specific use, and understanding of the development of abnormal behaviours, such as stereotypies, could be increased. Management routines and training could be adjusted tosuit each individual horse and it could facilitate the selection of individuals appropriate for breeding. There are also economic implications, as horse buyers consider temperament important and after evaluating temperament, money can be spent solely on specific horses with all the right qualities. During the last decade, many attempts have been made to measure different aspects of temperament in horses, and the first aim of this project was to look at these studies and see which methods were used and which temperamental characteristics they measured.