

5789 Uppsatser om Tacit Knowledge - Sida 3 av 386

Bibliotekarier om bibliotekarier - En diskursanalytisk studie om bibliotekariers kunskaper, uppgifter, roller och föreställningar om bibliotekarier

The aim of this Master?s thesis is to examine how public librarians, including school librarians, express themselves about librarians in library journals. Questions asked in the study are: How is the knowledge, tasks and roles of librarians described? How do the librarians describe their own and others perceptions of librarians? Are there any contradictions in how the librarian profession is described and if so, what are they? 56 articles from three Swedish library journals, Biblioteksbladet, bis and DIK-forum in the period from 1990 to 2007, are analysed. The theory and method used is discourse analysis.

Faktorer som påverkar datakvaliteten hos affärs- och DW-system - En fallstudie från en högteknologisk industri

This thesis aims to examine how the quality of data that is entered into and retrieved from a corporate group's ERP and Data Warehouse systems can be improved. The corporate group has already taken several measures that will improve the quality of data. For instance the corporate group has updated and merged the previous ERP systems into one. At the same time the corporate group adjusted the settings in the updated ERP system, so that it will be harder to register incorrect data in the ERP system. With regards to the processes and routines, the studied department has efficient written routines and processes.

Rätt Kvalitet : En studie om att kommunicera mjuk produktkvalitet

This examination paper concerns how a organization can reach right quality. In this case the focus is on the communication of the soft product quality within an organization to achieve right quality. To fulfill the aim of this study a case company has been used to be able to show the absence in the topic. The questions of the study are: How have the customer?s needs been communicated within the organization? What absences are there today concerning the communication of the customer?s needs within the organization? How can the communication of the customer?s needs within the organization improve?The aim of this study is to describe and analyse how the transmitting of the customer?s needs concerning soft product quality is made today in the case company and to reach any improving suggestions.

Omstruktureringars betydelse för organisatoriska lärprocesser : Ett kunskapsperspektiv på att dela en verksamhet och köpa verksamhetsnära it-tjäsnter

The thesis aims to understand how learning processes are affected when an organization split into two separate organizations. The study is designed as a single case, covering a new government agency?s takeover of a core activity from another agency and the use of a purchase-provider split between the agencies, providing the new agency with IT-services. The findings revealed a difference in productive system and knowledge types between core- and IT-activities. The core activity was found to be dominated by explicit knowledge while the IT-activity seemed to be dominated by a mix of explicit and Tacit Knowledge.

Tyst kunskap och produktdatasystem vid medicinteknisk tillverkning : Pilotstudie av system för produktdatahantering och kartläggning av den tysta kunskapen vid Nationellt respirationscetrum, NRC

This thesis looks at two sides of the same coin: how to support the production and future development at a specialist medical technology department at Danderyd Hospital. The two sides are; a pilot study of a product management system (PDM) and an interview based study on the characteristics of the silent knowledge of the technicians. The department (National respiratory centre, NRC) is facing retirement of several key employees.The technical study shows that the success of an implementation is largely dependent on the users? prior knowledge and use of a 3D Computer aided design system (CAD).The system itself is shown to fulfill the Lifecycle requirement of tracking the products (mostly tracheostomy tubes) but without a CAD centered workflow, some substantial education and preferably some new recruits, an implementation of the PDM system will fail. The author recommends development of the current ?low-tech? system of MS Excel and Access rather than redistribute the dependency from technician towards a complex, commercial software and its vendor.The analysis of the technicians? silent knowledge with the newly developed method, epithet for silent knowledge (ETK), shows that the longer employment time:the more differentiated technicians become in describing their work,practical knowledge are regarded higher andthe social and collective problem solving factors of the work becomes more important.Typically, it is shown that a new employee should preferably enjoy problem solving, being pragmatic and social as well as having some prior education or work experience in a CAD and/or a PDM system..

Kunskapsöverföring : från individ till organisation

Individers specifika, inneboende kunskap har kommit att bli ett allt viktigare redskap för att generera konkurrensfördelar i dagens föränderliga samhälle. Det ställer därmed krav på ledningen att kunna hantera organisationens komplexa tillgång och främja kunskapsöverföring mellan organisationsmedlemmarna genom tillämpliga processer. Lyckas detta, bevaras kunskapen inom organisationen.Syftet med studien är att skapa en ökad förståelse för ledningsdrivna processer och aktiviteter som avser att omvandla individbaserad kunskap till organisatorisk kunskap. Studien belyser ett antal olika kunskapsöverföringsprocesser som nyttjas av organisationer i praktiken. Face-to-face metoder har visat sig föredras vid överföring av kunskap särskilt den tysta kunskapen, medan de tekniska/virtuella verktygen anses vara till fördel vid informationsspridning. En central slutsats för studien är att en verbal tvåvägskommunikation, såsom fysiska möten och telefonkommunikation, är mest tillämplig vid förmedling av den tysta kunskapen.

