

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 56 av 81

Betydelsen av skogsbruksplaner som verktyg vid anskaffning av virke

Forest management plans have been sold to private forest owners by wood supplying companies for a long time. These plans are considered to be effi-cient tools to identify measures and wood volumes, and are simply a starting point for discussions between private forest owners and round wood pur-chasers. However, large variations are observed between different purchas-ers, in their usage of the plans. The purpose of this report is to identify to what extent a forest management plan can promote an increase in the amount of wood which a round wood purchaser can obtain and to find differences in the way of using the plans between different wood purchasers. Furthermore, the purpose is also to ana-lyse if varying owner structures can be underlie variations in the selling of forest management plans. Qualitative interviews with nine of Stora Enso?s round wood purchasers were performed.

?Corporate Social Responsibility?- Ansvarstagande i praktiken : En studie om hur H&M, Lindex & KappAhl säger sig arbeta med socialt ansvar

Background: The global responsibility for multinational companies is a current matter of subject. Now when the world increasingly is getting globalized, economic growth is created, which brings a bigger demand of responsibility on companies. The leading companies from every industry is often becoming the frame for how the production process works and is therefore exposed to outer pressure which, for example, is coming from consumers and the media. Since consumers at present are more aware of what they are buying and where it comes from, it is important that the companies take social responsibility. We have therefore studied three big companies within the clothing industry to see in witch way they are taking their social responsibility.Purpose: Our purpose was to explore how companies within the clothing industry describe their work with Corporate Social Responsibility, code of conducts and where the incentive behind this work is coming from.Method: We have, through a qualitative study, examined how three large companies work with Corporate Social Responsibility.

I medborgarnas tjänst?:En studie om avregleringens effekter på ansvarsfördelningen mellan offentliga och privata aktörer inom tre samhällsviktiga serviceområden i samband med orkanen Gudrun

The essay's aim is to explain how responsibility distribution between private and public bodies, primarily within three important service areas, can be visualised in light of the fact that they have experienced different forms of readjustment. We have chosen to study this by looking at the restoration work taking place after the hurricane Gudrun swept across southern Sweden on January 8-9, 2005; and we have chosen to concentrate on the service areas of electricity- and telephone supply, and public transport. The responsibility distribution has been depicted by carrying out qualitative interviews with employees within both private and public bodies included in the restoration work. The conclusion produced is that there were obscurities in the formal responsibility distribution between private and public actors taking place in conjunction with the hurricane restoration work.In a deeper analysis, the result can be explained by a ?several hands? problem arising since the number of actors has increased as the public sphere has adopted leadership forms influenced by the private business sector.

Högskolebibliotekens synlighet i lärosätenas strategidokument: En innehållsanalys av högskolornas strategiska dokument och bibliotekens strategiska planer

The aim of this master's thesis is to describe the visibility of the university libraries in the strategic documents from the actual universities to which they belong. And also, the image of themselves they send out, are examined. By examining different kinds of descriptions we want to get a clearer picture of how and in what amount the libraries are mentioned in highest level strategies. By doing this we expect to find out the libraries' strategic role in higher education and research. The research questions are: What role and function are assigned to the university libraries in strategies created by the schools' highest administrative levels? How do the libraries present themselves in their own strategies? The approach is cross sectional and the time frame is year 2008.

Mjölkureahalten som mått på vommikrobernas kväveförsörjning och kons miljöbelastning

The aim of this literature study was to analyze how milk urea concentration is working as a measure of the nitrogen supply to rumen microbes and indicator of the environmental load. Questions included in this literature study were how to improve the dairy cattle nitrogen efficiency and what correlations there are between milk urea, nitrogen efficiency and crude protein content in the feed. Effects on the reproduction from high ration protein content are also addressed. Dairy cattle are today fed with large proportions of protein which could lead to high expenditure of feed and environmental pollutions. The nitrogen can be lost to the environment by different pathways; leaching, denitrification or by emission to the air.

Mjölkureahalten som mått på vom-mikrobernas kväveförsörjning och kons miljöbelastning

The aim of this literature study was to analyze how milk urea concentration is working as a measure of the nitrogen supply to rumen microbes and indicator of the environmental load. Questions included in this literature study were how to improve the dairy cattle nitrogen efficiency and what correlations there are between milk urea, nitrogen efficiency and crude protein content in the feed. Effects on the reproduction from high ration protein content are also addressed. Dairy cattle are today fed with large proportions of protein which could lead to high expenditure of feed and environmental pollutions. The nitrogen can be lost to the environment by different pathways; leaching, denitrification or by emission to the air.

Förbättring av utnyttjandegrad i robotcell

When a company in the manufactory industry makes costly investments, it's important that these are used as much as possible. The company in this case claims that their invested robot cell, with CNC machine isn't used enough. The questions here are: How can we improve the use of the robot cell? Which products are appropriate for the production in the robot cell? As a method to come to a conclusion, an analysis has been made over the manufactured products. And also interviews with machine operators and the production management.

