5376 Uppsatser om Svensson cost model - Sida 17 av 359
Efter pesten : om återhämtningen efter pestepidemin på 1710-talet i Skåne
From 1710 to 1713 the plague raged through the Swedish province of Scania. Other studies have been made on how the disease affected the society during the epidemic. This study tries to focus on the recovery afterwards. How did the population and the farmsteads recover after the plague? Statistics from parish registers and cameral records show interesting patterns in the demography, and that the recovery was far from complete 1720.
A cost benefit analysis of public procurement of pork meat : imported, Swedish or locally produced?
Public procurement stands for a substantial part of the total food consumption in Sweden. The majority of the procured food is today imported and according to market trends it?s intended to stay that way. Imported food is favoured for locally produced due to price pressure. Consequently domestic pork farmers have declined by 25 percent during the last twenty years.
Övervakning och detektering av sprickor i betong med en elektriskt ledande färg
The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.
Analys av beställarkrav vid upphandling av entreprenader
The purpose of this thesis has been to develop a tool for modelling and simulating the nuclear plant Ringhals 3. The model should be used to improve the knowledge on the dynamics of the plant. Ringhals 3 is being upgraded to produce more power and a tool for analyzing the new operating conditions is needed.The work in this thesis has consisted of improving and developing an existing model of Ringhals 3 made with the modelling tool Dymola. The model has been validated by comparing the results of a simulated house load transient with data from the actual plant. Validation shows good agreement with data from the real plant.
Utveckling av en Multi-Zonsmodell för NOx Bildning i Diesel Motorer
This thesis work is the last part of the Master of Science education inmechanical engineering at KTH, Stockholm.The aim of this project was the development of a Multi-zone modelfor NOxformation in Diesel engines. Because of the stringent emissionlegislations, great effort is made to decrease the fuel consumption and theharmful emissions of internal combustion engines. Computer simulationsplay a decisive role in this context because they substitute the expensiveand time-consuming laboratory tests.The model is based on a multi-zone approach and uses the wellknownExtended Zeldovich Mechanism which gives a relation to calculatethe NO formation rate using the concentration of different gas speciesinvolved in the process.All the most important phenomena involved in the Diesel combustionhave been modelled. A special attention is then paid to the equilibriumconcentration calculation; this is a significant part of the model whichstrongly influences the following steps.A Simulink model has also been developed. This second version isbased on the previous model and it is made especially to allow theconnection with other external softwares, GT-power in this case.
Kalkyler i vården: en översikt och ett praktikfall
This thesis investigates management accounting systems in a Swedish health care environment. Through a qualitative case study of an activity-based cost accounting system that was introduced in 1994 at S:t Görans Sjukhus, a large Stockholm hospital, the following questions are addressed: What benefits can an activity-based cost accounting system offer the Swedish health care providers? What are the potential problems impeding the implementation of such a system? Main findings: an activity-based cost accounting system can improve the understanding of where costs are generated in the production processes. Comparisons between alternative production processes are improved, and the data may serve as a basis for internal pricing measures. Concerning the second question, difficulty in reconciliating the principles of economic control with the culture present in a hospital is identified as the main obstacle to a new management accounting system..
Investerargrupper : En studie utifrån Wärneryds investerarmodell
Listed corporations achieve effectiveness through segmentation of investors. Categorization of like- minded investors diminishes goal incongruence. This thesis aim to examine an Investor models accuracy, provided by a Professor Emeritus in Economic Psychology in 2001. This model segments investors as active, passive, speculative and naive investors. This thesis has a demarcation to private investors on the Swedish stock market. It has a deductive and qualitative approach as the purpose is to study the Investor model.
Jämförelsestudier av Takkonstruktioner med Stora Spännvidder
The purpose of this report is to examine various roof structures that can operate in a warehouse with large spans. The building that is examined in the report is currently under construction, and the roof construction has already been selected. The selected roof system will therefore be compared with some other structures and materials that have been possible. The report will evaluate three different frame materials, two insulating barriers and two overlaying materials. Another important part in major construction projects is the roof safety.
