
Psykisk ohälsa hos barn

Hemmets resurser i förebyggande syfte

During the later part of the 20th century the amount of children and adolescents in Sweden who reported psychosomatic illness have greatly increased. The main reason is estimated to relate to weak resources in school and school healthcare. Increased resources do not always have to encompass investments for school and school healthcare. Other resources play an important part as well. A child?s domestic situation serves as one of those resources where fundamental knowledge and values are set. The purpose of the report is to examine how economic and social resources affect childens psychological illnesses. The report is based on material collected from ?Barn-LNU?, a study made in conjuction with the Swedish Level Of Living Survey 2000 (LNU 2000). This study was carried out for the fifth decade in a row being financed by the Swedish Research Council and Swedish Council For Working Life And Social Research though their joint committee on longitudinal research. A number of variables have been chosen, treated and analyzed. The results show that economic resources play a role in adolescent?s/children?s psychological illnesses. In a family with good financial resources, psychological illnesses among adolescents/children are less likely to be found than in a family with poor economic resources. That social resources also had an effect on psychological illnesses was confirmed as well. The adolescents/children who felt that their parents were able to spend little time together with them reported psychological illness to a much greater extent in comparison with those who found that their parents spent moderate or much time together with them. However, there were no correlation between a family?s economical resources and parent?s time related availability.


Linda Zakrisson Frederick Lidman

Lärosäte och institution

Södertörns högskola/Institutionen för sociologi, idéhistoria, samtidshistoria och arkeologi


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