

6652 Uppsatser om Supportive healthcare design - Sida 20 av 444

Lean i akutsjukvården: Flödeseffektivisering och slöseriminimering ? en fallstudie av Sunderby sjukhus akutmottagning

På grund av en ökad befolkningsmängd och nya tekniker som gör fler sjuka går att bota ställs nya krav på svensk sjukvård. Sjukvården måste möta de nya kraven med ett bättre effektivare resursanvändande och där till krävs nya förbättringsmetoder. Med influenser från industriell tillverkning har sjukvården omarbetat lean production för att skapa ett universellt förbättringsverktyg som lämpar sig för vårdorganisationer. Verktyget kallas lean healthcare och är omdiskuterat och dess effekter tvetydiga. Att undersöka om och hur värdeflöden i en akutmottagnings triage, som innebär en prioritering efter patienters allvarlighetsgrad, kan effektiviseras med hjälp av ett flödesorienterat arbetssätt som lean.

Arkitektur på naturens villkor - Att bygga med "cradle to cradle" som metod

ABSTRACTThe discussions about energy use have increased year by year everywhere in the society, and so also in the healthcare sector. But what is actually energy use in a hospital facility, and what affects it?The typical way today to express the energy use is in kWh/m2. The problem with a key performance indicator that is expressed as energy use in relation to a specific area is that it does not take into account the activity in the building. Even though the activity to a very high extent affects the energy use.

Hur kan vi utveckla vårt personliga uttryckssätt med ljud?

This is a bachelor thesis that studies and discuss the question: How can we develop our individual narrative technique with sound design in a Swedish drama production? We have done research and empirical studies. We have analyzed movies to get an idea how we use the sound design in Swedish drama productions today. We have produced a movie that gives sound the biggest part. Key words: Swedish drama production, narrative technique, sound design.


Dagdrömmar är en tapetkollektion bestående av tre fondtapeter som kombinerar det moderna, massproducerade digitaltrycket med traditionell, unik broderiteknik. Genom att tillföra handbroderi och dess struktur och textila känsla till ett digitaltryckt tapetmaterial skapas en kollektion som befinner sig i gränslandet mellan design och konst, lyx och budget samt dröm och verklighet.Daydreams is a wallpaper collection consisting of three images that combines the modern, mass-produced digital printing techniques with traditional, unique needlework. By applying embroidery ? with its structure and fabric texture ? to a digitally printed wallpaper material, a collection is created that lingers on the borders between art and design, luxury and modesty as well as dream and reality..

Utveckling av inkontinensprodukt

Together with Attends in Aneby a thesis of 15 ECTS (credits) have been undertaken. The assignment was to develop a new incontinence product for single use. Users of the product value comfort, flexibility, softness, comfort and a discreet product. Users are for individuals with incontinence problems that usually receive the products via prescription. The product must also have an attractive price and good quality from the purchase / originator's perspective.Currently there are two models that Attends supplies, which the project intends to develop, (Slips / Briefs and Pull On's).

Mobilapplikationsutveckling för människor med kognitiv funktionsnedsättning

Många människor lider av kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar. Det kan försämraförmågan att använda teknik och leda till att människor går miste om många verktyg och funktionersom andra tar för givet. Att ta hänsyn till kognitiva funktionsnedsättningar i utvecklingen avmobilapplikationer är utmanande då vissa gränssnitt och funktioner kan upplevas som för kompliceradeeller ostrukturerade. I denna uppsats presenteras designmönster som kan bidra till en inkluderandedesign enligt konceptet Design för alla. Design för alla innebär design som möjliggör användande föralla människor.

Design och konstruktion av sparkcykel för sommar- och vinteranvändning

This thesis has been carried out in collaboration with the IT Company MPQ consulting AB in Halmstad. The task we were assigned by MPQ concerned the development of a scooter that can be used year round. We have with the companydeveloped the criteria and requirements for the product in which the goal is toproduce a primary solution that meets the set criteria and fall within the project'sboundaries.The project involves a wide range of different design methods for idea generationand idea development. The project also addresses engineering methods such asprinciple and primary engineering. Occurringmethods in the project include FredyOlsson principle and primary engineering in cooperation with SVID's - Swedishindustrial design process, etc.The final solution will be presented in the form of sketches, CAD models withassociated drawings and a rendering from the program Keyshot..

