

291 Uppsatser om Subjective well-being - Sida 6 av 20

Valet av Renegade och Paragon i Mass Effect : Undersökning av möjliga aspekter på valet att spela som ond eller god med fokus på spelarens subjektiva upplevelse

The purpose of the study was to examine possible aspects concerning the choice to play as good or evil with a focus on the players´ subjective experience. A form was constructed and the material was interpreted according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The games Mass Effect I and II were used as an example of the choice to play as good or evil since the choice between Renegade (evil) and Paragon (good) is present. The sample consisted of individuals who had played Mass Effect I and/or Mass Effect II and were over 18 years old. The end result concerning who played a Renegade or a Paragon came to be very uneven (15 out of 16 participants played a Paragon) which means that the result mostly relates to possible aspects concerning the choice to play a Paragon.

Gör som jag menar : En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

?Fotboll är bara en världslig sak, det betyder inget för evigheten? Religionsvetenskapliga perspektiv på fotbollsintresse

This qualitative study examines if an interest in soccer can give the same meaningfulexperiences in a person's life as a religion would. Five soccer fans were interviewedregarding the meanings and impact of soccer in their lives. Two theories in the fields ofsport and religion were used to analyze the data: Antonovsky's sense of coherence (SOC)with its components meaningfulness, manageability and comprehensibility and Heelasand Woodheads "life-as" and "the subjective-life? derived from the concept "thesubjective turn". It was concluded that the interest in soccer affected the respondents?views of life.The respondents? personal identities were strongly associated with groupmembership, meaning that their interest in common with others was perceived to makeeveryday life meaningful and manageable.

Brutna Konventioner : Experimentell Film som Egen Genre

The focus of Broken Conventions is experimental cinema, that big body of film existing outside the limiting boundaries of the mainstream cinema industries. The goal is to provide a broad view of this abstract and hard-to-define area of film studies, by searching for an answer to the question; what is experimental cinema and can it be viewed as a genre of its own? In doing so, I will explore the theoretical discourse surrounding the topic, as well as provide case studies of several experimental films. I will also suggest a genre theory, as a way of determining whether or not experimental cinema can be seen as a genre, but more importantly to use it as a way of further examining the individual films and to deepen the understanding of this type of film. The topic at hand is however extremely subjective and there is no generally accepted definition, or term for that matter, concerning what experimental cinema really is.

Är kulturarv värda att bevara? En analys av kulturarv genom ett närmare studium av Irak 2003 - 2007

This thesis was created in an attempt to examine the concept of cultural heritage. What is cultural heritage to us and why do we treat it in the different ways we do? In my attempt to find an answer to this I have chosen to concentrate my interest on a situation where historical objects have been preserved as well as destroyed, Iraq 2003 until 2007. In my research I have divided the Iraqi cultural heritage in three different groups based on the different treatments they where exposed to during the occupation of Bagdad and the aftermath. For each group I have chosen one object or a category of objects to be a representative examined.

Valet av Renegade och Paragon i Mass Effect - Undersökning av möjliga aspekter på valet att spela som ond eller god med fokus på spelarens subjektiva upplevelse

The purpose of the study was to examine possible aspects concerning the choice to play as good or evil with a focus on the players´ subjective experience. A form was constructed and the material was interpreted according to Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis (IPA). The games Mass Effect I and II were used as an example of the choice to play as good or evil since the choice between Renegade (evil) and Paragon (good) is present. The sample consisted of individuals who had played Mass Effect I and/or Mass Effect II and were over 18 years old. The end result concerning who played a Renegade or a Paragon came to be very uneven (15 out of 16 participants played a Paragon) which means that the result mostly relates to possible aspects concerning the choice to play a Paragon.

Klassresan : En studie om klassresenärers upplevelser

The purpose of this essay was to examine class-travellers experiences of having done the class-travel and when they realised they had done it.My questions were: when did they start the class-travel? How do they experience themselves after going through the classtravel? How do they change as class-travellers in their relationship with their surroundings?The study was based on interviews with six classtravellers, trained social workers who have made their journey through studies. In the essay I have analyzed and compared the interviews with relevant litterature/theory.My conclusions are that the experiences of the class-travel are different. The lass-traveller of this study are recognized of being/have been part of two worlds or cultures. How long the class-traveller has been in one of the worlds is of big importance.

Samiska kvinnors levnadsvillkor i kulturen och rennäringen

Previous research often includes juridical, political, economical and historical aspects of the Sami population. The research about the Sami women are limited therefore is was important to investigate the living conditions of the Sami women. The purpose with the study was to investigate the living conditions of the Sami women from a culture- and reindeer-herding view in relation to social gender and the majority society. Four individual interviews were performed with women who worked with reindeer-herding in the Sapmi area in north of Sweden. The interview guide was semi-structured and the data were analysed with the phenomenological method Interpretative Phenomenological Analysis, which has a focus on subjective experiences.