Att testa kvalitet : En validerande informationsinsamlingsmetod för ökad kunskapsåterföring

This master thesis has been carried out at Scania R&D at the department for Powertrain Control System Development during the winter of 2010/2011. In the thesis the writer examine and evaluate the existing method for collecting information from the tests carried out during the development of the Powertrain Control Systems software. It also contains suggestions for how a new method that enhance the validation elements could look like.The master thesis uses Vicentes theories of the ecological approach and theories of how knowledge sharing of tacit and technical information works within an organization and between the organization and its customers. First a workplace analysis at Scania R&D is carried out to see how Powertrain Control Systems work and how they test their software. Second a control task analysis, where the aims decided on after the interviews, is compared to the existing method.

Informationspark? Informationsstrukturerna hos bioteknikföretagen på Ideon

This thesis deals with information provision to the knowledge intense biotechnology businesses of Ideon Science Park in Lund, Sweden. Previous research concerning the information needs of Science Park companies has been conducted from the information provider s perspective. Instead, we apply a user perspective to find out what information needs these companies have, and how they prefer to acquire information. Central terms are: information, -needs, -acquisition, -consciousness, -strategy, small and medium sized enterprises, scientists and engineers, information (resources) management, networks, Tacit Knowledge, knowledge transfer and innovative milieux. The companies need scientific and business information; the latter is easily obtained within Ideon.

Lärares användning och integrering av IT i undervisningen : En studie med sex verksamma lärare i grundskolans tidigare år

This study is about conception in the evaluation of financial assistance within the social services. The aim of this study is to describe and understand how social workers reason about variation, conception and local norms and its significance in the evaluation process. To reach this purpose we have conducted semi-structured interviews with eight social workers in which different themes were discussed and reasoned about. In order to understand and analyze our results we have studied/used the knowledge about Tacit Knowledge and street-level bureaucracy. Our results showed, as previous research states, that social workers do have conceptions about clients.

Identifiering av samband mellan kravinsamling och kunskap

The stakeholders for requirements elicitation need to be identified at an early stage and their knowledge is the basis for what is to become a requirements specification. Just because a stakeholder holds a lot of expertise and knowledge it does not mean that the stakeholder can communicate the knowledge in a clear way. Validation of knowledge means that knowledge is valued and recognized in a structured way. People and organizations can evolve by exchanging knowledge, experience and skills.  The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of knowledge management between requirement elicitation and external stakeholders.

Bibliotekariens kunskap: en diskursanalys

This Master's thesis concerns the professional knowledge of the librarian. The image of this knowledge is regarded as constructed in a social context, which is why the discourse analytic approach is selected as method. The empirical material consists of two texts concerning the education of librarians. A theory of knowledge, emanating from Aristotle, is applied to the results to find examples of the forms of knowledge that are excluded from the discourse. A number of themes, or ways, in which it is possible to discuss the phenomenon of the librarian's knowledge, are identified in the texts.

Förnuftets chiaroscuro : Om möjlighet till kunskap om Gud enligt Thomas av Aquino

This academic essay explores the possibilities to knowledge of God in the thought of Thomas Aquinas. The essay takes its departure from question 12 in the Summa Theologiae, specifically articles 12 and 13 that deal with natural knowledge of God and supernatural knowledge, respectively. It also presents objections made by modern philosophers against these ways of knowledge along with a rebuttal of these objections. Lastly, a conclusion is offered and ends with a reflection on how Aquinas' teaching on human knowledge of God in earthly existence compares with his teaching on the knowledge human beings will have in heaven and what consequences that has for our present knowledge..

Meningsskapande omvärldsbevakning - En diskussion kring dess förutsättningar

The topic for this master thesis is Business Intelligence, a means for decision makers to obtain accurate analysis about organisations surrounding world. The purpose is to examine how Business Intelligence is carried out in practice and how it can be made more efficient by considering some underlying and often overlooked factors. The study shows that organisations should strive for common goals and to engender corresponding perspectives amongst the co-workers. We have also concluded that Sensemaking, Knowledge Creating, Tacit Knowledge, Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Creativity and Visions, influence the ability to utilize the efficiency of Business Intelligence. In some aspects we have noticed that our theoretical backbone differentiates from reality, which reveals the complex prerequisites that relates to matters of Business Intelligence.

Knowledge Management och intranät en fallstudie av en divisionaliserad behandlingsorganisation

This Master thesis studies how a diversified institutional care organisation can optimise its collective knowledge resources so to manage and distribute this knowledge to different parts of the organisation with help of the organisations intranet. The purpose of the study is to examine if knowledge management and the organisations intranet can be used to create, store, transfer and better use the knowledge within the organisation. Through a case study the thesis will look at different knowledge processes and their relation to the organisations intranet. The case study includes a questionnaire for the whole organisation and qualitative interviews with seven persons from different levels of the organisation. The theoretical framework of the study approaches knowledge management and intranet through four knowledge processes.

Webbsäkerhet och vanliga brister : kunskapsläget bland utvecklare

This bachelor thesis looks at developers knowledge about web security both regarding their own view on their knowledge and their actual knowledge about vulnerabilities and how you mitigate against them. Web developers knowledge regarding web security are becoming more and more important as more applications and services moves to the web and more and more items become connected to the internet. We are doing this by conducting a survey among developers that are currently studying in the field or are working in the field to get a grip on how the knowledge is regarding the most common security concepts. What we saw was that the result varies between the different concepts and many lack much of the knowledge in web security that is getting increasingly more important to have..

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