Nitrat i dricksvatten : jämförelse av nitrathalter, mellan åren 1975 och 2005

Ronneby Miljö- och hälsoskyddskontor ville genom undersökningen få information om nitrathalter ienskilda dricksvattenbrunnar inom kommunen, med bakgrund av den nya miljökvalitetsnormen.Riktvärdet för nitrat är 50 mg/l. Halter som överstiger detta bör inte ges till barn under ett års ålder pågrund av risk för methemoglobinemi. Jämförelsen skulle ske mellan områden präglade av jordbrukrespektive skogsbruk, samt mellan grävda och borrade brunnar. Jämförelsen skulle även ske över tiden,mellan 1975-1990 till 2005. Urvalet av provtagningspunkter baserades på en sammanställning frånbefintligt arkiv samt efter en annons i dagspressen.

Launch of new products : market research for new product development for diabetics

Foods that stimulate health and satisfy consumer expectations are needed. In a consumer´s perspective, products that provide several kinds of health benefits, without any call for major changes in their behaviour are needed on the market. With this increasing interest in health promoting food product, one of the biggest challenges for the food industry is to find the conditions and right position on the market and find the opportunities to enter the market successfully. New products with added health values can be developed to cure and counter welfare diseases as in this case for diabetics type 2. Swedish food companies have a desire to respond to welfare diseases and one welfare disease is diabetes type 2. Many of them have an ambition to develop new products to respond to the growing population and find a supply that could suit their customers.

Kronisk gastroenterit hos hund med avseende på histopatologisk bild och förekomst av Helicobacter spp :

It is well known that dogs often have Helicobacter spp in their stomach. The importance of these bacteria in the development of gastrointestinal disease in dogs is still unknown. In humans, Helicobacter pylori is a causative agent of chronic gastritis and gastric ulcers. In contrast to humans, dogs seldom harbour naturally acquired H. pylori.

Min stol, din stol : -Stolar som passar fler

This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.

Molecular analysis of insecticide resistance in pollen beetle (Meligethes aeneus)

The escalating usage of pyrethroids has resulted in an increased awareness about resistance towards pyrethroids in insects. Pyrethroids inhibit voltage-sensitive sodium channels (VSSC) in nerve cell membranes and are composed of synthetic molecules based on pyrethrins present in pyrethrum extracts from Chrysanthemum species. VSSC are transmembrane proteins that are important for electric signalling over the membrane in insects. Mutations in the gene encoding the sodium channel have proved to be a common reason for resistance against pyrethroids. Pyrethroid resistance among pollen beetles is spread all over Sweden and also abroad and is increasing.

Vad tycker skogsägare om virkesinköpare och inköpsorganisationer? : utveckling av ett skogsbolags tjänster och köpverksamhet till privata skogsägare

The private forest owners play a key role in the supply of round wood to the Swedish forest industry. Today it is a keen competition between forest companies about the wood from private forest owners. In order to get access to the wood from the private forestry you need to be an attractive collaboration partner, who can offer long-term collaboration, service at top-level, and acting for good prices to the forest owners. This work aims at analysing the situation on the market today. It gives Sveaskog purchase department a good view of the forest owners? opinion in general about the existing purchase activities. Forestry service level and timber prices are determining factors for a successful relationship between forest company and forest owner.

Internationella etableringar : en studie av Uppsalaskolans förklaringsvärde

Bakgrund: Dagens samhälle är i förändring, vilket av forskare har kallats att det gått från det moderna till det postmoderna samhället (Löwendahl & Revang, 1998). För företag har denna förändring bland annat inneburit att de måste internationaliseras, det vill säga starta engagemang på utländska marknader, för att överleva. Syfte: Uppsatsen syftar till att ge ett bidrag till nuvarande forskning genom att undersöka huruvida Uppsalaskolans internationaliseringsteori har ett tillfredsställande förklaringsvärde, eller om en uppdatering av denna vore att föredra.Avgränsningar: Vi avgränsar vår studie till att omfatta ett företag inom tillverkningsindustrin eftersom Uppsalaskolan bygger på en studie av tillverkningsföretag och är därmed applicerbar på denna typ av företag.Genomförande: För att kunna undersöka Uppsalaskolans förklaringsvärde, har vi utfört en kvalitativ studie av ett företags internationella engagemang genom att studera dess etablerings- samt internationaliseringsprocess. Resultat: Studiens resultat visar ett visst mönster av engagemang likt en stegvis etableringskedja i enlighet med Uppsalaskolans teori. Det förekommer dock avvikelser i form av att fallföretaget bland annat har snabbat på etableringar genom att inleda engagemangen med högre resursåtagande än vad som hävdas i teorin.

Marknadsföring av lokal mat : en fallstudie av tre livsmedelsproducenter

The process of food production has changed dramatically over the past one hundred years. Industrialization has led to large units of production, manufacturing, distribution, marketing and retail business. The final food product, in this system, is quite often fairly anonymous and the consumer will most likely know very little concerning the origin of the product. In recent years, the market for locally produced food has grown. There is an increasing interest in and demand for locally produced food items.

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