5376 Uppsatser om Svensson cost model - Sida 18 av 359
Utveckling av en dynamisk Simuleringsmodell av en skotare
The predominant forestry harvesting method is based on the harvester-forwarder method, theharvester folds, branches and cuts trees, and sorts the logs into piles, while a forwarder transportsthe logs to a landing area.This master thesis work is about realization of a dynamic forwarder simulation model, and itspurpose is to provide an integrated forwarder simulation model in MATLAB/SimMechanicswhere the forwarder is based on a concept using pendulum arms to connect wheels and chassis.Active suspension control is developed and implemented into the simulation model, and finallycompared in simulation with passive suspension.In a first step, an integrated forwarder simulation model is developed, containing a simplifiedforwarder model, a tire-to-ground interaction model and a test track model. The simplifiedforwarder model is based a rigid multi-body system with a spring-damper suspension of thependulum arms. The tire-to-ground interaction model calculates the reaction forces, friction fromthe ground and applies the propulsion force. The test track model is a simplified version of thereal test track in Skogforsk. The propulsion wheel torque control is used to regulate theforwarder speed.
Konvertering från direktverkande el i kommersiella lokaler : Ekonomisk och hållbar utveckling
Buildings worldwide account for 40 % of the total energy use. Climate change is of increasing importance, but few are willing to reduce their standard of living or get a higher cost for the change. Energy efficiency of existing buildings gives the greatest benefit economically and environmentally. The real estate company Klövern AB manages 46 properties in Karlstad. Heating is the major cost of the total operating costs of real estate. Rising energy prices increase the need for Klövern AB to improve energy efficiency and to investigate alternative sources of heat.
Marknadsanpassning : hot eller möjlighet?
Making the work in the public sector more efficient is something that has been seen as necessary during the later years. One way to do this on municipal level has been to apply solutions former used mostly by private companies. The organisational parts have also been adjusted to existing conditions in this work of change. For example more and more municipalities have come to use the purchaser-supplier model since the beginning of the 1990's. Norrköping, Linköping and Motala have been chosen in this essay for a closer study of the effects of the changes of the 90's, from an efficiency point of view.
Digital 3d landskapsmodellering : detaljeringsgradens betydelse för läsbarheten hos digitala tredimensionella landskapsmodeller
In this paper I have sought a suitable level of abstraction in my models describing the landscape; the models are made to be viewed from eyelevel. Because of the spectator being ?in the model? the objects included need a certain degree of realism. I have sought what is needed in the model to be able to comprehend that the model is showing a landscape. Some details might be unnecessary.
Interorganisatoriska relationer i filmbranschen: En fallstudie i samproduktioners påverkan på svenska
This paper investigates and explains the existence of different governance structures in the Swedish film industry. Using a theoretical framework of transaction cost economics, it is shown that trust follows from frequent production projects, affecting the distributors? control of producers, cinemas, video retailers and television. Control becomes more flexible, informal and less time consuming. Furthermore, the control of the distributors? relationship with television and cinemas proves to be multidimensional and affected by transaction activities, as well as by demands from previous parties in the value chain.
Parametriserad 3D-modell av cyklon : Parametrisering av en 3D-modell av ett cyklonfilter i SolidWorks för snabb framtagning av nya konstruktioner till Outotec Skellefteå
This bachelor thesis project has been executed at Outotec Sweden AB in Skellefteå. Outotecs main business focus is selling mineral and metal processing technologies. A rest product from the metal process is particle-polluted gas and cyclone designs are today the most commonly used abatement device for particle control. A cyclone provides a simple design with high efficiency particle percolation by using air streams.The purpose of this work is to reduce the time it takes create new cyclone designs in Outotecs projects. An extensive construction work is needed for every new cyclone order due to new designs.
Feldetektering för diagnos med differentialgeometriska metoder -en implementering i Mathematica
Diagnosis means detection and isolation of faults. A model based diagnosis system is built on a mathematical model of the system. The difficulty when constructing the diagnosis system depends om how the model is formulated. In this report, a method is described that rewrites the model on such a form that the construction of the diagnosis algoritm is easy. The model is transformed by two state space transformations and the result will be a system on state space form where one part of the system becomes easy to supervise.
Påverkad strukturerad produktion produktiviteten? : Analys av mätningar från byggbranschen
The cost of construction projects have increased during the past few years. Different actors in the construction industry work together to advocate various measures to mitigate these cost increases. One of these measures is to try to improve the efficiency in the phase of production. By striving for a kind of standardization with a constant quest for improvement, the productivity can increase while the costs of production fall.For this thesis has a case study been conducted at the construction company JM AB which is seeking this. They call the approach structured production and have implemented various measures to achieve a more productive output.Based on information from reconciliations, the cost and the spent hours of craftsmen have been analyzed at the company where the case study took place.