Att möta en saknad. Gestaltning av en askgravlund i Mariestad

Uppsats för avläggande av filosofie kandidatexamen iKulturvård, Trädgårdens hantverk och design, 22,5 hp, 2014.

Psykisk ohälsa hos barn : Hemmets resurser i förebyggande syfte

During the later part of the 20th century the amount of children and adolescents in Sweden who reported psychosomatic illness have greatly increased. The main reason is estimated to relate to weak resources in school and school healthcare. Increased resources do not always have to encompass investments for school and school healthcare. Other resources play an important part as well. A child?s domestic situation serves as one of those resources where fundamental knowledge and values are set.

PLUG-IN : small scale design process

This degree project is a realization of a strategy for collaboration between an industrial designer and employed workmen of a producing company. The collaboration aims to engage everyone involved in the co-authorship of a products design and manufacturing history. The realization has taken place in an open dialogue where the designer no longer owns the design process by himself. The project has been carried out in cooperation with the company Iris Hantverk. The company is owned by the Swedish body for visually impaired and has their main production facility in Stockholm.

http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/life - Den levande boken

Http : // en.wikipedia.org / wiki / Life is a book with a life of its own. It is made to raise questions about the importance of the book, and the paper book in particular. It is a design project in which a new design method is being tested and evaluated. The intention of the project is to determine whether a concept can be found and evolved from a chosen subject or not. The aim of the book project is also to investigate if the form and content of the book could be entwined, making it impossible to separate them from each other..

EmoWheel : En metodutveckling för utvärdering av emotionellt engagemang

This is a study of how emotional engagement can be measured and be taken into account in the development of websites. We believe that emotions become relevant only when viewed in correlation to how users experiencing a webpage. In this study, we developed a tool for use together with user tests where the information about the user's emotional engagement can add new value to the evaluation. The tool allows the user to mark, on the website, his/her emotions and level of engagement represented by colored circles, generating quantiative data on how users feel about the website. The tool is part of a method for evaluating the emotional engagement that we have developed which consists of user testing supported by the tool and accompanied by interviews..

Första linjens chefer, administration och New Public Management : En studie av New Public Managements inverkan på första linjens chefers administrativa arbete i vården

Title: First line management, administration and New Public Management Level: Final assignment for Bachelor Degree in Business Administration, 15hp.Author: Patrik Jansson & Victor HolmlundSupervisor: Pär Vilhelmson, Kristina Mickelsson & Elena AhmadiDate: 2015 - May Aim: The purpose of this study is to increase the understanding of how first line management in public organizations is effected by New Public Management related reforms and how they handle related administrative tasks.  Method: The study is based on a deductive and qualitative methodology. We conducted 10 semi-structured interviews with first line managers in Swedish public healthcare organizations. A result is reached by a thematically constructed analysis were citations are presented and analyzed. Result & Conclusions: The study shows through the model that has been used that first line managers are highly affected by administrative tasks that can be linked to New Public Management. The participant managers see these related tasks as important for the organizations and natural in their profession. Contribution of the thesis: The study contributes with an increased understanding of the managing of first line managers and how it is affected by New Public Management related administration through a perspective that is lacking in previous research. The new perspective gives a nuanced view of the manager?s role as administrators and gives rise to suggestions of future research. Key words:  New Public Management, Administration, First Line Managers, Healthcare..

Effektivt nyttjande av högeffektslysdioder i mobil belysning

The purpose of this master thesis has been to find different solutions to the design of a headlamp with a cluster of three or possibly four high power LEDs (Light Emitting Diodes). During the work, two different problems have been considered; how to design a lens in order to shape the light beam in a desirable way, and how to design a cooling system which will lower the temperature of the LEDs as efficiently as possible, still taking into account the geometry set by the optical solution as well as other given geometries. The results presented in this thesis are partly the outcome of a literature study, but derive mainly from a number of tests and measurements made on two test rigs and one concept prototype..

Hur kan vi utveckla vårt personliga uttryckssätt med ljud?

This is a bachelor thesis that studies and discuss the question: How can we develop our individual narrative technique with sound design in a Swedish drama production? We have done research and empirical studies. We have analyzed movies to get an idea how we use the sound design in Swedish drama productions today. We have produced a movie that gives sound the biggest part. Key words: Swedish drama production, narrative technique, sound design .

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