Environment simulation of track-based systems
Simulation means running a model of a system with suitable input and observing the corresponding output. Real-time environment simulation is a special kind of simulation used to simulate a control system's environment in real-time. This is done to test the control system before it is used in its real environment. In this project, computer simulation of a certain kind of environments, called track-based systems, is studied and a general model for track-based systems is developed. In this model, track layouts are represented by graphs, which is a flexible and extensible representation and a method for visualizing these layouts is presented.
"Prata högre! Jag hör inte vad du säger" : En kvalitativ studie om elevers och pedagogers upplevelser av Södertäljes nya skolmodell
"Speak up! I can?t hear you"This qualitative study is built on an investigation of a newly instated model that is used when building or renovating schools. The principles of the model are based on building schools with an open plan design where the walls are made of glass and the classrooms are not shut closed by walls, instead the classrooms are completely open except from screens that are used to indicate the ambit of the rooms. This model has been well debated and that is the reason why we chose to do this study.The purpose of this study is to find out how students and teachers experience this model. To do this we have done interviews and observations.
Allsvensk fotbollssponsring
Purpose: The purpose of this thesis is to examine the ERK model's relevance,
validity and potential need of development to better reflect how it looks today
Method: The study is conducted through three surveys; the first two were face
interviews with companies that sponsor Swedish soccer teams and the third study
was conducted with a questionnaire to supporters outside a soccer stadium.
Results: A model that would better reflect the reality of today (2013) could
contain company pride, chairman?s whim, exposure, relationships and
Utveckling och utvördering av statistiska metoder för att öka träffsäkerheten hos lokala vindprognoser
Wind is used as an energy source all over the world. To be able to use this effectively, there is a need for as good forecasts and forecast models as possible. One of these models is Coupled Ocean/Atmosphere Mesoscale Prediction System (COAMPS®) that is used to calculate short time forecasts. This model is used here to calculate wind speeds at two different areas in Västra Götaland, Bengtsfors and Vänersborg. There are also wind measurements with SODAR stations for these areas.
MED ARBETET SOM LIVSPARTNER: En studie i engagemang till arbetet med hjälp av the Investment Model
I ett samhälle där relationer, även sådana av icke romantisk karaktär, har en central roll imänniskors liv är det viktigt att försöka förstå vad som ligger till grund för individers engagemangi relationer. The Investment Model säger att engagemang i relationer ökar då individerupplever ökade belöningar, minskade kostnader, färre attraktiva alternativ samt att deinvesterat mycket i relationen. I föreliggande tvärsnittsstudie undersöktes 61 grundskolelärarei Göteborgs Stad, med hjälp av the Investment Model, angående upplevt engagemang tillsitt arbete via ett frågeformulär. Studien visade att grundskolelärare med längre anställningstidupplever att de investerat mer i sitt arbete än vad de med kortare anställningstid angav..
Delta på lika villkor? : En studie om ekonomiskt utsatta barns skolsituation sett utifrån ett lärarperspektiv.
The aim of this essay was to create an understanding of teachers strategies to respond to children in economic hardship in school and if these children can participate on equal terms in school. To examine this, we chose to do semi-structured interviews which is a qualitative method. Eight teachers were interviewed from four different elementary schools. In our interviews, we found that all the schools both had elements of inclusion and exclusion, which can result in both equal and unequal terms for participation in school. We also found that the school with the most students in economic hardship had the most inclusive strategies.
Vindkraft eller kärnkraft - En jämförelse
The scope of this project is to make a comparison of costs associated with wind and nuclear power in order to decide which one of these is the most suitable in the case of an increased demand for electricity. It is also investigated if there are other factors that can influence the choice of energy source.An average cost is calculated in terms of kronor per kilowatt-hour (SEK/kWh) using cost of investment, operation & maintenance and taxes & subsidies. Total investment cost is recalculated to production cost using the annuity method at three different interest rates (6%, 9% and 12%).The comparison is made between three cases of wind power and two cases of nuclear power. For wind power there are two ocean-based (300MW and 100MW installed capacity, respectively) and one land-based (60MW) wind farm. For nuclear power there is one EPR-reactor (1600MW) and one AP1000-reactor (1100MW).