Uppgradering av biogas med aska från trädbränslen
The Swedish production of biogas was 1,5 TWh 2011. About half of the production was used as vehicle fuels. The cost for upgrading biogas depends on the size of the biogas plant and its gas production. If the gas flow is low the cost will be high. However, further development of existing upgrading technologies or development of new ones, have good potential to decrease the upgrading cost for small scale biogas plants.
Orsaker och sammanhang kring avvikelser i processen med prefabricerat byggande
The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.
Afghanistans demokratiseringsprocess : En kvalitativ fallstudie om förutsättningarna för att lyckas med konsociationell demokrati i ett av världens fattigaste länder.
This thesis intends to analyse conditions for a successful implementation of consociational democracy, as a democratic model in Afghanistan. The lack of critical reviews regarding the democratisation-process in Afghanistan initiated the purpose of this study.Lijpharts democracy model was used as the basis in the comparative study. Along with empirical evidence regarding how the complex process of democracy in Afghanistan is progressing, the study investigated whether the identified conditions occurred or not.The choice of which democracy model to use can be crucial for the democratic possibilities to even survive and become established in conflict-affected communities. The principle of consociational democracy is that it is an empirically based normative model that aims to organise the state in a way that works against the risks of majority domination and oppression against the minority.The empirical case study revealed that a majority of the conditions were not met, which then can counteract the possibilities for consociational democracy in Afghanistan. The study has critically examined the prospects for the success of consociational democracy in Afghanistan, and it can be assessed that there is a limited probability for a successful applying of this model..
Intäktsfördelning och ansvarsenhet : En studie av hotellrestauranger
Writers: Johan Lundqvist Eriksson and Elin SandbergSupervisor: Stig AnderssonEnglish title: Allocation of revenue in the hospitality industryKeywords: Revenue allocation, cost allocation, profit center, Du Pont model, taxes and manipulation of data.Date: January 2012Since the taxes for food and lodging has been different in Sweden for many years, the hospitality industry has come up with a way to save money on tax paying. When private customers stay for a weekend where the meals are included, the business is placing more than the relevant revenue on the lodging part, which has the lower tax. Because of this the results has improved and tax money has been saved. Now when the Swedish government has decided to lower the tax on food to the same level as the lodging, the chances for correct revenue allocation arises. When we approached the hospitality industry with our problem area a big interest was showed from the head chefs. They now see a chance to get more income on the meals and through this be able to show better results towards the owners.Two hotel managers at two different hotels and their head chefs were chosen for interviews.
Kostnadsbesparingar på EM7 : Omkonstruktioner för billigare tillverkning
This thesis describes how a cost reduction project was done on the Packsize ondemand packing machine EM7. The cost reduction was achieved by making minorredesigns of the EM7.The project began by studying the EM7´s structure and function by working on itsassembly line. A short literature study on the subject Design for Manufacturing wasalso done.By working on the assembly line and by speaking with staff from production anddevelopment departments, a number of ideas for reducing manufacturing costs arose.Estimations of the potential cost reduction size for each proposal were done incollaboration with vendors and the purchasing department. Based on the size of the cost reduction, technical risk, impact on the assembly lineand the development time the various proposals were ranked. The two highestranked proposals were selected for further development towards finished solutions.One of the ideas that were selected to develop in to a finished solution meant thatsome of the pneumatic valves were replaced with others.
Modellering av Panna 5 Mälarenergi AB : utveckling av en beräkningsmodell med simuleringsverktyget IPSEpro
Heat and power stations are often in need of optimizations. A simulation model is a tool for findingways to optimize the plant. The scope of this diploma work is to develop a simulation model ofBoiler 5 at Mälarenergi AB. Boiler 5 is a circulated fluidized bed boiler that was taken into service inyear 2001. Among the included parts in the boiler are cyclone, convection part andINTREX-chambers.
Modellbygge och regulatordesign av tröghetsmomentsimulator tillreferenssystem för stridsvagn 122
This master thesis holds a modelling in Simulink for a physical model of a main battletank tower, a three-phase induction motor and some mechanics. The aim of this work is to connect an earlier project at AerotechTelub, named StabSim to another called Eldris. In StabSim it has been made a Simulink model of the align and stabilisation system in a main battle tank 122 and in Eldris it has been build a physical model of a main battle tank tower. In this thesis the models that differs between Eldris and a real tower is changed in StabSim, and the parts that only exist in Eldris is added, for example a torque generating system which purpose is to make the model to behave like a real tower in control application, although it only has half the inertia as a real tower. The thesis even includes proposing a calculation of the torque that the torque generating system will actuate at the model..