

1201 Uppsatser om Supply Chain - Sida 57 av 81

Detektor på skördare för utsortering av träd med metallskrot

Fortifikationsverket which is the landlord for the Swedish national defence has a great problem in their forestry due to the relatively large amount of metal objects in their timber. These metal objects cause different types of economical losses in the timber refinement chain. To enable out sorting of logs containing metal objects already in the harvesting phase, Fortifikationsverket is interested of the possibility to utilize some type of metal detector in a harvesting head for that purpose.The goal of this study was to, with help of a case study, enlighten the problem that metal objects in timber cause for Fortifikationsverket and their customers of timber and to investigate conditions of to mount and utilize some kind of metal detector in a harvesting head at present.The saw timber deliveries by Fortifikationsverket during the time period 2003-2005 was used as a reference volume for calculations of economical losses. In this case study was included two sawmills where timber from Fortifikationsverket were delivered to for further refinement. Factors investigated were the type of damage metal objects caused in these two sawmills and the economical signification of these damages.

Drama och musik i barns fria lek

This account deals with my degree in furniture design. The project was done in collaboration with the architect firm Byggnadskonst AB in a quest for the cafe chain "Vivels"Byggnadskonst AB?s mission was to make the interior of the cafe that Vivels is building in Larsberg Center on Lidingö. My assignment was to design chairs for the café. In the beginning I had even thought about designing a table, but as time past I focussed more and more on the chairs.

Solenergi på Nya Karolinska Solna

In today?s society climate change has grown to one of the largest global issues. To reduce emissions of greenhouse gases, large changes of the energy system are required. An increasingly popular solution is investments in local production of renewable energy resources like wind, solar or geothermal power. The following report examines the possibility for implementing a solar power plant on the new hospital Nya Karolinska Solna. Two different technologies for extraction of solar energy has been studied, solar thermal collectors  to meet the need of heating and solar cells to satisfy the need for electricity linked to operating the hospital building.

Kostnadsnyttoanalys över införandet av passiv RFID inom Försvarsmaktens beklädnadsförsörjning

The Armed Forces is looking to improve control of where articles are and the monitoring of their condition within its clothing supply. That is why Försvarets Materielverk is working on a motion to tag the Armed Forces clothing with passive RFID-tags. A cost/benefit analysis has been made in this report in order to find out whether the investment is economical justifiable and what costs and benefits arose. The analysis tool that was used is based on the PENG-model. The analysis had three scenarios with the difference that each scenario included various amounts of clothing to tag.  There has also been made an analysis where only the benefits regarding decreasing amount of lost clothes and simplified inventory were included.The result of the first analysis was that none of the scenarios was profitable during the first year.

Tillval och anpassning : kundens valmöjligheter vid köp av nyproducerad bostadsrätt

Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.

Landström : Undersökning av svenska hamnars ekonomiska möjligheter att investera i landströmsteknik

Syftet med studien var att undersöka svenska hamnars möjlighet att investera i land­strömsteknik och sedan betala tillbaka investeringen genom försäljning av elektricitet till ankommande fartyg. Studien är en systematisk litteraturöversikt baserad på en sys­tematisk litteratursökning som sedan presenteras i en teoretisk fallstudie. Litteraturöversikten utgår från fem studier som beskriver kostnader gällande utbyggnad av landströmsteknik. Första delen av resultatet består av beräkningar för vad investeringskostnaderna för utbyggnad av landströmsteknik till en enstaka kaj kan uppskattas till. Därefter beräk­nades kostnader för att generera en viss mängd elektricitet ombord och jämfördes med kostnaden för att köpa den från marknätet. Sedermera beräknades en vinstmarginal om elektriciteten säljs för samma pris som den kostat om den genererats ombord i dieselgenerator.

Finns det något samband mellan skuldsättningsgrad och P/B tal? : En studie av svenska börsnoterade bygg- och fastighetsbolag före, under och efter finanskrisen

Background: The real estate market has previously been subsidized by the government. The construction has been characterized by standardization and large scale complex. In the current situation there are other conditions on the real estate market, subsidies do not occur at the same degree and the market is more competitive. Customer influence has also changed. Today the customers want to customize their apartment by personal needs and lifestyle.

Lantbruket som energiproducent : tekniska, ekonomiska och miljömässiga förutsättningar för fjärrvärmeproduktion med lokalt skogsbränsle

A third party access to district heating networks has been proposed in Sweden, to increase the competition on the district heating market. Such third party access could create opportunities for the agricultural sector as an energy producer. This study describes the technical, economical and environmental prerequisites for a farmer cluster to build and run a heating plant, fueled with local wood fuel. The heating plant in the described scenario is 8 MW and will supply a village of 1000 houses, and is fueled with wood chips exclusively. Supplying a heating plant with fuel puts high demands on the logistics, since there need to be a continuous flow of fuel. In the scenario, wood residues from felling and thinning is stored in stacks in the forest, and a few times a year chipped and transported to a storage area at the heating plant. In the study, an estimation of the profitability has been made by estimating the cost of the investment, personnel, operating and maintenance costs and costs for the fuel and ash handling.