Ökat Välbefinnande med Känslomässig Förutsägelse

Vi ställs dagligen inför väldigt många val och beroende på vilka val vi väljer att göra kommer dessa till stor del att påverka hur vi lever vårt liv och även hur tillfreds vi kommer att vara med livet. Vi baserar många av våra val på känslomässiga förutsägelser som är våra antaganden om hur framtida händelser kommer att påverka oss känslomässigt. Våra känslomässiga förutsägelser är dessvärre ofta påverkade av olika bias som gör att vi missbedömer hur starkt och under hur lång tid vi kommer att reagera känslomässigt på kommande händelser, vilket i sin tur påverkar vilka val vi kommer att göra. Den här uppsatsen kommer att undersöka hur våra känslomässiga förutsägelser påverkar vårt subjektiva välbefinnande och även hur förståelse för detta skulle kunna användas i psykologisk coachning i form av interventioner för att hjälpa människor att göra fler val som leder till ett ökat subjektivt välbefinnande..

Sjuksköterskans uppfattning om livskvalitet

Background Satisfaction of life and wellbeing is shown to be important when the quality of life is to be understood. The nurse has a significant role in the care of the patient and in his/her experience of life. Aim The purpose of this study is to examine the quality of life, from a nurse perspective. Method The text analysis was carried out with qualified attempts, of a book, "Quality of life a challenge for the nurse" (in Swedish) by T. Rustoen, a nurse who also worked as a teacher in Norway.

Skräcken i Lådan : En studie om rumslig åskådarmedvetenhet i George A. Romeros tre klassiska skräckfilmer

This thesis focus on the presentation of the filmic room the viewer sees in George A. Romero´s three horror classics Night, Dawn and Day of the Dead. The hypothesis goes as follow; fear and element of tension becomes greater if the audience/viewer has a good knowledge about the filmic room in the film, in other words, a good spatial awareness. The conclusion is that it does. The environment is active in its becoming and in its presentation to the viewer.

Utvärdering av förbättrad metod för objektiv kvalitetsbedömning av spermiemotilitet hos hingst :

In this trial we used QualispermTM as an objective method of measuring stallion semen. Samples of semen were analyzed before and after centrifugation. Motility and concentration were statistically analyzed. During the trial all the objective mesaurments were compared to a subjective method. The advantages of QualispermTM compared to older CASA- systems is it´s ability of measuring a greater amount of spermatozoa while it also grades them into different subpopulations. These subpopulations have different qualities that decides their capacity of fertilization. The results showed that this objective method might be used practically. Although, there are still some disadvantages, such as high costs and the necessarity of accurat training of the handler. If it´s possible to prove further relevant results that also are statistically correct, this could prove the usefulness of QualispermTM as an objective measurment method in the daily work at gestuts and stallion stations, thus giving the staff a reliable instrument in assisting the work for an improved horse breeding in Sweden, improving both in quality and economically..

Gör som jag menar - En studie om budskapets betydelse samt dess påverkan på inre upplevelse och yttre beteende

The purpose of this paper was to understand internal communication?s critical tradition by studying the interface of the subjective experience and the objective behavior within a management team. During almost two years this group was observed, several semi-structured interviews were conducted and a specific incident was analyzed. The interview texts where analyzed, using the Meaning Constitution Analysis developed by Roger Sages (2010) at Lund University. The observations were summarized in sociograms showing relationships in the organization.

Värdelöst värdeskapande : En studie om co-destruction

The study proceeds from a phenomenom called co-creation. If value can be created, it is logic to asume that it also can be destroyed. This phenomenom has earlier not been applied to long-term relationships such as business to business. In a business relationship it is important to identify factors, that leads to co-destruction, to be able to prevent them from appering. The purpose of this study is to identify which factors leads towards co-destruction.The study have used theories from Echeverri & Skålén (2011) which has designed a model explaning the outcome of co-creation and co-destruction.

?Att vara flerspråkig : ett fenomenologiskt perspektiv

The following essay describes a study made in Sweden in the autumn of 2010 at Södertörn University. The main purpose with this study is to find out and describe how people´s own understanding of being multilingual has influenced them. The objective behind this is to create a wider understanding for the phenomena. Therefore, the phenomenological perspective is used to describe the subjective reflection of a phenomena, in this case multilingualism. A qualitative method is being used for data gathering, implying conversational interviews with six multilingual people born in the 1970s and 1980s.The results show that the people interviewed mostly use their mother tongue in conversations with their parents and relatives today.

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