Nitrat i dricksvatten : jämförelse av nitrathalter, mellan åren 1975 och 2005

Ronneby Miljö- och hälsoskyddskontor ville genom undersökningen få information om nitrathalter ienskilda dricksvattenbrunnar inom kommunen, med bakgrund av den nya miljökvalitetsnormen.Riktvärdet för nitrat är 50 mg/l. Halter som överstiger detta bör inte ges till barn under ett års ålder pågrund av risk för methemoglobinemi. Jämförelsen skulle ske mellan områden präglade av jordbrukrespektive skogsbruk, samt mellan grävda och borrade brunnar. Jämförelsen skulle även ske över tiden,mellan 1975-1990 till 2005. Urvalet av provtagningspunkter baserades på en sammanställning frånbefintligt arkiv samt efter en annons i dagspressen.

Föräldrars upplevelse av miljön och bemötandet på Ronald McDonald Hus - en kvalitativ intervjustudie

Abstract Background: Families with sick children are expressing the needs of accommodation near the hospital, in order to be close to their children and be together as a family.Aim: To investigate how parents experienced the hospitality and the environment at the Ronald McDonald House (RMH) in Uppsala and how they feel their children have experienced the stay.Method: Descriptive qualitative interview study. Five parents who lived with their family at RMH between 2013- 2014 have been interviewed with a semi-structured approach. A qualitative content analysis with an inductive approach according to Graneheim and Lundman (2003) was conducted on a manifest level.Results: RMH made the families? situation easier. RMH met their needs of a homelike environment where they could be themselves; be together and maintain everyday routines.

Lufttäta byggnader

The viscosity of air buildings is a hot topic within the construction performers, which the industry feel they have too little knowledge about. This study is mainly aimed against air density in apartment buildings and airflow measurement. The study consists of a theoretical reference, educational visit, interviews and a survey conducted among construction workers at Magistratshagen in Linkoping.Earlier requirement in terms of air leakage through the climate screen was removed and today there are only energy requirement for a dwelling in Boverkets Building Regulations. The difference between a passive and a typical air tight construction is that the passive house have a maximum requirement of 0.3 l /s m2 of air leakage through the building climate screen. The requirement imposed on passive houses is to minimize the supply of power and energy for heating the building.Air tight constructions have heavy demands on the performance and accuracy of everyone involved with the project. The client must specify their requirements and also be prepared to pay for any additional costs. The architect and building planners have to design the building with regard to air tightness. Finally, the construction workers are required to do a careful work in order to get all the connections in the building air tight.The study suggests that an air tight building is a closed system where no forced ventilation exists. There are no reasons not to build too tight as long as there is a functioning ventilation. In this study the authors ask themselves how an air tight building changes over time. No theoretical information has been found on these changes, but the respondents assume that air density decreases with time. The deterioration is mainly assumed to be caused by construction materials changes over time. The study shows that construction workers knowledge of air tight construction is mixed, which they themselves admit in the survey..

Establishing in China?s ?good-enough? market - - A benchmarking study on Scandinavian engineering industries? further establishment in China

Title: Establishing in China?s ?good-enough? market - A benchmarking study on Scandinavian engineering industries? further establishment in China. Problem discussion: The Chinese market is gaining importance for Scandinavian engineering industries and is by many considered a crucial market to be successful in. These companies have a tradition of producing premium products for premium customers. However, in China many are currently experiencing the threat from local competitors producing products of somewhat less quality aimed at the vast Chinese middle market - the good-enough market.

Klibbalens gödslingseffekt på volymproduktionen i ett blandbestånd av gran och klibbal : en simulering i Heureka

A secondary and a pioneer tree species can with advantage be included in a mixed stand to increase the use of sunlight. Nitrogen-fixing plants have been shown to increase the supply of nitrogen in the soil by, for example, litter fall. This deposition acts as a biological fertilization, which may be used by non-fixing plants. Alder is a nitrogen-fixing, pioneer tree species that loses its nitrogen-rich leaves late in the autumn. The aim of this study was to examine the effect on the total volume of production, when different proportions of nitrogen-fixing Alder were part of spruce stands.

Skogsentreprenad idag och i framtiden : en kvalitativ studie av skogsmaskinentreprenörersverksamhet och framtidsvisioner

The Department of Forest Products and Management, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences has received means from Vinnova for a preliminary study of the organisation of logging work of today and how a better logging organisation should be brought about. This thesis reports results from qualitative interviews with nine forest machine contractors regarding the situation of their companies. The interviews have been analysed with respect to the genesis of the companies, which tasks they perform or that they could consider perform-ing, business relationships of the companies, relationships between the different partners of the companies, and the state of competition experienced by the contractors. The companies have developed either from the contractor previously being machine operator employee or from that the contractor in making has owned a machine and needed work. Their primary business is mechanised logging.

Ekonomistyrning i interorganisatoriska relationer

Background: Inter-organisational ways of working have become more and more common during the last decades. In order to attain efficiency and productivity, such inter-organisational relationships need to be governed and controlled. However, studies have shown that inadequate control is one of the main reasons for why inter-organisational relationships fail. One of the means that can be used for governing and controlling a business is management control. The use of management control in inter-organisational contexts is a quite unexplored area of research at the present time, which might seem somewhat surprising considering the fact that inadequate control is a common explanation for why inter-organisational relationships fail.

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